# SSU Scan Information Scan Info: Version:"" Date:"02/23/2020" Time:"00:01:11.9760000" # Scanned Hardware Computer: BaseBoard Manufacturer:"Positivo Informatica SA" BIOS Mode:"Legacy" BIOS Version/Date:"Not Available" CD or DVD:"SAMSUNG File-Stor Gadget USB Device" CD or DVD:"ELBY CLONEDRIVE SCSI CdRom Device" Embedded Controller Version:"Not Available" Platform Role:"Mobile" Processor:"Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-7200U CPU @ 2.50GHz , GenuineIntel" Secure Boot State:"Not Available" SMBIOS Version:"3.0" Sound Card:"Dispositivo de High Definition Audio" Sound Card:"Dispositivo de High Definition Audio" System Manufacturer:"Not Available" System Model:"VJF155F11X-B0211B" System SKU:"Not Available" System Type:"X86-based PC" - "Display" Intel ® Graphics Driver Version:"Not Available" - "Standard VGA Graphics Adapter" Adapter Compatibility:"(Tipos padrão de vídeo)" Adapter DAC Type:"Not Available" Adapter RAM:"Not Available" Availability:"Offline" Bits Per Pixel:"Not Available" Caption:"Standard VGA Graphics Adapter" CoInstallers:"display.inf,vga,Not Available,Not Available" Color Table Entries:"Not Available" Dedicated Video Memory:"Not Available" Driver:"vgapnp.sys" Driver Date:"06/20/2006 09:00" Driver Path:"C:\Windows\system32\DRIVERS\vgapnp.sys" Driver Provider:"Microsoft" Driver Version:"6.1.7600.16385" INF:"display.inf" INF Section:"vga" Install Date:"Not Available" Installed Drivers:"Not Available" Last Error Code:"Not Available" Last Error Code Description:"Not Available" Last Reset:"Not Available" Location:"PCI bus 0, device 2, function 0" Manufacturer:"(Tipos padrão de vídeo)" Microsoft DirectX* Version:"11.X" Monochrome:"No" Number of Colors:"Not Available" Number of Video Pages:"Not Available" PNP Device ID:"PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_5916&SUBSYS_24251558&REV_02\3&11583659&2&10" Power Management Capabilities:"Not Available" Power Management Supported:"Not Available" Refresh Rate - Current:"Not Available" Refresh Rate - Maximum:"Not Available" Refresh Rate - Minimum:"Not Available" Resolution:"Not Available" Scan Mode:"Not Available" Service Name:"vga" Status:"OK" Video Architecture:"VGA" Video Memory:"Unknown" Video Processor:"Not Available" - "Memory" Physical Memory (Available):"0,52 GB" Physical Memory (Installed):"8 GB" Physical Memory (Total):"2,16 GB" - "BANK 0" Capacity:"8 GB" Channel:"ChannelA-DIMM0" Data Width:"64 bits" Form Factor:"SODIMM" Interleave Position:"Noninterleaved" Manufacturer:"08B6" Memory Type:"Unknown" Part Number:"MS301GNSA-CA3G1" Serial Number:"23394701" Status:"Not Available" Type:"Synchronous" - "Motherboard" Availability:"Running or Full Power" BIOS:"BIOS Date: 06/13/18 16:20:12 Ver: 05.0000C, POSITI - 1072009" Caption:"Motherboard" - "Chipset":"Intel(R)" Link:"http://www.intel.com/content/www/us/en/search.html?keyword=" Date:"06/12/2018 09:00" Install Date:"Not Available" Last Error Code:"Not Available" Last Error Code Description:"Not Available" Manufacturer:"Positivo Informatica SA" Model:"Not Available" Part Number:"Not Available" PNP Device ID:"Not Available" Power Management Capabilities:"Not Available" Power Management Supported:"Not Available" Product:"N250JU" Serial Number:"89176980S" Status:"OK" Version:"Not Available" - "Networking" Intel ® Network Connections Install Options:"Not Available" Intel ® Network Connections Version:"Not Available" Intel ® PROSet/Wireless Software Version:"Not Available" - "Dispositivo Bluetooth (Rede Pessoal) #2" Availability:"Running or Full Power" Caption:"Dispositivo Bluetooth (Rede Pessoal) #2" CoInstallers:"Not Available" Default IP Gateway:"Not Available" DHCP Enabled:"Yes" DHCP Lease Expires:"Not Available" DHCP Lease Obtained:"Not Available" DHCP