############################################################################### What is this? ############################################################################### This is the readme.txt file for the example design file set of the Altera LVDS SERDES IP. Files in this directory allow you to do the following: 1) Create a Quartus Prime project that instantiates an LVDS interface (same configuration as what you specified in generation). You can optionally specify the target device and pin location assignments, run a full compilation using the Quartus Prime software, verify timing closure, and test the interface on your board using the programming file generated by the Quartus Prime assembler. 2) Create simulation projects for various supported simulators. The simulation projects instantiate an LVDS interface (same configuration as what you specified in the MegaWizard), and an example test bench that exercises the interface. The projects are generated so you can run simulation and use the results as a way to understand the behavior of the LVDS interface IP. This flow only supports functional simulation. Timing simulation is not supported, and you must use static timing analysis provided by the TimeQuest software to verify timing closure. Notes: In external PLL mode, an example external PLL is provided in a standalone QSYS file (lvds_external_pll.qsys). This can be modified and used in the user's design for external PLL mode. In the synthesis example design, there is an example of how to connect the external PLL to the LVDS IP including a top-level SDC file. The file under the qsys_interface_bridge directory: qsys_interface_bridge_hw.tcl defines a custom component to help connect LVDS to the PLL in QSYS. It simply allows the connection between non-matching QSYS interfaces (i.e. clock to conduit). Make sure these files are added to the project directory if you wish to modify either the synthesis or simulation QSYS systems. The qsys_interface_bridge is not needed if using the provided PLL as a RTL instantiation and connecting the components manually in RTL rather than a QSYS system. ############################################################################### Generating a Quartus Prime Example Design ############################################################################### For information about supported arguments, run: quartus_sh -t make_qii_design.tcl -help To generate a Quartus Prime example design, run: quartus_sh -t make_qii_design.tcl To specify an exact device to use, run: quartus_sh -t make_qii_design.tcl -device [device_name] The generated example design is stored under the "qii" sub-directory. To re-generate the design, simply delete it and re-run the commands above. To generate non-default example designs like the DPS (Dynamic Phase Shift), combined TX/RX or others: quartus_sh -t make_qii_design.tcl -device [device_name] -system [system_name] Note: [system_name] is the name of the QSYS system for the given example design. For the default "ed_synth.qsys" the system name is "ed_synth". The generated example design is stored under the "qii_" sub-directory. ############################################################################### Generating a Simulation Example Design ############################################################################### To generate simulation example designs for a Verilog or a mixed-language simulator, run: quartus_sh -t make_sim_design.tcl VERILOG To generate simulation example designs for a VHDL-only simulator, run: quartus_sh -t make_sim_design.tcl VHDL The generated example designs for various simulators are stored under the "sim" sub-directory. For example, to run simulation using Synopsys' VCS, run: cd sim/synopsys/vcs ./vcs_setup.sh