Intel(R) VTune(TM) Profiler Self Check Utility Copyright (C) 2009-2020 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved. Build Number: 615922 Ignored warnings: ['To profile kernel modules during the session, make sure they are available in the /lib/modules/kernel_version/ location.', 'To enable hardware event-based sampling, PRODUCT_LEGAL_SHORT_NAME has disabled the NMI watchdog timer. The watchdog timer will be re-enabled after collection completes.'] Check of files: Ok ================================================================================ Context values: Command line: C:\Program Files (x86)\Intel\oneAPI\vtune\latest\bin64\amplxe-runss.exe --context-value-list Stdout: targetOS: Windows OS: Windows OSBuildNumber: 19042 OSBitness: 64 AdministratorPrivileges: true isPtraceScopeLimited: false isCATSupportedByCPU: true isL3CATAvailable: true L3CATDetails: COS=15;ways=12 isL2CATAvailable: false isL3MonitoringSupportedByCPU: true LLCSize: 56623104 cacheMonitoringUpscalingFactor: 73728 isL3CacheOccupancyAvailable: true isL3TotalBWAvailable: true isL3LocalBWAvailable: true isTSXAvailable: true isPTAvailable: true isHTEnabled: true fpgaOnBoard: None omniPathOnBoard: None pciClassParts: isSGXAvailable: true Hypervisor: None PerfmonVersion: 5 isMaxDRAMBandwidthMeasurementSupported: true tidValuesForIO: preferedGpuAdapter: 0:23:0.0 areGpuHardwareMetricsAvailableList: gpuPlatformIndexList: ETW: OK isGpuBusynessAvailable: yes isGpuBusynessDetailsAvailable: notAccessible isGpuWaitAvailable: no isEtwCLRSupported: yes isFtraceAvailable: isMdfEtwAvailable: false isCSwitchAvailable: yes isFunctionTracingAvailable: no isIowaitTracingAvailable: no isVSyncAvailable: na HypervisorType: None isDeviceOrCredentialGuardEnabled: false isSEPDriverAvailable: true SEPDriverVersion: 5.24 isPAXDriverLoaded: true PAXDriverVersion: 1.0 platformType: 146 CPU_NAME: Unknown Intel(R) microarchitecture PMU: icelake availablePmuTypes: core referenceFrequency: 2900000000 isPStateAvailable: true isVTSSPPDriverAvailable: true isNMIWatchDogTimerRunning: false isAOCLAvailable: false isTPSSAvailable: true isPytraceAvailable: true isGENDebugInfoAvailableList: isGTPinCollectionAvailableList: forceShowInlines: false isSTTAvailable: no isEnergyCollectionSupported: true isSocwatchDriverLoaded: true isCPUSupportedBySocwatch: false isIPMWatchReady: true isNvdimmAvailable: false isOsCountersCollectorAvailable: false Getting context values: OK ================================================================================ Check driver: isSEPDriverAvailable: true isPAXDriverLoaded: true Ok ================================================================================ SEP version: Command line: C:\Program Files (x86)\Intel\oneAPI\vtune\latest\bin64\sep.exe -version Stdout: Sampling Enabling Product Version: 5.24 built on Mar 2 2021 23:59:05 SEP Driver Version: 5.24 (public) PAX Driver Version: 1.0 Platform type: 146 CPU name: Unknown Intel(R) microarchitecture PMU: icelake Driver configs: Maskable Interrupt, MULTI PEBS OFF (tracepoints not accessible), REGISTER CHECK ON Copyright(C) 2007-2020 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved. Check driver with sep -version: Ok ================================================================================ Running collection... Command line: C:\Program Files (x86)\Intel\oneAPI\vtune\latest\bin64\vtune.exe -collect performance-snapshot -r C:\Users\Kagamine\AppData\Local\Temp\vtune-tmp-Kagamine\self-checker-2021.05.19_07.38.30\result_ps -data-limit 0 -finalization-mode none -source-search-dir C:\Program Files (x86)\Intel\oneAPI\vtune\latest\samples\en\C++\matrix\src -- C:\Program Files (x86)\Intel\oneAPI\vtune\latest\samples\en\C++\matrix\matrix.exe Stdout: Addr of buf1 = 0000000000AF7040 Offs of buf1 = 0000000000AF7180 Addr of buf2 = 0000000002B07040 Offs of buf2 = 0000000002B071C0 Addr of buf3 = 0000000004B1F040 Offs of buf3 = 0000000004B1F100 Addr of buf4 = 0000000006B3A040 Offs of buf4 = 0000000006B3A140 Threads #: 16 Win threads Matrix size: 2048 Using multiply kernel: multiply1 Execution time = 3.140 seconds Stderr: vtune: Peak bandwidth measurement started. vtune: Peak bandwidth measurement finished. vtune: Collection started. To stop the collection, either press CTRL-C or enter from another console window: vtune -r C:\Users\Kagamine\AppData\Local\Temp\vtune-tmp-Kagamine\self-checker-2021.05.19_07.38.30\result_ps -command stop. vtune: Collection stopped. vtune: Using result path `C:\Users\Kagamine\AppData\Local\Temp\vtune-tmp-Kagamine\self-checker-2021.05.19_07.38.30\result_ps' vtune: Executing actions 0 % vtune: Executing actions 100 % vtune: Executing actions 100 % done HW event-based analysis (counting mode) (Intel driver) Example of analysis types: Performance Snapshot Collection: Ok -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Running finalization... Command line: C:\Program Files (x86)\Intel\oneAPI\vtune\latest\bin64\vtune.exe -finalize -r C:\Users\Kagamine\AppData\Local\Temp\vtune-tmp-Kagamine\self-checker-2021.05.19_07.38.30\result_ps Stderr: vtune: Using result path `C:\Users\Kagamine\AppData\Local\Temp\vtune-tmp-Kagamine\self-checker-2021.05.19_07.38.30\result_ps' vtune: Executing actions 0 % vtune: Executing actions 0 % Finalizing results vtune: Executing actions 0 % Finalizing the result vtune: Executing actions 0 % Clearing the database vtune: Executing actions 14 % Clearing the database vtune: Executing actions 14 % Loading raw data to the database vtune: Executing actions 14 % Loading '' fi vtune: Executing actions 25 % Loading '' fi vtune: Executing actions 25 % Loading 'C:\Users\Kagamine\AppData\Local\Temp\vtu vtune: Executing actions 25 % Updating precomputed scalar metrics vtune: Executing actions 28 % Updating precomputed scalar metrics vtune: Executing actions 28 % Processing profile metrics and debug information vtune: Executing actions 39 % Processing profile metrics and debug information vtune: Executing actions 39 % Setting data model parameters vtune: Executing actions 39 % Resolving module symbols vtune: Executing actions 39 % Resolving thread name information vtune: Executing actions 43 % Resolving thread name information vtune: Executing actions 43 % Resolving call target names for dynamic code vtune: Executing actions 48 % Resolving call target names for dynamic code vtune: Executing actions 48 % Resolving interrupt name information vtune: Executing actions 53 % Resolving interrupt name information vtune: Executing actions 53 % Processing profile metrics and debug information vtune: Executing actions 56 % Processing profile metrics and debug information vtune: Executing actions 57 % Processing profile metrics and debug information vtune: Executing actions 58 % Processing profile metrics and debug information vtune: Executing actions 60 % Processing profile metrics and debug information vtune: Executing actions 62 % Processing profile metrics and debug information vtune: Executing actions 63 % Processing profile metrics and debug information vtune: Executing actions 63 % Preparing output tree vtune: Executing actions 63 % Parsing columns in input tree vtune: Executing actions 64 % Parsing columns in input tree vtune: Executing actions 64 % Creating top-level columns vtune: Executing actions 65 % Creating top-level columns vtune: Executing actions 65 % Creating top-level rows vtune: Executing actions 67 % Creating top-level rows vtune: Executing actions 67 % Preparing output tree vtune: Executing actions 67 % Parsing columns in input tree vtune: Executing actions 67 % Creating top-level columns vtune: Executing actions 69 % Creating top-level columns vtune: Executing actions 69 % Creating top-level rows vtune: Executing actions 70 % Creating top-level rows vtune: Executing actions 70 % Setting data model parameters vtune: Executing actions 71 % Setting data model parameters vtune: Executing actions 71 % Precomputing frequently used data vtune: Executing actions 71 % Precomputing frequently used data vtune: Executing actions 72 % Precomputing frequently used data vtune: Executing actions 74 % Precomputing frequently used data vtune: Executing actions 75 % Precomputing frequently used data vtune: Executing actions 76 % Precomputing frequently used data vtune: Executing actions 78 % Precomputing frequently used data vtune: Executing actions 79 % Precomputing frequently used data vtune: Executing actions 80 % Precomputing frequently used data vtune: Executing actions 82 % Precomputing frequently used data vtune: Executing actions 83 % Precomputing frequently used data vtune: Executing actions 83 % Updating precomputed scalar metrics vtune: Executing actions 85 % Updating precomputed scalar metrics vtune: Executing actions 85 % Discarding redundant overtime data vtune: Executing actions 89 % Discarding redundant overtime data vtune: Executing actions 89 % Saving the result vtune: Executing actions 92 % Saving the result vtune: Executing actions 96 % Saving the result vtune: Executing actions 99 % Saving the result vtune: Executing actions 100 % Saving the result vtune: Executing actions 100 % done Finalization: Ok -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Command line: C:\Program Files (x86)\Intel\oneAPI\vtune\latest\bin64\vtune.exe -R summary -r C:\Users\Kagamine\AppData\Local\Temp\vtune-tmp-Kagamine\self-checker-2021.05.19_07.38.30\result_ps Stdout: Elapsed Time: 3.222s Effective Logical Core Utilization: 0.0% (0.000 out of 128) | The metric value is low, which may signal a poor logical CPU cores | utilization. Consider improving physical core utilization as the first step | and then look at opportunities to utilize logical cores, which in some cases | can improve processor throughput and overall performance of multi-threaded | applications. | Effective Physical Core Utilization: 0.0% (0.000 out of 64) | The metric value is low, which may signal a poor physical CPU cores | utilization caused by: | - load imbalance | - threading runtime overhead | - contended synchronization | - thread/process underutilization | - incorrect affinity that utilizes logical cores instead of physical | cores | Explore sub-metrics to estimate the efficiency of MPI and OpenMP | parallelism or run the Locks and Waits analysis to identify parallel | bottlenecks for other parallel runtimes. | Microarchitecture Usage: 0.0% of Pipeline Slots | You code efficiency on this platform is too low. | | Possible cause: memory stalls, instruction starvation, branch misprediction | or long latency instructions. | | Next steps: Run Microarchitecture Exploration analysis to identify the