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Tri-band antenna for BE200 Wifi-7 card

I recently upgraded my AX201 card to BE200 in my laptop and it is working.
I will probably upgrade to a tri-band Wifi 7 router and upgrade from Win 10 to Win 11 later this year when MLO is supported by Win 11.

Is there a need to upgrade to a tri-band antenna for my laptop to get the max speed?

And how to check what kind of antenna is currently installed in my laptop?

Thank you.
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1 Reply
Super User

The BE200 utilizes two antennas to communicate simultaneously on two bands. One antenna supports the 2.4GHz band for Wireless and Bluetooth. The other antenna supports either the 5.0GHz band or the 6.0GHz band for Wireless.

Most modern laptops also support two antennas and their usage is as described above.

AFAIK, there is no support for simultaneously communicating on both the 5.0GHz and 6.0GHz bands. As a result, there is no current need for a tri-band antenna. If Intel subsequently brings out a product that supports the use of all three bands simultaneously, a tri-band antenna would then be necessary. I drool over the possibility of having that product. Don't see it on the horizon yet, however.


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