# SSU Scan Information Scan Info: Version:"" Date:"10/11/2023" Time:"00:00:22.3709080" # Scanned Hardware Computer: BaseBoard Manufacturer:"Dell Inc." BIOS Mode:"UEFI" BIOS Version/Date:"Dell Inc. 1.1.11 , 07/27/2023 12:00 上午" CD or DVD:"Not Available" Embedded Controller Version:"255.255" Platform Role:"Enterprise Server" Processor:"Intel(R) Xeon(R) w5-2465X , GenuineIntel" Secure Boot State:"On" SMBIOS Version:"3.4" Sound Card:"NVIDIA High Definition Audio" Sound Card:"Realtek Audio" System Manufacturer:"Dell Inc." System Model:"Precision 5860 Tower" System SKU:"0A3C" System Type:"x64-based PC" - "Display" Intel ® Graphics Driver Version:"Not Available" - "NVIDIA RTX A4000" Adapter Compatibility:"NVIDIA" Adapter DAC Type:"Integrated RAMDAC" Adapter RAM:"4.00 GB" Availability:"Running or Full Power" Bits Per Pixel:"32" Caption:"NVIDIA RTX A4000" CoInstallers:"oem37.inf,Section048,Integrated RAMDAC,NVIDIA RTX A4000" Color Table Entries:"4294967296" Dedicated Video Memory:"Not Available" Driver:"nvlddmkm.sys" Driver Date:"09/12/2023 08:00 上午" Driver Path:"C:\Windows\system32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nvwuwi.inf_amd64_eff48651e5da681b\nvlddmkm.sys" Driver Provider:"NVIDIA" Driver Version:"" INF:"oem37.inf" INF Section:"Section048" Install Date:"Not Available" Installed Drivers:"C:\Windows\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nvwuwi.inf_amd64_eff48651e5da681b\nvldumdx.dll,C:\Windows\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nvwuwi.inf_amd64_eff48651e5da681b\nvldumdx.dll,C:\Windows\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nvwuwi.inf_amd64_eff48651e5da681b\nvldumdx.dll,C:\Windows\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nvwuwi.inf_amd64_eff48651e5da681b\nvldumdx.dll" Last Error Code:"Not Available" Last Error Code Description:"Not Available" Last Reset:"Not Available" Location:"PCI bus 162, device 0, function 0" Manufacturer:"NVIDIA" Microsoft DirectX* Version:"DirectX 12" Monochrome:"No" Number of Colors:"4294967296" Number of Video Pages:"Not Available" PNP Device ID:"PCI\VEN_10DE&DEV_24B0&SUBSYS_14AD103C&REV_A1\4&1982E278&0&0008" Power Management Capabilities:"Not Available" Power Management Supported:"Not Available" Refresh Rate - Current:"59 Hz" Refresh Rate - Maximum:"75 Hz" Refresh Rate - Minimum:"23 Hz" Resolution:"1920 X 1200" Scan Mode:"Noninterlaced" Service Name:"nvlddmkm" Status:"OK" Video Architecture:"VGA" Video Memory:"Unknown" Video Processor:"NVIDIA RTX A4000" - "Memory" Physical Memory (Available):"117.34 GB" Physical Memory (Installed):"128 GB" Physical Memory (Total):"127.25 GB" - "物理内存" Capacity:"32 GB" Channel:"DIMM1" Configured Clock Speed:"4800 MHz" Configured Voltage:"1100 millivolts" Data Width:"64 bits" Form Factor:"DIMM" Interleave Position:"Not Available" Manufacturer:"00AD063200AD" Maximum Voltage:"Not Available" Memory Type:"Unknown" Minimum Voltage:"Not Available" Part Number:"HMCG84MEBQA116N" Serial Number:"9672AD9B" Status:"Not Available" Type:"Not Available" - "物理内存" Capacity:"32 GB" Channel:"DIMM3" Configured Clock Speed:"4800 MHz" Configured Voltage:"1100 millivolts" Data