// InstructionSet.cpp // Compile by using: cl /EHsc /W4 InstructionSet.cpp // processor: x86, x64 // Uses the __cpuid intrinsic to get information about // CPU extended instruction set support. #include #include #include #include #include #include class InstructionSet { // forward declarations class InstructionSet_Internal; public: // getters static std::string Vendor(void) { return CPU_Rep.vendor_; } static std::string Brand(void) { return CPU_Rep.brand_; } static bool SSE3(void) { return CPU_Rep.f_1_ECX_[0]; } static bool PCLMULQDQ(void) { return CPU_Rep.f_1_ECX_[1]; } static bool MONITOR(void) { return CPU_Rep.f_1_ECX_[3]; } static bool SSSE3(void) { return CPU_Rep.f_1_ECX_[9]; } static bool FMA(void) { return CPU_Rep.f_1_ECX_[12]; } static bool CMPXCHG16B(void) { return CPU_Rep.f_1_ECX_[13]; } static bool SSE41(void) { return CPU_Rep.f_1_ECX_[19]; } static bool SSE42(void) { return CPU_Rep.f_1_ECX_[20]; } static bool MOVBE(void) { return CPU_Rep.f_1_ECX_[22]; } static bool POPCNT(void) { return CPU_Rep.f_1_ECX_[23]; } static bool AES(void) { return CPU_Rep.f_1_ECX_[25]; } static bool XSAVE(void) { return CPU_Rep.f_1_ECX_[26]; } static bool OSXSAVE(void) { return CPU_Rep.f_1_ECX_[27]; } static bool AVX(void) { return CPU_Rep.f_1_ECX_[28]; } static bool F16C(void) { return CPU_Rep.f_1_ECX_[29]; } static bool RDRAND(void) { return CPU_Rep.f_1_ECX_[30]; } static bool MSR(void) { return CPU_Rep.f_1_EDX_[5]; } static bool CX8(void) { return CPU_Rep.f_1_EDX_[8]; } static bool SEP(void) { return CPU_Rep.f_1_EDX_[11]; } static bool CMOV(void) { return CPU_Rep.f_1_EDX_[15]; } static bool CLFSH(void) { return CPU_Rep.f_1_EDX_[19]; } static bool MMX(void) { return CPU_Rep.f_1_EDX_[23]; } static bool FXSR(void) { return CPU_Rep.f_1_EDX_[24]; } static bool SSE(void) { return CPU_Rep.f_1_EDX_[25]; } static bool SSE2(void) { return CPU_Rep.f_1_EDX_[26]; } static bool FSGSBASE(void) { return CPU_Rep.f_7_EBX_[0]; } static bool BMI1(void) { return CPU_Rep.f_7_EBX_[3]; } static bool HLE(void) { return CPU_Rep.isIntel_ && CPU_Rep.f_7_EBX_[4]; } static bool AVX2(void) { return CPU_Rep.f_7_EBX_[5]; } static bool BMI2(void) { return CPU_Rep.f_7_EBX_[8]; } static bool ERMS(void) { return CPU_Rep.f_7_EBX_[9]; } static bool INVPCID(void) { return CPU_Rep.f_7_EBX_[10]; } static bool RTM(void) { return CPU_Rep.isIntel_ && CPU_Rep.f_7_EBX_[11]; } static bool AVX512F(void) { return CPU_Rep.f_7_EBX_[16]; } static bool RDSEED(void) { return CPU_Rep.f_7_EBX_[18]; } static bool ADX(void) { return CPU_Rep.f_7_EBX_[19]; } static bool AVX512PF(void) { return CPU_Rep.f_7_EBX_[26]; } static bool AVX512ER(void) { return CPU_Rep.f_7_EBX_[27]; } static bool AVX512CD(void) { return CPU_Rep.f_7_EBX_[28]; } static bool SHA(void) { return CPU_Rep.f_7_EBX_[29]; } static bool PREFETCHWT1(void) { return CPU_Rep.f_7_ECX_[0]; } static bool LAHF(void) { return CPU_Rep.f_81_ECX_[0]; } static bool LZCNT(void) { return CPU_Rep.isIntel_ && CPU_Rep.f_81_ECX_[5]; } static