/******************************************************************************** /* Intel MKL example of RCI Flexible Generalized Minimal RESidual method with /* ILU0 Preconditioner /********************************************************************************/ #include #include "math.h" #include "mkl_blas.h" #include "mkl_spblas.h" #include "mkl_rci.h" #include "mkl.h" #define size 128 void LinearSolver(int *N, long int *NNZ, int *ia, int *ja,double *A, double *rhs){ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------- /* Allocate storage for the ?par parameters and the solution/rhs/residual vectors /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ double *b, *computed_solution, *residual; double *trvec, *bilu0, *dpar, *tmp;; //trvec[*N],bilu0[*NNZ]; int *ipar, i; // allcoate memory b = (double *)calloc(*N, sizeof(double)); computed_solution =(double *)calloc(*N, sizeof(double)); residual =(double *)calloc(*N, sizeof(double)); trvec = (double *)calloc(*N, sizeof(double)); bilu0 = (double *)calloc(*N, sizeof(double)); ipar = (int *)calloc(*N, sizeof(int)); int sizetmp = (*N)*(2*(*N)+1)+((*N)*((*N)+9))/2+1; printf("sizetmpi= %d\n", sizetmp); //double dpar[size]; // double tmp[sizetmp]; dpar = (double *)calloc(*N, sizeof(double)); tmp = (double *)calloc(sizetmp, sizeof(double)); printf("N=%d, NNZ= %d\n", *N,*NNZ); int maxiter; double tol = 1.0e-6; MKL_INT matsize = *NNZ, incx=1; double nrm2; for(i=0; i<*N; i++) --ia[i]; for(i=0; i<*NNZ; i++) --ja[i]; /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------- /* Some additional variables to use with the RCI (P)FGMRES solver /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ MKL_INT itercount,ierr=0; MKL_INT RCI_request, ivar; printf("LinearSolver: Line 48\n"); double dvar; char cvar,cvar1,cvar2; /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------- /* Initialize variables and the right hand side through matrix-vector product /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ ivar=*N; cvar='N'; /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------- /* Save the right-hand side in vector b for future use /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ i=1; dcopy(N, rhs, &i, b, &i); //clbas_dcopy(ivar, rhs, i, b, i); /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------- /* Initialize the initial guess /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ for(i=0;i<*N;i++) computed_solution[i]=0.0; computed_solution[0]=1.0; /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------- /* Initialize the solver /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ printf("dfgmres_init\n"); dfgmres_init(&ivar, computed_solution, rhs, &RCI_request, ipar, dpar, tmp); printf("dfgmres_end\n"); if (RCI_request!=0) goto FAILED; /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------- /* Calculate ILU0 preconditioner. /* !ATTENTION! /* DCSRILU0 routine uses some IPAR, DPAR set by DFGMRES_INIT routine. /* Important for DCSRILU0 default entries set by DFGMRES_INIT are /* ipar[1] = 6 - output of error messages to the screen, /* ipar[5] = 1 - allow output of errors, /* ipar[30]= 0 - abort DCSRILU0 calculations if routine meets zero diagonal element. /* /* If ILU0 is going to be used out of MKL FGMRES context, than the values /* of ipar[1], ipar[5], ipar[30], dpar[30], and dpar[31] should be user /* provided before the DCSRILU0 routine call. /* /* In this example, specific for DCSRILU0 entries are set in turn: /* ipar[30]= 1 - change small diagonal value to that given by dpar[31], /* dpar[30]= 1.E-20 instead of the default value set by DFGMRES_INIT. /* It is a small value to compare a diagonal entry with it. /* dpar[31]= 1.E-16 instead of the default value set by DFGMRES_INIT. /* It is the target value of the diagonal value if it is /* small as compared to dpar[30] and the routine should change /* it rather than abort DCSRILU0 calculations. /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ ipar[30]=1; dpar[30]=1.E-20; dpar[31]=1.E-16; printf("ilu begin\n"); dcsrilu0(N, &A[0], &ia[0], &ja[0], &bilu0[0], &ipar[0], &dpar[0], &ierr); printf("ilu end\n"); nrm2=dnrm2(&matsize, bilu0, &incx ); if (ierr!