C============================================================================== C== This file contain all the parameters and commons used in HTDA code == C============================================================================== IMPLICIT DOUBLE PRECISION(A-H,O-Z) C PARAMETER (NH=50,NL=16) PARAMETER (NV=1500,ND=100,NB=100) PARAMETER (NZ=62,NR=31) PARAMETER (NO=10) PARAMETER (NHPMAX=4,NW=1300,NE=100000) PARAMETER (NVALMAX=500) C============================================================================== C== PARAMETERS == C============================================================================== C NH : Maximal number of points for Gauss-Hermite method C NL : Maximal number of points for Gauss-Laguerre method C C NV : Maximal number of Vectors in the truncated basis (B. O. H. S. A.) C ND : Maximal Dimension of a block (of quantum numbers : K, pi) C NB : Maximal number of Blocks (with K positive only) C C NR : Maximal degree of associated Laguerre polynomials C NZ : Maximal degree of Hermite polynomials C C NE : Maximal number of Excitation states C NW : Maximal number of levels in the excitation Window C NHPMAX: Maximal number of holes or particles in an excitation state C NVALMAX : Maximal number of eigenstates calcultated C C NO : Maximal number of Options C============================================================================== C C C C C============================================================================== C== COMMONS == C============================================================================== C_____________________________________________________ARRA : Arrange 5 elements C------------------------------------------------------------------------------ COMMON/ARRA/NAFAR(5) C_______________________________________________________BASP : Basis Parameters C N0 : Number of major shells C B0 : oscillator parameter C Q : deformation parameter C Guide words : "Truncated" C QF : Some functions of q C QF(1) = sqrt(q) - 1/sqrt(q) C QF(2) = sqrt(q) + 1/sqrt(q) C QF(3) = q + 1/q - 2 C QF(4) = q + 1/q + 2 C QF(5) = q - 1/q C------------------------------------------------------------------------------ COMMON/BASP/B0,Q,QF(5),N0 C_________________________________________________________BCSP : BCS parameters C G : Seniority force of // C ECBCS: Cut-off Energy C Guide words : "G0" C------------------------------------------------------------------------------ COMMON/BCSP/G(2),ECBCS C__________________________________________________________________BETA : Betas C BP : Beta P C BZ : Beta Z C BP2 : BP^2 C BP3 : BP^3 C BZ2 : BZ^2 C BZ3 : BZ^3 C BPZ : BP*BZ C BZP2: BZ*BP2 C------------------------------------------------------------------------------ COMMON/BETA/BP,BZ,BP2,BZ2,BPZ,BZP2,BP3,BZ3 C___________________________________________________________________________BL9 C This block (used for the calculation of some physical quantities) C result from the old version of HF C------------------------------------------------------------------------------ COMMON/BL9/RMS(2),QM(2),DEF(2),VC(NH/2,NL) C_________________________________________________________________BLOC : Blocks C K2B : 2*Omega (Quantum number K) C IPB : Parity C NVB : Number of Vectors in a Block C NHB : Position of the Head of a Block C MBD : Maximal Block Size C NOB : Number Of Blocks C------------------------------------------------------------------------------ COMMON/BLOC/K2B(NB),IPB(NB),NVB(NB),NHB(NB),MBD,NOB C______________________________________________CONV : Conditions of convergence C EPSE : Epsilon for Energy C EPQ20 : Epsilon for Q20 C EPQ40 : Epsilon for Q40 C Guide words : "Converged" C------------------------------------------------------------------------------ COMMON/CONV/EPSE,EPQ20,EPQ40 C____________________________________________CONVMO : Conditions of convergence C This common let us know about the convergence status of Energie, C Q20 and Q40 in