Width:"64 bits" Form Factor:"DIMM" Interleave Position:"Not Available" Manufacturer:"00AD063200AD" Maximum Voltage:"Not Available" Memory Type:"Unknown" Minimum Voltage:"Not Available" Part Number:"HMCG84MEBQA116N" Serial Number:"9672A0D0" Status:"Not Available" Type:"Not Available" - "物理内存" Capacity:"32 GB" Channel:"DIMM2" Configured Clock Speed:"4800 MHz" Configured Voltage:"1100 millivolts" Data Width:"64 bits" Form Factor:"DIMM" Interleave Position:"Not Available" Manufacturer:"00AD063200AD" Maximum Voltage:"Not Available" Memory Type:"Unknown" Minimum Voltage:"Not Available" Part Number:"HMCG84MEBQA116N" Serial Number:"9672ADAC" Status:"Not Available" Type:"Not Available" - "物理内存" Capacity:"32 GB" Channel:"DIMM4" Configured Clock Speed:"4800 MHz" Configured Voltage:"1100 millivolts" Data Width:"64 bits" Form Factor:"DIMM" Interleave Position:"Not Available" Manufacturer:"00AD063200AD" Maximum Voltage:"Not Available" Memory Type:"Unknown" Minimum Voltage:"Not Available" Part Number:"HMCG84MEBQA116N" Serial Number:"9672A0CD" Status:"Not Available" Type:"Not Available" - "Motherboard" Availability:"Running or Full Power" BIOS:"1.1.11, INTEL - 0" Caption:"主板" Chipset:"Not Available" Date:"07/27/2023 08:00 上午" Install Date:"Not Available" Last Error Code:"Not Available" Last Error Code Description:"Not Available" Manufacturer:"Dell Inc." Model:"Not Available" Part Number:"Not Available" PNP Device ID:"Not Available" Power Management Capabilities:"Not Available" Power Management Supported:"Not Available" Product:"0F4Y1M" Serial Number:"/GKJJ0Z3/CNFCW0038700CQ/" Status:"OK" Version:"A01" - "Networking" Intel ® Network Connections Install Options:"Not Available" Intel ® Network Connections Version:"Not Available" Intel ® PROSet/Wireless Software Version:"Not Available" - "Intel(R) Ethernet Connection (17) I219-LM" Availability:"Running or Full Power" - "Caption":"Intel(R) Ethernet Connection (17) I219-LM" Link:"http://www.intel.com/content/www/us/en/search.html?keyword=Ethernet+Connection+(17)+I219+LM" CoInstallers:"Not Available" Default IP Gateway:"Not Available" DHCP Enabled:"Yes" DHCP Lease Expires:"Not Available" DHCP Lease Obtained:"Not Available" DHCP Server:"Not Available" Driver:"e1d.sys" Driver Date:"11/03/2022 12:00 上午" Driver Path:"C:\Windows\system32\DriverStore\FileRepository\e1d.inf_amd64_f3c6513565231a23\e1d.sys" Driver Provider:"Intel" Driver Version:"" ETrackID:"Not Available" Index:"0001" INF:"oem20.inf" INF Section:"E1A1C." Install Date:"Not Available" Installed:"Yes" IP Address:"Not Available" IP Subnet:"Not Available" Last Error Code:"Not Available" Last Error Code Description:"Not Available" Last Reset:"10/11/2023 04:49 下午" Location:"PCI bus 0, device 31, function 6" MAC Address:"00:4E:01:FC:5B:7C" Manufacturer:"Intel" Net Connection ID:"以太网" NetCfgInstanceId:"{43034766-71A2-4825-964E-2EA6E340F422}" NVM Version:"Not Available" Part Number:"FFFFFF-0FF" PNP Device ID:"PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1A1C&SUBSYS_0A3A1028&REV_11\3&11583659&0&FE" Port:"Not Available" Power Management (Low Power):"Active: Yes, Enable: Yes" Power