# SSU Scan Information Scan Info: Version:"" Date:"11.06.2023" Time:"00:00:55.8238981" # Scanned Hardware Computer: BaseBoard Manufacturer:"Dell Inc." BIOS Mode:"UEFI" BIOS Version/Date:"Dell Inc. 1.24.1 , 08/15/2023" CD or DVD:"Not Available" Embedded Controller Version:"255.255" Platform Role:"Mobile" Processor:"Intel(R) Xeon(R) W-10855M CPU @ 2.80GHz , GenuineIntel" Secure Boot State:"On" SMBIOS Version:"3.2" Sound Card:"Son Intel(R) pour écrans" Sound Card:"Realtek Audio" System Manufacturer:"Dell Inc." System Model:"Precision 5550" System SKU:"097E" System Type:"x64-based PC" - "Display" Intel ® Graphics Driver Version:"" - "Intel(R) UHD Graphics P630" Adapter Compatibility:"Intel Corporation" Adapter DAC Type:"Internal" Adapter RAM:"1,00 GB" Availability:"Running or Full Power" Bits Per Pixel:"32" - "Caption":"Intel(R) UHD Graphics P630" Link:"http://www.intel.com/content/www/us/en/search.html?keyword=UHD+Graphics+P630" CoInstallers:"oem201.inf,iCML_w10_DS,Internal,Intel(R) UHD Graphics Family" Color Table Entries:"4294967296" Dedicated Video Memory:"Not Available" Driver:"igdkmd64.sys" Driver Date:"02.18.2022 01:00 AM" Driver Path:"C:\WINDOWS\system32\DriverStore\FileRepository\iigd_dch.inf_amd64_e396b69e113d1cc5\igdkmd64.sys" Driver Provider:"Intel Corporation" Driver Version:"" INF:"oem201.inf" INF Section:"iCML_w10_DS" Install Date:"Not Available" Installed Drivers:"C:\WINDOWS\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\iigd_dch.inf_amd64_e396b69e113d1cc5\igdumdim64.dll,C:\WINDOWS\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\iigd_dch.inf_amd64_e396b69e113d1cc5\igd10iumd64.dll,C:\WINDOWS\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\iigd_dch.inf_amd64_e396b69e113d1cc5\igd10iumd64.dll,C:\WINDOWS\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\iigd_dch.inf_amd64_e396b69e113d1cc5\igd12umd64.dll" Last Error Code:"Not Available" Last Error Code Description:"Not Available" Last Reset:"Not Available" Location:"PCI bus 0, device 2, function 0" Manufacturer:"Intel Corporation" Microsoft DirectX* Version:"DirectX 12" Monochrome:"No" Number of Colors:"4294967296" Number of Video Pages:"Not Available" PNP Device ID:"PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_9BF6&SUBSYS_097E1028&REV_05\3&11583659&0&10" Power Management Capabilities:"Not Available" Power Management Supported:"Not Available" Refresh Rate - Current:"59 Hz" Refresh Rate - Maximum:"60 Hz" Refresh Rate - Minimum:"48 Hz" Resolution:"1920 X 1200" Scan Mode:"Noninterlaced" Service Name:"igfx" Status:"OK" Video Architecture:"VGA" Video Memory:"Unknown" Video Processor:"Intel(R) UHD Graphics Family" - "NVIDIA Quadro T2000 with Max-Q Design" Adapter Compatibility:"NVIDIA" Adapter DAC Type:"Integrated RAMDAC" Adapter RAM:"4,00 GB" Availability:"Offline" Bits Per Pixel:"Not Available" Caption:"NVIDIA Quadro T2000 with Max-Q Design" CoInstallers:"oem122.inf,Section185,Integrated RAMDAC,Quadro T2000 with Max-Q Design" Color Table Entries:"Not Available" Dedicated Video Memory:"Not Available" Driver:"nvlddmkm.sys" Driver Date:"06.02.2023 02:00 AM" Driver Path:"C:\WINDOWS\system32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nvdm.inf_amd64_5d0387ca958e09ef\nvlddmkm.sys" Driver Provider:"NVIDIA" Driver Version:"" INF:"oem122.inf" INF Section:"Section185" Install Date:"Not Available" Installed