Info: Changing the current directory to output directory /Castor/opt/questa_altera_lib .. Info: Using Path /Castor/opt/questa21.3/questasim/bin that was set in EDA Simulation Library Compiler Options Info: Generating commands to compile library altera ... Info: Generating commands to compile library lpm ... Info: Generating commands to compile library sgate ... Info: Generating commands to compile library altera_mf ... Info: Generating commands to compile library altera_lnsim ... Info: Executing command file containing library compilation commands Info: Reading pref.tcl Info: # 2021.3 Info: # do temp_simlib_comp.tmp Info: # QuestaSim-64 vcom 2021.3 Compiler 2021.07 Jul 13 2021 Info: # Start time: 11:24:10 on Aug 24,2021 Info: # vcom -work altera -93 /Castor/opt/altera/20.1lite/quartus/eda/sim_lib/altera_syn_attributes.vhd Info: # -- Loading package STANDARD Info: # -- Compiling package altera_syn_attributes Info: # End time: 11:24:11 on Aug 24,2021, Elapsed time: 0:00:01 Info: # Errors: 0, Warnings: 0 Info: # QuestaSim-64 vcom 2021.3 Compiler 2021.07 Jul 13 2021 Info: # Start time: 11:24:11 on Aug 24,2021 Info: # vcom -work altera -93 /Castor/opt/altera/20.1lite/quartus/eda/sim_lib/altera_standard_functions.vhd Info: # -- Loading package STANDARD Info: # -- Compiling package altera_standard_functions Info: # -- Compiling package body altera_standard_functions Info: # -- Loading package altera_standard_functions Info: # End time: 11:24:11 on Aug 24,2021, Elapsed time: 0:00:00 Info: # Errors: 0, Warnings: 0 Info: # QuestaSim-64 vcom 2021.3 Compiler 2021.07 Jul 13 2021 Info: # Start time: 11:24:11 on Aug 24,2021 Info: # vcom -work altera -93 /Castor/opt/altera/20.1lite/quartus/eda/sim_lib/alt_dspbuilder_package.vhd Info: # -- Loading package STANDARD Info: # -- Loading package TEXTIO Info: # -- Loading package std_logic_1164 Info: # -- Loading package std_logic_arith Info: # -- Compiling package alt_dspbuilder_package Info: # -- Compiling package body alt_dspbuilder_package Info: # -- Loading package alt_dspbuilder_package Info: # End time: 11:24:11 on Aug 24,2021, Elapsed time: 0:00:00 Info: # Errors: 0, Warnings: 0 Info: # QuestaSim-64 vcom 2021.3 Compiler 2021.07 Jul 13 2021 Info: # Start time: 11:24:11 on Aug 24,2021 Info: # vcom -work altera -93 /Castor/opt/altera/20.1lite/quartus/eda/sim_lib/altera_europa_support_lib.vhd Info: # -- Loading package STANDARD Info: # -- Loading package TEXTIO Info: # -- Loading package std_logic_1164 Info: # -- Loading package NUMERIC_STD Info: # -- Loading package std_logic_arith Info: # -- Loading package STD_LOGIC_UNSIGNED Info: # -- Compiling package altera_europa_support_lib Info: # -- Compiling package body altera_europa_support_lib Info: # -- Loading package altera_europa_support_lib Info: # End time: 11:24:11 on Aug 24,2021, Elapsed time: 0:00:00 Info: # Errors: 0, Warnings: 0 Info: # QuestaSim-64 vcom 2021.3 Compiler 2021.07 Jul 13 2021 Info: # Start time: 11:24:11 on Aug 24,2021 Info: # vcom -work altera -93 /Castor/opt/altera/20.1lite/quartus/eda/sim_lib/altera_primitives_components.vhd Info: # -- Loading package STANDARD Info: # -- Loading package TEXTIO Info: # -- Loading package std_logic_1164 Info: # -- Loading package VITAL_Timing Info: # -- Loading package VITAL_Primitives Info: # -- Compiling package dffeas_pack Info: # -- Loading package dffeas_pack Info: # -- Compiling package altera_primitives_components Info: # End time: 11:24:11 on Aug 24,2021, Elapsed time: 0:00:00 Info: # Errors: 0, Warnings: 0 Info: # QuestaSim-64 vcom 2021.3 Compiler 2021.07 Jul 13 2021 Info: # Start time: 11:24:11 on Aug 24,2021 Info: # vcom -work altera -93 /Castor/opt/altera/20.1lite/quartus/eda/sim_lib/altera_primitives.vhd Info: # -- Loading package STANDARD Info: # -- Loading package TEXTIO Info: # -- Loading package std_logic_1164 Info: # -- Compiling entity GLOBAL Info: # -- Compiling architecture BEHAVIOR of GLOBAL Info: # -- Compiling entity CARRY Info: # -- Compiling architecture BEHAVIOR of CARRY Info: # -- Compiling entity CASCADE Info: # -- Compiling architecture BEHAVIOR of CASCADE Info: # -- Compiling entity CARRY_SUM Info: # -- Compiling architecture BEHAVIOR of CARRY_SUM Info: # -- Compiling entity EXP Info: # -- Compiling architecture BEHAVIOR of EXP Info: # -- Compiling entity SOFT Info: # -- Compiling architecture BEHAVIOR of SOFT Info: # -- Compiling entity OPNDRN Info: # -- Compiling architecture BEHAVIOR of OPNDRN Info: # -- Compiling entity ROW_GLOBAL Info: # -- Compiling architecture BEHAVIOR of ROW_GLOBAL Info: # -- Compiling entity TRI Info: # -- Compiling architecture BEHAVIOR of TRI Info: # -- Compiling entity LUT_INPUT Info: # -- Compiling architecture BEHAVIOR of LUT_INPUT Info: # -- Compiling entity LUT_OUTPUT Info: # -- Compiling architecture BEHAVIOR of LUT_OUTPUT Info: # -- Compiling entity latch Info: # -- Compiling architecture BEHAVIOR of latch Info: # -- Compiling entity dlatch Info: # -- Compiling architecture BEHAVIOR of dlatch Info: # -- Compiling entity PRIM_GDFF Info: # -- Compiling architecture BEHAVIOR of PRIM_GDFF Info: # -- Loading entity PRIM_GDFF Info: # -- Compiling entity DFF Info: # -- Compiling architecture BEHAVIOR of DFF Info: # -- Compiling entity DFFE Info: # -- Compiling architecture BEHAVIOR of DFFE Info: # -- Compiling entity DFFEA Info: # -- Compiling architecture BEHAVIOR of DFFEA Info: # -- Loading package VITAL_Timing Info: # -- Loading package VITAL_Primitives Info: # -- Loading package dffeas_pack Info: # -- Compiling entity DFFEAS Info: # -- Compiling architecture vital_dffeas of dffeas Info: # -- Compiling entity PRIM_GTFF Info: # -- Compiling architecture BEHAVIOR of PRIM_GTFF Info: # -- Loading entity PRIM_GTFF Info: # -- Compiling entity TFF Info: # -- Compiling architecture BEHAVIOR of TFF Info: # -- Compiling entity TFFE Info: # -- Compiling architecture BEHAVIOR of TFFE Info: # -- Compiling entity PRIM_GJKFF Info: # -- Compiling architecture BEHAVIOR of PRIM_GJKFF Info: # -- Loading entity PRIM_GJKFF Info: # -- Compiling entity JKFF Info: # -- Compiling architecture BEHAVIOR of JKFF Info: # -- Compiling entity JKFFE Info: # -- Compiling architecture BEHAVIOR of JKFFE Info: # -- Compiling entity PRIM_GSRFF Info: # -- Compiling architecture BEHAVIOR of PRIM_GSRFF Info: # -- Loading entity PRIM_GSRFF Info: # -- Compiling entity SRFF Info: # -- Compiling architecture BEHAVIOR of SRFF Info: # -- Compiling entity SRFFE Info: # -- Compiling architecture BEHAVIOR of SRFFE Info: # -- Compiling entity clklock Info: # -- Compiling architecture behavior of clklock Info: # -- Compiling entity alt_inbuf Info: # -- Compiling architecture BEHAVIOR of alt_inbuf Info: # -- Compiling entity alt_outbuf Info: # -- Compiling architecture BEHAVIOR of alt_outbuf Info: # -- Compiling entity alt_outbuf_tri Info: # -- Compiling architecture BEHAVIOR of alt_outbuf_tri Info: # -- Compiling entity alt_iobuf Info: # -- Compiling architecture BEHAVIOR of alt_iobuf Info: # -- Compiling entity alt_inbuf_diff Info: # -- Compiling architecture BEHAVIOR of alt_inbuf_diff Info: # -- Compiling entity alt_outbuf_diff Info: # -- Compiling architecture BEHAVIOR of alt_outbuf_diff Info: # -- Compiling entity alt_outbuf_tri_diff Info: # -- Compiling architecture BEHAVIOR of alt_outbuf_tri_diff Info: # -- Compiling entity alt_iobuf_diff Info: # -- Compiling architecture BEHAVIOR of alt_iobuf_diff Info: # -- Compiling entity alt_bidir_diff Info: # -- Compiling architecture BEHAVIOR of alt_bidir_diff Info: # -- Compiling entity alt_bidir_buf Info: # -- Compiling architecture BEHAVIOR of alt_bidir_buf Info: # End time: 11:24:11 on Aug 24,2021, Elapsed time: 0:00:00 Info: # Errors: 0, Warnings: 0 Info: # QuestaSim-64 vcom 2021.3 Compiler 2021.07 Jul 13 2021 Info: # Start time: 11:24:11 on Aug 24,2021 Info: # vcom -work lpm -93 /Castor/opt/altera/20.1lite/quartus/eda/sim_lib/220pack.vhd Info: # -- Loading package STANDARD Info: # -- Loading package TEXTIO Info: # -- Loading package std_logic_1164 Info: # -- Compiling package LPM_COMPONENTS Info: # End time: 11:24:11 on Aug 24,2021, Elapsed time: 0:00:00 Info: # Errors: 0, Warnings: 0 Info: # QuestaSim-64 vcom 2021.3 Compiler 2021.07 Jul 13 2021 Info: # Start time: 11:24:11 on Aug 24,2021 Info: # vcom -work lpm -93 /Castor/opt/altera/20.1lite/quartus/eda/sim_lib/220model.vhd Info: # -- Loading package STANDARD Info: # -- Loading package TEXTIO Info: # -- Loading package std_logic_1164 Info: # -- Compiling package LPM_COMMON_CONVERSION Info: # -- Compiling package body LPM_COMMON_CONVERSION Info: # -- Loading package LPM_COMMON_CONVERSION Info: # -- Compiling package LPM_HINT_EVALUATION Info: # -- Compiling package body LPM_HINT_EVALUATION Info: # -- Loading package LPM_HINT_EVALUATION Info: # -- Compiling package LPM_DEVICE_FAMILIES Info: # -- Compiling package body LPM_DEVICE_FAMILIES Info: # -- Loading package LPM_DEVICE_FAMILIES Info: # -- Loading package std_logic_arith Info: # -- Loading package STD_LOGIC_UNSIGNED Info: # -- Loading package LPM_COMPONENTS Info: # -- Compiling entity LPM_CONSTANT Info: # -- Compiling architecture LPM_SYN of LPM_CONSTANT Info: # -- Compiling entity LPM_INV Info: # -- Compiling architecture LPM_SYN of LPM_INV Info: # -- Compiling entity lpm_and Info: # -- Compiling architecture LPM_SYN of lpm_and Info: # -- Compiling entity LPM_OR Info: # -- Compiling architecture LPM_SYN of LPM_OR Info: # -- Compiling entity LPM_XOR Info: # -- Compiling architecture LPM_SYN of LPM_XOR Info: # -- Compiling entity LPM_BUSTRI Info: # -- Compiling architecture LPM_SYN of LPM_BUSTRI Info: # -- Compiling entity LPM_MUX Info: # -- Compiling architecture LPM_SYN of LPM_MUX Info: # -- Compiling entity LPM_DECODE Info: # -- Compiling architecture LPM_SYN of LPM_DECODE Info: # -- Compiling entity LPM_CLSHIFT Info: # -- Compiling architecture LPM_SYN of LPM_CLSHIFT Info: # -- Loading package STD_LOGIC_SIGNED Info: # -- Compiling entity LPM_ADD_SUB_SIGNED Info: # -- Compiling architecture LPM_SYN of LPM_ADD_SUB_SIGNED Info: # -- Compiling entity LPM_ADD_SUB_UNSIGNED Info: # -- Compiling architecture LPM_SYN of LPM_ADD_SUB_UNSIGNED Info: # -- Loading entity LPM_ADD_SUB_SIGNED Info: # -- Loading entity LPM_ADD_SUB_UNSIGNED Info: # -- Compiling entity LPM_ADD_SUB Info: # -- Compiling architecture LPM_SYN of LPM_ADD_SUB Info: # -- Compiling entity LPM_COMPARE_SIGNED Info: # -- Compiling architecture LPM_SYN of LPM_COMPARE_SIGNED Info: # -- Compiling entity LPM_COMPARE_UNSIGNED Info: # -- Compiling architecture LPM_SYN of LPM_COMPARE_UNSIGNED Info: # -- Loading entity LPM_COMPARE_SIGNED Info: # -- Loading entity LPM_COMPARE_UNSIGNED Info: # -- Compiling entity LPM_COMPARE Info: # -- Compiling architecture LPM_SYN of LPM_COMPARE Info: # -- Loading package LPM_HINT_EVALUATION Info: # -- Compiling entity LPM_MULT Info: # -- Compiling architecture LPM_SYN of LPM_MULT Info: # -- Compiling entity LPM_DIVIDE Info: # -- Compiling architecture behave of lpm_divide Info: # -- Compiling entity lpm_abs Info: # -- Compiling architecture LPM_SYN of LPM_ABS Info: # -- Loading package LPM_COMMON_CONVERSION Info: # -- Compiling entity LPM_COUNTER Info: # -- Compiling architecture LPM_SYN of LPM_COUNTER Info: # -- Compiling entity LPM_LATCH Info: # -- Compiling architecture LPM_SYN of LPM_LATCH Info: # -- Compiling entity LPM_FF Info: # -- Compiling architecture LPM_SYN of LPM_FF Info: # -- Compiling entity LPM_SHIFTREG Info: # -- Compiling architecture LPM_SYN of LPM_SHIFTREG Info: # -- Loading package LPM_DEVICE_FAMILIES Info: # -- Compiling entity LPM_RAM_DQ Info: # -- Compiling architecture LPM_SYN of lpm_ram_dq Info: # -- Compiling entity LPM_RAM_DP Info: # -- Compiling architecture LPM_SYN of LPM_RAM_DP Info: # -- Compiling entity LPM_RAM_IO Info: # -- Compiling architecture LPM_SYN of lpm_ram_io Info: # -- Compiling entity LPM_ROM Info: # -- Compiling architecture LPM_SYN of lpm_rom Info: # -- Compiling entity LPM_FIFO Info: # -- Compiling architecture behavior of LPM_FIFO Info: # -- Compiling entity LPM_FIFO_DC_DFFPIPE Info: # -- Compiling architecture behavior of LPM_FIFO_DC_DFFPIPE Info: # -- Compiling entity LPM_FIFO_DC_FEFIFO Info: # -- Compiling architecture behavior of LPM_FIFO_DC_FEFIFO Info: # -- Loading entity LPM_FIFO_DC_FEFIFO Info: # -- Loading entity LPM_FIFO_DC_DFFPIPE Info: # -- Compiling entity LPM_FIFO_DC_ASYNC Info: # -- Compiling architecture behavior of LPM_FIFO_DC_ASYNC Info: # -- Loading entity LPM_FIFO_DC_ASYNC Info: # -- Compiling entity LPM_FIFO_DC Info: # -- Compiling architecture behavior of LPM_FIFO_DC Info: # -- Compiling entity LPM_INpad Info: # -- Compiling architecture LPM_SYN of LPM_INpad Info: # -- Compiling entity LPM_OUTpad Info: # -- Compiling architecture LPM_SYN of LPM_OUTpad Info: # -- Compiling entity LPM_BIpad Info: # -- Compiling architecture LPM_SYN of LPM_BIpad Info: # End time: 11:24:12 on Aug 24,2021, Elapsed time: 0:00:01 Info: # Errors: 0, Warnings: 0 Info: # QuestaSim-64 vcom 2021.3 Compiler 2021.07 Jul 13 2021 Info: # Start time: 11:24:12 on Aug 24,2021 Info: # vcom -work sgate -93 /Castor/opt/altera/20.1lite/quartus/eda/sim_lib/sgate_pack.vhd Info: # -- Loading package STANDARD Info: # -- Loading package TEXTIO Info: # -- Loading package std_logic_1164 Info: # -- Compiling package sgate_pack Info: # -- Compiling package body sgate_pack Info: # -- Loading package sgate_pack Info: # End time: 11:24:12 on Aug 24,2021, Elapsed time: 0:00:00 Info: # Errors: 0, Warnings: 0 Info: # QuestaSim-64 vcom 2021.3 Compiler 2021.07 Jul 13 2021 Info: # Start time: 11:24:12 on Aug 24,2021 Info: # vcom -work sgate -93 /Castor/opt/altera/20.1lite/quartus/eda/sim_lib/sgate.vhd Info: # -- Loading package STANDARD Info: # -- Loading package TEXTIO Info: # -- Loading package std_logic_1164 Info: # -- Loading package std_logic_arith Info: # -- Loading package STD_LOGIC_SIGNED Info: # -- Compiling entity oper_add Info: # -- Compiling architecture sim_arch of oper_add Info: # -- Compiling entity oper_addsub Info: # -- Compiling architecture sim_arch of oper_addsub Info: # -- Compiling entity mux21 Info: # -- Compiling architecture sim_arch of mux21 Info: # -- Compiling entity io_buf_tri Info: # -- Compiling architecture sim_arch of io_buf_tri Info: # -- Compiling entity io_buf_opdrn Info: # -- Compiling architecture sim_arch of io_buf_opdrn Info: # -- Compiling entity tri_bus Info: # -- Compiling architecture sim_arch of tri_bus Info: # -- Compiling entity oper_mult Info: # -- Compiling architecture sim_arch of oper_mult Info: # -- Loading package LPM_COMPONENTS Info: # -- Compiling entity oper_div Info: # -- Compiling architecture sim_arch of oper_div Info: # -- Compiling entity oper_mod