vsim work.top_level # vsim work.top_level # Start time: 07:38:34 on Mar 25,2023 # Loading std.standard # Loading std.textio(body) # Loading ieee.std_logic_1164(body) # Loading ieee.numeric_std(body) # Loading work.top_level(arch) # Loading work.nco_gen(rtl) # ** Warning: (vsim-3473) Component instance "nco_ii_0 : nco_gen_nco_ii_0" is not bound. # Time: 0 ps Iteration: 0 Instance: /top_level/x1 File: C:/nco_test/nco_gen/simulation/nco_gen.vhd # ** Warning: (vsim-8684) No drivers exist on out port /top_level/x1/fsin_o, and its initial value is not used. # Therefore, simulation behavior may occur that is not in compliance with # the VHDL standard as the initial values come from the base signal /top_level/fsin_o. # ** Warning: (vsim-8684) No drivers exist on out port /top_level/x1/fcos_o, and its initial value is not used. # Therefore, simulation behavior may occur that is not in compliance with # the VHDL standard as the initial values come from the base signal /top_level/fcos_o. # ** Warning: (vsim-8684) No drivers exist on out port /top_level/x1/out_valid, and its initial value is not used. # Therefore, simulation behavior may occur that is not in compliance with # the VHDL standard as the initial values come from the base signal /top_level/out_valid.