======Page: System====== System Information Processor Vendor: Intel Corporation Brand Name: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-4850HQ CPU @ 2.30GHz Threads: 4 Architecture: Intel64 OS Version: 10.0 Parallels Display Adapter (WDDM) Driver Version: 10.4.29337.0 Windows Updates Installed Windows Updated: KB3116278 KB3139907 KB3140768 KB3142588 KB3150513 KB3172729 KB3173428 KB3174060 KB3176493 Missing Recommended Windows Updated: KB2966804 NOTE: Not every KB applies to every machine. This is just a suggestion list of KBs that are known to influence DCM behavior. Registry Settings HKEY_CURRENT_USER Software\Intel\RSSDK c9bb98c0-1d76-11e6-9163-2c44fd873b55 [SZ] ShortcutsExtraDoc: 1 d7e1452e-1d76-11e6-bf3b-2c44fd873b55 [SZ] ShortcutsToolSDKInfo64: 1 edd0330f-1d76-11e6-b883-2c44fd873b55 [SZ] RSSDK_DIR: 1 [SZ] ShortcutUninstall: 1 [SZ] ShortcutsDevGuide: 1 [SZ] ShortcutsToolClipEditor: 1 [SZ] ShortcutsToolCameraExplorer: 1 [SZ] ShortcutsSampleBinariesDirectory: 1 [SZ] ShortcutsSampleSourcesDirectory: 1 [SZ] ShortcutsFrameworkDirectory: 1 [SZ] DesktopShortcut: 1 f88aef1e-1d76-11e6-9e9d-2c44fd873b55 [SZ] ShortcutSampleBrowser: 1 HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE(32-bit) Software\Intel\RSSDK Components dcmservice_r200 [SZ] ProductCode: {288E5B51-D63F-11E5-B665-2C44FD873B55} [SZ] Version: [DW] R200EnhancedAvailable: 0 (0x0) dptf_com [SZ] ProductCode: {B473F68F-D629-11E5-91E0-2C44FD873B55} [SZ] Version: iomodule_dcm_r200 [SZ] ProductCode: {24186391-D63F-11E5-9A57-2C44FD873B55} [SZ] Version: iomodule_dcm_skycam_r200 [SZ] ProductCode: {279B48C0-D63F-11E5-98EA-2C44FD873B55} [SZ] Version: Logging [SZ] ConfigFile: C:\Users\MARKCO~1\AppData\Local\Temp\rssdk_logs\pxclog.config [DW] ConfigWatchDelay: 1000 (0x3e8) RSDCM R200 [SZ] camera_32_dll: C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Intel\RSDCM_R200\bin\win32\DSAPI32.dll v10 [SZ] InstallDir: C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Intel\RSSDK\v10\ [SZ] ProductCode: {4BAB7070-1D73-11E6-8844-2C44FD873B55} [SZ] Version: Components blob [SZ] ProductCode: {3E6834C0-1D73-11E6-872D-2C44FD873B55} [SZ] Version: core [SZ] ProductCode: {4BAB7070-1D73-11E6-8844-2C44FD873B55} [SZ] Version: core_data [SZ] ProductCode: {676C639E-1D73-11E6-BF2F-2C44FD873B55} [SZ] Version: epv [SZ] ProductCode: {3F2235F0-1D73-11E6-9252-2C44FD873B55} [SZ] Version: face3d [SZ] ProductCode: {3FC1F861-1D73-11E6-A08F-2C44FD873B55} [SZ] Version: face3d_data [SZ] ProductCode: {45B31E6E-1D73-11E6-9794-2C44FD873B55} [SZ] Version: hand [SZ] ProductCode: {92ED524F-1D73-11E6-9A07-2C44FD873B55} [SZ] Version: handcursor [SZ] ProductCode: {5B9D2A4F-1D73-11E6-9EE6-2C44FD873B55} [SZ] Version: hand_data [SZ] ProductCode: {80B0E521-1D73-11E6-9FA2-2C44FD873B55} [SZ] Version: lanternrock [SZ] ProductCode: {873D12B0-1D73-11E6-A9BF-2C44FD873B55} [SZ] FULLSTOREPATH: