[0] MPI startup(): Intel(R) MPI Library, Version 2021.6 Build 20220227 [0] MPI startup(): Copyright (C) 2003-2022 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved. [0] MPI startup(): library kind: release [0] MPI startup(): shm segment size (1068 MB per rank) * (2 local ranks) = 2136 MB total [0] MPI startup(): libfabric version: 1.13.2-impi [0] MPI startup(): max_ch4_vnis: 1, max_reg_eps 64, enable_sep 0, enable_shared_ctxs 0, do_av_insert 0 [0] MPI startup(): max number of MPI_Request per vci: 67108864 (pools: 1) libfabric:31780:core:core:ofi_hmem_init():209 Hmem iface FI_HMEM_CUDA not supported libfabric:31780:core:core:ofi_hmem_init():209 Hmem iface FI_HMEM_ROCR not supported libfabric:31780:core:core:ofi_hmem_init():209 Hmem iface FI_HMEM_ZE not supported libfabric:31780:core:core:ofi_register_provider():474 registering provider: netdir (113.20) libfabric:31780:core:core:ofi_register_provider():474 registering provider: ofi_rxm (113.20) libfabric:31780:core:core:ofi_register_provider():474 registering provider: sockets (113.20) libfabric:31780:core:core:ofi_register_provider():474 registering provider: tcp (113.20) libfabric:31780:core:core:ofi_register_provider():474 registering provider: ofi_hook_perf (113.20) libfabric:31780:core:core:ofi_register_provider():474 registering provider: ofi_hook_noop (113.20) libfabric:31780:core:core:fi_getinfo():1138 Found provider with the highest priority tcp, must_use_util_prov = 1 libfabric:31780:core:core:fi_getinfo():1138 Found provider with the highest priority tcp, must_use_util_prov = 1 libfabric:31780:core:core:ofi_layering_ok():1001 Need core provider, skipping ofi_rxm libfabric:31780:core:core:fi_getinfo():1161 Since tcp can be used, netdir has been skipped. To use netdir, please, set FI_PROVIDER=netdir libfabric:31780:core:core:fi_getinfo():1161 Since tcp can be used, sockets has been skipped. To use sockets, please, set FI_PROVIDER=sockets libfabric:31780:core:core:fi_getinfo():1138 Found provider with the highest priority tcp, must_use_util_prov = 1 libfabric:31780:core:core:ofi_layering_ok():1001 Need core provider, skipping ofi_rxm libfabric:31780:core:core:fi_getinfo():1161 Since tcp can be used, netdir has been skipped. To use netdir, please, set FI_PROVIDER=netdir libfabric:31780:core:core:fi_getinfo():1161 Since tcp can be used, sockets has been skipped. To use sockets, please, set FI_PROVIDER=sockets libfabric:31780:core:core:fi_getinfo():1138 Found provider with the highest priority tcp, must_use_util_prov = 1 libfabric:31780:core:core:ofi_layering_ok():1001 Need core provider, skipping ofi_rxm libfabric:31780:core:core:fi_getinfo():1161 Since tcp can be used, netdir has been skipped. To use netdir, please, set FI_PROVIDER=netdir libfabric:31780:core:core:fi_getinfo():1161 Since tcp can be used, sockets has been skipped. To use sockets, please, set FI_PROVIDER=sockets libfabric:31780:core:core:fi_getinfo():1138 Found provider with the highest priority tcp, must_use_util_prov = 1 libfabric:31780:core:core:ofi_layering_ok():1001 Need core provider, skipping ofi_rxm libfabric:31780:core:core:fi_getinfo():1161 Since tcp can be used, netdir has been skipped. To use netdir, please, set FI_PROVIDER=netdir libfabric:31780:core:core:fi_getinfo():1161 Since tcp can be used, sockets has been skipped. To use sockets, please, set FI_PROVIDER=sockets libfabric:31780:core:core:fi_getinfo():1161 Since tcp can be used, netdir has been skipped. To use netdir, please, set FI_PROVIDER=netdir libfabric:31780:core:core:fi_getinfo():1161 Since tcp can be used, sockets has been skipped. To use sockets, please, set FI_PROVIDER=sockets libfabric:31780:core:core:fi_getinfo():1138 Found provider with the highest priority tcp, must_use_util_prov = 1 libfabric:31780:core:core:fi_getinfo():1123 Can't find provider with the highest priority libfabric:31780:core:core:fi_getinfo():1138 Found provider with the highest priority tcp, must_use_util_prov = 1 libfabric:31780:core:core:fi_getinfo():1161 Since tcp can be used, netdir has been skipped. To use netdir, please, set FI_PROVIDER=netdir libfabric:31780:core:core:fi_getinfo():1161 Since tcp can be used, sockets has been skipped. To use sockets, please, set FI_PROVIDER=sockets libfabric:31780:core:core:fi_getinfo():1138 Found provider with the highest priority tcp, must_use_util_prov = 1 libfabric:31780:core:core:ofi_layering_ok():1001 Need core [0] MPI startup(): libfabric provider: tcp;ofi_rxm [0] MPI startup(): detected tcp;ofi_rxm provider, set device name to "tcp-ofi-rxm" [0] MPI startup(): addrnamelen: zu [0] MPI startup(): File "C:\Program Files (x86)\Intel\oneAPI\mpi\2021.6.0/etc/tuning_skx_shm-ofi_tcp-ofi-rxm.dat" not found [0] MPI startup(): Load tuning file: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Intel\oneAPI\mpi\2021.6.0/etc/tuning_skx_shm-ofi.dat" [0] MPI startup(): threading: mode: direct [0] MPI startup(): threading: vcis: 1 [0] MPI startup(): threading: app_threads: -1 [0] MPI startup(): threading: runtime: generic [0] MPI startup(): threading: progress_threads: 0 [0] MPI startup(): threading: async_progress: 0 [0] MPI startup(): threading: lock_level: global [0] MPI startup(): threading: num_pools: 1 [0] MPI startup(): threading: enable_sep: 0 [0] MPI startup(): threading: direct_recv: 1 [0] MPI startup(): threading: zero_op_flags: 0 [0] MPI startup(): threading: num_am_buffers: 8 [0] MPI startup(): tag bits available: 19 (TAG_UB value: 524287) [0] MPI startup(): source bits available: 20 (Maximal number of rank: 1048575) [0] MPI startup(): Imported environment partly inaccesible. Map=0 Info=0 [1] MPI startup(): Imported environment partly inaccesible. Map=0 Info=0 [0] MPI startup(): Rank Pid Node name Pin cpu [0] MPI startup(): 0 31780 alexei-laptop 0,1,2,3,4,5 [0] MPI startup(): 1 25112 alexei-laptop 6,7,8,9,10,11 [0] MPI startup(): I_MPI_ROOT=C:\Program Files (x86)\Intel\oneAPI\mpi\2021.6.0 [0] MPI startup(): I_MPI_ONEAPI_ROOT=C:\Program Files (x86)\Intel\oneAPI\mpi\2021.6.0 [0] MPI startup(): I_MPI_HYDRA_TOPOLIB=hwloc [0] MPI startup(): I_MPI_DEBUG=30 Abort(666) on node 1 (rank 1 in comm 0): application called MPI_Abort(MPI_COMM_WORLD, 666) - process 1