Fitter report for PCS Tue Oct 17 20:12:42 2023 Quartus Prime Version 23.2.0 Build 94 06/14/2023 SC Pro Edition --------------------- ; Table of Contents ; --------------------- 1. Legal Notice 2. Fitter Summary 3. Fitter Settings 4. Parallel Compilation 5. Fitter Partition Summary 6. Congestion Summary 7. Global & Other Fast Signals Details 8. Fitter Netlist Optimizations 9. Fitter Messages ---------------- ; Legal Notice ; ---------------- Copyright (C) 2023 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved. Your use of Intel Corporation's design tools, logic functions and other software and tools, and any partner logic functions, and any output files from any of the foregoing (including device programming or simulation files), and any associated documentation or information are expressly subject to the terms and conditions of the Intel Program License Subscription Agreement, the Intel Quartus Prime License Agreement, the Intel FPGA IP License Agreement, or other applicable license agreement, including, without limitation, that your use is for the sole purpose of programming logic devices manufactured by Intel and sold by Intel or its authorized distributors. Please refer to the applicable agreement for further details, at +---------------------------------------------------------------------+ ; Fitter Summary ; +-------------------------+-------------------------------------------+ ; Fitter Status ; Failed - Tue Oct 17 20:12:42 2023 ; ; Quartus Prime Version ; 23.2.0 Build 94 06/14/2023 SC Pro Edition ; ; Revision Name ; PCS ; ; Top-level Entity Name ; top ; ; Family ; Cyclone 10 GX ; ; Device ; 10CX150YF780E5G ; ; Timing Models ; Final ; ; Power Models ; Final ; ; Device Status ; Final ; ; Total registers ; 57 ; ; Total pins ; 10 / 340 ( 3 % ) ; ; Total virtual pins ; 0 ; ; Total block memory bits ; 0 / 9,728,000 ( 0 % ) ; ; Total RAM Blocks ; 0 / 475 ( 0 % ) ; ; Total DSP Blocks ; 0 / 156 ( 0 % ) ; ; Total HSSI RX channels ; 1 / 12 ( 8 % ) ; ; Total HSSI TX channels ; 1 / 12 ( 8 % ) ; ; Total PLLs ; 4 / 30 ( 13 % ) ; +-------------------------+-------------------------------------------+ +--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ ; Fitter Settings ; +------------------------------------------------------------------------------+---------------------------------------+---------------------------------------+ ; Option ; Setting ; Default Value ; +------------------------------------------------------------------------------+---------------------------------------+---------------------------------------+ ; Device ; 10CX150YF780E5G ; ; ; Minimum Core Junction Temperature ; 0 ; ; ; Maximum Core Junction Temperature ; 100 ; ; ; Optimization Mode ; Superior Performance ; Balanced ; ; Allow RAM Retiming ; On ; Off ; ; Allow DSP Retiming ; On ; Off ; ; Router Timing Optimization Level ; MAXIMUM ; Normal ; ; Advanced Physical Synthesis ; On ; Off ; ; Fitter Effort ; Standard Fit ; Auto Fit ; ; Enable parallel Assembler and Timing Analyzer during compilation ; On ; On ; ; Enable compact report table ; Off ; Off ; ; Design Assistant include IP blocks ; Off ; Off ; ; High fanout net threshold for RAM inference ; 15 ; 15 ; ; Design Assistant limit on reported violations per rule ; 5000 ; 5000 ; ; Perform Simultaneous Multicorner Analysis ; On ; On ; ; Allow Register Merging ; On ; On ; ; Allow Register Duplication ; On ; On ; ; Allow Register Retiming ; On ; On ; ; Perform Clocking Topology Analysis During Routing ; Off ; Off ; ; Placement Effort Multiplier ; 1.0 ; 1.0 ; ; Enable unused RX clock workaround ; Off ; Off ; ; Preserve unused RX/TX channels ; Off ; Off ; ; Ignore the power supply of HSSI column when preserving unused RX/TX channels ; On ; On ; ; Automatically reserve CLKUSR pin for calibration purposes ; On ; On ; ; Configuration clock source ; INIT_INTOSC ; INIT_INTOSC ; ; Optimize Hold Timing ; All Paths ; All Paths ; ; Optimize Multi-Corner Timing ; On ; On ; ; Auto RAM to MLAB Conversion ; On ; On ; ; Report Packed DSP Register Names ; On ; On ; ; Equivalent RAM and MLAB Power Up ; Auto ; Auto ; ; Equivalent RAM and MLAB Paused Read Capabilities ; Care ; Care ; ; Programmable Power Technology Optimization ; Automatic ; Automatic ; ; Programmable Power Maximum High-Speed Fraction of Used LAB Tiles ; 1.0 ; 1.0 ; ; Power Optimization During Fitting ; Normal