Server:"Not Available" Driver:"bthpan.sys" Driver Date:"06/21/2006 12:00" Driver Path:"C:\Windows\system32\DRIVERS\bthpan.sys" Driver Provider:"Microsoft" Driver Version:"6.1.7601.23863" Index:"0017" INF:"bthpan.inf" INF Section:"BthPan.Install" Install Date:"Not Available" Installed:"Yes" IP Address:"Not Available" IP Subnet:"Not Available" Last Error Code:"Not Available" Last Error Code Description:"Not Available" Last Reset:"02/23/2020 04:26" Location:"Not Available" MAC Address:"64:32:A8:52:46:07" Manufacturer:"Microsoft" Media Type: Net Connection ID:"Conexão de Rede Bluetooth 2" NetCfgInstanceId:"{0A3831B1-C8CD-4788-ABB0-4A23692197A2}" Number of VLANs:"0" PNP Device ID:"BTH\MS_BTHPAN\6&10F14514&0&2" Port:"Not Available" Power Management (Low Power):"Not Available" Power Management (Wake On LAN):"Not Available" Power Management (Wake on Magic Packet):"Not Available" Power Management Capabilities:"Not Available" Power Management Supported:"No" Product Type:"Dispositivo Bluetooth (Rede Pessoal)" Service Name:"BthPan" Status:"Enabled" Team Name:"Not in a team" Temperature: Type:"Ethernet 802.3" - "Intel(R) Dual Band Wireless-AC 3165" Access Point:"18:90:d8:37:dd:ed" Authentication: Availability:"Running or Full Power" - "Caption":"Intel(R) Dual Band Wireless-AC 3165" Link:"http://www.intel.com/content/www/us/en/search.html?keyword=Dual+Band+Wireless+AC+3165" Channel: Cipher: CoInstallers:"Not Available" Connection Mode: Default IP Gateway:";fe80::1a90:d8ff:fe37:ddec" DHCP Enabled:"Yes" DHCP Lease Expires:"02/23/2020 05:39" DHCP Lease Obtained:"02/23/2020 04:39" DHCP Server:"" Driver:"Netwsn04.sys" Driver Date:"07/11/2019 12:00" Driver Path:"C:\Windows\system32\DRIVERS\Netwsn04.sys" Driver Provider:"Intel" Driver Version:"" Index:"0013" INF:"oem142.inf" INF Section:"Install_MPCIEX_GENM2_3165_AC_HMC_WIN7_AC" Install Date:"Not Available" Installed:"Yes" IP Address:";fe80::a98b:779d:1b6c:b9a0;2804:d41:1d1b:b900:e056:57e:2962:52bc;2804:d41:1d1b:b900:a98b:779d:1b6c:b9a0" IP Subnet:";64;128;64" Last Error Code:"Not Available" Last Error Code Description:"Not Available" Last Reset:"02/23/2020 04:26" Location:"PCI bus 2, device 0, function 0" MAC Address:"64:32:A8:52:46:03" Manufacturer:"Intel Corporation" Media Type: Net Connection ID:"Conexão de Rede sem Fio" NetCfgInstanceId:"{E4EADA52-A25F-4EEA-9CC6-0A9DF5B2D6B8}" Network Name:"PAULA" Network Type: Number of VLANs:"0" PNP Device ID:"PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_3165&SUBSYS_40108086&REV_81\4&356B0DFD&0&00E1" Port:"Not Available" Power Management (Low Power):"Not Available" Power Management (Wake On LAN):"Not Available" Power Management (Wake on Magic Packet):"Not Available" Power Management Capabilities:"Not Available" Power Management Supported:"No" Product Type:"Intel(R) Dual Band Wireless-AC 3165" Profile: Radio Type: Receive Rate: Service Name:"NETwNs32" Signal Strength: State: Status:"Enabled" Team Name:"Not in a team" Temperature: Transmit Rate: Type:"Ethernet 802.3" - "Settings" *DeviceSleepOnDisconnect:Suspender desconexão de WoWLAN:"Desabilitado (0)" *PMARPOffload:Descarregamento ARP para WoWLAN:"Habilitado (1)" *PMNSOffload:Descarregamento NS para WoWLAN:"Habilitado (1)" *PMWiFiRekeyOffload:Nova geração de chaves GTK para WoWLAN:"Habilitado (1)" *WakeOnMagicPacket:Pacote Mágico do Wake on:"Habilitado (1)" *WakeOnPattern:Correspondência de padrão do Wake on:"Habilitado (1)" ChannelWidth24:Largura do canal para 2,4 GHz:"Auto (1)" ChannelWidth52:Largura do canal para 5 GHz:"Auto (1)" CtsToItself:Proteção de modo misto:"RTS/CTS ativado (0)" FatChannelIntolerant:Sem tolerância a canal FAT:"Desabilitado (0)" IbssTxPower:Potência de transmissão:"5. Mais alto (100)" IEEE11nMode:Modo sem fio 802.11n/ac:"802.11ac (2)" MIMOPowerSaveMode:MIMO - Modo de Economia de Energia:"SMPS automático (0)" RecommendedChannel24:Canal ad-hoc 802.11b/g:"1 (1)" RoamAggressiveness:Agressividade de roaming:"3. Média (2)" RoamingPreferredBandType:Banda preferencial:"1. Sem preferência (0)" ThroughputBoosterEnabled:Impulsionador do throughput:"Desabilitado (0)" uAPSDSupport:Suporte para U-APSD:"Desabilitado (0)" WirelessMode:802.11a/b/g Modo wireless:"6. Banda Dupla 802.11a/b/g (34)" - "Realtek PCIe GBE Family Controller" Availability:"Running or Full Power" Caption:"Realtek PCIe GBE Family Controller" CoInstallers:"RTNUninst32.dll,RTNUninst" Default IP Gateway:"Not Available" DHCP Enabled:"Yes" DHCP Lease Expires:"Not Available" DHCP Lease Obtained:"Not Available" DHCP Server:"Not Available" Driver:"Rt86win7.sys" Driver Date:"06/27/2017 12:00" Driver Path:"C:\Windows\system32\DRIVERS\Rt86win7.sys" Driver Provider:"Realtek" Driver Version:"7.110.627.2017" Index:"0012" INF:"oem127.inf" INF Section:"RTL8411BWakeOnLinkUp.ndi" Install Date:"Not Available" Installed:"Yes" IP Address:"Not Available" IP Subnet:"Not Available" Last Error Code:"Not Available" Last Error Code Description:"Not Available" Last Reset:"02/23/2020 04:26" Location:"PCI bus 1, device 0, function 1" MAC Address:"80:FA:5B:A4:71:58" Manufacturer:"Realtek" Media Type: Net Connection ID:"Conexão local" NetCfgInstanceId:"{B21B10E4-7FD9-450E-8105-6A7AB062FB03}" Number of VLANs:"0" PNP Device ID:"PCI\VEN_10EC&DEV_8168&SUBSYS_24251558&REV_12\4&1B9F047D&0&01E0" Port:"Not Available" Power Management (Low Power):"Not Available" Power Management (Wake On LAN):"Not Available" Power Management (Wake on Magic Packet):"Not Available" Power Management Capabilities:"Not Available" Power Management Supported:"No" Product Type:"Realtek PCIe GBE Family Controller" Service Name:"RTL8167" Status:"Enabled" Team Name:"Not in a team" Temperature: Type:"Ethernet 802.3" - "Settings" *FlowControl:Controlo de Fluxo:"Rx & Tx Activados (3)" *InterruptModeration:Moderação de Interrupção:"Activado (1)" *IPChecksumOffloadIPv4:IPv4 Descarga de Checksum:"Rx & Tx Activados (3)" *JumboPacket:Jumbo Frame:"Desactivado (1514)" *LsoV2IPv4:Descarga Large Send v2 (IPv4):"Activado (1)" *LsoV2IPv6:Descarga Large Send v2 (IPv6):"Activado (1)" *PMARPOffload:Transferência ARP:"Activado (1)" *PMNSOffload:Transferência NS:"Activado (1)" *PriorityVLANTag:Prioridade & VLAN:"Prioridade & VLAN Activados (3)" *ReceiveBuffers:Receber Memórias Intermédias:"512 (512)" *RSS:Receber Side Scaling:"Activado (1)" *SpeedDuplex:Velocidade & Duplex:"Auto Negociação (0)" *TCPChecksumOffloadIPv4:TCP Descarga de Checksum (IPv4):"Rx & Tx Activados (3)" *TCPChecksumOffloadIPv6:TCP Descarga de Checksum (IPv6):"Rx & Tx Activados (3)" *TransmitBuffers:Transmitir Memórias Intermédias:"128 (128)" *UDPChecksumOffloadIPv4:UDP Descarga de Checksum (IPv4):"Rx & Tx Activados (3)" *UDPChecksumOffloadIPv6:UDP Descarga de Checksum (IPv6):"Rx & Tx Activados (3)" *WakeOnMagicPacket:Pacote Wake on Magic:"Activado (1)" *WakeOnPattern:Combinação do padrão Wake on:"Activado (1)" AdvancedEEE:Advanced EEE:"Activado (1)" AutoDisableGigabit:Auto Desactivar Gigabit:"Desactivado (0)" EEE:Energia Eficiente Ethernet:"Activado (1)" EnableGreenEthernet:Ethernet Verde:"Activado (1)" S5WakeOnLan:Desligar Despertar Aquando de Lan:"Activado (1)" WakeOnLinkUp:Ligação de Wake On:"Activado (1)" WolShutdownLinkSpeed:WOL & Desligar Velocidade Ligação:"10 Mbps Primeiro (0)" - "Operating System" .Net Framework Version:"1.1,2.0,3.0,3.5,4.0,4.8" Boot Device:"\Device\HarddiskVolume3" Locale:"Brasil" OS Manufacturer:"Microsoft Corporation" OS Name:"Microsoft Windows 7 Ultimate" Other OS Description:"Not Available" Page File:"C:\pagefile.sys" Page File Space:"2,16 GB" Physical Memory (Available):"0,39 GB" Physical Memory (Installed):"8 GB" Physical Memory (Total):"2,16 GB" System Directory:"C:\Windows\system32" Version:"6.1.7601 Build 7601" Virtual Memory (Available):"2,41 GB" Virtual Memory (Total):"4,32 GB" Windows Directory:"C:\Windows" - "Installed Updates" 1.1:".NETFramework [Not Available]" KB2468871:"Microsoft .NET Framework 4 Client Profile [Not Available]" KB2468871:"Microsoft .NET Framework 4 Extended [Not Available]" KB2468871v2:"Microsoft .NET Framework 4 Extended [Not Available]" KB2468871v2:"Microsoft .NET Framework 4 Client Profile [Not Available]" KB2478063:"Microsoft .NET Framework 4 Client Profile [Not Available]" KB2478063:"Microsoft .NET Framework 4 Extended [Not Available]" KB2479943:"Security Update [2/21/2020]" KB2491683:"Security Update [2/21/2020]" KB2506212:"Security Update [2/21/2020]" KB2506928:"Update [2/21/2020]" KB2533523:"Microsoft .NET Framework 4 Client Profile [Not Available]" KB2533523:"Microsoft .NET Framework 4 Extended [Not Available]" KB2533552:"Update [2/21/2020]" KB2534111:"Hotfix [2/21/2020]" KB2544514:"Microsoft .NET Framework 4 Client Profile [Not Available]" KB2544514:"Microsoft .NET Framework 4 Extended [Not Available]" KB2545698:"Update [2/21/2020]" KB2547666:"Update [2/21/2020]" KB2552343:"Update [2/21/2020]" KB2560656:"Security Update [2/21/2020]" KB2564958:"Security Update [2/21/2020]" KB2574819:"Update [2/21/2020]" KB2579686:"Security Update [2/21/2020]" KB2592687:"Update [2/21/2020]" KB2600211:"Microsoft .NET Framework 4 Client Profile [Not Available]" KB2600211:"Microsoft .NET Framework 4 Extended [Not Available]" KB2600217:"Microsoft .NET Framework 4 Extended [Not Available]" KB2600217:"Microsoft .NET Framework 4 Client Profile [Not Available]" KB2604115:"Security Update [2/21/2020]" KB2620704:"Security Update [2/21/2020]" KB2621440:"Security Update [2/21/2020]" KB2631813:"Security Update [2/21/2020]" KB2640148:"Update [2/21/2020]" KB2654428:"Security Update [2/21/2020]" KB2660075:"Update [2/21/2020]" KB2667402:"Security Update [2/21/2020]" KB2670838:"Update [2/21/2020]" KB2685811:"Update [2/21/2020]" KB2685813:"Update [2/21/2020]" KB2690533:"Security Update [2/21/2020]" KB2698365:"Security Update [2/21/2020]" KB2705219:"Security Update [2/21/2020]" KB2716513:"Security Update [2/21/2020]" KB2719033:"Security Update [2/21/2020]" KB2719857:"Update [2/21/2020]" KB2726535:"Update [2/21/2020]" KB2727528:"Security Update [2/21/2020]" KB2729094:"Update [2/21/2020]" KB2729460:"Microsoft .NET Framework 4.5 [Not Available]" KB2732059:"Update [2/21/2020]" KB2736422:"Security Update [2/21/2020]" KB2737083:"Microsoft .NET Framework 4.5 [Not Available]" KB2742599:"Security Update [2/21/2020]" KB2742613:"Microsoft .NET Framework 4.5 [Not Available]" KB2745582:"Microsoft .NET Framework 4.5 [Not Available]" KB2748645:"Microsoft .NET Framework 4.5 [Not Available]" KB2750147:"Microsoft .NET Framework 4.5 [Not Available]" KB2750841:"Update [2/21/2020]" KB2756203:"Microsoft .NET Framework 4.5 [Not Available]" KB2759112:"Microsoft .NET Framework 4.5 [Not Available]" KB2761217:"Update [2/21/2020]" KB2770660:"Security Update [2/21/2020]" KB2773072:"Update [2/21/2020]" KB2783808:"Microsoft .NET Framework 4.5 [Not Available]" KB2786081:"Update [2/21/2020]" KB2789648:"Microsoft .NET Framework 4.5 [Not Available]" KB2794055:"Microsoft .NET Framework 4.5 [Not Available]" KB2799926:"Update [2/21/2020]" KB2800095:"Update [2/21/2020]" KB2803754:"Microsoft .NET Framework 4.5 [Not Available]" KB2804582:"Microsoft .NET Framework 4.5 [Not Available]" KB2805221:"Microsoft .NET Framework 4.5 [Not Available]" KB2805226:"Microsoft .NET Framework 4.5 [Not Available]" KB2805290:"Microsoft .NET Framework 4.5 [Not Available]" KB2807986:"Security Update [2/21/2020]" KB2808679:"Update [2/21/2020]" KB2813430:"Security Update [2/21/2020]" KB2818604:"Update [2/21/2020]" KB2820331:"Update [2/21/2020]" KB2822218:"Microsoft .NET Framework 4.5 [Not Available]" KB2823493:"Microsoft .NET Framework 4.5 [Not Available]" KB2828841:"Microsoft .NET Framework 4.5 [Not Available]" KB2830477:"Update [2/21/2020]" KB2834140:"Update [2/21/2020]" KB2835622:"Microsoft .NET Framework 4.5 [Not Available]" KB2840631:"Security Update [2/21/2020]" KB2841134:"Update [2/21/2020]" KB2841134:"Update [2/21/2020]" KB2841134:"Update [2/21/2020]" KB2841134:"Update [2/21/2020]" KB2841134:"Update [2/21/2020]" KB2841134:"Update [2/21/2020]" KB2841134:"Update [2/21/2020]" KB2841134:"Update [2/21/2020]" KB2841134:"Update [2/21/2020]" KB2843630:"Update [2/21/2020]" KB2847927:"Security Update [2/21/2020]" KB2849696:"Update [2/21/2020]" KB2849696:"Update [2/21/2020]" KB2849696:"Update [2/21/2020]" KB2849696:"Update [2/21/2020]" KB2849696:"Update [2/21/2020]" KB2849696:"Update [2/21/2020]" KB2849696:"Update [2/21/2020]" KB2849696:"Update [2/21/2020]" KB2849696:"Update [2/21/2020]" KB2849697:"Update [2/21/2020]" KB2849697:"Update [2/21/2020]" KB2849697:"Update [2/21/2020]" KB2849697:"Update [2/21/2020]" KB2849697:"Update [2/21/2020]" KB2849697:"Update [2/21/2020]" KB2849697:"Update [2/21/2020]" KB2849697:"Update [2/21/2020]" KB2852386:"Update [2/21/2020]" KB2853952:"Update [2/21/2020]" KB2857650:"Update [2/21/2020]" KB2858725:"Microsoft .NET Framework 4.5 [Not Available]" KB2861193:"Microsoft .NET Framework 4.5 [Not Available]" KB2861208:"Microsoft .NET Framework 4.5 [Not Available]" KB2861698:"Security Update [2/21/2020]" KB2862063:"Microsoft .NET Framework 4.5 [Not Available]" KB2862152:"Security Update [2/21/2020]" KB2862330:"Security Update [2/21/2020]" KB2862335:"Security Update [2/21/2020]" KB2864202:"Security Update [2/21/2020]" KB2868038:"Security Update [2/21/2020]" KB2871997:"Security Update [2/21/2020]" KB2872778:"Microsoft .NET Framework 4.5 [Not Available]" KB2882822:"Update [2/21/2020]" KB2884256:"Security Update [2/21/2020]" KB2885201:"Microsoft .NET Framework 4.5 [Not Available]" KB2889889:"Microsoft .NET Framework 4.5 [Not Available]" KB2891804:"Update [2/21/2020]" KB2893294:"Security Update [2/21/2020]" KB2893519:"Update [2/21/2020]" KB2894844:"Security Update [2/21/2020]" KB2894849:"Microsoft .NET Framework 4.5 [Not Available]" KB2894854:"Microsoft .NET Framework 4.5 [Not Available]" KB2898864:"Microsoft .NET Framework 4.5 [Not Available]" KB2898869:"Microsoft .NET Framework 4.5 [Not Available]" KB2900986:"Security Update [2/21/2020]" KB2901118:"Microsoft .NET Framework 4.5 [Not Available]" KB2901126:"Microsoft .NET Framework 4.5 [Not Available]" KB2901983:"Microsoft .NET Framework 4.5 [Not Available]" KB2908383:"Microsoft .NET Framework 4.5 [Not Available]" KB2908783:"Update [2/21/2020]" KB2911501:"Security Update [2/21/2020]" KB2912390:"Security Update [2/21/2020]" KB2918077:"Update [2/21/2020]" KB2919469:"Update [2/21/2020]" KB2923545:"Update [2/21/2020]" KB2925382:"Microsoft .NET Framework 4.5 [Not Available]" KB2931356:"Security Update [2/21/2020]" KB2931368:"Microsoft .NET Framework 4.5 [Not Available]" KB2936388:"Microsoft .NET Framework 4.5 [Not Available]" KB2937610:"Security Update [2/21/2020]" KB2937676:"Microsoft .NET Framework 4.5 [Not Available]" KB2938782:"Microsoft .NET Framework 4.5 [Not Available]" KB2943357:"Security Update [2/21/2020]" KB2954853:"Microsoft .NET Framework 4.5 [Not Available]" KB2968294:"Security Update [2/21/2020]" KB2969355:"Microsoft .NET Framework 4.5 [Not Available]" KB2970228:"Update [2/21/2020]" KB2972100:"Security Update [2/21/2020]" KB2972211:"Security Update [2/21/2020]" KB2973201:"Security Update [2/21/2020]" KB2977292:"Security