Drivers:"C:\WINDOWS\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nvdm.inf_amd64_5d0387ca958e09ef\nvldumdx.dll,C:\WINDOWS\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nvdm.inf_amd64_5d0387ca958e09ef\nvldumdx.dll,C:\WINDOWS\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nvdm.inf_amd64_5d0387ca958e09ef\nvldumdx.dll,C:\WINDOWS\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nvdm.inf_amd64_5d0387ca958e09ef\nvldumdx.dll" Last Error Code:"Not Available" Last Error Code Description:"Not Available" Last Reset:"Not Available" Location:"PCI bus 1, device 0, function 0" Manufacturer:"NVIDIA" Microsoft DirectX* Version:"DirectX 12" Monochrome:"No" Number of Colors:"Not Available" Number of Video Pages:"Not Available" PNP Device ID:"PCI\VEN_10DE&DEV_1FB8&SUBSYS_097E1028&REV_A1\4&3A453F16&0&0008" Power Management Capabilities:"Not Available" Power Management Supported:"Not Available" Refresh Rate - Current:"Not Available" Refresh Rate - Maximum:"Not Available" Refresh Rate - Minimum:"Not Available" Resolution:"Not Available" Scan Mode:"Not Available" Service Name:"nvlddmkm" Status:"OK" Video Architecture:"VGA" Video Memory:"Unknown" Video Processor:"Quadro T2000 with Max-Q Design" - "Memory" Physical Memory (Available):"13,60 GB" Physical Memory (Installed):"32 GB" Physical Memory (Total):"31,75 GB" - "Mémoire physique" Capacity:"16 GB" Channel:"DIMM A" Configured Clock Speed:"2933 MHz" Configured Voltage:"1200 millivolts" Data Width:"64 bits" Form Factor:"SODIMM" Interleave Position:"Not Available" Manufacturer:"802C00000000" Maximum Voltage:"Not Available" Memory Type:"Unknown" Minimum Voltage:"Not Available" Part Number:"16ATF2G64HZ-3G2J1" Serial Number:"271306D2" Status:"Not Available" Type:"Synchronous" - "Mémoire physique" Capacity:"16 GB" Channel:"DIMM B" Configured Clock Speed:"2933 MHz" Configured Voltage:"1200 millivolts" Data Width:"64 bits" Form Factor:"SODIMM" Interleave Position:"Not Available" Manufacturer:"802C00000000" Maximum Voltage:"Not Available" Memory Type:"Unknown" Minimum Voltage:"Not Available" Part Number:"16ATF2G64HZ-3G2J1" Serial Number:"271306AA" Status:"Not Available" Type:"Synchronous" - "Motherboard" Availability:"Running or Full Power" BIOS:"1.24.1, DELL - 20170001" Caption:"Carte-mère" - "Chipset":"Intel(R)" Link:"http://www.intel.com/content/www/us/en/search.html?keyword=" Date:"08.15.2023 02:00 AM" Install Date:"Not Available" Last Error Code:"Not Available" Last Error Code Description:"Not Available" Manufacturer:"Dell Inc." Model:"Not Available" Part Number:"Not Available" PNP Device ID:"Not Available" Power Management Capabilities:"Not Available" Power Management Supported:"Not Available" Product:"0HR1D7" Serial Number:"/2MDVZ33/CNCMK0007G0004/" Status:"OK" Version:"A00" - "Networking" Intel ® Network Connections Install Options:"Not Available" Intel ® Network Connections Version:"Not Available" Intel ® PROSet/Wireless Software Version:"Not Available" - "Bluetooth Device (Personal Area Network)" Availability:"Running or Full Power" Caption:"Bluetooth Device (Personal Area Network)" CoInstallers:"Not Available" Default IP Gateway:"Not Available" DHCP Enabled:"Yes" DHCP Lease Expires:"Not Available" DHCP Lease Obtained:"Not Available" DHCP Server:"Not Available" Driver:"bthpan.sys" Driver Date:"06.21.2006 12:00 AM" Driver Path:"C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\bthpan.sys" Driver Provider:"Microsoft" Driver Version:"10.0.19041.3570" Index:"0019" INF:"bthpan.inf" INF Section:"BthPan.Install" Install