cause | of the low microarchitecture usage efficiency. | Retiring: 0.0% of Pipeline Slots Front-End Bound: 0.0% of Pipeline Slots Back-End Bound: 100.0% of Pipeline Slots | A significant portion of pipeline slots are remaining empty. When | operations take too long in the back-end, they introduce bubbles in the | pipeline that ultimately cause fewer pipeline slots containing useful | work to be retired per cycle than the machine is capable to support. This | opportunity cost results in slower execution. Long-latency operations | like divides and memory operations can cause this, as can too many | operations being directed to a single execution port (for example, more | multiply operations arriving in the back-end per cycle than the execution | unit can support). | Memory Bound: 0.0% of Pipeline Slots Core Bound: 100.0% of Pipeline Slots Bad Speculation: 0.0% of Pipeline Slots Memory Bound: 0.0% of Pipeline Slots L1 Bound: 0.0% of Clockticks L2 Bound: 0.0% of Clockticks L3 Bound: 0.0% of Clockticks DRAM Bound: 0.0% of Clockticks DRAM Bandwidth Bound: 0.0% of Elapsed Time Store Bound: 0.0% of Clockticks Vectorization: 0.0% of Packed FP Operations Instruction Mix SP FLOPs: 0.0% of uOps Packed: 0.0% from SP FP 128-bit: 0.0% from SP FP 256-bit: 0.0% from SP FP 512-bit: 0.0% from SP FP Scalar: 0.0% from SP FP DP FLOPs: 0.0% of uOps Packed: 0.0% from DP FP 128-bit: 0.0% from DP FP 256-bit: 0.0% from DP FP 512-bit: 0.0% from DP FP Scalar: 0.0% from DP FP x87 FLOPs: 0.0% of uOps Non-FP: 0.0% of uOps FP Arith/Mem Rd Instr. Ratio: 0.000 FP Arith/Mem Wr Instr. Ratio: 0.000 Collection and Platform Info Application Command Line: C:\Program Files (x86)\Intel\oneAPI\vtune\latest\samples\en\C++\matrix\matrix.exe Operating System: Microsoft Windows 10 Computer Name: Kagamine-PC Result Size: 5.6 MB Collection start time: 23:38:55 18/05/2021 UTC Collection stop time: 23:38:59 18/05/2021 UTC Collector Type: Event-based counting driver CPU Name: Unknown Intel(R) microarchitecture Frequency Logical CPU Count: 128 Max DRAM Single-Package Bandwidth: 174.000 GB/s Cache Allocation Technology Level 2 capability: not detected Level 3 capability: available Recommendations: Hotspots: Start with Hotspots analysis to understand the efficiency of your algorithm. | Use Hotspots analysis to identify the most time consuming functions. | Drill down to see the time spent on every line of code. Threading: There is poor utilization of logical CPU cores (0.0%) in your application. | Use Threading to explore more opportunities to increase parallelism in | your application. Microarchitecture Exploration: There is low microarchitecture usage (0.0%) of available hardware resources. | Run Microarchitecture Exploration analysis to analyze CPU | microarchitecture bottlenecks that can affect application performance. If you want to skip descriptions of detected performance issues in the report, enter: vtune -report summary -report-knob show-issues=false -r . Alternatively, you may view the report in the csv format: vtune -report -format=csv. Stderr: vtune: Using result path `C:\Users\Kagamine\AppData\Local\Temp\vtune-tmp-Kagamine\self-checker-2021.05.19_07.38.30\result_ps' vtune: Executing actions 0 % vtune: Executing actions 0 % Finalizing results vtune: Executing actions 50 % Finalizing results vtune: Executing actions 50 % Generating a report vtune: Executing actions 50 % Setting data model parameters vtune: Executing actions 75 % Setting data model parameters vtune: Executing actions 75 % Generating a report vtune: Executing actions 100 % Generating a report vtune: Executing actions 100 % done Report: Ok ================================================================================ Running collection... Command line: C:\Program Files (x86)\Intel\oneAPI\vtune\latest\bin64\vtune.exe -collect hotspots -r C:\Users\Kagamine\AppData\Local\Temp\vtune-tmp-Kagamine\self-checker-2021.05.19_07.38.30\result_tpss -data-limit 0 -finalization-mode none -source-search-dir C:\Program Files (x86)\Intel\oneAPI\vtune\latest\samples\en\C++\matrix\src -- C:\Program Files (x86)\Intel\oneAPI\vtune\latest\samples\en\C++\matrix\matrix.exe Stderr: vtune: Warning: EMON Collector Message: Event CPU_CLK_UNHALTED.DISTRIBUTED discarded since the event is invalid or the device does not exist. vtune: Warning: EMON Collector Message: Event CPU_CLK_UNHALTED.ONE_THREAD_ACTIVE discarded since the event is invalid or the device does not exist. vtune: Warning: EMON Collector Message: Event FP_ARITH_INST_RETIRED.128B_PACKED_DOUBLE discarded since the event is invalid or the device does not exist. vtune: Warning: EMON Collector Message: Event FP_ARITH_INST_RETIRED.128B_PACKED_SINGLE discarded since the event is invalid or the device does not exist. vtune: Warning: EMON Collector Message: Event FP_ARITH_INST_RETIRED.256B_PACKED_DOUBLE discarded since the event is invalid or the device does not exist. vtune: Warning: EMON Collector Message: Event FP_ARITH_INST_RETIRED.256B_PACKED_SINGLE discarded since the event is invalid or the device does not exist. vtune: Warning: EMON Collector Message: Event FP_ARITH_INST_RETIRED.512B_PACKED_DOUBLE discarded since the event is invalid or the device does not exist. vtune: Warning: EMON Collector Message: Event FP_ARITH_INST_RETIRED.512B_PACKED_SINGLE discarded