Info: # -- Compiling architecture sim_arch of oper_mod Info: # -- Loading package STD_LOGIC_UNSIGNED Info: # -- Compiling entity oper_left_shift Info: # -- Compiling architecture sim_arch of oper_left_shift Info: # -- Compiling entity oper_right_shift Info: # -- Compiling architecture sim_arch of oper_right_shift Info: # -- Compiling entity oper_rotate_left Info: # -- Compiling architecture sim_arch of oper_rotate_left Info: # -- Compiling entity oper_rotate_right Info: # -- Compiling architecture sim_arch of oper_rotate_right Info: # -- Compiling entity oper_less_than Info: # -- Compiling architecture sim_arch of oper_less_than Info: # -- Loading package sgate_pack Info: # -- Compiling entity oper_mux Info: # -- Compiling architecture sim_arch of oper_mux Info: # -- Compiling entity oper_selector Info: # -- Compiling architecture sim_arch of oper_selector Info: # -- Compiling entity oper_prio_selector Info: # -- Compiling architecture sim_arch of oper_prio_selector Info: # -- Compiling entity oper_decoder Info: # -- Compiling architecture sim_arch of oper_decoder Info: # -- Compiling entity oper_bus_mux Info: # -- Compiling architecture sim_arch of oper_bus_mux Info: # -- Compiling entity oper_latch Info: # -- Compiling architecture sim_arch of oper_latch Info: # End time: 11:24:12 on Aug 24,2021, Elapsed time: 0:00:00 Info: # Errors: 0, Warnings: 0 Info: # QuestaSim-64 vcom 2021.3 Compiler 2021.07 Jul 13 2021 Info: # Start time: 11:24:12 on Aug 24,2021 Info: # vcom -work altera_mf -93 /Castor/opt/altera/20.1lite/quartus/eda/sim_lib/altera_mf_components.vhd Info: # -- Loading package STANDARD Info: # -- Loading package TEXTIO Info: # -- Loading package std_logic_1164 Info: # -- Compiling package altera_mf_components Info: # End time: 11:24:12 on Aug 24,2021, Elapsed time: 0:00:00 Info: # Errors: 0, Warnings: 0 Info: # QuestaSim-64 vcom 2021.3 Compiler 2021.07 Jul 13 2021 Info: # Start time: 11:24:12 on Aug 24,2021 Info: # vcom -work altera_mf -93 /Castor/opt/altera/20.1lite/quartus/eda/sim_lib/altera_mf.vhd Info: # -- Loading package STANDARD Info: # -- Loading package TEXTIO Info: # -- Loading package std_logic_1164 Info: # -- Compiling entity LCELL Info: # -- Compiling architecture BEHAVIOR of LCELL Info: # -- Compiling package ALTERA_COMMON_CONVERSION Info: # -- Compiling package body ALTERA_COMMON_CONVERSION Info: # -- Loading package ALTERA_COMMON_CONVERSION Info: # -- Compiling package ALTERA_MF_HINT_EVALUATION Info: # -- Compiling package body ALTERA_MF_HINT_EVALUATION Info: # -- Loading package ALTERA_MF_HINT_EVALUATION Info: # -- Compiling package ALTERA_DEVICE_FAMILIES Info: # -- Compiling package body ALTERA_DEVICE_FAMILIES Info: # -- Loading package ALTERA_DEVICE_FAMILIES Info: # -- Compiling package MF_pllpack Info: # -- Compiling package body MF_pllpack Info: # -- Loading package MF_pllpack Info: # -- Compiling entity DFFP Info: # -- Compiling architecture behave of DFFP Info: # -- Compiling entity pll_iobuf Info: # -- Compiling architecture BEHAVIOR of pll_iobuf Info: # -- Compiling entity MF_m_cntr Info: # -- Compiling architecture behave of MF_m_cntr Info: # -- Compiling entity MF_n_cntr Info: # -- Compiling architecture behave of MF_n_cntr Info: # -- Compiling entity stx_scale_cntr Info: # -- Compiling architecture behave of stx_scale_cntr Info: # -- Compiling entity MF_pll_reg Info: # -- Compiling architecture behave of MF_pll_reg Info: # -- Loading package MF_pllpack Info: # -- Loading entity MF_m_cntr Info: # -- Loading entity MF_n_cntr Info: # -- Loading entity stx_scale_cntr Info: # -- Loading entity DFFP Info: # -- Loading entity MF_pll_reg Info: # -- Compiling entity MF_stratix_pll