Management (Wake On LAN):"Active: Yes, Enable: Yes" Power Management (Wake on Magic Packet):"Active: Yes, EnableWakeOnMagicPacketOnly: No" Power Management Capabilities:"Not Available" Power Management Supported:"No" Product Type:"Intel(R) Ethernet Connection (17) I219-LM" Service Name:"e1dexpress" Status:"Enabled" Type:"以太网 802.3" - "Service Bindings" Internet 协议版本 4 (TCP/IPv4): Internet 协议版本 6 (TCP/IPv6): Microsoft LLDP 协议驱动程序: Microsoft 网络的文件和打印机共享: Microsoft 网络客户端: QoS 数据包计划程序: 链路层拓扑发现响应程序: 链路层拓扑发现映射器 I/O 驱动程序: - "Settings" *FlowControl:流量控制:"已启用 Rx 和 Tx (3)" *InterruptModeration:中断裁决:"启用 (1)" *IPChecksumOffloadIPv4:IPv4 校验和分载传输:"已启用 Rx 和 Tx (3)" *JumboPacket:巨帧数据包:"1514 (1514)" *LsoV2IPv4:大型发送分载 V2 (IPv4):"启用 (1)" *LsoV2IPv6:大型发送分载 V2 (IPv6):"启用 (1)" *ModernStandbyWoLMagicPacket:在收到魔包时从 S0ix 状态唤醒 :"启用 (1)" *PMARPOffload:协议 ARP 分载:"启用 (1)" *PMNSOffload:协议 NS 分载:"启用 (1)" *PriorityVLANTag:数据包优先级和 VLAN:"已启用数据包优先级和 VLAN (3)" *PtpHardwareTimestamp:PTP 硬件时间戳:"禁用 (0)" *ReceiveBuffers:接收缓冲区:"256 (256)" *SelectiveSuspend:选择性暂停:"启用 (1)" *SoftwareTimestamp:软件时间戳:"禁用 (0)" *SpeedDuplex:速度和双工:"自动协商 (0)" *SSIdleTimeout:选择性暂停空闲超时:"20 (20)" *TCPChecksumOffloadIPv4:TCP 校验和分载传输 (IPv4):"已启用 Rx 和 Tx (3)" *TCPChecksumOffloadIPv6:TCP 校验和分载传输 (IPv6):"已启用 Rx 和 Tx (3)" *TransmitBuffers:传输缓冲区:"512 (512)" *UDPChecksumOffloadIPv4:UDP 校验和分载传输 (IPv4):"已启用 Rx 和 Tx (3)" *UDPChecksumOffloadIPv6:UDP 校验和分载传输 (IPv6):"已启用 Rx 和 Tx (3)" *WakeOnMagicPacket:唤醒魔包:"启用 (1)" *WakeOnPattern:唤醒模式匹配:"启用 (1)" AdaptiveIFS:适应性帧间距调整:"禁用 (0)" AutoPowerSaveModeEnabled:链接速度电池节能:"禁用 (0)" EEELinkAdvertisement:节能以太网:"开启 (1)" EnablePME:启用 PME:"启用 (1)" ITR:中断裁决率:"适应性 (65535)" LinkNegotiationProcess:传统型交换器兼容模式:"禁用 (1)" LogLinkStateEvent:记录链接状态事件:"启用 (51)" MasterSlave:千兆位主从模式:"自动检测 (0)" ReduceSpeedOnPowerDown:电源关闭时降低速度:"启用 (1)" SipsEnabled:系统闲置电源节能:"禁用 (0)" ULPMode:超低功耗模式:"启用 (1)" WaitAutoNegComplete:等待链接:"自动检测 (2)" WakeOnLink:链接唤醒设置:"禁用 (0)" - "Marvell AQtion 10Gbit Network Adapter" Availability:"Running or Full Power" Caption:"Marvell AQtion 10Gbit Network Adapter" CoInstallers:"Not Available" Default IP Gateway:"Not Available" DHCP Enabled:"Yes" DHCP Lease Expires:"Not Available" DHCP Lease Obtained:"Not Available" DHCP Server:"Not Available" Driver:"aqnic650.sys" Driver Date:"06/02/2022 12:00 上午" Driver Path:"C:\Windows\system32\drivers\aqnic650.sys" Driver Provider:"Marvell" Driver Version:"" Index:"0013" INF:"oem27.inf" INF Section:"Antigua10G" Install Date:"Not Available" Installed:"Yes" IP Address:"Not Available" IP Subnet:"Not Available" Last Error Code:"Not Available" Last Error Code Description:"Not Available" Last Reset:"10/11/2023 04:49 下午" Location:"PCI bus 3, device 0, function 0" MAC Address:"00:4E:01:FC:5B:7D" Manufacturer:"Marvell" Net Connection ID:"以太网 2" NetCfgInstanceId:"{EEBAC73F-A28F-4475-8057-D3B68E9A509D}" PNP Device ID:"PCI\VEN_1D6A&DEV_94C0&SUBSYS_0A3C1028&REV_03\4&1814C680&0&00E0" Port:"Not Available" Power Management (Low Power):"Not Available" Power Management (Wake On LAN):"Not Available" Power Management (Wake on Magic Packet):"Not Available" Power Management Capabilities:"Not Available" Power Management