Warning: Unable to load block diagram 'allblocks_alteradspbuilder2'. > In general\private\openmdl at 13 In open at 153 In uiopen at 196 Warning: Unable to load model file 'd:\eda_devp\altera\91\quartus\dsp_builder\bin\mdl library\allblocks_alteradspbuilder2.mdl' due to the presence of characters that are not supported in the current character encoding setting 'GBK'. Either: 1) run "bdclose all; set_param(0,'CharacterEncoding', Enc)" where Enc is one of Shift_JIS, windows-1252, ISO-8859-1, then load the model, or 2) remove the unsupported characters. The first such character occurs on line 3729, byte offset 321. > In general\private\openmdl at 13 In open at 153 In uiopen at 196 Warning: Unable to load model file 'd:\eda_devp\altera\91\quartus\dsp_builder\bin\mdl library\allblocks_alteradspbuilder2.mdl' due to the presence of characters that are not supported in the current character encoding setting 'GBK'. Either: 1) run "bdclose all; set_param(0,'CharacterEncoding', Enc)" where Enc is one of Shift_JIS, windows-1252, ISO-8859-1, then load the model, or 2) remove the unsupported characters. The first such character occurs on line 3729, byte offset 321. > In general\private\openmdl at 13 In open at 153 In uiopen at 196 Warning: Unable to load model file 'd:\eda_devp\altera\91\quartus\dsp_builder\bin\mdl library\allblocks_alteradspbuilder2.mdl' due to the presence of characters that are not supported in the current character encoding setting 'GBK'. Either: 1) run "bdclose all; set_param(0,'CharacterEncoding', Enc)" where Enc is one of Shift_JIS, windows-1252, ISO-8859-1, then load the model, or 2) remove the unsupported characters. The first such character occurs on line 3729, byte offset 321. > In general\private\openmdl at 13 In open at 153 In uiopen at 196 Warning: Unable to load model file 'd:\eda_devp\altera\91\quartus\dsp_builder\bin\mdl library\allblocks_alteradspbuilder2.mdl' due to the presence of characters that are not supported in the current character encoding setting 'GBK'. Either: 1) run "bdclose all; set_param(0,'CharacterEncoding', Enc)" where Enc is one of Shift_JIS, windows-1252, ISO-8859-1, then load the model, or 2) remove the unsupported characters. The first such character occurs on line 3729, byte offset 321. > In general\private\openmdl at 13 In open at 153 In uiopen at 196 Warning: Unable to load model file 'd:\eda_devp\altera\91\quartus\dsp_builder\bin\mdl library\allblocks_alteradspbuilder2.mdl' due to the presence of characters that are not supported in the current character encoding setting 'GBK'. Either: 1) run "bdclose all; set_param(0,'CharacterEncoding', Enc)" where Enc is one of Shift_JIS, windows-1252, ISO-8859-1, then load the model, or 2) remove the unsupported characters. The first such character occurs on line 3729, byte offset 321. > In general\private\openmdl at 13 In open at 153 In uiopen at 196 Warning: Unable to load model file 'd:\eda_devp\altera\91\quartus\dsp_builder\bin\mdl library\allblocks_alteradspbuilder2.mdl' due to the presence of characters that are not supported in the current character encoding setting 'GBK'. Either: 1) run "bdclose all; set_param(0,'CharacterEncoding', Enc)" where Enc is one of Shift_JIS, windows-1252, ISO-8859-1, then load the model, or 2) remove the unsupported characters. The first such character occurs on line 3729, byte offset 321. > In general\private\openmdl at 13 In open at 153 In uiopen at 196 Warning: Unable to load model file 'd:\eda_devp\altera\91\quartus\dsp_builder\bin\mdl library\allblocks_alteradspbuilder2.mdl' due to the presence of characters that are not supported in the current character encoding setting 'GBK'. Either: 1) run "bdclose all; set_param(0,'CharacterEncoding', Enc)" where Enc is one of Shift_JIS, windows-1252, ISO-8859-1, then load the model, or 2) remove the unsupported characters. The first such character occurs on line 3729, byte offset 321. Warning: Unable to load model file 'd:\eda_devp\altera\91\quartus\dsp_builder\bin\mdl library\allblocks_alteradspbuilder2.mdl' due to the presence of characters that are not supported in the current character encoding setting 'GBK'. Either: 1) run "bdclose all; set_param(0,'CharacterEncoding', Enc)" where Enc is one of Shift_JIS, windows-1252, ISO-8859-1, then load the model, or 2) remove the unsupported characters. The first such character occurs on line 3729, byte offset 321. Warning: Unable to load model file 'd:\eda_devp\altera\91\quartus\dsp_builder\bin\mdl library\allblocks_alteradspbuilder2.mdl' due to the presence of characters that are not supported in the current character encoding