Info: # -- Compiling architecture vital_pll of MF_stratix_pll Info: # -- Compiling entity arm_m_cntr Info: # -- Compiling architecture behave of arm_m_cntr Info: # -- Compiling entity arm_n_cntr Info: # -- Compiling architecture behave of arm_n_cntr Info: # -- Compiling entity arm_scale_cntr Info: # -- Compiling architecture behave of arm_scale_cntr Info: # -- Loading entity arm_m_cntr Info: # -- Loading entity arm_n_cntr Info: # -- Loading entity arm_scale_cntr Info: # -- Compiling entity MF_stratixii_pll Info: # -- Compiling architecture vital_pll of MF_stratixii_pll Info: # -- Loading package std_logic_arith Info: # -- Loading package STD_LOGIC_UNSIGNED Info: # -- Compiling entity MF_ttn_mn_cntr Info: # -- Compiling architecture behave of MF_ttn_mn_cntr Info: # -- Compiling entity MF_ttn_scale_cntr Info: # -- Compiling architecture behave of MF_ttn_scale_cntr Info: # -- Loading entity MF_ttn_mn_cntr Info: # -- Loading entity MF_ttn_scale_cntr Info: # -- Compiling entity MF_stratixiii_pll Info: # -- Compiling architecture vital_pll of MF_stratixiii_pll Info: # -- Compiling entity MF_cda_mn_cntr Info: # -- Compiling architecture behave of MF_cda_mn_cntr Info: # -- Compiling entity MF_cda_scale_cntr Info: # -- Compiling architecture behave of MF_cda_scale_cntr Info: # -- Loading entity MF_cda_mn_cntr Info: # -- Loading entity MF_cda_scale_cntr Info: # -- Compiling entity MF_cycloneiii_pll Info: # -- Compiling architecture vital_pll of MF_cycloneiii_pll Info: # -- Compiling entity MF_stingray_mn_cntr Info: # -- Compiling architecture behave of MF_stingray_mn_cntr Info: # -- Compiling entity MF_stingray_post_divider Info: # -- Compiling architecture behave of MF_stingray_post_divider Info: # -- Compiling entity MF_stingray_scale_cntr Info: # -- Compiling architecture behave of MF_stingray_scale_cntr Info: # -- Loading entity MF_stingray_mn_cntr Info: # -- Loading entity MF_stingray_scale_cntr Info: # -- Compiling entity MF_cycloneiiigl_pll Info: # -- Compiling architecture vital_pll of MF_cycloneiiigl_pll Info: # -- Loading package ALTERA_DEVICE_FAMILIES Info: # -- Loading entity MF_stratix_pll Info: # -- Loading entity MF_stratixii_pll Info: # -- Loading entity MF_stratixiii_pll Info: # -- Loading entity MF_cycloneiii_pll Info: # -- Loading entity MF_cycloneiiigl_pll Info: # -- Loading entity pll_iobuf Info: # -- Compiling entity altpll Info: # -- Compiling architecture behavior of altpll Info: # -- Compiling entity altaccumulate Info: # -- Compiling architecture behaviour of altaccumulate Info: # -- Compiling entity altmult_accum Info: # -- Compiling architecture behaviour of altmult_accum Info: # -- Compiling entity altmult_add Info: # -- Compiling architecture behaviour of altmult_add Info: # -- Loading package ALTERA_COMMON_CONVERSION Info: # -- Compiling entity altfp_mult Info: # -- Compiling architecture behavior of altfp_mult Info: # -- Compiling entity altsqrt Info: # -- Compiling architecture behavior of altsqrt Info: # -- Compiling entity altclklock Info: # -- Compiling architecture behavior of altclklock Info: # -- Compiling entity altddio_in Info: # -- Compiling architecture behave of altddio_in Info: # -- Compiling entity altddio_out Info: # -- Compiling architecture behave of altddio_out Info: # -- Loading entity altddio_in Info: # -- Loading entity altddio_out Info: # -- Compiling entity altddio_bidir Info: # -- Compiling architecture struct of altddio_bidir Info: # -- Compiling entity stratixii_lvds_rx Info: # -- Compiling architecture behavior of stratixii_lvds_rx Info: # -- Compiling entity flexible_lvds_rx Info: # -- Compiling architecture behavior of flexible_lvds_rx Info: # -- Compiling