compilation ; Normal compilation ; ; Optimize Timing ; Normal compilation ; Normal compilation ; ; Optimize IOC Register Placement for Timing ; Normal ; Normal ; ; Final Placement Optimizations ; Automatically ; Automatically ; ; Fitter Aggressive Routability Optimizations ; Automatically ; Automatically ; ; Fitter Initial Placement Seed ; 1 ; 1 ; ; Weak Pull-Up Resistor ; Off ; Off ; ; Enable Bus-Hold Circuitry ; Off ; Off ; ; Auto Packed Registers ; Auto ; Auto ; ; Auto Delay Chains ; On ; On ; ; Auto Delay Chains for High Fanout Input Pins ; Off ; Off ; ; Treat Bidirectional Pin as Output Pin ; Off ; Off ; ; Logic Cell Insertion - Logic Duplication ; Auto ; Auto ; ; Auto Register Duplication ; Auto ; Auto ; ; Auto Global Clock ; On ; On ; ; Auto Global Register Control Signals ; On ; On ; ; Reserve all unused pins ; As input tri-stated with weak pull-up ; As input tri-stated with weak pull-up ; ; Synchronizer Identification ; Auto ; Auto ; ; Optimize Design for Metastability ; On ; On ; ; Analyze Auto-Detected Synchronizers for Metastability ; Off ; Off ; ; Active Serial clock source ; FREQ_100MHz ; FREQ_100MHz ; ; Enable input tri-state on active configuration pins in user mode ; Off ; Off ; ; Physical Placement Effort ; Normal ; Normal ; ; Number of Example Nodes Reported in Fitter Messages ; 50 ; 50 ; ; Enable Intermediate Fitter Snapshots ; Off ; Off ; ; The Maximum physical M20Ks reported in the physical RAM report ; 500 ; 500 ; +------------------------------------------------------------------------------+---------------------------------------+---------------------------------------+ +-------------------------------------+ ; Parallel Compilation ; +----------------------------+--------+ ; Processors ; Number ; +----------------------------+--------+ ; Number detected on machine ; 12 ; ; Maximum allowed ; 12 ; +----------------------------+--------+ +--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ ; Fitter Partition Summary ; +----------------+----------------+---------+--------------+-------+-------------------------+ ; Partition Name ; Hierarchy Path ; Type ; Preservation ; Empty ; Partition Database File ; +----------------+----------------+---------+--------------+-------+-------------------------+ ; root_partition ; | ; Default ; ; ; ; ; auto_fab_0 ; auto_fab_0 ; Default ; ; ; ; +----------------+----------------+---------+--------------+-------+-------------------------+ +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ ; Congestion Summary ; +-------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+-----------------------+-------------------------------------------------------+----------------------+ ; Congestion Type ; Link Source ; Source Location ; Link Destination ; Destination Location ; +-------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+-----------------------+-------------------------------------------------------+----------------------+ ; Direct (Failing Signal) ; m_iopll_refclk|iopll_0|altera_iopll_i|c10gx_pll|outclk[0]~CLKENA0~CLKMUX_GROUP3 ; -- ; m_phase_align|xcvr_fpll_a10_0|fpll_refclk_select_inst ; FPLLREFCLKSELECT_1DB ; ; Direct ; m_sfp1|xcvr_native_a10_0|g_xcvr_native_insts[0].twentynm_xcvr_native_inst|twentynm_xcvr_native_inst|inst_twentynm_pcs|out_pld_pcs_rx_clk_out~CLKENA0~CLKMUX_GROUP2 ; CLKMUX_GROUP_1D_P2_I9 ; m_phase_align|xcvr_fpll_a10_0|fpll_refclk_select_inst ; FPLLREFCLKSELECT_1DB ; ; Direct ; m_sfp1|xcvr_native_a10_0|g_xcvr_native_insts[0].twentynm_xcvr_native_inst|twentynm_xcvr_native_inst|inst_twentynm_pcs|out_pld_pcs_rx_clk_out~CLKENA0~CLKMUX_GROUP2 ; CLKMUX_GROUP_1D_P2_I9 ; m_phase_align|xcvr_fpll_a10_0|fpll_refclk_select_inst ; FPLLREFCLKSELECT_1DB ; ; Direct ; m_sfp1|xcvr_native_a10_0|g_xcvr_native_insts[0].twentynm_xcvr_native_inst|twentynm_xcvr_native_inst|inst_twentynm_pcs|out_pld_pcs_rx_clk_out~CLKENA0~CLKMUX_GROUP2 ; CLKMUX_GROUP_1D_P2_I9 ; m_phase_align|xcvr_fpll_a10_0|fpll_refclk_select_inst ; FPLLREFCLKSELECT_1DB ; ; Direct ; m_sfp1|xcvr_native_a10_0|g_xcvr_native_insts[0].twentynm_xcvr_native_inst|twentynm_xcvr_native_inst|inst_twentynm_pcs|out_pld_pcs_rx_clk_out~CLKENA0~CLKMUX_GROUP2 ; CLKMUX_GROUP_1D_P2_I9 ; m_phase_align|xcvr_fpll_a10_0|fpll_refclk_select_inst ; FPLLREFCLKSELECT_1DB ; ; Direct ; m_sfp1|xcvr_native_a10_0|g_xcvr_native_insts[0].twentynm_xcvr_native_inst|twentynm_xcvr_native_inst|inst_twentynm_pcs|out_pld_pcs_rx_clk_out~CLKENA0~CLKMUX_GROUP2 ; CLKMUX_GROUP_1D_P2_I9 ; m_phase_align|xcvr_fpll_a10_0|fpll_refclk_select_inst ; FPLLREFCLKSELECT_1DB ; ; Direct ; m_sfp1|xcvr_native_a10_0|g_xcvr_native_insts[0].twentynm_xcvr_native_inst|twentynm_xcvr_native_inst|inst_twentynm_pcs|out_pld_pcs_rx_clk_out~CLKENA0~CLKMUX_GROUP2 ; CLKMUX_GROUP_1D_P2_I9 ; m_phase_align|xcvr_fpll_a10_0|fpll_refclk_select_inst ; FPLLREFCLKSELECT_1DB ; ; Direct ; m_sfp1|xcvr_native_a10_0|g_xcvr_native_insts[0].twentynm_xcvr_native_inst|twentynm_xcvr_native_inst|inst_twentynm_pcs|out_pld_pcs_rx_clk_out~CLKENA0~CLKMUX_GROUP2 ; CLKMUX_GROUP_1D_P2_I9 ; m_phase_align|xcvr_fpll_a10_0|fpll_refclk_select_inst ; FPLLREFCLKSELECT_1DB ; ; Direct ; m_sfp1|xcvr_native_a10_0|g_xcvr_native_insts[0].twentynm_xcvr_native_inst|twentynm_xcvr_native_inst|inst_twentynm_pcs|out_pld_pcs_rx_clk_out~CLKENA0~CLKMUX_GROUP2 ; CLKMUX_GROUP_1D_P2_I9 ; m_phase_align|xcvr_fpll_a10_0|fpll_refclk_select_inst ; FPLLREFCLKSELECT_1DB ; ; Direct ; m_sfp1|xcvr_native_a10_0|g_xcvr_native_insts[0].twentynm_xcvr_native_inst|twentynm_xcvr_native_inst|inst_twentynm_pcs|out_pld_pcs_rx_clk_out~CLKENA0~CLKMUX_GROUP2 ; CLKMUX_GROUP_1D_P2_I9 ; m_phase_align|xcvr_fpll_a10_0|fpll_refclk_select_inst ; FPLLREFCLKSELECT_1DB ; ; Direct ; m_sfp1|xcvr_native_a10_0|g_xcvr_native_insts[0].twentynm_xcvr_native_inst|twentynm_xcvr_native_inst|inst_twentynm_pcs|out_pld_pcs_rx_clk_out~CLKENA0~CLKMUX_GROUP2 ; CLKMUX_GROUP_1D_P2_I9 ; m_phase_align|xcvr_fpll_a10_0|fpll_refclk_select_inst ; FPLLREFCLKSELECT_1DB ; ; Direct ; m_sfp1|xcvr_native_a10_0|g_xcvr_native_insts[0].twentynm_xcvr_native_inst|twentynm_xcvr_native_inst|inst_twentynm_pcs|out_pld_pcs_rx_clk_out~CLKENA0~CLKMUX_GROUP2 ; CLKMUX_GROUP_1D_P2_I9 ; m_phase_align|xcvr_fpll_a10_0|fpll_refclk_select_inst ; FPLLREFCLKSELECT_1DB ; ; Direct ; m_sfp1|xcvr_native_a10_0|g_xcvr_native_insts[0].twentynm_xcvr_native_inst|twentynm_xcvr_native_inst|inst_twentynm_pcs|out_pld_pcs_rx_clk_out~CLKENA0~CLKMUX_GROUP2 ; CLKMUX_GROUP_1D_P2_I9 ; m_phase_align|xcvr_fpll_a10_0|fpll_refclk_select_inst ; FPLLREFCLKSELECT_1DB ; ; Direct ; m_sfp1|xcvr_native_a10_0|g_xcvr_native_insts[0].twentynm_xcvr_native_inst|twentynm_xcvr_native_inst|inst_twentynm_pcs|out_pld_pcs_rx_clk_out~CLKENA0~CLKMUX_GROUP2 ; CLKMUX_GROUP_1D_P2_I9 ; m_phase_align|xcvr_fpll_a10_0|fpll_refclk_select_inst ; FPLLREFCLKSELECT_1DB ; ; Direct ; m_sfp1|xcvr_native_a10_0|g_xcvr_native_insts[0].twentynm_xcvr_native_inst|twentynm_xcvr_native_inst|inst_twentynm_pcs|out_pld_pcs_rx_clk_out~CLKENA0~CLKMUX_GROUP2 ; CLKMUX_GROUP_1D_P2_I9 ; m_phase_align|xcvr_fpll_a10_0|fpll_refclk_select_inst ; FPLLREFCLKSELECT_1DB ; ; Direct ; m_sfp1|xcvr_native_a10_0|g_xcvr_native_insts[0].twentynm_xcvr_native_inst|twentynm_xcvr_native_inst|inst_twentynm_pcs|out_pld_pcs_rx_clk_out~CLKENA0~CLKMUX_GROUP2 ; CLKMUX_GROUP_1D_P2_I9 ; m_phase_align|xcvr_fpll_a10_0|fpll_refclk_select_inst ; FPLLREFCLKSELECT_1DB ; ; Direct ; m_sfp1|xcvr_native_a10_0|g_xcvr_native_insts[0].twentynm_xcvr_native_inst|twentynm_xcvr_native_inst|inst_twentynm_pcs|out_pld_pcs_rx_clk_out~CLKENA0~CLKMUX_GROUP2 ; CLKMUX_GROUP_1D_P2_I9 ; m_phase_align|xcvr_fpll_a10_0|fpll_refclk_select_inst ; FPLLREFCLKSELECT_1DB ; ; Direct ; m_sfp1|xcvr_native_a10_0|g_xcvr_native_insts[0].twentynm_xcvr_native_inst|twentynm_xcvr_native_inst|inst_twentynm_pcs|out_pld_pcs_rx_clk_out~CLKENA0~CLKMUX_GROUP2 ; CLKMUX_GROUP_1D_P2_I9 ; m_phase_align|xcvr_fpll_a10_0|fpll_refclk_select_inst ; FPLLREFCLKSELECT_1DB ; +-------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+-----------------------+-------------------------------------------------------+----------------------+ +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ ; Global & Other Fast Signals Details ; +----------------------------------------+------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ ; Property ; Value ; +----------------------------------------+------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ ; Name ; m_inbuf_644M_clk~FITTER_INSERTED ; ; -- Source Type ; HSSI REFCLK DIVIDER ; ; -- Source Location ; HSSIREFCLKDIVIDER_1DT ; ; -- Fan-Out ; 1 ; ; -- Promotion Type ; Required Promotion ; ; -- Global Buffer ; m_inbuf_644M_clk~FITTER_INSERTEDCLKENA0 ; ; -- Global Buffer Location ; Unassigned ; ; -- Global Signal Type ; Global (preferred), Regional, or