! ------------------------------------------------------------------ subroutine gui() !use dflib use ifqwin ! ! GUI - minimum standard. ! ! 02/22/1998 ! implicit none !************************************************************** ! * ! subroutines and functions called from this routine * ! * ! none * ! * !************************************************************** !----------------------------------------------- ! L o c a l V a r i a b l e s !----------------------------------------------- integer(4) :: iret logical(4) :: LogIS ! type(qwinfo) :: winfo ! --------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Reset screen colors to white background with black text ! iret = SETTEXTCOLORRGB(#0) iret = SETBKCOLORRGB(#FFFFFF) call CLEARSCREEN($GCLEARSCREEN) ! ! Maximize child window ! winfo.TYPE = QWIN$MAX iret = SETWSIZEQQ(0, winfo) ! iret = SETEXITQQ(QWIN$EXITPERSIST) ! LogIS = DELETEMENUQQ(6, 2) ! Delete menu 6,2 (the default Help|Contents menu). LogIS = DELETEMENUQQ(6, 1) ! Delete menu 6,1 (the default Help|Using Help menu). LogIS = DELETEMENUQQ(5, 0) ! Delete menu 5 (the default Windows menu). LogIS = DELETEMENUQQ(3, 0) ! Delete menu 3 (the default View menu). LogIS = DELETEMENUQQ(2, 0) ! Delete menu 2 (the default Edit menu). ! return end subroutine gui