Date:"Not Available" Installed:"Yes" IP Address:"Not Available" IP Subnet:"Not Available" Last Error Code:"Not Available" Last Error Code Description:"Not Available" Last Reset:"11.06.2023 04:02 PM" Location:"Not Available" MAC Address:"34:7D:F6:9F:E5:A6" Manufacturer:"Microsoft" Net Connection ID:"Connexion réseau Bluetooth" NetCfgInstanceId:"{39613D88-64B8-4E20-B5D6-C0B7CA7D960A}" PNP Device ID:"BTH\MS_BTHPAN\6&278465A&0&2" Port:"Not Available" Power Management (Low Power):"Not Available" Power Management (Wake On LAN):"Not Available" Power Management (Wake on Magic Packet):"Not Available" Power Management Capabilities:"Not Available" Power Management Supported:"No" Product Type:"Bluetooth Device (Personal Area Network)" Service Name:"BthPan" Status:"Enabled" Type:"Ethernet 802.3" - "Service Bindings" Client pour les réseaux Microsoft: Partage de fichiers et imprimantes Réseaux Microsoft: Pilote de protocole LLDP Microsoft: Pilote E/S de mappage de découverte de topologie de la couche de liaison: Protocole Internet version 4 (TCP/IPv4): Protocole Internet version 6 (TCP/IPv6): Répondeur de découverte de la topologie de la couche de liaison: - "Hyper-V Virtual Ethernet Adapter" Availability:"Running or Full Power" Caption:"Hyper-V Virtual Ethernet Adapter" CoInstallers:"Not Available" Default IP Gateway:"Not Available" DHCP Enabled:"No" DHCP Lease Expires:"Not Available" DHCP Lease Obtained:"Not Available" DHCP Server:"Not Available" Driver:"VmsProxyHNic.sys" Driver Date:"06.21.2006 12:00 AM" Driver Path:"C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\VmsProxyHNic.sys" Driver Provider:"Microsoft" Driver Version:"10.0.19041.1" Index:"0013" INF:"wvms_mp_windows.inf" INF Section:"VMSMP.ndi" Install Date:"Not Available" Installed:"Yes" IP Address:";fe80::2944:b5fd:921a:978b" IP Subnet:";64" Last Error Code:"Not Available" Last Error Code Description:"Not Available" Last Reset:"11.06.2023 04:02 PM" Location:"Not Available" MAC Address:"00:15:5D:72:11:8B" Manufacturer:"Microsoft" Net Connection ID:"vEthernet (Default Switch)" NetCfgInstanceId:"{AF8408E7-E61A-4E24-B2F3-54D88E4F1938}" PNP Device ID:"ROOT\VMS_MP\0000" Port:"Not Available" Power Management (Low Power):"Not Available" Power Management (Wake On LAN):"Not Available" Power Management (Wake on Magic Packet):"Not Available" Power Management Capabilities:"Not Available" Power Management Supported:"No" Product Type:"Hyper-V Virtual Ethernet Adapter" Service Name:"VMSNPXYMP" Status:"Enabled" Type:"Ethernet 802.3" - "Service Bindings" Client pour les réseaux Microsoft: Partage de fichiers et imprimantes Réseaux Microsoft: Pilote de pont: Pilote de protocole LLDP Microsoft: Pilote E/S de mappage de découverte de topologie de la couche de liaison: Planificateur de paquets QoS: Protocole Internet version 4 (TCP/IPv4): Protocole Internet version 6 (TCP/IPv6): Répondeur de découverte de la topologie de la couche de liaison: - "Settings" *IPChecksumOffloadIPv4:IPv4 Checksum Offload:"Rx & Tx Enabled (3)" *IPsecOffloadV2:IPSec Offload:"Auth Header and ESP Enabled (3)" *JumboPacket:Jumbo Packet:"Disabled (1514)" *LsoV2IPv4:Large Send Offload Version 2 (IPv4):"Enabled (1)" *LsoV2IPv6:Large Send Offload Version 2 (IPv6):"Enabled (1)" *MaxRssProcessors:Maximum Number of RSS Processors:"8 (8)" *NetworkDirect:Network Direct (RDMA):"Disabled (0)" *NumRSSQueues:Maximum Number of RSS Queues:"8 (8)" *RscIPv4:Recv Segment