since the event is invalid or the device does not exist. vtune: Warning: EMON Collector Message: Event FP_ARITH_INST_RETIRED.SCALAR_DOUBLE discarded since the event is invalid or the device does not exist. vtune: Warning: EMON Collector Message: Event FP_ARITH_INST_RETIRED.SCALAR_SINGLE discarded since the event is invalid or the device does not exist. vtune: Warning: EMON Collector Message: Event TOPDOWN.SLOTS:perf_metrics discarded since the event is invalid or the device does not exist. vtune: Warning: EMON Collector Message: Event UOPS_EXECUTED.THREAD discarded since the event is invalid or the device does not exist. vtune: Warning: EMON Collector Message: Event UOPS_EXECUTED.X87 discarded since the event is invalid or the device does not exist. vtune: Warning: EMON Collector Message: Event UOPS_RETIRED.SLOTS discarded since the event is invalid or the device does not exist. vtune: Warning: EMON Collector Message: Unable to prepare the Core device to start sampling. vtune: Error: EMON Collector Message: ERROR with Preparing core for Start (228)- Abort current run. vtune: Error: EMON Collector Message: Event configuration failed - Aborting emon collection... vtune: Collection failed. vtune: Internal Error Instrumentation based analysis check Example of analysis types: Hotspots with default knob sampling-mode=sw, Threading with default knob sampling-and-waits=sw Collection: Fail vtune: Warning: EMON Collector Message: Event CPU_CLK_UNHALTED.DISTRIBUTED discarded since the event is invalid or the device does not exist. vtune: Warning: EMON Collector Message: Event CPU_CLK_UNHALTED.ONE_THREAD_ACTIVE discarded since the event is invalid or the device does not exist. vtune: Warning: EMON Collector Message: Event FP_ARITH_INST_RETIRED.128B_PACKED_DOUBLE discarded since the event is invalid or the device does not exist. vtune: Warning: EMON Collector Message: Event FP_ARITH_INST_RETIRED.128B_PACKED_SINGLE discarded since the event is invalid or the device does not exist. vtune: Warning: EMON Collector Message: Event FP_ARITH_INST_RETIRED.256B_PACKED_DOUBLE discarded since the event is invalid or the device does not exist. vtune: Warning: EMON Collector Message: Event FP_ARITH_INST_RETIRED.256B_PACKED_SINGLE discarded since the event is invalid or the device does not exist. vtune: Warning: EMON Collector Message: Event FP_ARITH_INST_RETIRED.512B_PACKED_DOUBLE discarded since the event is invalid or the device does not exist. vtune: Warning: EMON Collector Message: Event FP_ARITH_INST_RETIRED.512B_PACKED_SINGLE discarded since the event is invalid or the device does not exist. vtune: Warning: EMON Collector Message: Event FP_ARITH_INST_RETIRED.SCALAR_DOUBLE discarded since the event is invalid or the device does not exist. vtune: Warning: EMON Collector Message: Event FP_ARITH_INST_RETIRED.SCALAR_SINGLE discarded since the event is invalid or the device does not exist. vtune: Warning: EMON Collector Message: Event TOPDOWN.SLOTS:perf_metrics discarded since the event is invalid or the device does not exist. vtune: Warning: EMON Collector Message: Event UOPS_EXECUTED.THREAD discarded since the event is invalid or the device does not exist. vtune: Warning: EMON Collector Message: Event UOPS_EXECUTED.X87 discarded since the event is invalid or the device does not exist. vtune: Warning: EMON Collector Message: Event UOPS_RETIRED.SLOTS discarded since the event is invalid or the device does not exist. vtune: Warning: EMON Collector Message: Unable to prepare the Core device to start sampling. vtune: Error: EMON Collector Message: ERROR with Preparing core for Start (228)- Abort current run. vtune: Error: EMON Collector Message: Event configuration failed - Aborting emon collection... ================================================================================ Running collection... Command line: C:\Program Files (x86)\Intel\oneAPI\vtune\latest\bin64\vtune.exe -collect hotspots -knob sampling-mode=hw -r C:\Users\Kagamine\AppData\Local\Temp\vtune-tmp-Kagamine\self-checker-2021.05.19_07.38.30\result_ah -data-limit 0 -finalization-mode none -source-search-dir C:\Program Files (x86)\Intel\oneAPI\vtune\latest\samples\en\C++\matrix\src -- C:\Program Files (x86)\Intel\oneAPI\vtune\latest\samples\en\C++\matrix\matrix.exe Stderr: vtune: Error: Unable to prepare the Core device to start sampling. CPU Event configuration failed - Aborting sampling run ... Failed to verify PMU programming information vtune: Collection failed. vtune: Internal Error Cannot find 'runsa.options' by path: C:\Users\Kagamine\AppData\Local\Temp\vtune-tmp-Kagamine\self-checker-2021.05.19_07.38.30\result_ah\config\runsa.options HW event-based analysis check Example of analysis types: Hotspots with knob sampling-mode=hw, HPC Performance Characterization, etc. Collection: Fail vtune: Error: Unable to prepare the Core device to start sampling. ================================================================================ Running collection... Command line: C:\Program Files (x86)\Intel\oneAPI\vtune\latest\bin64\vtune.exe -collect uarch-exploration -r C:\Users\Kagamine\AppData\Local\Temp\vtune-tmp-Kagamine\self-checker-2021.05.19_07.38.30\result_ge -data-limit 0 -finalization-mode none -source-search-dir C:\Program Files (x86)\Intel\oneAPI\vtune\latest\samples\en\C++\matrix\src -- C:\Program Files (x86)\Intel\oneAPI\vtune\latest\samples\en\C++\matrix\matrix.exe Stderr: vtune: Error: Unable to prepare the Core device to start sampling. CPU Event configuration failed - Aborting sampling run ... Failed to verify PMU programming information vtune: Collection failed. vtune: Internal Error Cannot find 'runsa.options' by path: C:\Users\Kagamine\AppData\Local\Temp\vtune-tmp-Kagamine\self-checker-2021.05.19_07.38.30\result_ge\config\runsa.options HW event-based analysis check Example of analysis types: Microarchitecture Exploration Collection: Fail vtune: Error: Unable to prepare the Core device to start sampling. ================================================================================ Running collection... Command line: C:\Program Files (x86)\Intel\oneAPI\vtune\latest\bin64\vtune.exe -collect memory-access -r C:\Users\Kagamine\AppData\Local\Temp\vtune-tmp-Kagamine\self-checker-2021.05.19_07.38.30\result_ma -data-limit 0 -finalization-mode none -source-search-dir C:\Program Files (x86)\Intel\oneAPI\vtune\latest\samples\en\C++\matrix\src -- C:\Program Files (x86)\Intel\oneAPI\vtune\latest\samples\en\C++\matrix\matrix.exe Stderr: vtune: Peak bandwidth measurement started. vtune: Peak bandwidth measurement finished. vtune: Error: Unable to prepare the Core device to start sampling. CPU Event configuration failed - Aborting sampling run ... Failed to verify PMU programming information vtune: Collection failed. vtune: Internal Error Cannot find 'runsa.options' by path: C:\Users\Kagamine\AppData\Local\Temp\vtune-tmp-Kagamine\self-checker-2021.05.19_07.38.30\result_ma\config\runsa.options HW event-based analysis with uncore events Example of analysis types: Memory Access Collection: Fail vtune: Error: Unable to prepare the Core device to start sampling. ================================================================================ Running collection... Command line: C:\Program Files (x86)\Intel\oneAPI\vtune\latest\bin64\vtune.exe -collect hotspots -knob sampling-mode=hw -knob enable-stack-collection=true -r C:\Users\Kagamine\AppData\Local\Temp\vtune-tmp-Kagamine\self-checker-2021.05.19_07.38.30\result_ah_with_stacks -data-limit 0 -finalization-mode none -source-search-dir C:\Program Files (x86)\Intel\oneAPI\vtune\latest\samples\en\C++\matrix\src -- C:\Program Files (x86)\Intel\oneAPI\vtune\latest\samples\en\C++\matrix\matrix.exe Stdout: Addr of buf1 = 0000000000941040 Offs of buf1 = 0000000000941180 Addr of buf2 = 0000000002952040 Offs of buf2 = 00000000029521C0 Addr of buf3 = 000000000496A040 Offs of buf3 = 000000000496A100 Addr of buf4 = 0000000006971040 Offs of buf4 = 0000000006971140 Threads #: 16 Win threads Matrix size: 2048 Using multiply kernel: multiply1 Execution time = 3.274 seconds Stderr: vtune: Collection started. To stop the collection, either press CTRL-C or enter from another console window: vtune -r C:\Users\Kagamine\AppData\Local\Temp\vtune-tmp-Kagamine\self-checker-2021.05.19_07.38.30\result_ah_with_stacks -command stop. vtune: Collection stopped. vtune: Using result path `C:\Users\Kagamine\AppData\Local\Temp\vtune-tmp-Kagamine\self-checker-2021.05.19_07.38.30\result_ah_with_stacks' vtune: Executing actions 0 % vtune: Executing actions 100 % vtune: Executing actions 100 % done HW event-based analysis with stacks (Intel driver) Example of analysis types: Hotspots with knob sampling-mode=hw and knob enable-stack-collection=true, etc. Collection: Ok -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Running finalization... Command line: C:\Program Files (x86)\Intel\oneAPI\vtune\latest\bin64\vtune.exe -finalize -r C:\Users\Kagamine\AppData\Local\Temp\vtune-tmp-Kagamine\self-checker-2021.05.19_07.38.30\result_ah_with_stacks Stderr: vtune: Using result path `C:\Users\Kagamine\AppData\Local\Temp\vtune-tmp-Kagamine\self-checker-2021.05.19_07.38.30\result_ah_with_stacks' vtune: Executing actions 0 % vtune: Executing actions 0 % Finalizing results vtune: Executing actions 0 % Finalizing the result vtune: Executing actions 0 % Clearing the database vtune: Executing actions 14 % Clearing the database vtune: Executing actions 14 % Loading raw data to the database vtune: Executing actions 14 % Loading '' fil vtune: Executing actions 25 % Loading '' fil vtune: Executing actions 25 % Loading '13880.vtss' file vtune: Executing actions 25 % Updating precomputed scalar metrics vtune: Executing actions 28 % Updating precomputed scalar metrics vtune: Executing actions 28 % Processing profile metrics and debug information vtune: Executing actions 39 % Processing profile metrics and debug information vtune: Executing actions 39 % Setting data model parameters vtune: Executing actions 39 % Resolving module symbols vtune: Executing actions 39 % Resolving information for `matrix.exe' vtune: Executing actions 39 % Resolving information for `msvcrt.dll' vtune: Executing actions 39 % Resolving information for `vcruntime140.dll' vtune: Executing actions 39 % Resolving information for `ntdll.dll' vtune: Executing actions 39 % Resolving information for dangling locations vtune: Executing actions 39 % Resolving information for `kernel32.dll' vtune: Executing actions 39 % Resolving information for `ucrtbase.dll' vtune: Executing actions 39 % Resolving information for `KernelBase.dll' vtune: Warning: Cannot locate debugging information for file `C:\Windows\System32\msvcrt.dll'. vtune: Finalization may slow down when loading files from the symbol server specified in the project properties. vtune: Warning: Cannot locate debugging information for file `C:\Program Files (x86)\Intel\oneAPI\vtune\2021.2.0\samples\en\C++\matrix\vcruntime140.dll'. vtune: Warning: Cannot locate debugging information for file `C:\Windows\System32\kernel32.dll'. vtune: Warning: Cannot locate debugging information for file `C:\Windows\System32\ucrtbase.dll'. vtune: Warning: Cannot locate debugging information for file `C:\Windows\System32\KernelBase.dll'. vtune: Warning: Cannot locate debugging information for file `C:\Windows\System32\ntdll.dll'. vtune: Executing actions 40 % Resolving information for `KernelBase.dll' vtune: Executing actions 41 % Resolving information for `KernelBase.dll' vtune: Executing actions 42 % Resolving information for `KernelBase.dll' vtune: Executing actions 43 % Resolving information for `KernelBase.dll' vtune: Executing actions 44 % Resolving information for `KernelBase.dll' vtune: Executing actions 45 % Resolving information for `KernelBase.dll' vtune: Executing actions 45 % Resolving bottom user stack information vtune: Executing actions 46 % Resolving bottom user stack information vtune: Executing actions 47 % Resolving bottom user stack information vtune: Executing actions 47 % Resolving thread name information vtune: Executing actions 48 % Resolving thread name information vtune: Executing actions 48 % Resolving call target names for dynamic code vtune: Executing actions 50 % Resolving call target names for dynamic code vtune: Executing actions 50 % Resolving interrupt name information vtune: Executing actions 53 % Resolving interrupt name information vtune: Executing actions 53 % Processing profile metrics and debug information vtune: Executing actions 56 % Processing profile metrics and debug information vtune: Executing actions 57 % Processing profile metrics and debug information vtune: Executing actions 58 % Processing profile metrics and debug information vtune: Executing actions 60 % Processing profile metrics and debug information vtune: Executing actions 60 % Setting data model parameters vtune: Executing actions 60 % Precomputing frequently used data vtune: Executing actions 60 % Precomputing frequently used data vtune: Executing actions 62 % Precomputing frequently used data vtune: Executing actions 63 % Precomputing frequently used data vtune: Executing actions 65 % Precomputing frequently used data vtune: Executing actions 66 % Precomputing frequently used data vtune: Executing actions 67 % Precomputing frequently used data vtune: Executing actions 68 % Precomputing frequently used data vtune: Executing actions 69 % Precomputing frequently used data vtune: Executing actions 71 % Precomputing frequently used data vtune: Executing actions 72 % Precomputing frequently used data vtune: Executing actions 72 % Updating precomputed scalar metrics vtune: Executing actions 75 % Updating precomputed scalar metrics vtune: Executing actions 75 % Discarding redundant overtime data vtune: Executing actions 78 % Discarding redundant overtime data vtune: Executing actions 78 % Saving the result vtune: Executing actions 82 % Saving the result vtune: Executing actions 85 % Saving the result vtune: Executing actions 100 % Saving the result vtune: Executing actions 100 % done Finalization: Ok -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Command line: C:\Program Files (x86)\Intel\oneAPI\vtune\latest\bin64\vtune.exe -limit 5 -format csv -csv-delimiter comma -report hotspots -group-by function -r C:\Users\Kagamine\AppData\Local\Temp\vtune-tmp-Kagamine\self-checker-2021.05.19_07.38.30\result_ah_with_stacks Stdout: Function,CPU Time,CPU Time:Effective Time,CPU Time:Effective Time:Idle,CPU Time:Effective Time:Poor,CPU Time:Effective Time:Ok,CPU Time:Effective Time:Ideal,CPU Time:Effective Time:Over,CPU Time:Spin Time,CPU Time:Overhead Time,Instructions Retired,Microarchitecture Usage(%),Microarchitecture Usage:CPI Rate,Module,Function (Full),Source File,Start Address multiply1,42.327571,42.327571,0.0,42.327571,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,262112679599,,0.565295,matrix.exe,multiply1,multiply.c,0x1400017f0 [Outside any known module],9.093838,9.093838,0.002034,9.091804,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,56067043602,,0.567731,[Unknown],[Outside any known module],[Unknown],0x0 func@0x18002faf0,0.002008,0.002008,0.0,0.002008,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,11710656,,0.600155,ntdll.dll,func@0x18002faf0,[Unknown],0x18002faf0 NtMapViewOfSection,0.001006,0.001006,0.0,0.001006,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,3067304,,0.0,ntdll.dll,NtMapViewOfSection,[Unknown],0x18009d310 func@0x18000dbd0,0.001006,0.001006,0.0,0.001006,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,3826025,,1.196635,ucrtbase.dll,func@0x18000dbd0,[Unknown],0x18000dbd0 Stderr: vtune: Using result path `C:\Users\Kagamine\AppData\Local\Temp\vtune-tmp-Kagamine\self-checker-2021.05.19_07.38.30\result_ah_with_stacks' vtune: Executing actions 0 % vtune: Executing actions 0 % Finalizing results vtune: Executing actions 50 % Finalizing results