C:\ProgramData\Intel\RSSDK\Store [SZ] Version: nuance [SZ] ProductCode: {78649100-1D73-11E6-9D1C-2C44FD873B55} [SZ] Version: objectrecognition [SZ] ProductCode: {5A759A40-1D73-11E6-994D-2C44FD873B55} [SZ] Version: objectrecognition_data [SZ] ProductCode: {74BDF72E-1D73-11E6-87D4-2C44FD873B55} [SZ] Version: person [SZ] ProductCode: {5AB8488F-1D73-11E6-AC56-2C44FD873B55} [SZ] Version: personify [SZ] ProductCode: {51040000-1D73-11E6-A45D-2C44FD873B55} [SZ] Version: person_data [SZ] ProductCode: {53665A00-1D73-11E6-9548-2C44FD873B55} [SZ] Version: scan3d [SZ] ProductCode: {3E33B740-1D73-11E6-843C-2C44FD873B55} [SZ] Version: scene_perception [SZ] ProductCode: {6DB82CD1-1D73-11E6-9501-2C44FD873B55} [SZ] Version: touchlesscontroller [SZ] ProductCode: {8414D0A1-1D73-11E6-87F2-2C44FD873B55} [SZ] Version: touchlesscontroller_data [SZ] ProductCode: {723EED70-1D73-11E6-9495-2C44FD873B55} [SZ] Version: track3d_metaio [SZ] ProductCode: {4A70A680-1D73-11E6-85F1-2C44FD873B55} [SZ] Version: utils [SZ] ProductCode: {4ED86D70-1D73-11E6-9148-2C44FD873B55} [SZ] Version: voice [SZ] ProductCode: {9C9CC370-1D74-11E6-87E0-2C44FD873B55} [SZ] Version: [MULTI_SZ] VirtualFeatureForComponent: nuance; Dispatch [SZ] Core: C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Intel\RSSDK\v10\bin\win32\libpxcsession.dll libpxc3dscan.dll-SCD1 [DW] group: 1 (0x1) [DW] subgroup: 1024 (0x400) [DW] algorithm: 826360659 (0x31414353) [DW] iuid: 826557267 (0x31444353) [DW] versionMajor: 1 (0x1) [DW] merit: 100 (0x64) [DW] vendor: 32902 (0x8086) [DW] cuid: 826884947 (0x31494353) [SZ] friendlyName: 3D Capture, 3D Reconstruction [SZ] path: C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Intel\RSSDK\v10\bin\win32\libpxc3dscan.dll [MULTI_SZ] dependencies: fusionsdk.dll; libpxc3dseg.dll-SGD1 [DW] group: 1 (0x1) [DW] subgroup: 512 (0x200) [DW] algorithm: 826361683 (0x31414753) [DW] iuid: 826558291 (0x31444753) [DW] versionMajor: 1 (0x1) [DW] merit: 100 (0x64) [DW] vendor: 32902 (0x8086) [DW] cuid: 826885971 (0x31494753) [SZ] friendlyName: User Segmentation [SZ] path: C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Intel\RSSDK\v10\bin\win32\libpxc3dseg.dll [MULTI_SZ] dependencies: PERSONIFYRSSDK.DLL; libpxcblobmodule.dll-BMMD [DW] group: 1 (0x1) [DW] subgroup: 16 (0x10) [DW] iuid: 1145916738 (0x444d4d42) [DW] versionMajor: 1 (0x1) [DW] versionMinor: 1 (0x1) [DW] merit: 101 (0x65) [DW] vendor: 32902 (0x8086) [DW] cuid: 1145916738 (0x444d4d42) [SZ] friendlyName: Blob/Contour Extraction Module [SZ] path: C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Intel\RSSDK\v10\bin\win32\libpxcblobmodule.dll libpxccamera_mf.dll-C_MF [DW] group: 4 (0x4) [DW] subgroup: 2 (0x2) [DW] iuid: 1179475779 (0x464d5f43) [DW] versionMajor: 1 (0x1) [DW] merit: 101 (0x65) [DW] vendor: 32902 (0x8086) [DW] cuid: 2214013520 (0x83f72a50) [SZ] friendlyName: Video Capture (Media Foundation) [SZ] path: C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Intel\RSSDK\v10\bin\win32\libpxccamera_mf.dll libpxccore.dll-CORE [DW] group: 2147483648 (0x80000000) [SZ] friendlyName: SDK Core Library [SZ] path: C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Intel\RSSDK\v10\bin\win32\libpxccore.dll [MULTI_SZ] dependencies: tbb.dll; libpxcenhanced_photo3d.dll-EPDM [DW] group: 8 (0x8) [DW] subgroup: 8192 (0x2000) [DW] iuid: 1296322629 (0x4d445045) [DW] versionMajor: 1 (0x1) [DW] versionMinor: 1 (0x1) [DW] merit: 110 (0x6e) [DW] vendor: 32902 (0x8086) [DW] cuid: 1296322629 (0x4d445045) [SZ] friendlyName: Enhanced Photography DepthMask Module [SZ] path: C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Intel\RSSDK\v10\bin\win32\libpxcenhancedphoto3d.dll libpxcenhanced_photo3d.dll-EPDR [DW] group: 8 (0x8) [DW] subgroup: 8192 (0x2000) [DW] iuid: 1380208709 (0x52445045) [DW] versionMajor: 1 (0x1) [DW] versionMinor: 1 (0x1) [DW] merit: 110 (0x6e) [DW] vendor: 32902 (0x8086) [DW] cuid: 1380208709 (0x52445045) [SZ] friendlyName: Enhanced Photography DepthRefocus Module [SZ] path: C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Intel\RSSDK\v10\bin\win32\libpxcenhancedphoto3d.dll libpxcenhanced_photo3d.dll-EPMD [DW] group: 8 (0x8) [DW] subgroup: 8192 (0x2000) [DW] iuid: 1145917509 (0x444d5045) [DW] versionMajor: 1 (0x1) [DW] versionMinor: 1 (0x1) [DW] merit: 110 (0x6e) [DW] vendor: 32902 (0x8086) [DW] cuid: 1145917509 (0x444d5045) [SZ] friendlyName: Enhanced Photography Measurement Module [SZ] path: C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Intel\RSSDK\v10\bin\win32\libpxcenhancedphoto3d.dll libpxcenhanced_photo3d.dll-EPME [DW] group: 8 (0x8) [DW] subgroup: 8192 (0x2000) [DW] iuid: 1162694725 (0x454d5045) [DW] versionMajor: 1 (0x1) [DW] versionMinor: 1 (0x1) [DW] merit: 110 (0x6e) [DW] vendor: 32902 (0x8086) [DW] cuid: 1162694725 (0x454d5045) [SZ] friendlyName: Enhanced Photography MotionEffect Module [SZ] path: C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Intel\RSSDK\v10\bin\win32\libpxcenhancedphoto3d.dll libpxcenhanced_photo3d.dll-EPPP [DW] group: 8 (0x8) [DW] subgroup: 8192 (0x2000) [DW] iuid: 1347440709 (0x50505045) [DW] versionMajor: 1 (0x1) [DW] versionMinor: 1 (0x1) [DW] merit: 110 (0x6e) [DW] vendor: 32902 (0x8086) [DW] cuid: 1347440709 (0x50505045) [SZ] friendlyName: Enhanced Photography Paster Module [SZ] path: C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Intel\RSSDK\v10\bin\win32\libpxcenhancedphoto3d.dll libpxcenhanced_photo3d.dll-EPSG [DW] group: 8 (0x8) [DW] subgroup: 8192 (0x2000) [DW] iuid: 1196642373 (0x47535045) [DW] versionMajor: 1 (0x1) [DW] versionMinor: 1 (0x1) [DW] merit: 110 (0x6e) [DW] vendor: 32902 (0x8086) [DW] cuid: 1196642373 (0x47535045) [SZ] friendlyName: Enhanced