Coalescing (IPv4):"Enabled (1)" *RscIPv6:Recv Segment Coalescing (IPv6):"Enabled (1)" *RSS:Receive Side Scaling:"Enabled (1)" *RssBaseProcNumber:RSS Base Processor Number:"0 (0)" *RssMaxProcNumber:Maximum RSS Processor Number:"63 (63)" *RSSProfile:RSS Profile:"Closest Processor Static (2)" *TCPChecksumOffloadIPv4:TCP Checksum Offload (IPv4):"Rx & Tx Enabled (3)" *TCPChecksumOffloadIPv6:TCP Checksum Offload (IPv6):"Rx & Tx Enabled (3)" *UDPChecksumOffloadIPv4:UDP Checksum Offload (IPv4):"Rx & Tx Enabled (3)" *UDPChecksumOffloadIPv6:UDP Checksum Offload (IPv6):"Rx & Tx Enabled (3)" - "Hyper-V Virtual Ethernet Adapter #2" Availability:"Running or Full Power" Caption:"Hyper-V Virtual Ethernet Adapter #2" CoInstallers:"Not Available" Default IP Gateway:"Not Available" DHCP Enabled:"No" DHCP Lease Expires:"Not Available" DHCP Lease Obtained:"Not Available" DHCP Server:"Not Available" Driver:"VmsProxyHNic.sys" Driver Date:"06.21.2006 12:00 AM" Driver Path:"C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\VmsProxyHNic.sys" Driver Provider:"Microsoft" Driver Version:"10.0.19041.1" Index:"0015" INF:"wvms_mp_windows.inf" INF Section:"VMSMP.ndi" Install Date:"Not Available" Installed:"Yes" IP Address:";fe80::e97b:e9d0:2f13:48fb" IP Subnet:";64" Last Error Code:"Not Available" Last Error Code Description:"Not Available" Last Reset:"11.06.2023 04:02 PM" Location:"Not Available" MAC Address:"00:15:5D:00:E8:03" Manufacturer:"Microsoft" Net Connection ID:"vEthernet (WSL)" NetCfgInstanceId:"{DB8C9BF0-1CD2-42D5-A419-486746977835}" PNP Device ID:"ROOT\VMS_MP\0001" Port:"Not Available" Power Management (Low Power):"Not Available" Power Management (Wake On LAN):"Not Available" Power Management (Wake on Magic Packet):"Not Available" Power Management Capabilities:"Not Available" Power Management Supported:"No" Product Type:"Hyper-V Virtual Ethernet Adapter" Service Name:"VMSNPXYMP" Status:"Enabled" Type:"Ethernet 802.3" - "Service Bindings" Client pour les réseaux Microsoft: Partage de fichiers et imprimantes Réseaux Microsoft: Pilote de pont: Pilote de protocole LLDP Microsoft: Pilote E/S de mappage de découverte de topologie de la couche de liaison: Planificateur de paquets QoS: Protocole Internet version 4 (TCP/IPv4): Protocole Internet version 6 (TCP/IPv6): Répondeur de découverte de la topologie de la couche de liaison: - "Settings" *IPChecksumOffloadIPv4:IPv4 Checksum Offload:"Rx & Tx Enabled (3)" *IPsecOffloadV2:IPSec Offload:"Auth Header and ESP Enabled (3)" *JumboPacket:Jumbo Packet:"Disabled (1514)" *LsoV2IPv4:Large Send Offload Version 2 (IPv4):"Enabled (1)" *LsoV2IPv6:Large Send Offload Version 2 (IPv6):"Enabled (1)" *MaxRssProcessors:Maximum Number of RSS Processors:"8 (8)" *NetworkDirect:Network Direct (RDMA):"Disabled (0)" *NumRSSQueues:Maximum Number of RSS Queues:"8 (8)" *RscIPv4:Recv Segment Coalescing (IPv4):"Enabled (1)" *RscIPv6:Recv Segment Coalescing (IPv6):"Enabled (1)" *RSS:Receive Side Scaling:"Enabled (1)" *RssBaseProcNumber:RSS Base Processor Number:"0 (0)" *RssMaxProcNumber:Maximum RSS Processor Number:"63 (63)" *RSSProfile:RSS Profile:"Closest Processor Static (2)" *TCPChecksumOffloadIPv4:TCP Checksum Offload (IPv4):"Rx & Tx Enabled (3)" *TCPChecksumOffloadIPv6:TCP Checksum Offload (IPv6):"Rx & Tx Enabled (3)" *UDPChecksumOffloadIPv4:UDP Checksum Offload (IPv4):"Rx & Tx Enabled (3)" *UDPChecksumOffloadIPv6:UDP Checksum Offload (IPv6):"Rx & Tx Enabled (3)" - "Intel(R) Wi-Fi 