/******************************************************************************* * Copyright 2011-2021 Intel Corporation. * * This software and the related documents are Intel copyrighted materials, and * your use of them is governed by the express license under which they were * provided to you (License). Unless the License provides otherwise, you may not * use, modify, copy, publish, distribute, disclose or transmit this software or * the related documents without Intel's prior written permission. * * This software and the related documents are provided as is, with no express * or implied warranties, other than those that are expressly stated in the * License. *******************************************************************************/ /* ! Content: ! A simple example of double-precision complex-to-complex in-place 1D ! FFT using Intel(R) Math Kernel Library (Intel(R) MKL) DFTI ! !****************************************************************************/ #include #include #include #include #include "mkl_service.h" #include "mkl_dfti.h" /* Define the format to printf MKL_LONG values */ #if !defined(MKL_ILP64) #define LI "%li" #else #define LI "%lli" #endif static void init(MKL_Complex16 *x, int N, int H); static int verify(MKL_Complex16 *x, int N, int H); int main(void) { /* Size of 1D transform */ int N = 7; /* Arbitrary harmonic used to verify FFT */ int H = -N/2; /* Pointer to input/output data */ MKL_Complex16 *x = NULL; /* Execution status */ MKL_LONG status = 0; DFTI_DESCRIPTOR_HANDLE hand = NULL; char version[DFTI_VERSION_LENGTH]; DftiGetValue(0, DFTI_VERSION, version); printf("%s\n", version); printf("Example basic_dp_complex_dft_1d\n"); printf("Forward and backward double-precision complex in-place 1D FFTs\n"); printf("Configuration parameters:\n"); printf(" DFTI_PRECISION = DFTI_DOUBLE\n"); printf(" DFTI_FORWARD_DOMAIN = DFTI_COMPLEX\n"); printf(" DFTI_DIMENSION = 1\n"); printf(" DFTI_LENGTHS = {%d}\n", N); printf("Create DFTI descriptor\n"); status = DftiCreateDescriptor(&hand, DFTI_DOUBLE, DFTI_COMPLEX, 1, (MKL_LONG)N); if (status != DFTI_NO_ERROR) goto failed; printf("Commit DFTI descriptor\n"); status = DftiCommitDescriptor(hand); if (status != DFTI_NO_ERROR) goto failed; printf("Allocate input array\n"); x = (MKL_Complex16*)mkl_malloc(N*sizeof(MKL_Complex16), 64); if (x == NULL) goto failed; printf("Initialize input for forward transform\n"); init(x, N, H); printf("Compute forward transform\n"); status = DftiComputeForward(hand, x); if (status != DFTI_NO_ERROR) goto failed; printf("Verify the result of forward FFT\n"); status = verify(x, N, H); if (status != 0) goto failed; printf("Initialize input for backward transform\n"); init(x, N, -H); printf("Compute backward transform\n"); status = DftiComputeBackward(hand, x); if (status != DFTI_NO_ERROR) goto failed; printf("Verify the result of backward FFT\n"); status = verify(x, N, H); if (status != 0) goto failed; cleanup: printf("Release the DFTI descriptor\n"); DftiFreeDescriptor(&hand); printf("Free data array\n"); mkl_free(x); printf("TEST %s\n", (status == 0) ? "PASSED" : "FAILED"); return status; failed: printf(" ERROR, status = "LI"\n", status); status = 1; goto cleanup; } /* Compute (K*L)%M accurately */ static double moda(int K, int L, int M) { return (double)(((long long)K * L) % M); } /* Initialize array with harmonic H */ static void init(MKL_Complex16 *x, int N, int H) { double TWOPI = 6.2831853071795864769, phase; int n; for (n = 0; n < N; n++) { phase = moda(n, H, N) / N; x[n].real = cos(TWOPI * phase) / N; x[n].imag = sin(TWOPI * phase) / N; } } /* Verify that x has unit peak at H */ static int verify(MKL_Complex16 *x, int N, int H) { double err, errthr, maxerr; int n; /* * Note, this simple error bound doesn't take into account error of * input data */ errthr = 5.0 * log((double) N) / log(2.0) * DBL_EPSILON; printf(" Verify the result, errthr = %.3lg\n", errthr); maxerr = 0.0; for (n = 0; n < N; n++) { double re_exp = 0.0, im_exp = 0.0, re_got, im_got; if ((n-H)%N==0) re_exp = 1.0; re_got = x[n].real; im_got = x[n].imag; err = fabs(re_got - re_exp) + fabs(im_got - im_exp); if (err > maxerr) maxerr = err; if (!(err < errthr)) { printf(" data[%i]: ",n); printf(" expected (%.17lg,%.17lg), ", re_exp, im_exp); printf(" got (%.17lg,%.17lg), ", re_got, im_got); printf(" err %.3lg\n", err); printf(" Verification FAILED\n"); return 1; } } printf(" Verified, maximum error was %.3lg\n", maxerr); return 0; }