export LD_LIBRARY_PATH="/home/zephyria/intel/compilers_and_libraries_2018.0.128/linux/""mkl/lib/intel64":"/home/zephyria/intel/compilers_and_libraries_2018.0.128/linux/""compiler/lib/intel64":"/home/zephyria/intel/compilers_and_libraries_2018.0.128/linux/""lib/intel64":"/home/zephyria/intel/compilers_and_libraries_2018.0.128/linux/""tbb/lib/intel64/gcc4.4"; \ ./test_pardiso_sym === PARDISO: solving a symmetric indefinite system === 1-based array indexing is turned ON PARDISO double precision computation is turned ON Parallel METIS algorithm at reorder step is turned ON Scaling is turned ON Matching is turned ON Summary: ( reordering phase ) ================ Times: ====== Time spent in calculations of symmetric matrix portrait (fulladj): 0.003383 s Time spent in reordering of the initial matrix (reorder) : 0.095863 s Time spent in symbolic factorization (symbfct) : 0.015841 s Time spent in data preparations for factorization (parlist) : 0.002665 s Time spent in allocation of internal data structures (malloc) : 0.008432 s Time spent in additional calculations : 0.015794 s Total time spent : 0.141978 s Statistics: =========== Parallel Direct Factorization is running on 2 OpenMP < Linear system Ax = b > number of equations: 56688 number of non-zeros in A: 418736 number of non-zeros in A (%): 0.013030 number of right-hand sides: 1 < Factors L and U > number of columns for each panel: 80 number of independent subgraphs: 0 number of supernodes: 41907 size of largest supernode: 64 number of non-zeros in L: 586017 number of non-zeros in U: 1 number of non-zeros in L+U: 586018 Reordering completed ... Number of nonzeros in factors = 586018 Number of factorization MFLOPS = 10=== PARDISO is running in In-Core mode, because iparam(60)=0 === Percentage of computed non-zeros for LL^T factorization 1 % 2 % 3 % 4 % 5 % 6 % 7 % 8 % 9 % 10 % 11 % 12 % 13 % 14 % 15 % 16 % 17 % 18 % 19 % 20 % 21 % 22 % 23 % 24 % 25 % 26 % 27 % 28 % 29 % 30 % 31 % 32 % 33 % 34 % 35 % 36 % 37 % 38 % 39 % 40 % 41 % 42 % 43 % 44 % 45 % 46 % 47 % 48 % 49 % 50 % 51 % 52 % 53 % 54 % 55 % 56 % 57 % 58 % 59 % 60 % 61 % 62 % 63 % 64 % 65 % 66 % 67 % 68 % 69 % 70 % 71 % 72 % 73 % 74 % 75 % 76 % 77 % 78 % 79 % 80 % 81 % 82 % 83 % 84 % 85 % 86 % 87 % 88 % 89 % 90 % 91 % 92 % 93 % 94 % 95 % 96 % 97 % 98 % 99 % 100 % 101 % 102 % 103 % 104 % 105 % 106 % 107 % 108 % 109 % 110 % 111 % 112 % 113 % 114 % 115 % 116 % 117 % 118 % 119 % 120 % 121 % 122 % 123 % 124 % 125 % 126 % 127 % 128 % 129 % 130 % 131 % 132 % 133 % 134 % 135 % 136 % 137 % 138 % 139 % 140 % 141 % 142 % 143 % 144 % 145 % 146 % 147 % 148 % 149 % 150 % 151 % 152 % 153 % 154 % 155 % 156 % 157 % 158 % 159 % 160 % 161 % 162 % 163 % 164 % 165 % 166 % 167 % 168 % 169 % 170 % 171 % 172 % 173 % 174 % 175 % 176 % 177 % 178 % 179 % 180 % 181 % 182 % 183 % 184 % 185 % 186 % 187 % 189 % 190 % 197 % 100 % === PARDISO: solving a symmetric indefinite system === Single-level factorization algorithm is turned ON Summary: ( factorization phase ) ================ Times: ====== Time spent in copying matrix to internal data structure (A to LU): 0.000000 s Time spent in factorization step (numfct) : 0.078704 s Time spent in allocation of internal data structures (malloc) : 0.000235 s Time spent in additional calculations : 0.000004 s Total time spent : 0.078943 s Statistics: =========== Parallel Direct Factorization is running on 2 OpenMP < Linear system Ax = b > number of equations: 56688 number of non-zeros in A: 418736 number of non-zeros in A (%): 0.013030 number of right-hand sides: 1 < Factors L and U > number of columns for each panel: 80 number of independent subgraphs: 0 number of supernodes: 41907 size of largest supernode: 64 number of non-zeros in L: 586017 number of non-zeros in U: 1 number of non-zeros in L+U: 586018 gflop for the numerical factorization: 0.010276 gflop/s for the numerical factorization: 0.130567 Factorization completed ... === PARDISO: solving a symmetric indefinite system === Summary: ( solution phase ) ================ Times: ====== Time spent in direct solver at solve step (solve) : 0.018431 s Time spent in additional calculations : 0.040057 s Total time spent : 0.058488 s Statistics: =========== Parallel Direct Factorization is running on 2 OpenMP < Linear system Ax = b > number of equations: 56688 number of non-zeros in A: 418736 number of non-zeros in A (%): 0.013030 number of right-hand sides: 1 < Factors L and U > number of columns for each panel: 80 number of independent subgraphs: 0 number of supernodes: 41907 size of largest supernode: 64 number of non-zeros in L: 586017 number of non-zeros in U: 1 number of non-zeros in L+U: 586018 gflop for the numerical factorization: 0.010276 gflop/s for the numerical factorization: 0.130567 Solve completed ... CPU Time: 0.671875 Wall Time: 0.348554 Relative residual = 5.733099e-12