Update [2/21/2020]" KB2978120:"Security Update [2/21/2020]" KB2978742:"Security Update [2/21/2020]" KB2984972:"Security Update [2/21/2020]" KB2985461:"Update [2/21/2020]" KB2991963:"Security Update [2/21/2020]" KB2992611:"Security Update [2/21/2020]" KB3000483:"Security Update [2/21/2020]" KB3004375:"Security Update [2/21/2020]" KB3006121:"Update [2/21/2020]" KB3006137:"Hotfix [2/21/2020]" KB3006566:"Microsoft .NET Framework 4.5 [Not Available]" KB3010788:"Security Update [2/21/2020]" KB3011780:"Security Update [2/21/2020]" KB3013531:"Update [2/21/2020]" KB3020370:"Update [2/21/2020]" KB3020388:"Security Update [2/21/2020]" KB3020393:"Security Update [2/21/2020]" KB3021674:"Security Update [2/21/2020]" KB3021917:"Update [2/23/2020]" KB3022777:"Security Update [2/21/2020]" KB3023215:"Security Update [2/21/2020]" KB3030377:"Security Update [2/21/2020]" KB3033093:"Microsoft .NET Framework 4.5 [Not Available]" KB3035126:"Security Update [2/21/2020]" KB3037574:"Security Update [2/21/2020]" KB3042058:"Security Update [2/21/2020]" KB3045561:"Microsoft .NET Framework 4.5 [Not Available]" KB3045685:"Security Update [2/21/2020]" KB3046017:"Security Update [2/21/2020]" KB3046269:"Security Update [2/21/2020]" KB3054476:"Update [2/21/2020]" KB3055642:"Security Update [2/21/2020]" KB3059317:"Security Update [2/21/2020]" KB3060716:"Security Update [2/21/2020]" KB3061518:"Security Update [2/21/2020]" KB3064209:"Update [2/21/2020]" KB3067903:"Security Update [2/21/2020]" KB3068708:"Update [2/23/2020]" KB3071756:"Security Update [2/21/2020]" KB3072305:"Security Update [2/21/2020]" KB3072311:"Microsoft .NET Framework 4.5 [Not Available]" KB3074233:"Microsoft .NET Framework 4.5 [Not Available]" KB3074543:"Security Update [2/21/2020]" KB3074554:"Microsoft .NET Framework 4.5 [Not Available]" KB3075226:"Security Update [2/21/2020]" KB3076093:"Microsoft .NET Framework 4.5 [Not Available]" KB3078667:"Update [2/21/2020]" KB3080149:"Update [2/23/2020]" KB3083186:"Microsoft .NET Framework 4.5 [Not Available]" KB3086153:"Microsoft .NET Framework 4.5 [Not Available]" KB3086255:"Security Update [2/21/2020]" KB3088517:"Microsoft .NET Framework 4.5 [Not Available]" KB3088957:"Microsoft .NET Framework 4.5 [Not Available]" KB3093513:"Security Update [2/21/2020]" KB3095098:"Microsoft .NET Framework 4.5 [Not Available]" KB3095338:"Microsoft .NET Framework 4.5 [Not Available]" KB3097989:"Security Update [2/21/2020]" KB3098001:"Microsoft .NET Framework 4.5 [Not Available]" KB3098786:"Microsoft .NET Framework 4.5 [Not Available]" KB3099851:"Microsoft .NET Framework 4.5 [Not Available]" KB3099874:"Microsoft .NET Framework 4.5 [Not Available]" KB3102429:"Update [2/21/2020]" KB3102433:"Microsoft .NET Framework 4.5 [Not Available]" KB3107998:"Update [2/21/2020]" KB3108371:"Security Update [2/21/2020]" KB3108664:"Security Update [2/21/2020]" KB3109103:"Security Update [2/21/2020]" KB3109560:"Security Update [2/21/2020]" KB3110329:"Security Update [2/21/2020]" KB3120241:"Microsoft .NET Framework 4.5 [Not Available]" KB3120734:"Microsoft .NET Framework 4.5 [Not Available]" KB3122661:"Microsoft .NET Framework 4.5 [Not Available]" KB3126587:"Security Update [2/21/2020]" KB3127220:"Security Update [2/21/2020]" KB3127233:"Microsoft .NET Framework 4.5 [Not Available]" KB3133977:"Update [2/23/2020]" KB3136000:"Microsoft .NET Framework 4.5 [Not Available]" KB3137061:"Update [2/21/2020]" KB3138378:"Update [2/21/2020]" KB3138612:"Update [2/21/2020]" KB3138910:"Security Update [2/21/2020]" KB3139398:"Security Update [2/21/2020]" KB3139914:"Security Update [2/21/2020]" KB3140245:"Update [2/21/2020]" KB3142037:"Microsoft .NET Framework 4.5 [Not Available]" KB3143693:"Microsoft .NET Framework 4.5 [Not Available]" KB3147071:"Update [2/21/2020]" KB3150220:"Security Update [2/21/2020]" KB3150513:"Update [2/23/2020]" KB3151798:"Microsoft .NET Framework 4.5 [Not Available]" KB3156016:"Security Update [2/21/2020]" KB3159398:"Security Update [2/21/2020]" KB3161102:"Update [2/21/2020]" KB3161949:"Security Update [2/21/2020]" KB3164025:"Microsoft .NET Framework 4.5 [Not Available]" KB3172605:"Update [2/23/2020]" KB3179573:"Update [2/21/2020]" KB3183734:"Microsoft .NET Framework 4.5 [Not Available]" KB3184143:"Update [2/21/2020]" KB3186495:"Microsoft .NET Framework 4.5 [Not Available]" KB4019990:"Update [2/21/2020]" KB4020210:"Microsoft .NET Framework 4.5 [Not Available]" KB4033341:"Microsoft .NET Framework 4.5 [Not Available]" KB4038114:"Microsoft .NET Framework 4.5 [Not Available]" KB4054541:"Microsoft .NET Framework 4.5 [Not Available]" KB4054998:"Update [2/21/2020]" KB4087412:"Microsoft .NET Framework 4.5 [Not Available]" KB4474419:"Security Update [2/23/2020]" KB4486080:"Microsoft .NET Framework 4.5 [Not Available]" KB4490628:"Update [2/21/2020]" KB4493132:"Update [2/23/2020]" KB4503575:"Microsoft .NET Framework 4.8 []" KB4507004:"Update [2/21/2020]" KB4516065:"Security Update [2/23/2020]" KB4532941:"Microsoft .NET Framework 4.8 [23/02/2020]" KB4532945:"Update [2/23/2020]" KB917607:"Update [2/21/2020]" KB976902:"Update [11/20/2010]" KB982018:"Update [2/21/2020]" - "Processor" - "Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-7200U CPU @ 2.50GHz" Architecture:"x64" Availability:"Running or Full Power" Caption:"x64 Family 6 Model 142 Stepping 9" - "Chipset Name":"Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-7200U CPU @ 2.50GHz" Link:"http://www.intel.com/content/www/us/en/search.html?keyword=Core+i5+7200U+CPU+" CPU Speed:"2,496 GHz" Current Voltage:"1.6 volts" Driver:"Not Available" Driver Date:"06/21/2006 12:00" Driver Path:"C:\Windows\system32\drivers\intelppm.sys" Driver Provider:"Microsoft" Driver Version:"6.1.7601.24520" Ext. Family:"Not Available" Family:"Not Available" INF:"cpu.inf" INF Section:"IntelPPM_Inst" Install Date:"Not Available" Last Error Code:"Not Available" Level 1 Cache:"2 x 128 KB" Level 2 Cache:"2 x 512 KB" Level 3 Cache:"3 MB" Load:"35%" Manufacturer:"GenuineIntel" Model:"142" Name:"Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-7200U CPU @ 2.50GHz" Number of Cores:"2" Number of Cores Enabled:"Not Available" Number of Logical Processors:"4" Power Management Capabilities:"Not Available" Power Management Supported:"No" Processor ID:"BFEBFBFF000806E9" Revision:"Not Available" Service Name:"intelppm" Status:"OK" Stepping:"9" Version:"Not Available" - "Storage" - "DiscSoft Virtual SCSI Disk Device" Capablities:"Random Access, Supports Writing, Supports Removable Media" Caption:"DiscSoft Virtual SCSI Disk Device" Cylinder - Total:"127" Description:"Unidade de disco" Driver:"Not Available" Driver Date:"06/21/2006 12:00" Driver Version:"6.1.7601.19133" Error Code:"Device is working properly" Firmware Revision:"1.0" Heads - Total:"255" Index:"2" INF:"disk.inf" Install Date:"Not Available" Interface Type:"SCSI" Manufacturer:"(Unidades de disco padrão)" Model:"DiscSoft Virtual SCSI Disk Device" Name:"\\.\PHYSICALDRIVE2" Partitions:"1" PNP Device ID:"DTULTRASCSIBUS\DISK&VEN_DISCSOFT&PROD_VIRTUAL&REV_1.0\1&1843CCBC&2&0000" Policies:"Read Retention Priority=EqualPriority, Write Retention Priority=EqualPriority, Scalar Prefetch=Not Available, Block Prefetch=Not Available" SCSI Bus:"Not Available" SCSI LUN:"Not Available" SCSI Port:"Not Available" Sectors - Per Track:"63" Sectors - Total:"2040255" Serial Number:"Not Available" Size:"996,22 MB" Size – Available:"967,21 MB" Status:"OK" Tracks - Per Cylinder:"255" Tracks - Total:"32385" - "E:" Availability:"Not Available" Caption:"E:" Compression Method:"Not