HF (1) and HTDA (2) interations. C------------------------------------------------------------------------------ COMMON/CONVMO/COE1,COE2,COQ201,COQ202,COQ401,COQ402 LOGICAL COE1,COE2,COQ201,COQ202,COQ401,COQ402 C______________________________________________________________CTTS : Constants C PI : Pi = 3.1415... C FACT: Factorial C PO2 : Power Of 2 C BZP2PI: Bz*Bp^2/Pi C QP : 4*Pi C EV : eV C------------------------------------------------------------------------------ COMMON/CTTS/PI,FACT(0:NZ),PO2(0:NZ),BZP2PI,QP,EV C_________________________________________________DEFC : Deformation contraints C C2,Q2: For quadruple moment C C4,Q4: For hexadecapole moment C Guide words : "contraints" C------------------------------------------------------------------------------ COMMON/DEFC/C2,Q2,C4,Q4 C___________________________________________________DENS : Density's Supplement C NDIFF1 : Number of couple (|A>, |B>) in which |A> is different from |B> by one C nucleon C NDIF0H : Total number of hole states from all the many body configurations. C NDIF0P : Total number of particle states from all the many body conf. C------------------------------------------------------------------------------ COMMON/DENS/NDIFF1,NDIF0H,NDIF0P C_________________________________________________DI0P : DIagonalization for 0+ C ROKP : Rho for K positive C ROKN : Rho for K negative C------------------------------------------------------------------------------ COMMON/DI0P/ROKP(0:NH/2,0:NL,2),ROKN(0:NH/2,0:NL,2), & AKP(ND,ND),AKN(ND,ND) C________________________________________________________DIAL : DiagonaLization C A : - HF matrix elements(ND,ND) C - A(I,I) contains eigenvalue of HF Hamiltonian C - Densities in the assymptotic basis C COEF: Coefficient of eigenvector in the assymptotic basis C EHF : eigenvalue of HF Hamiltonian C DENS: Densities in the basis of single states C NBRE: State Number Before REarrangement C------------------------------------------------------------------------------ COMMON/DIAL/A(NW,NW),COEF(ND,ND,NB,2),EHF(NV),DENS(NV,NV),NBRE(NV) C______________________________________________DIAS : Suppleant Diagonalization C (for the densities of K/pi with K < 0) C______________________________________________________EAUX : Energie Auxiliair C------------------------------------------------------------------------------ COMMON/DIAS/DENSN(NV,NV),TRAKP,TRAKM,TRABP(NB),TRABM(NB) C------------------------------------------------------------------------------ COMMON/EAUX/EPAIR,ESOMIN C_______________________________________________________________ENER : Eneriges C Self-explanation C------------------------------------------------------------------------------ COMMON/ENER/ETOT,EKIN,EVOL,ESUR,ESOB,EDIR,EXCH,ECOR,EHTDA C____________________________________________________________EXEC : Executation C INP : Executation for Neutron (1) or Proton (2) C------------------------------------------------------------------------------ COMMON/EXEC/INP C__________________________________________________________FUNS : Wave Function C SPF : Spin Plus Function C SMF : Spin Minus Function C WFU : Weight Function C ISW : State Number in the excitation Window c multiply*2 for protons and neutrons C------------------------------------------------------------------------------ COMMON/FUNS/SPF(NH/2,NL,-NW:NW,2),SMF(NH/2,NL,-NW:NW,2), &WFU(-NW:NW,2),ISW(-NW:NW,2) C C_______________________________________________________H00C : H00 Calculations C RHF : RHO for H00 C THF : TAU for H00 C DRHF: DRHO for H00 C DJHF: DIVJ for H00 C AHF : A for H00 C VCHF: Coulomb for H00 C NARE: State Number Aftere REarrangement C------------------------------------------------------------------------------ COMMON/H00C/H00,AHF(NW,NW),VCHF(NH/2,NL), &RHF(NH/2,NL,2),THF(NH/2,NL,2),DRHF(NH/2,NL,2),DJHF(NH/2,NL,2), &NARE(NV) C___________________________________________________________HFDS : HF Densities C RHO : Nucleon density C TAU : Kinetic density C DRHO: DRho C DIVJ: DivJ C------------------------------------------------------------------------------ COMMON/HFDS/RHO(0:NH/2,0:NL,2),TAU(NH/2,NL,2),DRHO(NH/2,NL,2), &DIVJ(NH/2,NL,2) C__________________________________________________________HFPS : HF Potentials C EM : Effective mass C CE : Central potential C SO : Spin-Orbit potential C------------------------------------------------------------------------------ COMMON/HFPS/EM(NH/2,NL,2),CE(NH/2,NL,2),SO(NH/2,NL,2) C________________________________________________________HTDA : HTDA parameters C FHTDA: Intensities of Delta force (1 : neutrons, 2 : protons) C Guide words : "Delta force" C DELE : Delta E of the excitation window (grande fenetre) c DELED : Delta E of the excitation window (petite fenetre) C ECHTDA: Cut-off in excitation energy C WFX : Weight Function X C WFMU : Weight Function Mu C Guide words : "Window" C EIDEN: Amount added to the diagonal elements of the many-body matrix C EPHTDA: EPsilon for the many-body matrix elements to be taken into account C Guide words : "EPHTDA" C------------------------------------------------------------------------------ COMMON/HTDA/FHTDA(2),FHTDA1,FHTDA0,DELE,ECHTDA, & WFX,WFMU,EIDEN,EPHTDA,DELED C_____________________________________________________________ITER : ITERations C Self explanation C------------------------------------------------------------------------------ COMMON/ITER/ITHF,ITBCS,ITHTDA,COHF,COHTDA,HF,HTDA LOGICAL COHF,COHTDA,HF,HTDA C______________________________________________________KOPS : Execution Options C KOIP : Initial Potential (0 : Woods-Saxon, 1 : Use the converged one) C Guide words : "Woods-Saxon" C KOPAIR : Take 2p2h igurations (0) or only the transfers of one pair (1) C KORINT : Choice of the residual interaction C Guide words : "Residual" C KOMAT : Calculation of HTDA matrices (0 : Do it, 1 : Use matricn/p) C Guide words "Matrix" c KOPN : Include pn pairing (1) or not (0) C------------------------------------------------------------------------------ COMMON/KOPS/KOIP,KOPAIR,KORINT,KOMAT,KOPN C_________________________________________________________LASO : Lanscoz method C EVALUE: Eigen values DES PREMIERS ETATS EXCITES C EVEC: Eigen vectors DES PREMIERS ETATS EXCITES C EPHM : particle-hole Energy for state with maximal probability C NEIGEN : Number of EIGENvalue to be calculated C Guide words : "eigen" C------------------------------------------------------------------------------ COMMON/LASO/EPHM(2),EPHMPN,EVALUE(NVALMAX,2), & EVALUEPN(NVALMAX), &EVEC1(NE,NVALMAX),EVEC(NE),ZPREC,NEIGEN,NLOOP C_____________________________________________________MAXI : Maximum iterations C MNHF : Maximal number of HF iterations C MNHTDA : // HTDA // C MNBCS : // BCS // C Guide words : "iterations" C------------------------------------------------------------------------------ COMMON/MAXI/MNHF,MNHTDA,MNBCS C_____________________________________________MAXP : Maximal degree of Polynoms C NZMAX: maximal Nz C NRMAX: maximal Nr C NLMAX: maximal Lambda C------------------------------------------------------------------------------ COMMON/MAXP/NZMAX,NRMAX,NLMAX C_______________________________________________________MBST : Many Body States C EPH : Unperturbed Particle-Hole Energy C MBST: C NSS : Number of Specific States C NTOT: Total Number of States C MBREVERSED(NE) : Indice of the time-reversed many-body state of a C given many-body state C------------------------------------------------------------------------------ c COMMON/MBST/EPH(NE),MBST(NHPMAX,2,NE),NSS,NTOT,NALL(NHPMAX),NCOM, c # MBREVERSED(NE) C------------------------------------------------------------------------------ COMMON/MBST/EPH(NE,2), & MBSTN(NHPMAX,2,NE),MBSTP(NHPMAX,2,NE),MBST(nhpmax,2,ne), & NSS(2),nsix(2),NTOT(2),NTOT1(2),nfour(2), &NALL(NHPMAX,2),NCOM(2), & MBREVERSED(NE,2),MBREVERSEDPN(NE) C____________________________________________________________MESH : Mesh points C NGH : Number of points used in Gauss-Hermite quadrature C NGHP: NGH/2 C NGL : Number of points used in Gauss-Laguerre quadrature C Guide words : "Gauss" C XH : Zero-points of Hermite polynoms C XL : Zero-points of Laguerre polynoms C WH : Weight for Hermite polynoms C WL : Weight for Laguerre polynoms C GH : Weight for G-H C GL : Weight for G-L C C Remarks: XH(0), XL(0) can be used to calculate value of polynomials C at a desired point C C------------------------------------------------------------------------------ COMMON/MESH/XH(0:NH/2),XL(0:NL),WH(NH/2),WL(NL),GH(NH/2),GL(NL), & NGH,NGL,NGHP C______________________________________________________MIXS : Mixing parameters C HFM : Hartree-Fock mixing parameter C HTDAM: HTDA // C Guide words : "Mixing" C------------------------------------------------------------------------------ COMMON/MIXS/HFM,HTDAM C________________________________________________________________MOMS : Moments C------------------------------------------------------------------------------ COMMON/MOMS/Q20,Q40(2) C__________________________________MPHC : P-h configuration with minimal energy C IHC : Index of Hole of this Configuration C IPC : // Part. // C NHC : Number of Holes // C NPC : // Part. // C------------------------------------------------------------------------------ COMMON/MPHC/IHC(3),IPC(3),NHC,NPC C________________________MVHTDA : Mean value of 1 body operators in HTDA states C------------------------------------------------------------------------------ COMMON/MVHTDA/RMSH(2),RMSC(5,2),ECRC(5,2),ETOTAL, & Q20H(2),Q20C(5,2),Q40H(2),Q40C(5,2),Q10E(NVALMAX,2), & SUUIVI(2,2),SUV2(2,2) C_______________________________________________________________NCLS : Nucleons C NUN : Nuclid number (for each state of isospin) C Guide words : "Nuclid" C NUK2: 2*Nuclid's quantum number K C NUIP: Nuclid Parity C Guide words : "K/pi" C NAME: Name of the nuclid C CSYM: Chemical symbol C------------------------------------------------------------------------------ COMMON/NCLS/NUN(2),NUK2(2),NUIP(2),NAME,CSYM CHARACTER * 13 NAME, CSYM * 2 C________________________________________________________OBST : One Body States C SSSZ: Single State Sz C SSE : Single State Energy C SS2K: 2*Single State K C SSIP: Single State Parity C NHL : Number of Hole Levels C NPL : Number of Particle Levels cc-->> C NHLD : Number of Hole Levels in "small" Window C NPLD : Number of Particle Levels in "small" Window cc<<-- C------------------------------------------------------------------------------ COMMON/OBST/SSR2(NW,2,2),SSSZ(NW,2,2),SSE(NW,2,2), &SS2K(NW,2,2),SSIP(NW,2,2),NHL(2),NPL(2),NHLD(2),NPLD(2) INTEGER SS2K,SSIP C the whole common is doubled: one values for neutrons, other for protons C___________________________________________________OCOP : OCTUPOLE OPERATEUR C OCHF : LES ÉLÉMENTS DE LA MATRICE OCTUPOLE ENTRE LES ÉTATS HF C OC00 : INTENSITÉ DE L'INTÉRACTION OO C------------------------------------------------------------------ COMMON/OCOP/CC3,CC2,CC11,CC12,CC01,CC02,OC00(2), & OCHF(-NW:NW,-NW:NW) C___________________________________________________ODDS : Odd or Odd-Odd noyau C NURN : Number of Nucleons C NURK2: 2*K C NURIP: Parity C------------------------------------------------------------------------------ COMMON/ODDS/NURN(2),NURK2(2),NURIP(2),ODD LOGICAL ODD C__________________________________________________________ODEN : Old Densities C ODEN: Old Densities in the assymptotic basis C------------------------------------------------------------------------------ COMMON/ODEN/ODEN(NV,NV,2) C___________________________________________________________PHI0 : Phi0 in HTDA C (Phi0 is the vide of quasiparticle) C HF00: (n or p) C------------------------------------------------------------------------------ COMMON/PHI0/HF00(2) C____________________________________________________________POLY : Polynomials C QH : Hermite polynomials C QH1 : Quasi Hermite polynomials C QL : associated Laguerre polynomials C QL1 : Quasi associated Laguerre polynomials C------------------------------------------------------------------------------ COMMON/POLY/QH(0:NH/2,0:NZ),QH1(0:NH/2,0:NZ), & QL(0:NL,0:NR,0:2*NR),QL1(0:NL,0:NR,0:2*NR) C____________________________________________________QQOP : Quadrupole Operator C QHF : Quadrupole matrix element between HF states C Q00 : Intensity of QQ interaction C------------------------------------------------------------------------------ COMMON/QQOP/CQ1,CQ2,CQ3,CQ4,Q00(2),QHF(-NW:NW,-NW:NW) C_____________________________________________________________RECU : Recurrence C A1N : A_{1n} Cf. Abramowitz p.782 C A2N : A_{2n} C A3N : A_{3n} C A4N : A_{4n} C------------------------------------------------------------------------------ COMMON/RECU/A1N,A2N,A3N,A4N C__________________________________________________________SIMP : Simplex Prime C Calculation at different mesh points in (b0,q) C Self-explanation C------------------------------------------------------------------------------ COMMON/SIMP/B0MIN,B0MAX,QMIN,QMAX,NB0,NQ,NMESH,DOMESH LOGICAL DOMESH C________________________________________________________________SKYS : Skyrmes C B1 : T0*(1D0+X0/2D0)/2D0 C B2 :-T0*(X0+5D-1)/2D0 C B3 : (T1*(1D0+X1/2D0)+T2*(1D0+X2/2D0))/4D0 C B4 :-(T1*(5D-1+X1)-T2*(5D-1+X2))/4D0 C B5 :-(3D0*T1*(1D0+X1/2D0)-T2*(1D0+X2/2D0))/16D0 C B6 : (3D0*T1*(5D-1+X1)+T2*(5D-1+X2))/16D0 C B7 : T3*(1D0+X3/2D0)/12D0 C B8 :-T3*(5D-1+X3)/12D0 C B9 :-W/2D0 C XBET3: Alpha C HB0 : 2073D-2*(A-1D0)/A C NSKY: Skyrme force type (1:SIII, 2:SKM*, 3:SLY4) C Guide words : "Skyrme force" C------------------------------------------------------------------------------ COMMON/SKYS/B1,B2,B3,B4,B5,B6,B7,B8,B9,XBET3,HB0,NSKY C________________________________________________________________STRS : Strings C NCL: Nucleon C PTY: Parity C SKM: Skyrme C OPTS:Options C------------------------------------------------------------------------------ COMMON/STRS/NCL(2),PTY(-1:1),SKM(1:3),OPTS(0:7,NO) CHARACTER * 8 NCL, PTY * 1, SKM * 4, OPTS * 30 C________________________________________________________________SPLX : Simplex C NSP : Number of Simplex Parameters C ICTRL : Check if one want to do simplex or not C Guide words : "simplex" C------------------------------------------------------------------------------ COMMON/SPLX/SIMP(10,10),STEP(10),BINF(10),BSUP(10),GMAXER(10), & FMIN,NSP,MAXTER,ICTRL,NSPLX C__________________________________________VECB : Vectors of the B. O. H. S. A. C MZ : Nz component C MR : Nr (or Beta) C ML : Lambda C MS : Spin (1 for + and -1 for -) C MB : Block contain this vector C NOV : Number Of Vectors C------------------------------------------------------------------------------ COMMON/VECB/MZ(NV),MR(NV),ML(NV),MS(NV),MB(NV),NOV C____________________________________________WINB : Blocks in excitation Window C NBW : Number of Blocks in the excitation Window C IOB : Index of the Block C NSIB: Number of States In Block C ISB : Index of State in Block C IRBB: Index Relative in the Block of the Basis C------------------------------------------------------------------------------ COMMON/WINB/NBW,IOB(NB),NSIB(NB),ISB(NB,ND),IRBB(NB,ND) C____________________________________________________________WINBP : WINB Prime C------------------------------------------------------------------------------ COMMON/WINBP/NBWP,NSIBP(NB),IS2W(NV) !Spectre to window c c time-reversal symmetry restored in pp and nn part COMMON/TRSYM/PHIPLUS(NE,2),VAB(NE,NVALMAX) c c+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ c temporary common to store all we need COMMON/NFILES/NF0,INF,IFIL COMMON/PNPNPN/EPHPN(NE),IPPN(NW/2),IHPN(NW/2),IPPNTR(NW/2), &IHPNTR(NW/2),NSSPN(0:NHPMAX), &NTOTPN,NTOT1PN,NALLPN(NHPMAX) COMMON/DENSPN/NDIFF1P,NDIF0HP,NDIF0PP,NDIFF1N,NDIF0HN,NDIF0PN