;2013-04-07 IMGVER 0.6 IMGTYPE 3 ; I210 KX with APM ;==================================================================================== ; I N T E L P R O P R I E T A R Y ;COPYRIGHT (c) 1998 - 2012 BY INTEL CORPORATION. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. ;NO PART OF THIS PROGRAM OR PUBLICATION MAY BE REPRODUCED, TRANSMITTED, TRANSCRIBED, ;STORED IN A RETRIEVAL SYSTEM, OR TRANSLATED INTO ANY LANGUAGE OR COMPUTER LANGUAGE ;IN ANY FORM OR BY ANY MEANS, ELECTRONIC, MECHANICAL, MAGNETIC, OPTICAL, CHEMICAL, ;MANUAL, OR OTHERWISE, WITHOUT THE PRIOR WRITTEN PERMISSION OF: ;INTEL CORPORATION ;2200 MISSION COLLEGE BOULEVARD ;SANTA CLARA, CALIFORNIA 95052-8119 ;Autoload commands configuration file for Flashless I210. ;SYNTAX: ;======= ; The following entries are allowed in file: ; Single command record entry: ; ============================ ;
= ; Series of commands which must be applied in exact sequance ; =========================================================== ; Ordered_Section_Start ; ; . ; . ; ; Ordered_Section_End ; Pure comment line like the one you are looking at :-). ; ====================================================== ; Empty line with white characters only. ; ====================================================== ; where: ; - record type: ; WALD - autoload word record ; CSRALD - CSR autoload record ; PHYALD - PHY autoload record ;
- address in hexadecimal format from range: ; 0x00 - 0x2E in WALD records definition ; 0x00000 - 0x1FFFC (4 bytes alignment required) in CSRALD records definition ; 0x00 - 0x1F in PHYALD records definition ; - Data to set in hexadecimal format: ; 0x0000 - 0xFFFF in WALD and PHYALD records definition ; 0x00000000 - 0xFFFFFFFF in CSRALD records definition ; - describes set of reset events for which particular record data setting is to be applied: ; LPG_RST - LanPower Good Reset only ; PCIE_RST - PCIe asserted reset and all above ; SW_RST - Host software asserted device reset and all above ; - any sequence of printable characters (including space and tab) starting with ';' ; Duplicates (records with the same value of fields:
and ) shouldn't ; be defined outside ordered section. If both are found outside ordered section then all but the first found ; will be silently ignored by the commands parser. If one of them is defined in ordered section then its counterpart ; outside ordered section will be ignored as well. CSRALD 0x5ba0 = 0x00001541 LPG_RST ; [Intel] Set GPAR_EN from CSR auto config. WALD 0x0a = 0x402F PCIE_RST ; [Intel] Set GPAR_EN. WALD 0x0d = 0x1538 PCIE_RST ; [Intel] SerDes Device ID (External SGMII PHY) WALD 0x0F = 0xF247 SW_RST ; [Intel] Set APMPME + SerDes Low Power Enable WALD 0x1b = 0x0400 PCIE_RST ; [Intel] Default settings. WALD 0x21 = 0x0504 PCIE_RST ; [Intel] Default settings. WALD 0x24 = 0x06A0 PCIE_RST ; [Intel] Set APM; Link Mode = 10 (SGMII) WALD 0x28 = 0x1C60 PCIE_RST ; [Intel] FLBAR_Size = 000 WALD 0x29 = 0x003C PCIE_RST ; [Intel] Set Wake_pin_enable ; Common Customer Configurations ; ============================== ; Subsystem Vendor ID and Subsystem ID - Uncomment the following lines and insert the values. ; WALD 0x0B = 0x0000 PCIE_RST ; Subsystem ID ; WALD 0x0C = 0x8086 PCIE_RST ; Susbsystem Vendor ID ; ; Disable IO BAR - Uncomment the following line. ; WALD 0x19 = 0x3000 PCIE_RST ; Clear IO_Sup ; ; Non-default LED Configuration - Uncomment the following lines and set the values for the LED configuration. ; WALD 0x1C = 0x0784 PCIE_RST ; LED1 Config ; WALD 0x1F = 0x0706 PCIE_RST ; LED0,2 Config ; ; Enable Power-Down Modes - Uncomment the 1st line to enable power down with the DEV_OFF_N pin. ; Uncomment the 2nd line to enable the dynamic power down mode. ; Enabling both power down modes is not permitted. ; WALD 0x1E = 0xB200 PCIE_RST ; Enable DEV_OFF Power Down ; WALD 0x1E = 0x7200 PCIE_RST ; Power Down Settings ; ; LAN Power Consumption - Uncomment the following line and insert power data to be provided in the PCIe config space. ; WALD 0x22 = 0x0000 PCIE_RST ; LAN Power Consumption ; ; Watchdog Configuration - Uncomment the following line to enable the watchdog after reset. ; WALD 0x2E = 0x9000 SW_RST ; Enable watchdog ; Ordered_Section_Start CSRALD 0x5B44 = 0x00FF00A8 LPG_RST ; [Intel] Set NFTS to 0xA8. CSRALD 0x5B40 = 0x5E000090 LPG_RST ; [Intel] cont. Ordered_Section_End