Periphery ; ; ; ; ; Name ; m_iopll_refclk|iopll_0|altera_iopll_i|c10gx_pll|outclk[0] ; ; -- Source Type ; I/O PLL ; ; -- Source Location ; Unassigned ; ; -- Fan-Out ; 1 ; ; -- Promotion Type ; Required Promotion ; ; -- Global Buffer ; m_iopll_refclk|iopll_0|altera_iopll_i|c10gx_pll|outclk[0]~CLKENA0 ; ; -- Global Buffer Location ; Unassigned ; ; -- Global Signal Type ; Global (preferred), Regional, or Periphery ; ; ; ; ; Name ; m_sfp1|xcvr_native_a10_0|g_xcvr_native_insts[0].twentynm_xcvr_native_inst|twentynm_xcvr_native_inst|inst_twentynm_pcs|out_pld_pcs_rx_clk_out ; ; -- Source Type ; HSSI RX PLD PCS INTERFACE ; ; -- Source Location ; Unassigned ; ; -- Fan-Out ; 1 ; ; -- Promotion Type ; Required Promotion ; ; -- Global Buffer ; m_sfp1|xcvr_native_a10_0|g_xcvr_native_insts[0].twentynm_xcvr_native_inst|twentynm_xcvr_native_inst|inst_twentynm_pcs|out_pld_pcs_rx_clk_out~CLKENA0 ; ; -- Global Buffer Location ; Unassigned ; ; -- Global Signal Type ; Periphery (preferred), Regional, or Global ; ; ; ; ; Name ; OSC_50m ; ; -- Source Type ; I/O pad ; ; -- Source Location ; PIN_A24 ; ; -- Fan-Out ; 38 ; ; -- Promotion Type ; Automatic Promotion ; ; -- Global Buffer ; OSC_50m~inputCLKENA0 ; ; -- Global Buffer Location ; Unassigned ; ; -- Global Signal Type ; Global (preferred) or not promoted ; ; -- Constrained Region ; Global Clock Region ; ; -- Constrained Region Bounding Box ; (0, 0) to (102, 115) ; ; ; ; ; Name ; ~ALTERA_CLKUSR~ ; ; -- Source Type ; I/O pad ; ; -- Source Location ; PIN_Y15 ; ; -- Fan-Out ; 1 ; ; -- Promotion Type ; Automatic Promotion ; ; -- Global Buffer ; ~ALTERA_CLKUSR~~ibufCLKENA0 ; ; -- Global Buffer Location ; Unassigned ; ; -- Global Signal Type ; Global (preferred) or not promoted ; ; -- Constrained Region ; Global Clock Region ; ; -- Constrained Region Bounding Box ; (0, 0) to (102, 115) ; +----------------------------------------+------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ +--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ ; Fitter Netlist Optimizations ; +-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+---------+-----------+------------------------+-----------+------------------+------------------+ ; Node ; Action ; Operation ; Reason ; Node Port ; Destination Node ; Destination Port ; +-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+---------+-----------+------------------------+-----------+------------------+------------------+ ; auto_fab_0|alt_sld_fab_0|alt_sld_fab_0|a10xcvrfabric|ALTERA_INSERTED_INTOSC_FOR_TRS ; Deleted ; Placement ; PLL Usage Optimization ; ; ; ; +-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+---------+-----------+------------------------+-----------+------------------+------------------+ Note: Retiming optimizations are not included in this table. +-----------------+ ; Fitter Messages ; +-----------------+ Can't read Quartus Prime message file /home/gp/rtl/hft/ethernet/phy/tcl/qdb/_compiler/PCS/_flat/23.2.0/legacy/1/ Make sure the file exists and is up to date, and you have permission to read and write the file. Info (16677): Loading synthesized database. Info (16734): Loading "synthesized" snapshot for partition "root_partition". Info (16734): Loading "synthesized" snapshot for partition "auto_fab_0". Info (16678): Successfully loaded synthesized database: elapsed time is 00:00:02. Info (16303): Superior Performance optimization mode selected -- timing performance will be prioritized at the potential cost of increased logic area and compilation time Info (119006): Selected device 10CX150YF780E5G for design "PCS" Info (21077): Low junction temperature is 0 degrees C Info (21077): High junction temperature is 100 degrees C Info (171004): Fitter is performing a Standard Fit compilation using maximum Fitter effort to optimize design performance Info (12262): Starting Fitter periphery placement operations Info (12290): Loading the periphery placement data. Info (12291): Periphery placement data loaded: elapsed time is 00:00:03 Info (12627): Pin ~ALTERA_DATA0~ is reserved at location AE10 Info (12627): Pin ~ALTERA_CLKUSR~ is reserved at location Y15 Info (18163): Pin ~ALTERA_CLKUSR~ was reserved for calibration. This pin must be assigned a 100-125 MHz clock. Info (16210): Plan updated with currently enabled project assignments. Error (14996): The Fitter failed to find a legal placement