entity stratixiii_lvds_rx_dpa Info: # -- Compiling architecture behavior of stratixiii_lvds_rx_dpa Info: # -- Compiling entity stratixv_local_clk_divider Info: # -- Compiling architecture behavior of stratixv_local_clk_divider Info: # -- Loading entity stratixiii_lvds_rx_dpa Info: # -- Loading entity stratixv_local_clk_divider Info: # -- Compiling entity stratixiii_lvds_rx_channel Info: # -- Compiling architecture behavior of stratixiii_lvds_rx_channel Info: # -- Loading entity stratixiii_lvds_rx_channel Info: # -- Compiling entity stratixiii_lvds_rx Info: # -- Compiling architecture behavior of stratixiii_lvds_rx Info: # -- Loading entity stratixii_lvds_rx Info: # -- Loading entity flexible_lvds_rx Info: # -- Loading entity stratixiii_lvds_rx Info: # -- Compiling entity altlvds_rx Info: # -- Compiling architecture behavior of altlvds_rx Info: # -- Compiling entity stratix_tx_outclk Info: # -- Compiling architecture behavior of stratix_tx_outclk Info: # -- Compiling entity stratixii_tx_outclk Info: # -- Compiling architecture behavior of stratixii_tx_outclk Info: # -- Compiling entity flexible_lvds_tx Info: # -- Compiling architecture behavior of flexible_lvds_tx Info: # -- Loading entity stratix_tx_outclk Info: # -- Loading entity stratixii_tx_outclk Info: # -- Loading entity flexible_lvds_tx Info: # -- Compiling entity altlvds_tx Info: # -- Compiling architecture behavior of altlvds_tx Info: # -- Compiling entity altdpram Info: # -- Compiling architecture behavior of altdpram Info: # -- Compiling entity altsyncram Info: # -- Compiling architecture translated of altsyncram Info: # -- Loading entity altsyncram Info: # -- Loading package ALTERA_MF_HINT_EVALUATION Info: # -- Compiling entity alt3pram Info: # -- Compiling architecture behavior of alt3pram Info: # -- Loading package altera_mf_components Info: # -- Compiling entity parallel_add Info: # -- Compiling architecture behaviour of parallel_add Info: # -- Compiling entity SCFIFO Info: # -- Compiling architecture behavior of SCFIFO Info: # -- Compiling entity DCFIFO_DFFPIPE Info: # -- Compiling architecture behavior of DCFIFO_DFFPIPE Info: # -- Compiling entity DCFIFO_FEFIFO Info: # -- Compiling architecture behavior of DCFIFO_FEFIFO Info: # -- Loading entity DCFIFO_FEFIFO Info: # -- Loading entity DCFIFO_DFFPIPE Info: # -- Compiling entity DCFIFO_ASYNC Info: # -- Compiling architecture behavior of DCFIFO_ASYNC Info: # -- Compiling entity DCFIFO_SYNC Info: # -- Compiling architecture behavior of DCFIFO_SYNC Info: # -- Compiling entity DCFIFO_LOW_LATENCY Info: # -- Compiling architecture behavior of DCFIFO_LOW_LATENCY Info: # -- Loading entity DCFIFO_ASYNC Info: # -- Loading entity DCFIFO_SYNC Info: # -- Loading entity DCFIFO_LOW_LATENCY Info: # -- Compiling entity DCFIFO_MIXED_WIDTHS Info: # -- Compiling architecture behavior of DCFIFO_MIXED_WIDTHS Info: # -- Loading entity DCFIFO_MIXED_WIDTHS Info: # -- Compiling entity DCFIFO Info: # -- Compiling architecture behavior of DCFIFO Info: # -- Compiling entity altshift_taps Info: # -- Compiling architecture behavioural of altshift_taps Info: # -- Compiling entity A_GRAYCOUNTER Info: # -- Compiling architecture behavior of A_GRAYCOUNTER Info: # -- Compiling entity altsquare Info: # -- Compiling architecture altsquare_syn of altsquare Info: # -- Compiling entity altera_std_synchronizer Info: # -- Compiling architecture behavioral of altera_std_synchronizer Info: # -- Compiling entity altera_std_synchronizer_bundle Info: # -- Compiling architecture behavioral of altera_std_synchronizer_bundle Info: # -- Compiling entity alt_cal Info: # -- Compiling architecture RTL of alt_cal Info: # -- Compiling entity