Supported:"No" Product Type:"Marvell AQtion 10Gbit Network Adapter" Service Name:"aqnic650" Status:"Enabled" Type:"以太网 802.3" - "Service Bindings" Internet 协议版本 4 (TCP/IPv4): Internet 协议版本 6 (TCP/IPv6): Microsoft LLDP 协议驱动程序: Microsoft 网络的文件和打印机共享: Microsoft 网络客户端: QoS 数据包计划程序: 链路层拓扑发现响应程序: 链路层拓扑发现映射器 I/O 驱动程序: - "Settings" *EEE:Energy-Efficient Ethernet:"Enabled (1)" *FlowControl:Flow Control:"Rx & Tx Enabled (3)" *InterruptModeration:Interrupt Moderation:"Enabled (1)" *IPChecksumOffloadIPv4:IPv4 Checksum Offload:"Rx & Tx Enabled (3)" *JumboPacket:Jumbo Packet:"Disabled (1514)" *LsoV1IPv4:Large Send Offload V1 (IPv4):"Enabled (1)" *LsoV2IPv4:Large Send Offload V2 (IPv4):"Enabled (1)" *LsoV2IPv6:Large Send Offload V2 (IPv6):"Enabled (1)" *NumRssQueues:Maximum number of RSS Queues:"4 Queues (4)" *PMARPOffload:ARP Offload:"Enabled (1)" *PMNSOffload:NS Offload:"Enabled (1)" *PriorityVLANTag:Priority & VLAN:"Priority & VLAN Enabled (3)" *QOS:NDIS QoS:"QoS Disabled (0)" *ReceiveBuffers:Receive Buffers:"512 (512)" *RscIPv4:Recv Segment Coalescing (IPv4):"Enabled (1)" *RscIPv6:Recv Segment Coalescing (IPv6):"Enabled (1)" *RSS:Receive Side Scaling:"Enabled (1)" *SpeedDuplex:Speed & Duplex:"Auto Negotiation (0)" *TCPUDPChecksumOffloadIPv4:TCP/UDP Checksum Offload (IPv4):"Rx & Tx Enabled (3)" *TCPUDPChecksumOffloadIPv6:TCP/UDP Checksum Offload (IPv6):"Rx & Tx Enabled (3)" *TransmitBuffers:Transmit Buffers:"2048 (2048)" *WakeOnMagicPacket:Wake on Magic Packet:"Enabled (1)" *WakeOnPattern:Wake on Pattern Match:"Enabled (1)" Downshift:Downshift retries:"4 (4)" ITR:Interrupt Moderation Rate:"Adaptive (65535)" LogLinkStateEvent:Log Link State Event:"Enabled (1)" VlanID:VLAN ID:"0 (0)" WakeFromPowerOff:Wake from power off state:"Enabled (1)" WakeOnLink:Wake on Link:"Disabled (0)" WakeOnPing:Wake on Ping:"Disabled (0)" - "Realtek 8811CU Wireless LAN 802.11ac USB NIC" Access Point:"9a:86:65:bb:0e:a4" Authentication: Availability:"Running or Full Power" Caption:"Realtek 8811CU Wireless LAN 802.11ac USB NIC" Channel: Cipher: CoInstallers:"Not Available" Connection Mode: Default IP Gateway:";fe80::9886:65ff:febb:ea4" DHCP Enabled:"Yes" DHCP Lease Expires:"10/11/2023 05:49 下午" DHCP Lease Obtained:"10/11/2023 04:49 下午" DHCP Server:"" Driver:"rtwlanu.sys" Driver Date:"07/29/2019 12:00 上午" Driver Path:"C:\Windows\system32\drivers\rtwlanu.sys" Driver Provider:"Microsoft" Driver Version:"1030.38.712.2019" Index:"0010" INF:"netrtwlanu.inf" INF Section:"RTL8811cu.ndi.NT" Install Date:"Not Available" Installed:"Yes" IP Address:";fe80::f9a7:be45:a33:397d;2409:8921:4cc0:f3:1ca7:8b50:9ddc:5e2e;2409:8921:4cc0:f3:54d6:3e75:ec84:d289" IP Subnet:";64;128;64" Last Error Code:"Not Available" Last Error Code Description:"Not Available" Last Reset:"10/11/2023 04:49 下午" Location:"Port_#0004.Hub_#0003" MAC Address:"78:60:5B:CC:E4:D0" Manufacturer:"Realtek Semiconductor Corp." Net Connection ID:"WLAN" NetCfgInstanceId:"{6CF0016D-125D-4C97-87EC-5407EADF2084}" Network Name:"iQOO Neo7" Network Type: PNP Device ID:"USB\VID_0BDA&PID_C811\123456" Port:"Not Available" Power Management (Low Power):"Active: Yes, Enable: Yes" Power Management (Wake On LAN):"Active: Yes, Enable: No" Power Management (Wake on Magic Packet):"Active: Yes, EnableWakeOnMagicPacketOnly: No" Power Management Capabilities:"Not Available" Power Management Supported:"No" Product Type:"Realtek 8811CU Wireless LAN 802.11ac USB NIC" Profile: Radio Type: Receive Rate: Service Name:"RtlWlanu" Signal Strength: State: Status:"Enabled" Transmit Rate: Type:"以太网 802.3" - "Service Bindings" Internet 协议版本 4 (TCP/IPv4): Internet 协议版本 6 (TCP/IPv6): Microsoft LLDP 协议驱动程序: Microsoft 网络的文件和打印机共享: Microsoft 网络客户端: QoS 数据包计划程序: 链路层拓扑发现响应程序: 链路层拓扑发现映射器 I/O 驱动程序: - "Settings" *WakeOnMagicPacket:Wake on Magic Packet:"Enable (1)" *WakeOnPattern:Wake on Pattern Match:"Enable (1)" AdaptivityPara:AdaptivityPara:"0 (0)" EnableAdaptivity:EnableAdaptivity:"Auto (2)" HLDiffForAdaptivity:HLDiffForAdaptivity:"7 (7)" L2HForAdaptivity:L2HForAdaptivity:"Auto (0)" PingPatternEnable:Wake on Pattern Match by Ping Pattern:"Enable (1)" QoS:QoS Support:"Support QoS (1)" Vht24g:VHT 2.4G:"Enable (255)" WirelessMode:Wireless Mode:"Auto (8)" - "Operating System" .Net Framework Version:"4.0,4.8" Boot Device:"\Device\HarddiskVolume7" Internet Browser:"Internet Explorer,11.1, Microsoft Edge,117.0" Locale:"中华人民共和国" OS Manufacturer:"Microsoft Corporation" OS Name:"Microsoft Windows 11 专业工作站版" Other OS Description:"Not Available" Page File:"F:\pagefile.sys" Page File Space:"18.00 GB" Physical Memory (Available):"117.35 GB" Physical Memory (Installed):"128 GB" Physical Memory (Total):"127.25 GB" System Directory:"C:\Windows\system32" Version:"10.0.22621 Build 22621" Virtual Memory (Available):"133.46 GB" Virtual Memory (Total):"145.25 GB" Windows Directory:"C:\Windows" - "Installed Updates" KB2468871:"Microsoft .NET Framework 4 Extended [Not Available]" KB2468871:"Microsoft .NET Framework 4 Client Profile [Not Available]" KB2468871v2:"Microsoft .NET Framework 4 Client Profile [Not Available]" KB2468871v2:"Microsoft .NET Framework 4 Extended [Not Available]" KB2478063:"Microsoft .NET Framework 4 Client Profile [Not Available]" KB2478063:"Microsoft .NET Framework 4 Extended [Not Available]" KB2533523:"Microsoft .NET Framework 4 Client Profile [Not Available]" KB2533523:"Microsoft .NET Framework 4 Extended [Not Available]" KB2544514:"Microsoft .NET Framework 4 Client Profile [Not Available]" KB2544514:"Microsoft .NET Framework 4 Extended [Not Available]" KB2600211:"Microsoft .NET Framework 4 Client Profile [Not Available]" KB2600211:"Microsoft .NET Framework 4 Extended [Not Available]" KB2600217:"Microsoft .NET Framework 4 Client Profile [Not Available]" KB2600217:"Microsoft .NET Framework 4 Extended [Not Available]" KB5030508:"Update [10/10/2023]" KB5030651:"Update [10/11/2023]" KB5031354:"Security Update [10/11/2023]" KB5031592:"Update [10/11/2023]" Microsoft .NET 6.0.16 - Windows Server Hosting (x86):".NET [2023/10/10]" Microsoft ASP.NET Core 6.0.16 - Shared Framework (x64):".NET [2023/10/10]" Microsoft ASP.NET Core 6.0.16 - Shared Framework (x86):".NET [2023/10/10]" - "Processor" - "Intel(R) Xeon(R) w5-2465X" Architecture:"x64" ATPO:"Not Available" Availability:"Running or