6 AX201 160MHz" Availability:"Running or Full Power" - "Caption":"Intel(R) Wi-Fi 6 AX201 160MHz" Link:"http://www.intel.com/content/www/us/en/search.html?keyword=Wi+Fi+6+AX201+160MHz" CoInstallers:"Not Available" Default IP Gateway:";fe80::125a:f7ff:fe65:f9f3" DHCP Enabled:"Yes" DHCP Lease Expires:"11.07.2023 04:14 PM" DHCP Lease Obtained:"11.06.2023 04:14 PM" DHCP Server:"" Driver:"Netwtw10.sys" Driver Date:"09.03.2023 12:00 AM" Driver Path:"C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\Netwtw10.sys" Driver Provider:"Intel" Driver Version:"" ETrackID:"Not Available" Index:"0001" INF:"oem239.inf" INF Section:"Install_GEN_QSR_HrP2_201_AX_2x2_WinT" Install Date:"Not Available" Installed:"Yes" IP Address:";fe80::cf78:f601:ed2d:bb59;2a02:121f:ba4:0:6d0e:4fb4:2935:3311;2a02:121f:ba4:0:a3a1:c78a:85c5:2ee4" IP Subnet:";64;128;64" Last Error Code:"Not Available" Last Error Code Description:"Not Available" Last Reset:"11.06.2023 04:02 PM" Location:"PCI bus 0, device 20, function 3" MAC Address:"34:7D:F6:9F:E5:A2" Manufacturer:"Intel Corporation" Net Connection ID:"Wi-Fi" NetCfgInstanceId:"{ABAD1730-2C4A-4187-9422-008388A628BE}" NVM Version:"Not Available" Part Number:"Not Available" PNP Device ID:"PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_06F0&SUBSYS_40708086&REV_00\3&11583659&0&A3" Port:"Not Available" Power Management (Low Power):"Not Available" Power Management (Wake On LAN):"Not Available" Power Management (Wake on Magic Packet):"Active: Yes, EnableWakeOnMagicPacketOnly: No" Power Management Capabilities:"Not Available" Power Management Supported:"No" Product Type:"Intel(R) Wi-Fi 6 AX201 160MHz" Service Name:"Netwtw10" Status:"Enabled" Type:"Ethernet 802.3" - "Service Bindings" Client pour les réseaux Microsoft: Partage de fichiers et imprimantes Réseaux Microsoft: Pilote de pont: Pilote de protocole LLDP Microsoft: Pilote E/S de mappage de découverte de topologie de la couche de liaison: Planificateur de paquets QoS: Protocole Internet version 4 (TCP/IPv4): Protocole Internet version 6 (TCP/IPv6): Répondeur de découverte de la topologie de la couche de liaison: - "Settings" *DeviceSleepOnDisconnect:Veille à la déconnexion WoWLAN:"Désactivé(e) (0)" *PacketCoalescing:Fusion des paquets:"Activé(e) (1)" *PMARPOffload:Délestage ARP pour WoWLAN:"Activé(e) (1)" *PMNSOffload:Délestage NS pour WoWLAN:"Activé(e) (1)" *PMWiFiRekeyOffload:Régénération des clés GTK pour WoWLAN:"Activé(e) (1)" *WakeOnMagicPacket:Wake on Magic Packet:"Activé(e) (1)" *WakeOnPattern:Correspondance au modèle WOL:"Activé(e) (1)" ChannelWidth24:Largeur de canal pour 2,4 GHz:"Auto (1)" ChannelWidth52:Largeur de canal pour 5 GHz:"Auto (1)" CtsToItself:Protection en mode mixte:"RTS/CTS activée (0)" FatChannelIntolerant:Incompatible avec canaux de 40 MHz:"Désactivé(e) (0)" IbssTxPower:Puissance de transmission:"5. Max. (100)" IEEE11nMode:Mode sans fil 802.11n/ac/ax:"4. 802.11ax (3)" MIMOPowerSaveMode:MIMO – Mode économie d'énergie:"SMPS auto (0)" RoamAggressiveness:Agressivité de l’itinérance:"3. Moyenne (2)" RoamingPreferredBandType:Bande privilégiée:"1. Aucune préférence (0)" ThroughputBoosterEnabled:Multiplicateur de débit:"Désactivé(e) (0)" uAPSDSupport:Assistance U-APSD:"Désactivé(e) (0)" WirelessMode:Mode sans fil 802.11a/b/g:"6. Dual Band 802.11a/b/g (34)" - "Realtek USB GbE Family Controller" Availability:"Running or Full Power" Caption:"Realtek USB GbE Family Controller" CoInstallers:"Not