for all periphery components Info (14987): The following components had the most difficulty being legally placed: Info (175029): auto-promoted clock driver m_sfp1|xcvr_native_a10_0|g_xcvr_native_insts[0].twentynm_xcvr_native_inst|twentynm_xcvr_native_inst|inst_twentynm_pcs|out_pld_pcs_rx_clk_out~CLKENA0 (50%) Info (175029): CMU_FPLL_MUX_CLUSTER m_phase_align|xcvr_fpll_a10_0|fpll_inst~CMU_FPLL_MUX_CLUSTER1 (50%) Error (14986): After placing as many components as possible, the following errors remain: Error (175001): The Fitter cannot place 1 auto-promoted clock driver, which is within IOPLL Intel FPGA IP iopll_altera_iopll_1931_qqycjhq. Info (14596): Information about the failing component(s): Info (175028): The auto-promoted clock driver name(s): m_iopll_refclk|iopll_0|altera_iopll_i|c10gx_pll|outclk[0]~CLKENA0 Error (16234): No legal location could be found out of 156 considered location(s). Reasons why each location could not be used are summarized below: Error (15123): The following auto-promoted clock driver locations cannot route to all the required CMU_FPLL_REFCLK_SELECTs Info (175027): Destination: CMU_FPLL_REFCLK_SELECT m_phase_align|xcvr_fpll_a10_0|fpll_refclk_select_inst Info (175013): The CMU_FPLL_REFCLK_SELECT is constrained to the region (0, 7) to (0, 92) due to related logic Info (175029): 120 locations affected Info (175029): CLKCTRL_1C_P3_I8 Info (175029): CLKCTRL_1C_P3_I9 Info (175029): CLKCTRL_1C_P3_I10 Info (175029): CLKCTRL_1C_P3_I11 Info (175029): CLKCTRL_1C_P3_I4 Info (175029): CLKCTRL_1C_P3_I5 Info (175029): CLKCTRL_1C_P3_I6 Info (175029): CLKCTRL_1C_P3_I7 Info (175029): CLKCTRL_1C_P3_I0 Info (175029): CLKCTRL_1C_P3_I1 Info (175029): CLKCTRL_1C_P3_I2 Info (175029): CLKCTRL_1C_P3_I3 Info (175029): and 108 more locations not displayed Error (11238): The following 2 clock driver locations are already occupied, and the Fitter cannot merge the previously placed nodes with these instances. The nodes may have incompatible inputs or parameters. Error (11239): Location CLKCTRL_1D_P2_I9 is already occupied by m_sfp1|xcvr_native_a10_0|g_xcvr_native_insts[0].twentynm_xcvr_native_inst|twentynm_xcvr_native_inst|inst_twentynm_pcs|out_pld_pcs_rx_clk_out~CLKENA0. Info (175013): The auto-promoted clock driver is constrained to the region (0, 5) to (102, 104) due to related logic Error (11239): Location CLKCTRL_1D_G_I4 is already occupied by m_inbuf_644M_clk~FITTER_INSERTEDCLKENA0. Info (175013): The auto-promoted clock driver is constrained to the region (0, 32) to (0, 50) due to related logic Info (175015): The I/O pad GXB1D_644M is constrained to the location PIN_N24 due to: User Location Constraints (PIN_N24) File: /home/gp/rtl/hft/ethernet/phy/cy10gx/top.v Line: 19 Info (14709): The constrained I/O pad contains a HSSI_REFCLK_DIVIDER, which drives this auto-promoted clock driver Error (177034): Row clock network in the region bounded by (0,41) and (20,41) is congested due to limited connectivity Info (175030): Unroutable signal: Info (175026): Source: auto-promoted clock driver m_iopll_refclk|iopll_0|altera_iopll_i|c10gx_pll|outclk[0]~CLKENA0 Info (175013): The auto-promoted clock driver is constrained to the region (0, 5) to (102, 104) due to related logic Info (175027): Destination: CMU_FPLL_REFCLK_SELECT m_phase_align|xcvr_fpll_a10_0|fpll_refclk_select_inst Info (175013): The CMU_FPLL_REFCLK_SELECT is constrained to the region (0, 7) to (0, 92) due to related logic Info (18497): 17 signals are using the routing resources that the unroutable signal can access (direct congestion): Info (175031): Competing signal: Info (175026): Source: auto-promoted clock driver m_sfp1|xcvr_native_a10_0|g_xcvr_native_insts[0].twentynm_xcvr_native_inst|twentynm_xcvr_native_inst|inst_twentynm_pcs|out_pld_pcs_rx_clk_out~CLKENA0 Info (175013): The auto-promoted clock driver is constrained to the region (0, 5) to (102, 104) due to related logic Info (175027): Destination: CMU_FPLL_REFCLK_SELECT m_phase_align|xcvr_fpll_a10_0|fpll_refclk_select_inst Info (175013): The CMU_FPLL_REFCLK_SELECT is constrained to the region (0, 7) to (0, 92) due to related logic Info (175031): Competing signal: Info (175026): Source: auto-promoted clock driver m_sfp1|xcvr_native_a10_0|g_xcvr_native_insts[0].twentynm_xcvr_native_inst|twentynm_xcvr_native_inst|inst_twentynm_pcs|out_pld_pcs_rx_clk_out~CLKENA0 Info (175013): The auto-promoted clock driver is constrained to the region (0, 5) to (102, 104) due to related logic Info (175027): Destination: CMU_FPLL_REFCLK_SELECT m_phase_align|xcvr_fpll_a10_0|fpll_refclk_select_inst Info (175013): The CMU_FPLL_REFCLK_SELECT is constrained to the region (0, 7) to (0, 92) due to related logic Info (175031): Competing signal: Info (175026): Source: auto-promoted clock driver m_sfp1|xcvr_native_a10_0|g_xcvr_native_insts[0].twentynm_xcvr_native_inst|twentynm_xcvr_native_inst|inst_twentynm_pcs|out_pld_pcs_rx_clk_out~CLKENA0 Info (175013): The auto-promoted clock driver is constrained to the region (0, 5) to (102, 104) due to related logic Info (175027): Destination: CMU_FPLL_REFCLK_SELECT m_phase_align|xcvr_fpll_a10_0|fpll_refclk_select_inst Info (175013): The CMU_FPLL_REFCLK_SELECT is constrained to the region (0, 7) to (0, 92) due to related logic Info (175031): Competing signal: Info (175026): Source: auto-promoted clock driver m_sfp1|xcvr_native_a10_0|g_xcvr_native_insts[0].twentynm_xcvr_native_inst|twentynm_xcvr_native_inst|inst_twentynm_pcs|out_pld_pcs_rx_clk_out~CLKENA0 Info (175013): The auto-promoted clock driver is constrained to the region (0, 5) to (102, 104) due to related logic Info (175027): Destination: CMU_FPLL_REFCLK_SELECT m_phase_align|xcvr_fpll_a10_0|fpll_refclk_select_inst Info (175013): The CMU_FPLL_REFCLK_SELECT is constrained to the region (0, 7) to (0, 92) due to related logic Info (175031): Competing signal: Info (175026): Source: auto-promoted clock driver m_sfp1|xcvr_native_a10_0|g_xcvr_native_insts[0].twentynm_xcvr_native_inst|twentynm_xcvr_native_inst|inst_twentynm_pcs|out_pld_pcs_rx_clk_out~CLKENA0 Info (175013): The auto-promoted clock driver is constrained to the region (0, 5) to (102, 104) due to related logic Info (175027): Destination: CMU_FPLL_REFCLK_SELECT m_phase_align|xcvr_fpll_a10_0|fpll_refclk_select_inst Info (175013): The CMU_FPLL_REFCLK_SELECT is constrained to the region (0, 7) to (0, 92) due to related logic Info (175031): Competing signal: Info (175026): Source: auto-promoted clock driver m_sfp1|xcvr_native_a10_0|g_xcvr_native_insts[0].twentynm_xcvr_native_inst|twentynm_xcvr_native_inst|inst_twentynm_pcs|out_pld_pcs_rx_clk_out~CLKENA0 Info (175013): The auto-promoted clock driver is constrained to the region (0, 5) to (102, 104) due to related logic Info (175027): Destination: CMU_FPLL_REFCLK_SELECT m_phase_align|xcvr_fpll_a10_0|fpll_refclk_select_inst Info (175013): The CMU_FPLL_REFCLK_SELECT is constrained to the region (0, 7) to (0, 92) due to related logic Info (175031): Competing signal: Info (175026): Source: auto-promoted clock driver m_sfp1|xcvr_native_a10_0|g_xcvr_native_insts[0].twentynm_xcvr_native_inst|twentynm_xcvr_native_inst|inst_twentynm_pcs|out_pld_pcs_rx_clk_out~CLKENA0 Info (175013): The auto-promoted clock driver is constrained to the region (0, 5) to (102, 104) due to related logic Info (175027): Destination: CMU_FPLL_REFCLK_SELECT m_phase_align|xcvr_fpll_a10_0|fpll_refclk_select_inst Info (175013): The CMU_FPLL_REFCLK_SELECT is constrained to the region (0, 7) to (0, 92) due to related logic Info (175031): Competing signal: Info (175026): Source: auto-promoted clock driver m_sfp1|xcvr_native_a10_0|g_xcvr_native_insts[0].twentynm_xcvr_native_inst|twentynm_xcvr_native_inst|inst_twentynm_pcs|out_pld_pcs_rx_clk_out~CLKENA0 Info (175013): The auto-promoted clock driver is constrained to the region (0, 5) to (102, 104) due to related logic Info (175027): Destination: CMU_FPLL_REFCLK_SELECT m_phase_align|xcvr_fpll_a10_0|fpll_refclk_select_inst Info (175013): The CMU_FPLL_REFCLK_SELECT is constrained to the region (0, 7) to (0, 92) due to related logic Info (175031): Competing signal: Info (175026): Source: auto-promoted clock driver m_sfp1|xcvr_native_a10_0|g_xcvr_native_insts[0].twentynm_xcvr_native_inst|twentynm_xcvr_native_inst|inst_twentynm_pcs|out_pld_pcs_rx_clk_out~CLKENA0 Info (175013): The auto-promoted clock driver is constrained to the region (0, 5) to (102, 104) due to related logic Info (175027): Destination: CMU_FPLL_REFCLK_SELECT m_phase_align|xcvr_fpll_a10_0|fpll_refclk_select_inst Info (175013): The CMU_FPLL_REFCLK_SELECT is constrained to the region (0, 7) to (0, 92) due to related logic Info (175031): Competing signal: Info (175026): Source: auto-promoted clock driver