Compressed" Description:"Removable Disk" File System:"NTFS" Name:"NewVHD" Serial Number:"46CC04D1" Size:"0,976528167724609 GB" Size – Available:"0,944538116455078 GB" Status:"Not Available" Volume Dirty:"No" - "Kingston DT 101 G2 USB Device" Capablities:"Random Access, Supports Writing, Supports Removable Media" Caption:"Kingston DT 101 G2 USB Device" Cylinder - Total:"487" Description:"Unidade de disco" Driver:"Not Available" Driver Date:"06/21/2006 12:00" Driver Version:"6.1.7601.19133" Error Code:"Device is working properly" Firmware Revision:"1.00" Heads - Total:"255" Index:"1" INF:"disk.inf" Install Date:"Not Available" Interface Type:"USB" Manufacturer:"(Unidades de disco padrão)" Model:"Kingston DT 101 G2 USB Device" Name:"\\.\PHYSICALDRIVE1" Partitions:"1" PNP Device ID:"USBSTOR\DISK&VEN_KINGSTON&PROD_DT_101_G2&REV_1.00\001CC07CEB97FB81191523A4&0" Policies:"Read Retention Priority=EqualPriority, Write Retention Priority=EqualPriority, Scalar Prefetch=Not Available, Block Prefetch=Not Available" Sectors - Per Track:"63" Sectors - Total:"7823655" Serial Number:"" Size:"3,73 GB" Size – Available:"3,19 GB" Status:"OK" Tracks - Per Cylinder:"255" Tracks - Total:"124185" - "F:" Availability:"Not Available" Caption:"F:" Compression Method:"Not Compressed" Description:"Removable Disk" File System:"FAT32" Name:"MULTIBOOT" Serial Number:"17F9191B" Size:"3,72610473632813 GB" Size – Available:"3,18639755249023 GB" Status:"Not Available" Volume Dirty:"No" - "WDC WD10SPZX-00Z10T0 SCSI Disk Device" Capablities:"Random Access, Supports Writing, SMART Notification" Caption:"WDC WD10SPZX-00Z10T0 SCSI Disk Device" Cylinder - Total:"121601" Description:"Unidade de disco" Driver:"Not Available" Driver Date:"06/21/2006 12:00" Driver Version:"6.1.7601.19133" Error Code:"Device is working properly" Firmware Revision:"01.0" Heads - Total:"255" Index:"0" INF:"disk.inf" Install Date:"Not Available" Interface Type:"SCSI" Manufacturer:"(Unidades de disco padrão)" Model:"WDC WD10SPZX-00Z10T0 SCSI Disk Device" Name:"\\.\PHYSICALDRIVE0" Partitions:"4" PNP Device ID:"SCSI\DISK&VEN_WDC&PROD_WD10SPZX-00Z10T0\4&7293BBB&0&000000" Policies:"Read Retention Priority=EqualPriority, Write Retention Priority=EqualPriority, Scalar Prefetch=Not Available, Block Prefetch=Not Available" SCSI Bus:"0" SCSI LUN:"0" SCSI Port:"0" Sectors - Per Track:"63" Sectors - Total:"1953520065" Serial Number:"WD-WXL1A78HXRNP" Size:"931,51 GB" Size – Available:"579,43 GB" SMART Attributes:"Self-Test: 90 minutes, OK, Short Self-Test: 2 minutes, OK" Status:"OK" Tracks - Per Cylinder:"255" Tracks - Total:"31008255" - "C:" Availability:"Not Available" Caption:"C:" Compression Method:"Not Compressed" Description:"Local Fixed Disk" File System:"NTFS" Name:"Not Available" Serial Number:"A41EB5B1" Size:"638,005855560303 GB" Size – Available:"578,897853851318 GB" Status:"Not Available" Volume Dirty:"No" - "D:" Availability:"Not Available" Caption:"D:" Compression Method:"Not Compressed" Description:"Local Fixed Disk" File System:"FAT32" Name:"Not Available" Serial Number:"BCEB3EA5" Size:"0,5322265625 GB" Size – Available:"0,532215118408203 GB" Status:"Not Available" Volume Dirty:"No" - "SMART" 0x01 Raw Read Error Rate:0:"2" 0x03 Spin Up Time:1283:"33" 0x04 Start/Stop Count:4424:"0" 0x05 Reallocated Sector Count:0:"140" 0x07 Seek Error Rate:0:"0" 0x09 Power-On Hours:3375:"0" 0x0A Spin Retry Count:0:"0" 0x0B Calibration Retry Count:0:"0" 0x0C Power Cycle Count:1110:"0" 0xC0 Unsafe Shutdown Count:659:"0" 0xC1 Load/Unload Cycle Count:132057:"0" 0xC2 Internal Device Temperature:41° C:"0" 0xC4 Reallocation Count:0:"0" 0xC5 Current Pending Errors Count:0:"0" 0xC6 Uncorrectable Sector Count:0:"0" 0xC7 CRC Error Count:0:"0" 0xC8 Write Error Rate:0:"0" ...#SSU#...