[1]+ Stoppé advixe-gui e1505197@davinci-3:~$ e1505197@davinci-3:~$ advixe-feedback -create-bug-report bug Intel(R) Advisor XE 2016 (build 450722) feedback tool Copyright (C) 2009-2016 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved. Collecting pids tree Found app [advixe-gui] with pid [17054] Found child [advixe-runss] with pid [17132] Found child [sh] with pid [17138] Found child [essai] with pid [17151] Dumping process [/vol/cao/intel/psxe2016/advisor_xe_2016.1.30.450722/bin64/advixe-runss] with pid 17132 Dumping process [/bin/dash] with pid 17138 Dumping process [/lab/home/labsticc/e1505197/NB_ldpc_v272_FWBW_test2/essai] with pid 17151 Dumping process [/vol/cao/intel/psxe2016/advisor_xe_2016.1.30.450722/bin64/advixe-gui] with pid 17054 Quality Feedback Agent Version: Quality Feedback Agent for Linux* Time: Wed Jun 1 14:43:48 2016 This diagnostic script generates detailed system information about your system. When you forward the output of this command to Intel(R) Support, the enclosed server data will be used solely for the purposes of troubleshooting the problem you have reported to Intel(R) Support. This information will not be shared with any other companies or users, nor will it be used for any other purpose. The script is collecting info. Please wait ... Getting Hardware Information ... * Detecting architecture type * CPU info * CPU affinity * Amount of memory * PCI/AGP cards installed Can't exec "/bin/lspci": Aucun fichier ou dossier de ce type at /tmp/advixe-log-e1505197/2016-06-01-Wed-16-43-35-209361.advixe-feedback/qfagent.cmd line 534. Use of uninitialized value $_[0] in print at /tmp/advixe-log-e1505197/2016-06-01-Wed-16-43-35-209361.advixe-feedback/qfagent.cmd line 259. Getting Software Information ... * Kernel version and type (UP/SMP) * glibc version * gcc version * icc version * NPTL version * Detecting Linux* distribution Warning: The product has not been validated with this platform It may work, but it is not supported * Checking IA32 libraries * File system disk space usage * Intel(R) Software Products installed sh: 1: rpm: not found * List loaded kernel modules * Check Linux* kernel sources availability * Check if sampling driver can be compiled * Environment variables * System configuration variables * System limits and kernel parameters * Permission to directories * Detecting GTK* and Motif* versions * Current locale * SELinux configuration * The list of running product processes * Information on IPC facilities * Current user credentials Product specific files ... * Product install dir * Product version * Product Driver Kit version * Product licenses * Printing bootup messages by dmesg * Printing messages from file /var/log/messages * Install log ls: impossible d'accéder à /tmp/intel.pset.*.log: Aucun fichier ou dossier de ce type Use of uninitialized value $file in -r at /tmp/advixe-log-e1505197/2016-06-01-Wed-16-43-35-209361.advixe-feedback/qfagent.cmd line 398. Use of uninitialized value $file in concatenation (.) or string at /tmp/advixe-log-e1505197/2016-06-01-Wed-16-43-35-209361.advixe-feedback/qfagent.cmd line 400. ls: impossible d'accéder à /tmp/intel.issa.*.log: Aucun fichier ou dossier de ce type Use of uninitialized value $file in -r at /tmp/advixe-log-e1505197/2016-06-01-Wed-16-43-35-209361.advixe-feedback/qfagent.cmd line 398. Use of uninitialized value $file in concatenation (.) or string at /tmp/advixe-log-e1505197/2016-06-01-Wed-16-43-35-209361.advixe-feedback/qfagent.cmd line 400. * Product core files ... Please attach archive file to your problem report. Intel(R) Premier Support website: https://premier.intel.com