Full Power" Caption:"Intel64 Family 6 Model 143 Stepping 8" - "Chipset Name":"Intel(R) Xeon(R) w5-2465X" Link:"http://www.intel.com/content/www/us/en/search.html?keyword=Xeon+w5+2465X" CPU Speed:"3.10 GHz" Current Voltage:"2.2 volts" Driver:"Not Available" Driver Date:"04/21/2009 12:00 上午" Driver Path:"C:\Windows\system32\drivers\intelppm.sys" Driver Provider:"Microsoft" Driver Version:"10.0.22621.2215" Ext. Family:"Not Available" Family:"Intel Xeon™" FPO:"Not Available" INF:"cpu.inf" INF Section:"IntelPPM_Inst.NT" Install Date:"Not Available" Last Error Code:"Not Available" Level 1 Cache:"8 x 640 KB" Level 2 Cache:"8 x 16384 KB" Level 3 Cache:"33.75 MB" Load:"Not Available%" Manufacturer:"GenuineIntel" Model:"143" Name:"Intel(R) Xeon(R) w5-2465X" Number of Cores:"8" Number of Cores Enabled:"8" Number of Logical Processors:"8" Part Number:"Not Available" Power Management Capabilities:"Not Available" Power Management Supported:"No" Processor ID:"BFEBFBFF000806F8" Revision:"Not Available" Serial Number:"Not Available" Service Name:"intelppm" Status:"OK" Stepping:"8" Version:"Not Available" - "Storage" - "KINGSTON SKC3000S1024G" Capablities:"Random Access, Supports Writing" Caption:"KINGSTON SKC3000S1024G" Cylinder - Total:"124519" Description:"磁盘驱动器" Driver:"Not Available" Driver Date:"06/21/2006 12:00 上午" Driver Version:"10.0.22621.1778" Error Code:"Device is working properly" Firmware Revision:"EIFK31.6" Heads - Total:"255" Index:"1" INF:"disk.inf" Install Date:"Not Available" Interface Type:"SCSI" Manufacturer:"(标准磁盘驱动器)" Model:"KINGSTON SKC3000S1024G" Name:"\\.\PHYSICALDRIVE1" Partitions:"1" Physical Sector Size:"4096" PNP Device ID:"SCSI\DISK&VEN_NVME&PROD_KINGSTON_SKC3000\5&16AC03AD&0&000000" Policies:"Read Retention Priority=EqualPriority, Write Retention Priority=EqualPriority, Scalar Prefetch=Not Available, Block Prefetch=Not Available" SCSI Bus:"0" SCSI LUN:"0" SCSI Port:"1" Sectors - Per Track:"63" Sectors - Total:"2000397735" Serial Number:"0000_0000_0000_0000_0026_B768_6068_FCC5." Size:"953.86 GB" Size – Available:"953.68 GB" Status:"OK" Tracks - Per Cylinder:"255" Tracks - Total:"31752345" - "D:" Availability:"Not Available" Caption:"D:" Compression Method:"Not Compressed" Description:"本地固定磁盘" File System:"NTFS" Name:"SSD 1T" Serial Number:"B47EEEB9" Size:"953.85 GB" Size – Available:"953.68 GB" Status:"Not Available" Volume Dirty:"No" - "KINGSTON SKC3000S512G" Capablities:"Random Access, Supports Writing" Caption:"KINGSTON SKC3000S512G" Cylinder - Total:"62260" Description:"磁盘驱动器" Driver:"Not Available" Driver Date:"06/21/2006 12:00 上午" Driver Version:"10.0.22621.1778" Error Code:"Device is working properly" Firmware Revision:"EIFK31.6" Heads - Total:"255" Index:"2" INF:"disk.inf" Install Date:"Not Available" Interface Type:"SCSI" Manufacturer:"(标准磁盘驱动器)" Model:"KINGSTON SKC3000S512G" Name:"\\.