m_sfp1|xcvr_native_a10_0|g_xcvr_native_insts[0].twentynm_xcvr_native_inst|twentynm_xcvr_native_inst|inst_twentynm_pcs|out_pld_pcs_rx_clk_out~CLKENA0 Info (175013): The auto-promoted clock driver is constrained to the region (0, 5) to (102, 104) due to related logic Info (175027): Destination: CMU_FPLL_REFCLK_SELECT m_phase_align|xcvr_fpll_a10_0|fpll_refclk_select_inst Info (175013): The CMU_FPLL_REFCLK_SELECT is constrained to the region (0, 7) to (0, 92) due to related logic Info (175031): Competing signal: Info (175026): Source: auto-promoted clock driver m_sfp1|xcvr_native_a10_0|g_xcvr_native_insts[0].twentynm_xcvr_native_inst|twentynm_xcvr_native_inst|inst_twentynm_pcs|out_pld_pcs_rx_clk_out~CLKENA0 Info (175013): The auto-promoted clock driver is constrained to the region (0, 5) to (102, 104) due to related logic Info (175027): Destination: CMU_FPLL_REFCLK_SELECT m_phase_align|xcvr_fpll_a10_0|fpll_refclk_select_inst Info (175013): The CMU_FPLL_REFCLK_SELECT is constrained to the region (0, 7) to (0, 92) due to related logic Info (175031): Competing signal: Info (175026): Source: auto-promoted clock driver m_sfp1|xcvr_native_a10_0|g_xcvr_native_insts[0].twentynm_xcvr_native_inst|twentynm_xcvr_native_inst|inst_twentynm_pcs|out_pld_pcs_rx_clk_out~CLKENA0 Info (175013): The auto-promoted clock driver is constrained to the region (0, 5) to (102, 104) due to related logic Info (175027): Destination: CMU_FPLL_REFCLK_SELECT m_phase_align|xcvr_fpll_a10_0|fpll_refclk_select_inst Info (175013): The CMU_FPLL_REFCLK_SELECT is constrained to the region (0, 7) to (0, 92) due to related logic Info (175031): Competing signal: Info (175026): Source: auto-promoted clock driver m_sfp1|xcvr_native_a10_0|g_xcvr_native_insts[0].twentynm_xcvr_native_inst|twentynm_xcvr_native_inst|inst_twentynm_pcs|out_pld_pcs_rx_clk_out~CLKENA0 Info (175013): The auto-promoted clock driver is constrained to the region (0, 5) to (102, 104) due to related logic Info (175027): Destination: CMU_FPLL_REFCLK_SELECT m_phase_align|xcvr_fpll_a10_0|fpll_refclk_select_inst Info (175013): The CMU_FPLL_REFCLK_SELECT is constrained to the region (0, 7) to (0, 92) due to related logic Info (175031): Competing signal: Info (175026): Source: auto-promoted clock driver m_sfp1|xcvr_native_a10_0|g_xcvr_native_insts[0].twentynm_xcvr_native_inst|twentynm_xcvr_native_inst|inst_twentynm_pcs|out_pld_pcs_rx_clk_out~CLKENA0 Info (175013): The auto-promoted clock driver is constrained to the region (0, 5) to (102, 104) due to related logic Info (175027): Destination: CMU_FPLL_REFCLK_SELECT m_phase_align|xcvr_fpll_a10_0|fpll_refclk_select_inst Info (175013): The CMU_FPLL_REFCLK_SELECT is constrained to the region (0, 7) to (0, 92) due to related logic Info (175031): Competing signal: Info (175026): Source: auto-promoted clock driver m_sfp1|xcvr_native_a10_0|g_xcvr_native_insts[0].twentynm_xcvr_native_inst|twentynm_xcvr_native_inst|inst_twentynm_pcs|out_pld_pcs_rx_clk_out~CLKENA0 Info (175013): The auto-promoted clock driver is constrained to the region (0, 5) to (102, 104) due to related logic Info (175027): Destination: CMU_FPLL_REFCLK_SELECT m_phase_align|xcvr_fpll_a10_0|fpll_refclk_select_inst Info (175013): The CMU_FPLL_REFCLK_SELECT is constrained to the region (0, 7) to (0, 92) due to related logic Info (175031): Competing signal: Info (175026): Source: auto-promoted clock driver m_sfp1|xcvr_native_a10_0|g_xcvr_native_insts[0].twentynm_xcvr_native_inst|twentynm_xcvr_native_inst|inst_twentynm_pcs|out_pld_pcs_rx_clk_out~CLKENA0 Info (175013): The auto-promoted clock driver is constrained to the region (0, 5) to (102, 104) due to related logic Info (175027): Destination: CMU_FPLL_REFCLK_SELECT m_phase_align|xcvr_fpll_a10_0|fpll_refclk_select_inst Info (175013): The CMU_FPLL_REFCLK_SELECT is constrained to the region (0, 7) to (0, 92) due to related logic Info (175031): Competing signal: Info (175026): Source: auto-promoted clock driver m_sfp1|xcvr_native_a10_0|g_xcvr_native_insts[0].twentynm_xcvr_native_inst|twentynm_xcvr_native_inst|inst_twentynm_pcs|out_pld_pcs_rx_clk_out~CLKENA0 Info (175013): The auto-promoted clock driver is constrained to the region (0, 5) to (102, 104) due to related logic Info (175027): Destination: CMU_FPLL_REFCLK_SELECT m_phase_align|xcvr_fpll_a10_0|fpll_refclk_select_inst Info (175013): The CMU_FPLL_REFCLK_SELECT