alt_cal_mm Info: # -- Compiling architecture RTL of alt_cal_mm Info: # -- Compiling entity alt_cal_c3gxb Info: # -- Compiling architecture RTL of alt_cal_c3gxb Info: # -- Compiling entity alt_cal_sv Info: # -- Compiling architecture RTL of alt_cal_sv Info: # -- Compiling entity alt_cal_av Info: # -- Compiling architecture RTL of alt_cal_av Info: # -- Compiling package alt_aeq_s4_func Info: # -- Compiling package body alt_aeq_s4_func Info: # -- Loading package alt_aeq_s4_func Info: # -- Loading package alt_aeq_s4_func Info: # -- Compiling entity alt_aeq_s4 Info: # -- Compiling architecture trans of alt_aeq_s4 Info: # -- Compiling package alt_eyemon_func Info: # -- Compiling package body alt_eyemon_func Info: # -- Loading package alt_eyemon_func Info: # -- Loading package alt_eyemon_func Info: # -- Compiling entity alt_eyemon Info: # -- Compiling architecture trans of alt_eyemon Info: # -- Compiling package alt_dfe_func Info: # -- Compiling package body alt_dfe_func Info: # -- Loading package alt_dfe_func Info: # -- Loading package alt_dfe_func Info: # -- Compiling entity alt_dfe Info: # -- Compiling architecture trans of alt_dfe Info: # -- Compiling package SLD_NODE Info: # -- Compiling package body SLD_NODE Info: # -- Loading package SLD_NODE Info: # -- Loading package SLD_NODE Info: # -- Compiling entity signal_gen Info: # -- Compiling architecture simModel of signal_gen Info: # -- Compiling entity jtag_tap_controller Info: # -- Compiling architecture FSM of jtag_tap_controller Info: # -- Compiling entity dummy_hub Info: # -- Compiling architecture behavior of dummy_hub Info: # -- Loading entity signal_gen Info: # -- Loading entity jtag_tap_controller Info: # -- Loading entity dummy_hub Info: # -- Compiling entity sld_virtual_jtag Info: # -- Compiling architecture structural of sld_virtual_jtag Info: # -- Compiling entity sld_signaltap Info: # -- Compiling architecture sim_sld_signaltap of sld_signaltap Info: # -- Compiling entity altstratixii_oct Info: # -- Compiling architecture sim_altstratixii_oct of altstratixii_oct Info: # -- Compiling entity altparallel_flash_loader Info: # -- Compiling architecture sim_altparallel_flash_loader of altparallel_flash_loader Info: # -- Compiling entity altserial_flash_loader Info: # -- Compiling architecture sim_altserial_flash_loader of altserial_flash_loader Info: # -- Compiling entity alt_fault_injection Info: # -- Compiling architecture sim_alt_fault_injection of alt_fault_injection Info: # -- Compiling entity sld_virtual_jtag_basic Info: # -- Compiling architecture sim_sld_virtual_jtag_basic of sld_virtual_jtag_basic Info: # -- Compiling entity altsource_probe Info: # -- Compiling architecture sim_altsource_probe of altsource_probe Info: # End time: 11:24:13 on Aug 24,2021, Elapsed time: 0:00:01 Info: # Errors: 0, Warnings: 0 Info: # QuestaSim-64 vlog 2021.3 Compiler 2021.07 Jul 13 2021 Info: # Start time: 11:24:13 on Aug 24,2021 Info: # vlog -work altera_lnsim -sv /Castor/opt/altera/20.1lite/quartus/eda/sim_lib/mentor/ Info: # Info: # Top level modules: Info: # End time: 11:24:13 on Aug 24,2021, Elapsed time: 0:00:00 Info: # Errors: 0, Warnings: 0 Info: # QuestaSim-64 vcom 2021.3 Compiler 2021.07 Jul 13 2021 Info: # Start time: 11:24:13 on Aug 24,2021 Info: # vcom -work altera_lnsim -93 /Castor/opt/altera/20.1lite/quartus/eda/sim_lib/altera_lnsim_components.vhd Info: # -- Loading package STANDARD Info: # -- Loading package TEXTIO Info: # -- Loading package std_logic_1164 Info: # -- Compiling package altera_lnsim_components Info: # End time: 11:24:13 on Aug 24,2021, Elapsed time: 0:00:00 Info: # Errors: 0, Warnings: 0 Info: Successfully compiled the libraries