Number of equations to solve (problem size): 10000 Leading dimension of array: 10000 Number of trials to run: 2 Data alignment value (in Kbytes): 16 Current date/time: Mon Jul 13 10:31:52 2015 CPU frequency: 3.297 GHz Number of CPUs: 2 Number of cores: 20 Number of threads: 20 Parameters are set to: Number of tests: 1 Number of equations to solve (problem size) : 10000 Leading dimension of array : 10000 Number of trials to run : 2 Data alignment value (in Kbytes) : 16 Maximum memory requested that can be used=800216384, at the size=10000 =================== Timing linear equation system solver =================== Size LDA Align. Time(s) GFlops Residual Residual(norm) Check 10000 10000 16 293.671 2.2708 6.188183e-011 2.182016e-002 pass 10000 10000 16 324.170 2.0572 6.188183e-011 2.182016e-002 pass Performance Summary (GFlops) Size LDA Align. Average Maximal 10000 10000 16 2.1640 2.2708 Residual checks PASSED End of tests