is constrained to the region (0, 7) to (0, 92) due to related logic Error (175006): There is no routing connectivity between the auto-promoted clock driver and destination CMU_FPLL_REFCLK_SELECT Info (175027): Destination: CMU_FPLL_REFCLK_SELECT m_phase_align|xcvr_fpll_a10_0|fpll_refclk_select_inst Info (175013): The CMU_FPLL_REFCLK_SELECT is constrained to the region (0, 7) to (0, 92) due to related logic Error (175022): The auto-promoted clock driver could not be placed in any location to satisfy its connectivity requirements Info (175021): The destination CMU_FPLL_REFCLK_SELECT was placed in location FPLLREFCLKSELECT_1DB Info (175029): 36 locations affected Info (175029): CLKCTRL_1C_NOT_USED_I0 Info (175029): CLKCTRL_1C_NOT_USED_I1 Info (175029): CLKCTRL_1C_NOT_USED_I2 Info (175029): CLKCTRL_1D_NOT_USED_I0 Info (175029): CLKCTRL_1D_NOT_USED_I1 Info (175029): CLKCTRL_1D_NOT_USED_I2 Info (175029): CLKCTRL_1E_NOT_USED_I0 Info (175029): CLKCTRL_1E_NOT_USED_I1 Info (175029): CLKCTRL_1E_NOT_USED_I2 Info (175029): CLKCTRL_1F_NOT_USED_I0 Info (175029): CLKCTRL_1F_NOT_USED_I1 Info (175029): CLKCTRL_1F_NOT_USED_I2 Info (175029): and 24 more locations not displayed Error (175001): The Fitter cannot place 1 CMU_FPLL_MUX_CLUSTER, which is within fPLL Intel Arria 10/Cyclone 10 FPGA IP altera_xcvr_fpll_a10. Info (14596): Information about the failing component(s): Info (175028): The CMU_FPLL_MUX_CLUSTER name(s): m_sfp1_tx_fpll|xcvr_fpll_a10_0|fpll_inst~CMU_FPLL_MUX_CLUSTER0 Error (16234): No legal location could be found out of 3 considered location(s). Reasons why each location could not be used are summarized below: Info (175013): The CMU_FPLL is constrained to the region (0, 7) to (0, 38) due to related logic Info (175015): The I/O pad GXB1D_644M is constrained to the location PIN_N24 due to: User Location Constraints (PIN_N24) File: /home/gp/rtl/hft/ethernet/phy/cy10gx/top.v Line: 19 Info (14709): The constrained I/O pad contains a HSSI_REFCLK_DIVIDER, which drives a HSSI_DUPLEX_CHANNEL_CLUSTER, which is driven by a CMU_FPLL, which is contained within this CMU_FPLL_MUX_CLUSTER Error (175006): There is no routing connectivity between the CMU_FPLL_MUX_CLUSTER and destination HSSI_PMA_TX_CGB Info (175027): Destination: HSSI_PMA_TX_CGB m_sfp1|xcvr_native_a10_0|g_xcvr_native_insts[0].twentynm_xcvr_native_inst|twentynm_xcvr_native_inst|inst_twentynm_pma|gen_twentynm_hssi_pma_tx_cgb.inst_twentynm_hssi_pma_tx_cgb Info (175013): The HSSI_PMA_TX_CGB is constrained to the region (0, 7) to (0, 45) due to related logic Info (175015): The I/O pad GXB1D_644M is constrained to the location PIN_N24 due to: User Location Constraints (PIN_N24) File: /home/gp/rtl/hft/ethernet/phy/cy10gx/top.v Line: 19 Info (14709): The constrained I/O pad contains a HSSI_REFCLK_DIVIDER, which drives a HSSI_RX_CHANNEL_CLUSTER, which is driven by this HSSI_PMA_TX_CGB Error (175022): The CMU_FPLL_MUX_CLUSTER could not be placed in any location to satisfy its connectivity requirements Info (175021): The destination HSSI_PMA_TX_CGB was placed in location HSSIPMATXCGB_1D0 Info (175029): 2 locations affected Info (175029): CMU_FPLL_MUX_CLUSTER containing FPLL_1CB Info (175029): CMU_FPLL_MUX_CLUSTER containing FPLL_1CT Error (175007): Could not find uncongested path between source CMU_FPLL and the CMU_FPLL_MUX_CLUSTER Info (175026): Source: CMU_FPLL m_phase_align|xcvr_fpll_a10_0|fpll_inst Info (175013): The CMU_FPLL is constrained to the region (0, 7) to (0, 92) due to related logic Info (175021): The source CMU_FPLL was placed in location FPLL_1DB Error (175022): The CMU_FPLL_MUX_CLUSTER could not be placed in any location to satisfy its connectivity requirements Info (175029): 1 location affected Info (175029): CMU_FPLL_MUX_CLUSTER containing FPLL_1DT Info (12295): Periphery placement of all unplaced cells complete: elapsed time is 00:04:26 Info (20273): Intermediate fitter snapshots will not be committed because ENABLE_INTERMEDIATE_SNAPSHOTS QSF assignment is disabled during compilation. Info (20274): Successfully committed planned database. Error: ERROR: An error occurred during automatic periphery placement Error: Quartus Prime Fitter was unsuccessful. 18 errors, 0 warnings Error: Peak virtual memory: 2564 megabytes Error: Processing ended: Tue Oct 17 20:12:43 2023 Error: Elapsed time: 00:04:37 Error: System process ID: 25579