vtune: Executing actions 50 % Generating a report vtune: Executing actions 50 % Setting data model parameters vtune: Executing actions 75 % Setting data model parameters vtune: Executing actions 75 % Generating a report vtune: Executing actions 100 % Generating a report vtune: Executing actions 100 % done Report: Ok ================================================================================ Running collection... Command line: C:\Program Files (x86)\Intel\oneAPI\vtune\latest\bin64\vtune.exe -collect threading -knob sampling-and-waits=hw -knob enable-stack-collection=false -r C:\Users\Kagamine\AppData\Local\Temp\vtune-tmp-Kagamine\self-checker-2021.05.19_07.38.30\result_th -data-limit 0 -finalization-mode none -source-search-dir C:\Program Files (x86)\Intel\oneAPI\vtune\latest\samples\en\C++\matrix\src -- C:\Program Files (x86)\Intel\oneAPI\vtune\latest\samples\en\C++\matrix\matrix.exe Stdout: Addr of buf1 = 00000000008CA040 Offs of buf1 = 00000000008CA180 Addr of buf2 = 00000000028D7040 Offs of buf2 = 00000000028D71C0 Addr of buf3 = 00000000048EE040 Offs of buf3 = 00000000048EE100 Addr of buf4 = 00000000068F9040 Offs of buf4 = 00000000068F9140 Threads #: 16 Win threads Matrix size: 2048 Using multiply kernel: multiply1 Execution time = 3.985 seconds Stderr: vtune: Collection started. To stop the collection, either press CTRL-C or enter from another console window: vtune -r C:\Users\Kagamine\AppData\Local\Temp\vtune-tmp-Kagamine\self-checker-2021.05.19_07.38.30\result_th -command stop. vtune: Collection stopped. vtune: Using result path `C:\Users\Kagamine\AppData\Local\Temp\vtune-tmp-Kagamine\self-checker-2021.05.19_07.38.30\result_th' vtune: Executing actions 0 % vtune: Executing actions 100 % vtune: Executing actions 100 % done HW event-based analysis with context switches (Intel driver) Example of analysis types: Threading with knob sampling-and-waits=hw Collection: Ok -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Running finalization... Command line: C:\Program Files (x86)\Intel\oneAPI\vtune\latest\bin64\vtune.exe -finalize -r C:\Users\Kagamine\AppData\Local\Temp\vtune-tmp-Kagamine\self-checker-2021.05.19_07.38.30\result_th Stderr: vtune: Using result path `C:\Users\Kagamine\AppData\Local\Temp\vtune-tmp-Kagamine\self-checker-2021.05.19_07.38.30\result_th' vtune: Executing actions 0 % vtune: Executing actions 0 % Finalizing results vtune: Executing actions 0 % Finalizing the result vtune: Executing actions 0 % Clearing the database vtune: Executing actions 14 % Clearing the database vtune: Executing actions 14 % Loading raw data to the database vtune: Executing actions 14 % Loading '' fil vtune: Executing actions 25 % Loading '' fil vtune: Executing actions 25 % Loading '11164.vtss' file vtune: Executing actions 25 % Updating precomputed scalar metrics vtune: Executing actions 28 % Updating precomputed scalar metrics vtune: Executing actions 28 % Processing profile metrics and debug information vtune: Executing actions 39 % Processing profile metrics and debug information vtune: Executing actions 39 % Setting data model parameters vtune: Executing actions 39 % Resolving module symbols vtune: Executing actions 39 % Resolving information for `matrix.exe' vtune: Executing actions 39 % Resolving information for `intelppm.sys' vtune: Executing actions 39 % Resolving information for `vtss.sys' vtune: Executing actions 39 % Resolving information for dangling locations vtune: Executing actions 39 % Resolving information for `ntdll.dll' vtune: Warning: Cannot locate file `Events Lost On Trace Overflow'. vtune: Executing actions 39 % Resolving information for `Events Lost On Trace O vtune: Executing actions 40 % Resolving information for `Events Lost On Trace O vtune: Warning: Cannot locate debugging information for file `C:\WINDOWS\System32\drivers\intelppm.sys'. vtune: Executing actions 40 % Resolving information for `ntoskrnl.exe' vtune: Executing actions 41 % Resolving information for `ntoskrnl.exe' vtune: Executing actions 42 % Resolving information for `ntoskrnl.exe' vtune: Warning: Cannot locate debugging information for file `C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\vtss.sys'. vtune: Executing actions 43 % Resolving information for `ntoskrnl.exe' vtune: Warning: Cannot locate debugging information for file `C:\Windows\System32\ntdll.dll'. vtune: Executing actions 44 % Resolving information for `ntoskrnl.exe' vtune: Warning: Cannot locate debugging information for file `C:\WINDOWS\system32\ntoskrnl.exe'. vtune: Executing actions 45 % Resolving information for `ntoskrnl.exe' vtune: Executing actions 45 % Resolving bottom user stack information vtune: Executing actions 46 % Resolving bottom user stack information vtune: Executing actions 47 % Resolving bottom user stack information vtune: Executing actions 47 % Resolving thread name information vtune: Executing actions 48 % Resolving thread name information vtune: Executing actions 48 % Resolving call target names for dynamic code vtune: Executing actions 50 % Resolving call target names for dynamic code vtune: Executing actions 50 % Resolving interrupt name information vtune: Executing actions 53 % Resolving interrupt name information vtune: Executing actions 53 % Processing profile metrics and debug information vtune: Executing actions 