=0) { printf("Preconditioner dcsrilu0 has returned the ERROR code %d", ierr); goto FAILED1; } /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------- /* Set the desired parameters: /* do the restart after 2 iterations /* LOGICAL parameters: /* do not do the stopping test for the maximal number of iterations /* do the Preconditioned iterations of FGMRES method /* Set parameter ipar[10] for preconditioner call. For this example, /* it reduces the number of iterations. /* DOUBLE PRECISION parameters /* set the relative tolerance to 1.0D-3 instead of default value 1.0D-6 /* NOTE. Preconditioner may increase the number of iterations for an /* arbitrary case of the system and initial guess and even ruin the /* convergence. It is user's responsibility to use a suitable preconditioner /* and to apply it skillfully. /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ ipar[14]=2; ipar[7]=0; ipar[10]=1; dpar[0]=1.0E-3; /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------- /* Check the correctness and consistency of the newly set parameters /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ printf("dfgmres check begin\n"); dfgmres_check(&ivar, computed_solution, rhs, &RCI_request, ipar, dpar, tmp); if (RCI_request!=0) goto FAILED; printf("dfgmres check end\n"); /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------- /* Print the info about the RCI FGMRES method /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ printf("Some info about the current run of RCI FGMRES method:\n\n"); if (ipar[7]) { printf("As ipar[7]=%d, the automatic test for the maximal number of iterations will be\n", ipar[7]); printf("performed\n"); } else { printf("As ipar[7]=%d, the automatic test for the maximal number of iterations will be\n", ipar[7]); printf("skipped\n"); } printf("+++\n"); if (ipar[8]) { printf("As ipar[8]=%d, the automatic residual test will be performed\n", ipar[8]); } else { printf("As ipar[8]=%d, the automatic residual test will be skipped\n", ipar[8]); } printf("+++\n"); if (ipar[9]) { printf("As ipar[9]=%d the user-defined stopping test will be requested via\n", ipar[9]); printf("RCI_request=2\n"); } else { printf("As ipar[9]=%d, the user-defined stopping test will not be requested, thus,\n", ipar[9]); printf("RCI_request will not take the value 2\n"); } printf("+++\n"); if (ipar[10]) { printf("As ipar[10]=%d, the Preconditioned FGMRES iterations will be performed, thus,\n", ipar[10]); printf("the preconditioner action will be requested via RCI_request=3\n"); } else { printf("As ipar[10]=%d, the Preconditioned FGMRES iterations will not be performed,\n", ipar[10]); printf("thus, RCI_request will not take the value 3\n"); } printf("+++\n"); if (ipar[11]) { printf("As ipar[11]=%d, the automatic test for the norm of the next generated vector is\n", ipar[11]); printf("not equal to zero up to rounding and computational errors will be performed,\n"); printf("thus, RCI_request will not take the value 4\n"); } else { printf("As ipar[11]=%d, the automatic test for the norm of the next generated vector is\n", ipar[11]); printf("not equal to zero up to rounding and computational errors will be skipped,\n"); printf("thus, the user-defined test will be requested via RCI_request=4\n"); } printf("+++\n\n"); /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------- /* Compute the solution by RCI (P)FGMRES solver with preconditioning /* Reverse Communication starts here /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ printf("dfgmres begin to solve\n"); ONE: dfgmres(&ivar, computed_solution, rhs, &RCI_request, ipar, dpar, tmp); printf("dfgmres end of solve\n"); /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------- /* If RCI_request=0, then the solution was found with the required precision /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ if (RCI_request==0) goto COMPLETE; /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------- /* If RCI_request=1, then compute the vector A*tmp[ipar[21]-1] /* and put the result in vector tmp[ipar[22]-1] /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------- /* NOTE that ipar[21] and ipar[22] contain FORTRAN style addresses, /* therefore, in C code it is required to subtract 1 from them to get C style /* addresses /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ if (RCI_request==1) { mkl_dcsrgemv(&cvar, &ivar, A, ia, ja, &tmp[ipar[21]-1], &tmp[ipar[22]-1]); goto ONE; } /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------- /* If RCI_request=2, then do the user-defined stopping test /* The residual stopping test for the computed solution is performed here /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------- /* NOTE: from this point vector b[N] is no longer containing the right-hand /* side of the problem! It contains the current FGMRES approximation to the /* solution. If you need to keep the right-hand side, save it in some other /* vector before the call to dfgmres routine. Here we saved it in vector /* rhs[N]. The vector b is used instead of rhs to preserve the /* original right-hand side of the problem and guarantee the proper /* restart of FGMRES method. Vector b will be altered when computing the /* residual stopping criterion! /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ if (RCI_request==2) { /* Request to the dfgmres_get routine to put the solution into b[N] via ipar[12] /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------- /* WARNING: beware that the call to dfgmres_get routine with ipar[12]=0 at this stage may /* destroy the convergence of the FGMRES method, therefore, only advanced users should /* exploit this option with care */ ipar[12]=1; /* Get the current FGMRES solution in the vector b[N] */ dfgmres_get(&ivar, computed_solution, b, &RCI_request, ipar, dpar, tmp, &itercount); /* Compute the current true residual via MKL (Sparse) BLAS routines */ mkl_dcsrgemv(&cvar, &ivar, A, ia, ja, b, residual); dvar=-1.0E0; i=1; daxpy(&ivar, &dvar, rhs, &i, residual, &i); dvar=dnrm2(&ivar,residual,&i); if (dvar<1.0E-3) goto COMPLETE; else goto ONE; } /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------- /* If RCI_request=3, then apply the preconditioner on the vector /* tmp[ipar[21]-1] and put the result in vector tmp[ipar[22]-1] /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------- /* NOTE that ipar[21] and ipar[22] contain FORTRAN style addresses, /* therefore, in C code it is required to subtract 1 from them to get C style /* addresses /* Here is the recommended usage of the result produced by ILU0 routine /* via standard MKL Sparse Blas solver routine mkl_dcsrtrsv. /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ if (RCI_request==3) { cvar1='L'; cvar='N'; cvar2='U'; mkl_dcsrtrsv(&cvar1,&cvar,&cvar2,&ivar,bilu0,ia,ja,&tmp[ipar[21]-1],trvec); cvar1='U'; cvar='N'; cvar2='N'; mkl_dcsrtrsv(&cvar1,&cvar,&cvar2,&ivar,bilu0,ia,ja,trvec,&tmp[ipar[22]-1]); goto ONE; } /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------- /* If RCI_request=4, then check if the norm of the next generated vector is /* not zero up to rounding and computational errors. The norm is contained /* in dpar[6] parameter /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ if (RCI_request==4) { if (dpar[6]<1.0E-12) goto COMPLETE; else goto ONE; } /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------- /* If RCI_request=anything else, then dfgmres subroutine failed /* to compute the solution vector: computed_solution[N] /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ else { goto FAILED; } /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------- Reverse Communication ends here Get the current iteration number and the FGMRES solution (DO NOT FORGET to call dfgmres_get routine as computed_solution is still containing the initial guess!). Request to dfgmres_get to put the solution into vector computed_solution[N] via ipar[12] ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ COMPLETE: ipar[12]=0; dfgmres_get(&ivar, computed_solution, rhs, &RCI_request, ipar, dpar, tmp, &itercount); /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------- Print solution vector: computed_solution[N] and the number of iterations: itercount ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ printf("The system has been solved \n"); for(i=0; i<*N; i++) rhs[i+1] = computed_solution[i]; printf("\nNumber of iterations: %d\n" ,itercount); printf("\n"); if(itercount < maxiter && fabs(nrm2)