\PHYSICALDRIVE2" Partitions:"3" Physical Sector Size:"4096" PNP Device ID:"SCSI\DISK&VEN_NVME&PROD_KINGSTON_SKC3000\5&266A9CA5&0&000000" Policies:"Read Retention Priority=EqualPriority, Write Retention Priority=EqualPriority, Scalar Prefetch=Not Available, Block Prefetch=Not Available" SCSI Bus:"0" SCSI LUN:"0" SCSI Port:"2" Sectors - Per Track:"63" Sectors - Total:"1000206900" Serial Number:"0000_0000_0000_0000_0026_B768_6043_45E5." Size:"476.94 GB" Size – Available:"435.02 GB" Status:"OK" Tracks - Per Cylinder:"255" Tracks - Total:"15876300" - "C:" Availability:"Not Available" Caption:"C:" Compression Method:"Not Compressed" Description:"本地固定磁盘" File System:"NTFS" Name:"Not Available" Serial Number:"9AFF8DD7" Size:"476.05 GB" Size – Available:"435.02 GB" Status:"Not Available" Volume Dirty:"No" - "ST18000NM000J-2TV103" Capablities:"Random Access, Supports Writing, SMART Notification" Caption:"ST18000NM000J-2TV103" Cylinder - Total:"2188400" Description:"磁盘驱动器" Driver:"Not Available" Driver Date:"06/21/2006 12:00 上午" Driver Version:"10.0.22621.1778" Error Code:"Device is working properly" Firmware Revision:"SN02" Heads - Total:"255" Index:"0" INF:"disk.inf" Install Date:"Not Available" Interface Type:"IDE" Manufacturer:"(标准磁盘驱动器)" Model:"ST18000NM000J-2TV103" Name:"\\.\PHYSICALDRIVE0" Partitions:"3" Physical Sector Size:"4096" PNP Device ID:"SCSI\DISK&VEN_&PROD_ST18000NM000J-2T\4&2118FD4A&0&020000" Policies:"Read Retention Priority=EqualPriority, Write Retention Priority=EqualPriority, Scalar Prefetch=Not Available, Block Prefetch=Not Available" Sectors - Per Track:"63" Sectors - Total:"35156646000" Serial Number:"WR502R96" Size:"16.37 TB" Size – Available:"16.26 TB" SMART Attributes:"Self-Test: 255 minutes, OK, Short Self-Test: 1 minutes, OK" Status:"OK" Tracks - Per Cylinder:"255" Tracks - Total:"558042000" - "E:" Availability:"Not Available" Caption:"E:" Compression Method:"Not Compressed" Description:"本地固定磁盘" File System:"NTFS" Name:"HDD1" Serial Number:"A4071C87" Size:"5587.99 GB" Size – Available:"5506.03 GB" Status:"Not Available" Volume Dirty:"No" - "F:" Availability:"Not Available" Caption:"F:" Compression Method:"Not Compressed" Description:"本地固定磁盘" File System:"NTFS" Name:"HDD2" Serial Number:"DE23DD7C" Size:"5587.99 GB" Size – Available:"5569.76 GB" Status:"Not Available" Volume Dirty:"No" - "G:" Availability:"Not Available" Caption:"G:" Compression Method:"Not Compressed" Description:"本地固定磁盘" File System:"NTFS" Name:"HDD3" Serial Number:"AC3A3D4C" Size:"5588.00 GB" Size – Available:"5570.17 GB" Status:"Not Available" Volume Dirty:"No" - "SMART" 0x01 Raw Read Error Rate:155557555:"44" 0x03 Spin Up Time:0:"0" 0x04 Start/Stop Count:19:"20" 0x05 Reallocated Sector Count:0:"10" 0x07 Seek Error Rate:632618:"45" 0x09 Power-On Hours:18:"0" 0x0A Spin Retry Count:0:"97" 0x0C Power Cycle Count:19:"20" 0xBB Uncorrectable Error Count:0:"0" 0xBC Reported Command Timeouts:0:"0" 0xBE Temperature - Current:38° C:"0" 0xBE Temperature - Highest:39° C:"0" 0xBE Temperature - Lowest:37° C:"0" 0xC0 Unsafe Shutdown Count:8:"0" 0xC1 Load/Unload Cycle Count:124:"0" 0xC2 Internal Device Temperature:38° C:"0" 0xC5 Current Pending Errors Count:0:"0" 0xC6 Uncorrectable Sector Count:0:"0" 0xC7 CRC Error Count:0:"0" 0xC8 Write Error Rate:0:"1" 0xF0 Head Flying Hours:8:"0" 0xF1 Total LBAs Written:984664986:"0" 0xF2 Total LBAs Read:193421221456:"0" ...#SSU#...