/* * * Bittware 520N card EXTERNAL channels PROBLEM * * System integrator fails when the data type size of the external channel is different form 256. * See code below. * * Issue found in BSP 18.0.1 and 18.1.1_max for Bittware 520N. * * This issue is not present in BSP 17.1 for Bittware 385A. * */ #pragma OPENCL EXTENSION cl_intel_channels : enable #ifdef __TRIGGER_BUG__ #define TYPE float //<- e.g. this produces the error #else #define TYPE float8 //<- e.g. this works #endif channel TYPE ch_eth_in __attribute((io("host_to_dev"))); channel TYPE ch_eth_out __attribute((io("dev_to_host"))); __kernel void __attribute__ ((max_global_work_dim(0))) sender(int lenght, __global TYPE * input) { int ret = 0; for(int i=0; i