C:\Program Files (x86)\Intel\oneAPI\vtune\2021.1.1\bin64>.\vtune-self-checker.bat Intel(R) VTune(TM) Profiler Self Check Utility Copyright (C) 2009-2020 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved. Build Number: 613804 HW event-based analysis (counting mode) Example of analysis types: Performance Snapshot Collection: Ok vtune: Warning: To collect hardware events, run the product as administrator. Finalization: Ok... Report: Ok Instrumentation based analysis check Example of analysis types: Hotspots with default knob sampling-mode=sw, Threading with default knob sampling-and-waits=sw Collection: Ok vtune: Warning: Hardware collection of CPU events is not possible on this system. Microarchitecture performance insights will not be available. vtune: Warning: To collect microarchitecture performance insights, run the product as administrator. Finalization: Ok... Report: Ok HW event-based analysis check Example of analysis types: Hotspots with knob sampling-mode=hw, HPC Performance Characterization, etc. Collection: Fail vtune: Error: Cannot enable Hardware Event-based Sampling due to a problem with the driver (sep*/sepdrv*). Check that the driver is running and the driver group is in the current user group list. See the "Sampling Drivers" help topic for further details. vtune: Error: To collect hardware events, run the product as administrator. HW event-based analysis check Example of analysis types: Microarchitecture Exploration Collection: Fail vtune: Error: Cannot enable Hardware Event-based Sampling due to a problem with the driver (sep*/sepdrv*). Check that the driver is running and the driver group is in the current user group list. See the "Sampling Drivers" help topic for further details. vtune: Error: To collect hardware events, run the product as administrator. HW event-based analysis with uncore events Example of analysis types: Memory Access Collection: Fail vtune: Error: Memory Access analysis is not supported inside a virtual machine since uncore events cannot be collected. For full functionality, consider using a bare-metal environment. HW event-based analysis with stacks Example of analysis types: Hotspots with knob sampling-mode=hw and knob enable-stack-collection=true, etc. Collection: Fail vtune: Warning: Stack flow analysis on this platform is limited to the hardware LBR-based stack type that has a depth limitation. vtune: Error: Cannot enable Hardware Event-based Sampling due to a problem with the driver (sep*/sepdrv*). Check that the driver is running and the driver group is in the current user group list. See the "Sampling Drivers" help topic for further details. vtune: Error: To collect hardware events, run the product as administrator. HW event-based analysis with context switches Example of analysis types: Threading with knob sampling-and-waits=hw Collection: Fail vtune: Error: Cannot enable Hardware Event-based Sampling due to a problem with the driver (sep*/sepdrv*). Check that the driver is running and the driver group is in the current user group list. See the "Sampling Drivers" help topic for further details. vtune: Error: To collect hardware events, run the product as administrator. The check observed a product failure on your system. Review errors in the output above to fix a problem or contact Intel technical support.