56 % Processing profile metrics and debug information vtune: Executing actions 57 % Processing profile metrics and debug information vtune: Executing actions 58 % Processing profile metrics and debug information vtune: Executing actions 60 % Processing profile metrics and debug information vtune: Executing actions 62 % Processing profile metrics and debug information vtune: Executing actions 63 % Processing profile metrics and debug information vtune: Executing actions 63 % Setting data model parameters vtune: Executing actions 64 % Setting data model parameters vtune: Executing actions 64 % Precomputing frequently used data vtune: Executing actions 64 % Precomputing frequently used data vtune: Executing actions 66 % Precomputing frequently used data vtune: Executing actions 67 % Precomputing frequently used data vtune: Executing actions 68 % Precomputing frequently used data vtune: Executing actions 69 % Precomputing frequently used data vtune: Executing actions 70 % Precomputing frequently used data vtune: Executing actions 71 % Precomputing frequently used data vtune: Executing actions 73 % Precomputing frequently used data vtune: Executing actions 74 % Precomputing frequently used data vtune: Executing actions 76 % Precomputing frequently used data vtune: Executing actions 76 % Updating precomputed scalar metrics vtune: Executing actions 78 % Updating precomputed scalar metrics vtune: Executing actions 78 % Discarding redundant overtime data vtune: Executing actions 82 % Discarding redundant overtime data vtune: Executing actions 82 % Saving the result vtune: Executing actions 85 % Saving the result vtune: Executing actions 89 % Saving the result vtune: Executing actions 100 % Saving the result vtune: Executing actions 100 % done Finalization: Ok -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Command line: C:\Program Files (x86)\Intel\oneAPI\vtune\latest\bin64\vtune.exe -limit 5 -format csv -csv-delimiter comma -report hotspots -group-by function -r C:\Users\Kagamine\AppData\Local\Temp\vtune-tmp-Kagamine\self-checker-2021.05.19_07.38.30\result_th Stdout: Function,CPU Time,CPU Time:Effective Time,CPU Time:Effective Time:Idle,CPU Time:Effective Time:Poor,CPU Time:Effective Time:Ok,CPU Time:Effective Time:Ideal,CPU Time:Effective Time:Over,CPU Time:Spin Time,CPU Time:Overhead Time,Inactive Wait Time,Inactive Wait Time:Inactive Sync Wait Time,Inactive Wait Time:Inactive Sync Wait Time:Idle,Inactive Wait Time:Inactive Sync Wait Time:Poor,Inactive Wait Time:Inactive Sync Wait Time:Ok,Inactive Wait Time:Inactive Sync Wait Time:Ideal,Inactive Wait Time:Inactive Sync Wait Time:Over,Inactive Wait Time:Preemption Wait Time,Inactive Wait Time:Preemption Wait Time:Idle,Inactive Wait Time:Preemption Wait Time:Poor,Inactive Wait Time:Preemption Wait Time:Ok,Inactive Wait Time:Preemption Wait Time:Ideal,Inactive Wait Time:Preemption Wait Time:Over,Inactive Wait Count,Inactive Wait Count:Inactive Sync Wait Count,Inactive Wait Count:Inactive Sync Wait Count:Idle,Inactive Wait Count:Inactive Sync Wait Count:Poor,Inactive Wait Count:Inactive Sync Wait Count:Ok,Inactive Wait Count:Inactive Sync Wait Count:Ideal,Inactive Wait Count:Inactive Sync Wait Count:Over,Inactive Wait Count:Preemption Wait Count,Inactive Wait Count:Preemption Wait Count:Idle,Inactive Wait Count:Preemption Wait Count:Poor,Inactive Wait Count:Preemption Wait Count:Ok,Inactive Wait Count:Preemption Wait Count:Ideal,Inactive Wait Count:Preemption Wait Count:Over,Module,Function (Full),Source File,Start Address multiply1,40.624283,40.624283,0.0,40.624283,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.000522,0.000522,0.0,0.000522,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,13,13,0,13,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,matrix.exe,multiply1,multiply.c,0x1400017f0 [Events Lost On Trace Overflow],12.343357,12.343357,0.0,12.343357,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Events Lost On Trace Overflow,[Events Lost On Trace Overflow],[Unknown],0x0 init_arr,0.061231,0.061231,0.0,0.061231,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,matrix.exe,init_arr,matrix.c,0x1400010a0 KeClockInterruptNotify,0.023632,0.023632,0.0,0.023632,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,ntoskrnl.exe,KeClockInterruptNotify,[Unknown],0x140216670 [Outside any known module],0.014078,0.014078,0.0,0.014078,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,[Unknown],[Outside any known module],[Unknown],0x0 Stderr: vtune: Using result path `C:\Users\Kagamine\AppData\Local\Temp\vtune-tmp-Kagamine\self-checker-2021.05.19_07.38.30\result_th' vtune: Executing actions 0 % vtune: Executing actions 0 % Finalizing results vtune: Executing actions 50 % Finalizing results vtune: Executing actions 50 % Generating a report vtune: Executing actions 50 % Setting data model parameters vtune: Executing actions 75 % Setting data model parameters vtune: Executing actions 75 % Generating a report vtune: Executing actions 100 % Generating a report vtune: Executing actions 100 % done Report: Ok The check observed a product failure on your system. Review errors in the output above to fix a problem or contact Intel technical support. Log location: C:\Users\Kagamine\AppData\Local\Temp\vtune-tmp-Kagamine\self-checker-2021.05.19_07.38.30\log.txt