Available" Default IP Gateway:"Not Available" DHCP Enabled:"Yes" DHCP Lease Expires:"Not Available" DHCP Lease Obtained:"Not Available" DHCP Server:"Not Available" Driver:"rtump64x64.sys" Driver Date:"05.11.2022 12:00 AM" Driver Path:"C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\rtump64x64.sys" Driver Provider:"Realtek" Driver Version:"" Index:"0018" INF:"oem121.inf" INF Section:"RTL8153BCx64.ndi.NT" Install Date:"Not Available" Installed:"Yes" IP Address:"Not Available" IP Subnet:"Not Available" Last Error Code:"Not Available" Last Error Code Description:"Not Available" Last Reset:"11.06.2023 04:02 PM" Location:"Port_#0002.Hub_#0004" MAC Address:"C0:3E:BA:CB:DF:14" Manufacturer:"Realtek" Net Connection ID:"Ethernet" NetCfgInstanceId:"{B6EB9589-B114-4DE4-848B-B4687722F900}" PNP Device ID:"USB\VID_0BDA&PID_8153\001000001" Port:"Not Available" Power Management (Low Power):"Not Available" Power Management (Wake On LAN):"Not Available" Power Management (Wake on Magic Packet):"Active: Yes, EnableWakeOnMagicPacketOnly: No" Power Management Capabilities:"Not Available" Power Management Supported:"No" Product Type:"Realtek USB GbE Family Controller" Service Name:"rtump64x64" Status:"Enabled" Type:"Ethernet 802.3" - "Service Bindings" Client pour les réseaux Microsoft: Partage de fichiers et imprimantes Réseaux Microsoft: Pilote de pont: Pilote de protocole LLDP Microsoft: Pilote E/S de mappage de découverte de topologie de la couche de liaison: Planificateur de paquets QoS: Protocole Internet version 4 (TCP/IPv4): Protocole Internet version 6 (TCP/IPv6): Répondeur de découverte de la topologie de la couche de liaison: - "Settings" *EEE:Ethernet à économie d’énergie:"Désactivé (0)" *FlowControl:Contrôle de flux:"Rx & Tx activé (3)" *IPChecksumOffloadIPv4:IPv4 Somme de contrôle hors charge:"Rx & Tx activé (3)" *JumboPacket:Cadre jumbo:"Désactivé (1514)" *LsoV2IPv4:Grand envoi hors charge v2 (IPv4):"Activé (1)" *LsoV2IPv6:Grand envoi hors charge v2 (IPv6):"Activé (1)" *ModernStandbyWoLMagicPacket:Modern Standby WoL Magic Packet:"Désactivé (0)" *PMARPOffload:Décharge ARP:"Activé (1)" *PMNSOffload:Décharge NS:"Activé (1)" *PriorityVLANTag:Priorité & VLAN:"Priorité & VLAN activé (3)" *SelectiveSuspend:Selective suspend:"Désactivé (0)" *SpeedDuplex:Vitesse & Duplex:"Négociation auto (0)" *SSIdleTimeout:SS idle timeout:"5 (5)" *SSIdleTimeoutScreenOff:SS idle timeout(Screen off):"3 (3)" *TCPChecksumOffloadIPv4:TCP Somme de contrôle hors charge (IPv4):"Rx & Tx activé (3)" *TCPChecksumOffloadIPv6:TCP Somme de contrôle hors charge (IPv6):"Rx & Tx activé (3)" *UDPChecksumOffloadIPv4:UDP Somme de contrôle hors charge (IPv4):"Rx & Tx activé (3)" *UDPChecksumOffloadIPv6:UDP Somme de contrôle hors charge (IPv6):"Rx & Tx activé (3)" *WakeOnMagicPacket:Réveil sur Magic Packet:"Activé (1)" *WakeOnPattern:Avertir lors de correspondance de motif:"Activé (1)" AdvancedEEE:Advanced EEE:"Désactivé (0)" BatteryModeLinkSpeed:Battery Mode Link Speed:"Pas vitesse ralentie (0)" EnableAdaptiveLinkCap:Adaptive Link Speed:"Désactivé (0)" EnableExtraPowerSaving:Idle Power Saving:"Désactivé (0)" EnableExtraTransmissionParm:Miscellaneous Transfer Settings:"Désactivé (0)" EnableGreenEthernet:Ethernet vert:"Désactivé (0)" PendingReceives:Receive URBs:"8 (8)" PendingTransmits:Transmit URBs:"4 (4)" ReceiveBufferLen:Mémoires tampon de réception:"34 (34)" TransmitBufferLen:Mémoires tampon de transmission:"32 (32)" WakeOnLinkChange:Wake on link change:"Activé (1)" WolShutdownLinkSpeed:WoL / Arrêt vitesse réseau:"10 Mbps en premier (0)" - "Operating System" .Net Framework Version:"4.0,4.8" Boot Device:"\Device\HarddiskVolume1" Internet Browser:"Mozilla Firefox, ParseHub, Google Chrome,119.0, Internet Explorer,11.3570, Microsoft Edge,119.0" Locale:"France" OS Manufacturer:"Microsoft Corporation" OS Name:"Microsoft Windows 10 Professionnel pour les Stations de travail" Other OS Description:"Not Available" Page File:"C:\pagefile.sys" Page File Space:"11,50 GB" Physical Memory (Available):"13,61 GB" Physical Memory (Installed):"32 GB" Physical Memory (Total):"31,75 GB" System Directory:"C:\WINDOWS\system32" Version:"10.0.19045 Build 19045" Virtual Memory (Available):"21,24 GB" Virtual Memory (Total):"43,25 GB" Windows Directory:"C:\WINDOWS" - "Installed Updates" KB2151757:"Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 x86 Redistributable - 10.0.40219 [09.04.2022]" KB2151757:"Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 x64 Redistributable - 10.0.40219 [09.04.2022]" KB2467173:"Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 x64 Redistributable - 10.0.40219 [09.04.2022]" KB2467173:"Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 x86 Redistributable - 10.0.40219 [09.04.2022]" KB2468871:"Microsoft .NET Framework 4 Client Profile [Not Available]" KB2468871:"Microsoft .NET Framework 4 Extended [Not Available]" KB2468871v2:"Microsoft .NET Framework 4 Client Profile [Not Available]" KB2468871v2:"Microsoft .NET Framework 4 Extended [Not Available]" KB2478063:"Microsoft .NET Framework 4 Client Profile [Not Available]" KB2478063:"Microsoft .NET Framework 4 Extended [Not Available]" KB2533523:"Microsoft .NET Framework 4 Client Profile [Not Available]" KB2533523:"Microsoft .NET Framework 4 Extended [Not Available]" KB2544514:"Microsoft .NET Framework 4 Extended [Not Available]" KB2544514:"Microsoft .NET Framework 4 Client Profile [Not Available]" KB2600211:"Microsoft .NET Framework 4 Extended [Not Available]" KB2600211:"Microsoft .NET Framework 4 Client Profile [Not Available]" KB2600217:"Microsoft .NET Framework 4 Extended [Not Available]" KB2600217:"Microsoft .NET Framework 4 Client Profile [Not Available]" KB4562830:"Update [2/15/2021]" KB4577586:"Update [3/24/2021]" KB4580325:"Security Update [2/17/2021]" KB4589212:"Update [3/29/2021]" KB4598481:"Security Update [2/15/2021]" KB5003791:"Update [3/16/2022]" KB5005699:"Security Update [9/14/2021]" KB5006753:"Update [11/9/2021]" KB5007273:"Update [12/17/2021]" KB5011048:"Update [9/9/2023]" KB5011058:"Update [9/11/2023]" KB5011352:"Security Update [2/9/2022]" KB5011651:"Update [4/12/2022]" KB5012170:"Security Update [10/14/2022]" KB5014032:"Security Update [5/11/2022]" KB5014035:"Update [6/16/2022]" KB5014671:"Update [7/14/2022]" KB5015684:"Update [5/10/2023]" KB5015895:"Update [10/14/2022]" KB5016705:"Update [10/14/2022]" KB5018506:"Update [11/10/2022]" KB5020372:"Update [12/15/2022]" KB5022924:"Update [3/15/2023]" KB5023794:"Update [4/12/2023]" KB5025315:"Update [5/9/2023]" KB5026879:"Update [6/15/2023]" KB5028318:"Update [7/12/2023]" KB5028380:"Update [8/9/2023]" KB5028951:"Update [8/12/2023]" KB5029709:"Update [9/13/2023]" KB5031356:"Security Update [10/31/2023]" KB5031539:"Update [10/16/2023]" KB5031816:"Update [10/31/2023]" KB982573:"Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 x86 Redistributable - 