bool ABM(void) { return CPU_Rep.isAMD_ && CPU_Rep.f_81_ECX_[5]; } static bool SSE4a(void) { return CPU_Rep.isAMD_ && CPU_Rep.f_81_ECX_[6]; } static bool XOP(void) { return CPU_Rep.isAMD_ && CPU_Rep.f_81_ECX_[11]; } static bool TBM(void) { return CPU_Rep.isAMD_ && CPU_Rep.f_81_ECX_[21]; } static bool SYSCALL(void) { return CPU_Rep.isIntel_ && CPU_Rep.f_81_EDX_[11]; } static bool MMXEXT(void) { return CPU_Rep.isAMD_ && CPU_Rep.f_81_EDX_[22]; } static bool RDTSCP(void) { return CPU_Rep.isIntel_ && CPU_Rep.f_81_EDX_[27]; } static bool _3DNOWEXT(void) { return CPU_Rep.isAMD_ && CPU_Rep.f_81_EDX_[30]; } static bool _3DNOW(void) { return CPU_Rep.isAMD_ && CPU_Rep.f_81_EDX_[31]; } private: static const InstructionSet_Internal CPU_Rep; class InstructionSet_Internal { public: InstructionSet_Internal() : nIds_{ 0 }, nExIds_{ 0 }, isIntel_{ false }, isAMD_{ false }, f_1_ECX_{ 0 }, f_1_EDX_{ 0 }, f_7_EBX_{ 0 }, f_7_ECX_{ 0 }, f_81_ECX_{ 0 }, f_81_EDX_{ 0 }, data_{}, extdata_{} { //int cpuInfo[4] = {-1}; std::array cpui; // Calling __cpuid with 0x0 as the function_id argument // gets the number of the highest valid function ID. __cpuid(cpui.data(), 0); nIds_ = cpui[0]; for (int i = 0; i <= nIds_; ++i) { __cpuidex(cpui.data(), i, 0); data_.push_back(cpui); } // Capture vendor string char vendor[0x20]; memset(vendor, 0, sizeof(vendor)); *reinterpret_cast(vendor) = data_[0][1]; *reinterpret_cast(vendor + 4) = data_[0][3]; *reinterpret_cast(vendor + 8) = data_[0][2]; vendor_ = vendor; if (vendor_ == "GenuineIntel") { isIntel_ = true; } else if (vendor_ == "AuthenticAMD") { isAMD_ = true; } // load bitset with flags for function 0x00000001 if (nIds_ >= 1) { f_1_ECX_ = data_[1][2]; f_1_EDX_ = data_[1][3]; } // load bitset with flags for function 0x00000007 if (nIds_ >= 7) { f_7_EBX_ = data_[7][1]; f_7_ECX_ = data_[7][2]; } // Calling __cpuid with 0x80000000 as the function_id argument // gets the number of the highest valid extended ID. __cpuid(cpui.data(), 0x80000000); nExIds_ = cpui[0]; char brand[0x40]; memset(brand, 0, sizeof(brand)); for (int i = 0x80000000; i <= nExIds_; ++i) { __cpuidex(cpui.data(), i, 0); extdata_.push_back(cpui); } // load bitset with flags for function 0x80000001 if (nExIds_ >= 0x80000001) { f_81_ECX_ = extdata_[1][2]; f_81_EDX_ = extdata_[1][3]; } // Interpret CPU brand string if reported if (nExIds_ >= 0x80000004) { memcpy(brand, extdata_[2].data(), sizeof(cpui)); memcpy(brand + 16, extdata_[3].data(), sizeof(cpui)); memcpy(brand + 32, extdata_[4].data(), sizeof(cpui)); brand_ = brand; } }; int nIds_; int nExIds_; std::string vendor_; std::string brand_; bool isIntel_; bool isAMD_; std::bitset<32> f_1_ECX_; std::bitset<32> f_1_EDX_; std::bitset<32> f_7_EBX_; std::bitset<32> f_7_ECX_; std::bitset<32> f_81_ECX_; std::bitset<32> f_81_EDX_; std::vector> data_; std::vector> extdata_; }; }; // Initialize static member data const InstructionSet::InstructionSet_Internal InstructionSet::CPU_Rep; // Print out supported