[12] MPI startup(): shm and ofa data transfer modes [4] MPI startup(): shm and ofa data transfer modes [23] MPI startup(): shm and ofa data transfer modes [6] MPI startup(): shm and ofa data transfer modes [0] MPI startup(): shm and ofa data transfer modes [13] MPI startup(): shm and ofa data transfer modes [7] MPI startup(): shm and ofa data transfer modes [15] MPI startup(): shm and ofa data transfer modes [8] MPI startup(): shm and ofa data transfer modes [14] MPI startup(): shm and ofa data transfer modes [16] MPI startup(): shm and ofa data transfer modes [22] MPI startup(): shm and ofa data transfer modes [5] MPI startup(): shm and ofa data transfer modes [19] MPI startup(): shm and ofa data transfer modes [3] MPI startup(): shm and ofa data transfer modes [2] MPI startup(): shm and ofa data transfer modes [17] MPI startup(): shm and ofa data transfer modes [20] MPI startup(): shm and ofa data transfer modes [21] MPI startup(): shm and ofa data transfer modes [1] MPI startup(): shm and ofa data transfer modes [9] MPI startup(): shm and ofa data transfer modes [10] MPI startup(): shm and ofa data transfer modes [18] MPI startup(): shm and ofa data transfer modes [11] MPI startup(): shm and ofa data transfer modes [0] MPI startup(): Rank Pid Node name Pin cpu [0] MPI startup(): 0 28013 compute-0-0.local 0 [0] MPI startup(): 1 28014 compute-0-0.local 2 [0] MPI startup(): 2 28015 compute-0-0.local 4 [0] MPI startup(): 3 28016 compute-0-0.local 6 [0] MPI startup(): 4 28017 compute-0-0.local 8 [0] MPI startup(): 5 28018 compute-0-0.local 10 [0] MPI startup(): 6 28019 compute-0-0.local 1 [0] MPI startup(): 7 28020 compute-0-0.local 3 [0] MPI startup(): 8 28021 compute-0-0.local 5 [0] MPI startup(): 9 28022 compute-0-0.local 7 [0] MPI startup(): 10 28023 compute-0-0.local 9 [0] MPI startup(): 11 28024 compute-0-0.local 11 [0] MPI startup(): 12 17477 compute-0-1.local 0 [0] MPI startup(): 13 17478 compute-0-1.local 2 [0] MPI startup(): 14 17479 compute-0-1.local 4 [0] MPI startup(): 15 17480 compute-0-1.local 6 [0] MPI startup(): 16 17481 compute-0-1.local 8 [0] MPI startup(): 17 17482 compute-0-1.local 10 [0] MPI startup(): 18 17483 compute-0-1.local 1 [0] MPI startup(): 19 17484 compute-0-1.local 3 [0] MPI startup(): 20 17485 compute-0-1.local 5 [0] MPI startup(): 21 17486 compute-0-1.local 7 [0] MPI startup(): 22 17487 compute-0-1.local 9 [0] MPI startup(): 23 17488 compute-0-1.local 11 [0] MPI startup(): I_MPI_DEBUG=5 [0] MPI startup(): I_MPI_FABRICS_LIST=ofa [0] MPI startup(): I_MPI_FALLBACK=0 [0] MPI startup(): I_MPI_PIN_MAPPING=12:0 0,1 2,2 4,3 6,4 8,5 10,6 1,7 3,8 5,9 7,10 9,11 11 [0] INFO: CHECK LOCAL:EXIT:SIGNAL ON [0] INFO: CHECK LOCAL:EXIT:BEFORE_MPI_FINALIZE ON [0] INFO: CHECK LOCAL:MPI:CALL_FAILED ON [0] INFO: CHECK LOCAL:MEMORY:OVERLAP ON [0] INFO: CHECK LOCAL:MEMORY:ILLEGAL_MODIFICATION ON [0] INFO: CHECK LOCAL:MEMORY:INACCESSIBLE ON [0] INFO: CHECK