10.0.40219 [09.04.2022]" KB982573:"Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 x64 Redistributable - 10.0.40219 [09.04.2022]" SP1:"Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 x64 Redistributable - 10.0.40219 [Not Available]" SP1:"Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 x86 Redistributable - 10.0.40219 [Not Available]" - "Processor" - "Intel(R) Xeon(R) W-10855M CPU @ 2.80GHz" Architecture:"x64" ATPO:"Not Available" Availability:"Running or Full Power" Caption:"Intel64 Family 6 Model 165 Stepping 2" - "Chipset Name":"Intel(R) Xeon(R) W-10855M CPU @ 2.80GHz" Link:"http://www.intel.com/content/www/us/en/search.html?keyword=Xeon+W+10855M+CPU+" CPU Speed:"2,808 GHz" Current Voltage:"8. volts" Driver:"Not Available" Driver Date:"04.21.2009 12:00 AM" Driver Path:"C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\intelppm.sys" Driver Provider:"Microsoft" Driver Version:"10.0.19041.3570" Ext. Family:"Not Available" Family:"Intel Xeon™" FPO:"Not Available" INF:"cpu.inf" INF Section:"IntelPPM_Inst.NT" Install Date:"Not Available" Last Error Code:"Not Available" Level 1 Cache:"6 x 384 KB" Level 2 Cache:"6 x 1536 KB" Level 3 Cache:"12 MB" Load:"8%" Manufacturer:"GenuineIntel" Model:"165" Name:"Intel(R) Xeon(R) W-10855M CPU @ 2.80GHz" Number of Cores:"6" Number of Cores Enabled:"6" Number of Logical Processors:"12" Part Number:"Not Available" Power Management Capabilities:"Not Available" Power Management Supported:"No" Processor ID:"BFEBFBFF000A0652" Revision:"Not Available" Serial Number:"Not Available" Service Name:"intelppm" Status:"OK" Stepping:"2" Version:"Not Available" - "Storage" - "Intel Raid 1 Volume" Capablities:"Random Access, Supports Writing, SMART Notification" - "Caption":"Intel Raid 1 Volume" Link:"http://www.intel.com/content/www/us/en/search.html?keyword=Intel+Raid+1+Volume" Cylinder - Total:"124519" Description:"Lecteur de disque" Driver:"Not Available" Driver Date:"06.21.2006 12:00 AM" Driver Version:"10.0.19041.3570" Error Code:"Device is working properly" - "Firmware Revision":"1.0.00" Link:"http://www.intel.com/content/www/us/en/support/solid-state-drives/000017245.html?wapkw=ssd+firmware" Heads - Total:"255" Index:"0" INF:"disk.inf" Install Date:"Not Available" Interface Type:"SCSI" Manufacturer:"(Lecteurs de disque standard)" Model:"Intel Raid 1 Volume" Name:"\\.\PHYSICALDRIVE0" Partitions:"5" Physical Sector Size:"512" PNP Device ID:"SCSI\DISK&VEN_INTEL&PROD_RAID_1_VOLUME\4&105715A9&0&060800" Policies:"Read Retention Priority=EqualPriority, Write Retention Priority=EqualPriority, Scalar Prefetch=Not Available, Block Prefetch=Not Available" SCSI Bus:"6" SCSI LUN:"0" SCSI Port:"0" Sectors - Per Track:"63" Sectors - Total:"2000397735" Serial Number:"ARRAY0" Size:"953,86 GB" Size – Available:"382,07 GB" Status:"OK" Tracks - Per Cylinder:"255" Tracks - Total:"31752345" - "C:" Availability:"Not Available" Caption:"C:" Compression Method:"Not Compressed" Description:"Disque monté local" File System:"NTFS" Name:"OS" Serial Number:"16E2B95B" Size:"341,796871185303 GB" Size – Available:"63,3920440673828 GB" Status:"Not Available" Volume Dirty:"No" - "D:" Availability:"Not Available" Caption:"D:" Compression Method:"Not Compressed" Description:"Disque monté local" File System:"NTFS" Name:"Données" Serial Number:"2C1F0A00" Size:"565,072261810303 GB" Size – Available:"318,688869476318 GB" Status:"Not Available" Volume Dirty:"No" ...#SSU#...