setting 'GBK'. Either: 1) run "bdclose all; set_param(0,'CharacterEncoding', Enc)" where Enc is one of Shift_JIS, windows-1252, ISO-8859-1, then load the model, or 2) remove the unsupported characters. The first such character occurs on line 3729, byte offset 321. Warning: Unable to load model file 'd:\eda_devp\altera\91\quartus\dsp_builder\bin\mdl library\allblocks_alteradspbuilder2.mdl' due to the presence of characters that are not supported in the current character encoding setting 'GBK'. Either: 1) run "bdclose all; set_param(0,'CharacterEncoding', Enc)" where Enc is one of Shift_JIS, windows-1252, ISO-8859-1, then load the model, or 2) remove the unsupported characters. The first such character occurs on line 3729, byte offset 321. Warning: Unable to load model file 'd:\eda_devp\altera\91\quartus\dsp_builder\bin\mdl library\allblocks_alteradspbuilder2.mdl' due to the presence of characters that are not supported in the current character encoding setting 'GBK'. Either: 1) run "bdclose all; set_param(0,'CharacterEncoding', Enc)" where Enc is one of Shift_JIS, windows-1252, ISO-8859-1, then load the model, or 2) remove the unsupported characters. The first such character occurs on line 3729, byte offset 321. Warning: Unable to load model file 'd:\eda_devp\altera\91\quartus\dsp_builder\bin\mdl library\allblocks_alteradspbuilder2.mdl' due to the presence of characters that are not supported in the current character encoding setting 'GBK'. Either: 1) run "bdclose all; set_param(0,'CharacterEncoding', Enc)" where Enc is one of Shift_JIS, windows-1252, ISO-8859-1, then load the model, or 2) remove the unsupported characters. The first such character occurs on line 3729, byte offset 321. Warning: Unable to load model file 'd:\eda_devp\altera\91\quartus\dsp_builder\bin\mdl library\allblocks_alteradspbuilder2.mdl' due to the presence of characters that are not supported in the current character encoding setting 'GBK'. Either: 1) run "bdclose all; set_param(0,'CharacterEncoding', Enc)" where Enc is one of Shift_JIS, windows-1252, ISO-8859-1, then load the model, or 2) remove the unsupported characters. The first such character occurs on line 3729, byte offset 321. Warning: Unable to load model file 'd:\eda_devp\altera\91\quartus\dsp_builder\bin\mdl library\allblocks_alteradspbuilder2.mdl' due to the presence of characters that are not supported in the current character encoding setting 'GBK'. Either: 1) run "bdclose all; set_param(0,'CharacterEncoding', Enc)" where Enc is one of Shift_JIS, windows-1252, ISO-8859-1, then load the model, or 2) remove the unsupported characters. The first such character occurs on line 3729, byte offset 321. Warning: Unable to load model file 'd:\eda_devp\altera\91\quartus\dsp_builder\bin\mdl library\allblocks_alteradspbuilder2.mdl' due to the presence of characters that are not supported in the current character encoding setting 'GBK'. Either: 1) run "bdclose all; set_param(0,'CharacterEncoding', Enc)" where Enc is one of Shift_JIS, windows-1252, ISO-8859-1, then load the model, or 2) remove the unsupported characters. The first such character occurs on line 3729, byte offset 321. Warning: Unable to load model file 'd:\eda_devp\altera\91\quartus\dsp_builder\bin\mdl library\allblocks_alteradspbuilder2.mdl' due to the presence of characters that are not supported in the current character encoding setting 'GBK'. Either: 1) run "bdclose all; set_param(0,'CharacterEncoding', Enc)" where Enc is one of Shift_JIS, windows-1252, ISO-8859-1, then load the model, or 2) remove the unsupported characters. The first such character occurs on line 3729, byte offset 321. Warning: Unable to load model file 'd:\eda_devp\altera\91\quartus\dsp_builder\bin\mdl library\allblocks_alteradspbuilder2.mdl' due to the presence of characters that are not supported in the current character encoding setting 'GBK'. Either: 1) run "bdclose all; set_param(0,'CharacterEncoding', Enc)" where Enc is one of Shift_JIS, windows-1252, ISO-8859-1, then load the model, or 2) remove the unsupported characters. The first such character occurs on line 3729, byte offset 321. Warning: Unable to load model file 'd:\eda_devp\altera\91\quartus\dsp_builder\bin\mdl library\allblocks_alteradspbuilder2.mdl' due to the presence of characters that are not supported in the current character encoding setting 'GBK'. Either: 1) run "bdclose all; set_param(0,'CharacterEncoding', Enc)" where Enc is one of Shift_JIS, windows-1252, ISO-8859-1, then load the model, or 2) remove the unsupported characters. The first such character occurs on line 3729, byte offset 321. >>