LOCAL:MEMORY:ILLEGAL_ACCESS OFF [0] INFO: CHECK LOCAL:MEMORY:INITIALIZATION OFF [0] INFO: CHECK LOCAL:REQUEST:ILLEGAL_CALL ON [0] INFO: CHECK LOCAL:REQUEST:NOT_FREED ON [0] INFO: CHECK LOCAL:REQUEST:PREMATURE_FREE ON [0] INFO: CHECK LOCAL:DATATYPE:NOT_FREED ON [0] INFO: CHECK LOCAL:BUFFER:INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER ON [0] INFO: CHECK GLOBAL:DEADLOCK:HARD ON [0] INFO: CHECK GLOBAL:DEADLOCK:POTENTIAL ON [0] INFO: CHECK GLOBAL:DEADLOCK:NO_PROGRESS ON [0] INFO: CHECK GLOBAL:MSG:DATATYPE:MISMATCH ON [0] INFO: CHECK GLOBAL:MSG:DATA_TRANSMISSION_CORRUPTED ON [0] INFO: CHECK GLOBAL:MSG:PENDING ON [0] INFO: CHECK GLOBAL:COLLECTIVE:DATATYPE:MISMATCH ON [0] INFO: CHECK GLOBAL:COLLECTIVE:DATA_TRANSMISSION_CORRUPTED ON [0] INFO: CHECK GLOBAL:COLLECTIVE:OPERATION_MISMATCH ON [0] INFO: CHECK GLOBAL:COLLECTIVE:SIZE_MISMATCH ON [0] INFO: CHECK GLOBAL:COLLECTIVE:REDUCTION_OPERATION_MISMATCH ON [0] INFO: CHECK GLOBAL:COLLECTIVE:ROOT_MISMATCH ON [0] INFO: CHECK GLOBAL:COLLECTIVE:INVALID_PARAMETER ON [0] INFO: CHECK GLOBAL:COLLECTIVE:COMM_FREE_MISMATCH ON [0] INFO: maximum number of errors before aborting: CHECK-MAX-ERRORS 1 [0] INFO: maximum number of reports before aborting: CHECK-MAX-REPORTS 0 (= unlimited) [0] INFO: maximum number of times each error is reported: CHECK-SUPPRESSION-LIMIT 10 [0] INFO: timeout for deadlock detection: DEADLOCK-TIMEOUT 60s [0] INFO: timeout for deadlock warning: DEADLOCK-WARNING 300s [0] INFO: maximum number of reported pending messages: CHECK-MAX-PENDING 20 Hello world: rank 0 of 24 running on compute-0-0.local Hello world: rank 1 of 24 running on compute-0-0.local Hello world: rank 2 of 24 running on compute-0-0.local Hello world: rank 3 of 24 running on compute-0-0.local Hello world: rank 4 of 24 running on compute-0-0.local Hello world: rank 5 of 24 running on compute-0-0.local Hello world: rank 6 of 24 running on compute-0-0.local Hello world: rank 7 of 24 running on compute-0-0.local Hello world: rank 8 of 24 running on compute-0-0.local Hello world: rank 9 of 24 running on compute-0-0.local Hello world: rank 10 of 24 running on compute-0-0.local Hello world: rank 11 of 24 running on compute-0-0.local Hello world: rank 12 of 24 running on compute-0-1.local Hello world: rank 13 of 24 running on compute-0-1.local Hello world: rank 14 of 24 running on compute-0-1.local Hello world: rank 15 of 24 running on compute-0-1.local Hello world: rank 16 of 24 running on compute-0-1.local Hello world: rank 17 of 24 running on compute-0-1.local Hello world: rank 18 of 24 running on compute-0-1.local Hello world: rank 19 of 24 running on compute-0-1.local Hello world: rank 20 of 24 running on compute-0-1.local Hello world: rank 21 of 24 running on compute-0-1.local Hello world: rank 22 of 24 running on compute-0-1.local Hello world: rank 23 of 24 running on compute-0-1.local [0] INFO: Error checking completed without finding any problems.