instruction set extensions int main() { auto& outstream = std::cout; auto support_message = [&outstream](std::string isa_feature, bool is_supported) { outstream << isa_feature << (is_supported ? " supported" : " not supported") << std::endl; }; std::cout << InstructionSet::Vendor() << std::endl; std::cout << InstructionSet::Brand() << std::endl; support_message("3DNOW", InstructionSet::_3DNOW()); support_message("3DNOWEXT", InstructionSet::_3DNOWEXT()); support_message("ABM", InstructionSet::ABM()); support_message("ADX", InstructionSet::ADX()); support_message("AES", InstructionSet::AES()); support_message("AVX", InstructionSet::AVX()); support_message("AVX2", InstructionSet::AVX2()); support_message("AVX512CD", InstructionSet::AVX512CD()); support_message("AVX512ER", InstructionSet::AVX512ER()); support_message("AVX512F", InstructionSet::AVX512F()); support_message("AVX512PF", InstructionSet::AVX512PF()); support_message("BMI1", InstructionSet::BMI1()); support_message("BMI2", InstructionSet::BMI2()); support_message("CLFSH", InstructionSet::CLFSH()); support_message("CMPXCHG16B", InstructionSet::CMPXCHG16B()); support_message("CX8", InstructionSet::CX8()); support_message("ERMS", InstructionSet::ERMS()); support_message("F16C", InstructionSet::F16C()); support_message("FMA", InstructionSet::FMA()); support_message("FSGSBASE", InstructionSet::FSGSBASE()); support_message("FXSR", InstructionSet::FXSR()); support_message("HLE", InstructionSet::HLE()); support_message("INVPCID", InstructionSet::INVPCID()); support_message("LAHF", InstructionSet::LAHF()); support_message("LZCNT", InstructionSet::LZCNT()); support_message("MMX", InstructionSet::MMX()); support_message("MMXEXT", InstructionSet::MMXEXT()); support_message("MONITOR", InstructionSet::MONITOR()); support_message("MOVBE", InstructionSet::MOVBE()); support_message("MSR", InstructionSet::MSR()); support_message("OSXSAVE", InstructionSet::OSXSAVE()); support_message("PCLMULQDQ", InstructionSet::PCLMULQDQ()); support_message("POPCNT", InstructionSet::POPCNT()); support_message("PREFETCHWT1", InstructionSet::PREFETCHWT1()); support_message("RDRAND", InstructionSet::RDRAND()); support_message("RDSEED", InstructionSet::RDSEED()); support_message("RDTSCP", InstructionSet::RDTSCP()); support_message("RTM", InstructionSet::RTM()); support_message("SEP", InstructionSet::SEP()); support_message("SHA", InstructionSet::SHA()); support_message("SSE", InstructionSet::SSE()); support_message("SSE2", InstructionSet::SSE2()); support_message("SSE3", InstructionSet::SSE3()); support_message("SSE4.1", InstructionSet::SSE41()); support_message("SSE4.2", InstructionSet::SSE42()); support_message("SSE4a", InstructionSet::SSE4a()); support_message("SSSE3", InstructionSet::SSSE3()); support_message("SYSCALL", InstructionSet::SYSCALL()); support_message("TBM", InstructionSet::TBM()); support_message("XOP", InstructionSet::XOP()); support_message("XSAVE", InstructionSet::XSAVE()); }