//============================================================== // Copyright © 2019 Intel Corporation // // SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT // ============================================================= // // MPI_DPCPP: Using Intel® oneAPI DPC++ Language in MPI program. // // Using Data Parallel C++, the code sample runs multiple MPI ranks to // distribute the calculation of the number Pi. Each rank offloads the // computation to an accelerator (GPU/CPU) using Intel DPC++ compiler to compute // a partial compution of the number of Pi. // // For comprehensive instructions regarding DPC++ Programming, go to // https://software.intel.com/en-us/oneapi-programming-guide // and search based on relevant terms noted in the comments. // // DPC++ material used in this code sample: // // Basic structures of DPC++: // DPC++ Queues (including device selectors and exception handlers) // DPC++ Buffers and accessors (communicate data between the host and the // device) // DPC++ Kernels (including parallel_for function and range<1> objects) // //****************************************************************************** // Content: (version 1.0) // Calculate the number Pi in parallel using its integral representation. // //****************************************************************************** #include #include #include using namespace std; using namespace cl::sycl; constexpr int kMaster = 0; constexpr long kIteration = 1024; constexpr long kScale = 45; constexpr long kTotalNumStep = kIteration * kScale; constexpr access::mode sycl_read = access::mode::read; constexpr access::mode sycl_write = access::mode::write; //****************************************************************************** // Function description: computes the number Pi partially in parallel using DPC++. // Each MPI rank calls this function to computes the number Pi partially. //****************************************************************************** void CalculatePiParallel(float* results, int rank_num, int num_procs); int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { int i, id, num_procs; float total_pi; MPI_Status stat; // Start MPI. if (MPI_Init(&argc, &argv) != MPI_SUCCESS) { cout << "Failed to initialize MPI\n"; exit(-1); } // Create the communicator, and retrieve the number of processes. MPI_Comm_size(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &num_procs); // Determine the rank of the process. MPI_Comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &id); int num_step_per_rank = kTotalNumStep / num_procs; float* results_per_rank = new float[num_step_per_rank]; for (size_t i = 0; i < num_step_per_rank; i++) results_per_rank[i] = 0.0; // Calculate the Pi number partially in parallel. CalculatePiParallel(results_per_rank, id, num_procs); float sum = 0.0; for (size_t i = 0; i < num_step_per_rank; i++) sum += results_per_rank[i]; delete[] results_per_rank; MPI_Reduce(&sum, &total_pi, 1, MPI_FLOAT, MPI_SUM, kMaster, MPI_COMM_WORLD); if (id == kMaster) cout << "---> pi= " << total_pi << "\n"; MPI_Finalize(); return 0; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Compute the number Pi partially in DPC++ on device: the partial result is // returned in "results". // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void CalculatePiParallel(float* results, int rank_num, int num_procs) { char machine_name[MPI_MAX_PROCESSOR_NAME]; int name_len; int num_step = kTotalNumStep / num_procs; float* x_pos_per_rank = new float[num_step]; float dx, dx_2; // Get the machine name. MPI_Get_processor_name(machine_name, &name_len); dx = 1.0f / (float)kTotalNumStep; dx_2 = dx / 2.0f; for (size_t i = 0; i < num_step; i++) x_pos_per_rank[i] = ((float)rank_num / (float)num_procs) + i * dx + dx_2; default_selector device_selector; //gpu_selector device_selector; // exception handler // // The exception_list parameter is an iterable list of std::exception_ptr // objects. But those pointers are not always directly readable. So, we // rethrow the pointer, catch it, and then we have the exception itself. // Note: depending upon the operation there may be several exceptions. // auto exception_handler = [&](exception_list exceptionList) { for (std::exception_ptr const& e : exceptionList) { try { std::rethrow_exception(e); } catch (cl::sycl::exception const& e) { std::cout << "Failure" << std::endl; std::terminate(); } } }; try { // Create a device queue using DPC++ class queue queue q(device_selector, exception_handler); cout << "Rank " << rank_num << " of " << num_procs << " runs on: " << machine_name << ", uses device: " << q.get_device().get_info() << "\n"; // The size of amount of memory that will be given to the buffer. range<1> num_items{kTotalNumStep / size_t(num_procs)}; // Buffers are used to tell SYCL which data will be shared between the host // and the devices. buffer x_pos_per_rank_buf( x_pos_per_rank, range<1>(kTotalNumStep / size_t(num_procs))); buffer results_buf(results, range<1>(kTotalNumStep / size_t(num_procs))); buffer ranknum_buf(&rank_num, 1); buffer numprocs_buf(&num_procs, 1); // Submit takes in a lambda that is passed in a command group handler // constructed at runtime. q.submit([&](handler& h) { // Accessors are used to get access to the memory owned by the buffers. auto x_pos_per_rank_accessor = x_pos_per_rank_buf.get_access(h); auto results_accessor = results_buf.get_access(h); auto ranknum_accessor = ranknum_buf.template get_access(h); auto numprocs_accessor = numprocs_buf.template get_access(h); // Use parallel_for to calculate a partial of the number Pi in parallel. // This creates a number of instances of kernel function. h.parallel_for(num_items, [=](id<1> k) { float x, dx; dx = 1.0f / (float)kTotalNumStep; x = x_pos_per_rank_accessor[k]; results_accessor[k] = (4.0f * dx) / (1.0f + x * x); }); }); } catch (...) { std::cout << "Failure" << std::endl; } // Cleanup. delete[] x_pos_per_rank; }