Build Log

Rebuild started: Project: csv_x, Configuration: Debug|x64

Command Lines
Creating temporary file "S:\TEMP\Vad152.bat" with contents
@echo off
echo StartTime is %TIME%
if %ErrorLevel% NEQ 0 goto LError
goto LEnd
echo Project csv_x : error: A tool returned an error code from "Performing Pre-Build Event..."
exit 1

Creating command line "cmd.exe /c S:\TEMP\Vad152.bat"
Creating temporary file "S:\TEMP\" with contents
/c /Od /I "F:\Workspace\CPP\src\star" /D "WIN32" /D "_DEBUG" /D "_CONSOLE" /D "_CRT_SECURE_NO_WARNINGS" /D "_SCL_SECURE_NO_WARNINGS" /EHsc /RTC1 /MTd /GS /Gy /fp:fast /Fo"F:\Workspace\CPP\tmp\Star08\csv_x\Debug-x64/" /W3 /nologo /Zi /bigobj /we4002 /we4715 /Qvc9 /Qlocation,link,"C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 9.0\VC\bin\amd64"
Creating command line "icl.exe "@S:\TEMP\""
Creating temporary file "S:\TEMP\" with contents
/c /Od /I "F:\Workspace\CPP\src\star" /D "WIN32" /D "_DEBUG" /D "_CONSOLE" /D "_CRT_SECURE_NO_WARNINGS" /D "_SCL_SECURE_NO_WARNINGS" /EHsc /RTC1 /MTd /GS /Gy /fp:fast /Yc"xt.hpp" /Fp"F:\Workspace\CPP\tmp\Star08\csv_x\Debug-x64/csv_x.pch" /Fo"F:\Workspace\CPP\tmp\Star08\csv_x\Debug-x64/" /W3 /nologo /Zi /bigobj /we4002 /we4715 /Qvc9 /Qlocation,link,"C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 9.0\VC\bin\amd64"
Creating command line "icl.exe "@S:\TEMP\""
Creating temporary file "S:\TEMP\RC15D.tmp" with contents
1 /* CREATEPROCESS_MANIFEST_RESOURCE_ID */ 24 /* RT_MANIFEST */ "F:\\Workspace\\CPP\\tmp\\Star08\\csv_x\\Debug-x64\\csv_x.exe.embed.manifest"
Creating command line "rc.exe /fo"F:\Workspace\CPP\tmp\Star08\csv_x\Debug-x64\csv_x.exe.embed.manifest.res" S:\TEMP\RC15D.tmp"
Creating temporary file "S:\TEMP\" with contents
kernel32.lib user32.lib gdi32.lib winspool.lib comdlg32.lib advapi32.lib shell32.lib ole32.lib oleaut32.lib uuid.lib odbc32.lib odbccp32.lib /OUT:"F:\Workspace\CPP\bin\Star08\csv_x\Debug-x64\csv_x.exe" /INCREMENTAL /nologo /MANIFEST /MANIFESTFILE:"F:\Workspace\CPP\tmp\Star08\csv_x\Debug-x64\csv_x.exe.intermediate.manifest" /MANIFESTUAC:"level='asInvoker' uiAccess='false'" /TLBID:1 /DEBUG /PDB:"F:\Workspace\CPP\bin\Star08\csv_x\Debug-x64\csv_x.pdb" /SUBSYSTEM:CONSOLE /qnoipo /DYNAMICBASE:NO /IMPLIB:"F:\Workspace\CPP\bin\Star08\csv_x\Debug-x64\csv_x.lib" /MACHINE:X64
Creating command line "xilink.exe "@S:\TEMP\""
Output Window
Deleting intermediate files and output files for project 'csv_x', configuration 'Debug|x64'.
Performing Pre-Build Event... (Microsoft VC++ Environment)
StartTime is 23.38.35,71
Compiling with Intel(R) C++ 11.1.038 [Intel(R) 64]... (Intel C++ Environment)
F:\Workspace\CPP\src\star\integer.hpp: bit types defined through typelists
F:\Workspace\CPP\src\star\static_crc.hpp: Hash level normal
Compiling with Intel(R) C++ 11.1.038 [Intel(R) 64]... (Intel C++ Environment)

Debug generation WARNING: Debug information will be incomplete 
due to a symbol or type CodeView record exceeding the maximum 
record length of 65535.  In some cases you can avoid this error 
by decreasing the length of identifiers.
The current member is: aligned_buffer.begin_

Debug generation WARNING: Debug information will be incomplete 
due to a symbol or type CodeView record exceeding the maximum 
record length of 65535.  In some cases you can avoid this error 
by decreasing the length of identifiers.
The current member is: aligned_buffer.INVALID_OFFSET

Debug generation WARNING: Debug information will be incomplete 
due to a symbol or type CodeView record exceeding the maximum 
record length of 65535.  In some cases you can avoid this error 
by decreasing the length of identifiers.
The current member is: aligned_buffer.alias

Debug generation WARNING: Debug information will be incomplete 
due to a symbol or type CodeView record exceeding the maximum 
record length of 65535.  In some cases you can avoid this error 
by decreasing the length of identifiers.
The current member is:

Debug generation WARNING: Debug information will be incomplete 
due to a symbol or type CodeView record exceeding the maximum 
record length of 65535.  In some cases you can avoid this error 
by decreasing the length of identifiers.
The current member is: aligned_buffer.clear

Debug generation WARNING: Debug information will be incomplete 
due to a symbol or type CodeView record exceeding the maximum 
record length of 65535.  In some cases you can avoid this error 
by decreasing the length of identifiers.
The current member is: aligned_buffer.empty

Debug generation WARNING: Debug information will be incomplete 
due to a symbol or type CodeView record exceeding the maximum 
record length of 65535.  In some cases you can avoid this error 
by decreasing the length of identifiers.
The current member is: aligned_buffer.operator!

Debug generation WARNING: Debug information will be incomplete 
due to a symbol or type CodeView record exceeding the maximum 
record length of 65535.  In some cases you can avoid this error 
by decreasing the length of identifiers.
The current member is: aligned_buffer.round_up

Debug generation WARNING: Debug information will be incomplete 
due to a symbol or type CodeView record exceeding the maximum 
record length of 65535.  In some cases you can avoid this error 
by decreasing the length of identifiers.
The current member is: aligned_buffer.swap

Debug generation WARNING: Debug information will be incomplete 
due to a symbol or type CodeView record exceeding the maximum 
record length of 65535.  In some cases you can avoid this error 
by decreasing the length of identifiers.
The current member is: aligned_buffer.vtable_ref

Debug generation WARNING: Debug information will be incomplete 
due to a symbol or type CodeView record exceeding the maximum 
record length of 65535.  In some cases you can avoid this error 
by decreasing the length of identifiers.
The current member is: aligned_buffer.~aligned_buffer
F:\Workspace\CPP\src\star\integer.hpp: bit types defined through typelists
F:\Workspace\CPP\src\star\static_crc.hpp: Hash level normal
Compiling manifest to resources... (Microsoft VC++ Environment)
Microsoft (R) Windows (R) Resource Compiler Version 6.1.6723.1

Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.

Linking... (Intel C++ Environment)
LINK : F:\Workspace\CPP\bin\Star08\csv_x\Debug-x64\csv_x.exe not found or not built by the last incremental link; performing full link
csv_x.obj : fatal error LNK1103: debugging information corrupt; recompile module
Build Time: 0:00:45
Build log was saved at "file://F:\Workspace\CPP\tmp\Star08\csv_x\Debug-x64\BuildLog.htm"
csv_x - 1 error(s), 0 warning(s)