Intel(R) Math Kernel Library Version 2020.0.4 Product Build 20200917 for Intel( R) 64 architecture applications NumRows: 972 NumCols: 25 ********************************************************** The tolerance used in pass/fail test 3.5762787E-05 The Frobenius norm of initial matrix 2.7518300E-03 LWORK estimated by formula. LWORK : 1047 Fro((A): 0.275183003395796E-02 SUM Singular values: 0.489272968843579E-02 0.205770134925842E-02 0.306356068985325E-11 Reconstructed Fro(A): 0.275182910263538E-02 Relative error in residual matrix 5.3592858E-10 ** Test passed ** Completed LWORK estimated by formula. ********************************************************** NumRows: 972 NumCols: 25 ********************************************************** The tolerance used in pass/fail test 3.5762787E-05 The Frobenius norm of initial matrix 2.7518300E-03 LWORK computed by routine. LWORK : 35239 Fro((A): 0.275183003395796E-02 SUM Singular values: 0.489272922277451E-02 0.205770134925842E-02 0.243583365283628E-11 Reconstructed Fro(A): 0.275182910263538E-02 Relative error in residual matrix 1.4324166E-03 **** Test FAILED **** Completed LWORK computed by routine. **********************************************************