Photography Segmentation Module [SZ] path: C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Intel\RSSDK\v10\bin\win32\libpxcenhancedphoto3d.dll libpxcenhanced_photo3d.dll-EPUT [DW] group: 8 (0x8) [DW] subgroup: 8192 (0x2000) [DW] iuid: 1414877253 (0x54555045) [DW] versionMajor: 1 (0x1) [DW] versionMinor: 1 (0x1) [DW] merit: 110 (0x6e) [DW] vendor: 32902 (0x8086) [DW] cuid: 1414877253 (0x54555045) [SZ] friendlyName: Enhanced Photography Utils Module [SZ] path: C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Intel\RSSDK\v10\bin\win32\libpxcenhancedphoto3d.dll libpxcenhanced_photo3d.dll-EVIN [DW] group: 8 (0x8) [DW] subgroup: 8192 (0x2000) [DW] iuid: 1396987461 (0x53445645) [DW] versionMajor: 1 (0x1) [DW] versionMinor: 1 (0x1) [DW] merit: 110 (0x6e) [DW] vendor: 32902 (0x8086) [DW] cuid: 1313429061 (0x4e495645) [SZ] friendlyName: Enhanced Videography Module [SZ] path: C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Intel\RSSDK\v10\bin\win32\libpxcenhancedphoto3d.dll libpxcenhanced_photo3d.dll-MSKU [DW] group: 8 (0x8) [DW] subgroup: 4096 (0x1000) [DW] iuid: 1396985925 (0x53445045) [DW] versionMajor: 1 (0x1) [DW] versionMinor: 1 (0x1) [DW] merit: 110 (0x6e) [DW] vendor: 32902 (0x8086) [DW] cuid: 1313427525 (0x4e495045) [DW] cuid2: 844514375 (0x32564447) [SZ] friendlyName: Enhanced Photography Module [SZ] path: C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Intel\RSSDK\v10\bin\win32\libpxcenhancedphoto3d.dll libpxcface_idc.dll-FIDC [DW] group: 1 (0x1) [DW] subgroup: 1 (0x1) [DW] iuid: 1128548678 (0x43444946) [DW] versionMajor: 1 (0x1) [DW] versionMinor: 6 (0x6) [DW] merit: 120 (0x78) [DW] vendor: 32902 (0x8086) [DW] cuid: 1144209734 (0x44334146) [SZ] friendlyName: Face 2D/3D Analysis (Intel) [SZ] path: C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Intel\RSSDK\v10\bin\win32\face3d_idc\libpxcface_idc.dll [MULTI_SZ] dependencies: libiomp5md.dll; libpxchandcursormodule.dll-HCMN [DW] group: 1 (0x1) [DW] subgroup: 16 (0x10) [DW] iuid: 1313686344 (0x4e4d4348) [DW] versionMajor: 1 (0x1) [DW] versionMinor: 1 (0x1) [DW] merit: 101 (0x65) [DW] vendor: 32902 (0x8086) [DW] cuid: 1313686344 (0x4e4d4348) [SZ] friendlyName: Hand Cursor Module [SZ] path: C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Intel\RSSDK\v10\bin\win32\libpxchandcursormodule.dll libpxchandmodule.dll-HANN [DW] group: 1 (0x1) [DW] subgroup: 16 (0x10) [DW] iuid: 1313751368 (0x4e4e4148) [DW] versionMajor: 1 (0x1) [DW] versionMinor: 1 (0x1) [DW] merit: 101 (0x65) [DW] vendor: 32902 (0x8086) [DW] cuid: 1313751368 (0x4e4e4148) [SZ] friendlyName: Hand Module [SZ] path: C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Intel\RSSDK\v10\bin\win32\libpxchandmodule.dll [MULTI_SZ] dependencies: libpxchand_core.dll;libpxchand_track.dll;libpxchand_facade.dll; libpxclanternrock.dll-PHLR [DW] group: 2147483648 (0x80000000) [DW] iuid: 1380730960 (0x524c4850) [DW] versionMajor: 1 (0x1) [DW] merit: 200 (0xc8) [DW] vendor: 32902 (0x8086) [DW] cuid: 1296582736 (0x4d484850) [SZ] friendlyName: Telemetry LR [SZ] path: C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Intel\RSSDK\v10\bin\win32\libpxclanternrock.dll [MULTI_SZ] dependencies: intel-ias2.dll; libpxclog.dll-LCXX [DW] group: 2147483648 (0x80000000) [DW] iuid: 1482179404 (0x5858434c) [DW] versionMajor: 1 (0x1) [DW] merit: 100 (0x64) [DW] vendor: 32902 (0x8086) [DW] cuid: 946920232 (0x3870db28) [SZ] friendlyName: Logger [SZ] path: C:\Program Files (x86)\Intel\RSSDK\bin\win32\libpxclog.dll libpxcmaskutils.dll-1-MSKU [DW] group: 16 (0x10) [DW] subgroup: 1430999885 (0x554b534d) [DW] iuid: 1430999885 (0x554b534d) [DW] versionMajor: 1 (0x1) [DW] merit: 101 (0x65) [DW] vendor: 32902 (0x8086) [DW] cuid: 1398034258 (0x53544f52) [DW] cuid2: 1330468179 (0x4f4d5553) [DW] cuid3: 1380143184 (0x52435050) [SZ] friendlyName: Mask Programming Utility (1) [SZ] path: C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Intel\RSSDK\v10\bin\win32\libpxcmaskutils.dll libpxcmaskutils.dll-2-MSKU [DW] group: 16 (0x10) [DW] subgroup: 1430999885 (0x554b534d) [DW] iuid: 38490957 (0x24b534d) [DW] versionMajor: 1 (0x1) [DW] merit: 101 (0x65) [DW] vendor: 32902 (0x8086) [DW] cuid: 2566661203 (0x98fc2453) [DW] cuid2: 2770535868 (0xa52305bc) [DW] cuid3: 1330467652 (0x4f4d5344) [SZ] friendlyName: Mask Programming Utility (2) [SZ] path: C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Intel\RSSDK\v10\bin\win32\libpxcmaskutils.dll libpxcmfaudio.dll-ADSR [DW] group: 4 (0x4) [DW] subgroup: 1 (0x1) [DW] iuid: 1381188673 (0x52534441) [DW] versionMajor: 1 (0x1) [DW] merit: 101 (0x65) [DW] vendor: 32902 (0x8086) [DW] cuid: 3628176675 (0xd8419523) [DW] cuid2: 541644707 (0x2048d7a3) [SZ] friendlyName: Audio Source (Media Foundation) [SZ] path: C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Intel\RSSDK\v10\bin\win32\libpxcmfaudio.dll libpxcobjectrecognition.dll-OBJM [DW] group: 1 (0x1) [DW] subgroup: 256 (0x100) [DW] iuid: 1296712271 (0x4d4a424f) [DW] versionMajor: 1 (0x1) [DW] merit: 101 (0x65) [DW] vendor: 32902 (0x8086) [DW] cuid: 1296712271 (0x4d4a424f) [SZ] friendlyName: Object Recognition Module [SZ] path: C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Intel\RSSDK\v10\bin\win32\libpxcobjectrecognition.dll [MULTI_SZ] dependencies: libpxcobject_tracker.dll;libpxcobject_omekcv.dll;libpxcobject_core.dll;libpxcobject_grabber.dll;libpxcobject_depthProcessor.dll;libiomp5md.dll; libpxcpersontracking.dll-POTM [DW] group: 1 (0x1) [DW] subgroup: 16 (0x10) [DW] iuid: 1297370960 (0x4d544f50) [DW] versionMajor: 1 (0x1) [DW] versionMinor: 1 (0x1) [DW] merit: 101 (0x65) [DW] vendor: 32902 (0x8086) [DW] cuid: 1297370960 (0x4d544f50) [SZ] friendlyName: Person Tracking Module [SZ] path: C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Intel\RSSDK\v10\bin\win32\libpxcpersontracking.dll libpxcpipelineutils.dll-CPUT [DW] group: 2147483648 (0x80000000) [DW] subgroup: 1414877251 (0x54555043) [DW] iuid: 1414877251 (0x54555043) [DW] versionMajor: 1 (0x1) [DW] versionMinor: 1 (0x1) [DW] merit: 101 (0x65) [DW] vendor: 32902 (0x8086) [DW] cuid: 3633390405 (0xd8912345) [SZ] friendlyName: Capture Programming Utility [SZ] path: C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Intel\RSSDK\v10\bin\win32\libpxcpipelineutils.dll libpxcpipelineutils.dll-PPUT [DW] group: 2147483648 (0x80000000) [DW] subgroup: 1414877264 (0x54555050) [DW] iuid: 1414877264 (0x54555050) [DW] versionMajor: 1 (0x1) [DW] versionMinor: 1 (0x1) [DW] merit: 101 (0x65) [DW] vendor: 32902 (0x8086) [DW] cuid: 3633660705 (0xd8954321) [SZ] friendlyName: Pipeline Programming Utility [SZ] path: C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Intel\RSSDK\v10\bin\win32\libpxcpipelineutils.dll libpxcpowermanager.dll-PMGG [DW] group: 2147483648 (0x80000000) [DW] subgroup: 3 (0x3) [DW] iuid: 1195855184 (0x47474d50) [DW] versionMajor: 1 (0x1) [DW] merit: 201 (0xc9) [DW] vendor: 32902 (0x8086) [DW] cuid: 1129142096 (0x434d5750) [DW] cuid2: 1347245904 (0x504d5750) [DW] cuid3: 1196250960 (0x474d5750) [SZ] friendlyName: Power Manager [SZ] path: C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Intel\RSSDK\v10\bin\win32\libpxcpowermanager.dll libpxcprojection.dll-DS4C [DW] group: 16 (0x10) [DW] subgroup: 1414877264 (0x54555050) [DW] algorithm: 541934404 (0x204d4344) [DW] iuid: 1127502660 (0x43345344) [DW] versionMajor: 1 (0x1) [DW] versionMinor: 4 (0x4) [DW] merit: 303 (0x12f) [DW] vendor: 32902 (0x8086) [DW] cuid: 1229620535 (0x494a8537) [DW] cuid2: 1398426707 (0x535a4c53) [DW] cuid3: 1229620536 (0x494a8538) [SZ] friendlyName: Intel(R) RealSense(TM) Camera R200 Projection [SZ] path: C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Intel\RSSDK\v10\bin\win32\libpxcprojection.dll libpxcprojection.dll-IVXC [DW] group: 16 (0x10) [DW] subgroup: 1414877264 (0x54555050) [DW] algorithm: 541934404 (0x204d4344) [DW] iuid: 1129862729 (0x43585649) [DW] versionMajor: 1 (0x1) [DW] versionMinor: 4 (0x4) [DW] merit: 303 (0x12f) [DW] vendor: 32902 (0x8086) [DW] cuid: 1229620535 (0x494a8537) [DW] cuid2: 1398426707 (0x535a4c53) [DW] cuid3: 1229620536 (0x494a8538) [SZ] friendlyName: Intel(R) RealSense(TM) Camera F200 Projection [SZ] path: C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Intel\RSSDK\v10\bin\win32\libpxcprojection.dll libpxcprojection.dll-SCPC [DW] group: 16 (0x10) [DW] subgroup: 1414877264 (0x54555050) [DW] algorithm: 541934404 (0x204d4344) [DW] iuid: 1398426707 (0x535a4c53) [DW] versionMajor: 1 (0x1) [DW] versionMinor: 4 (0x4) [DW] merit: 303 (0x12f) [DW] vendor: 32902 (0x8086) [DW] cuid: 1229620535 (0x494a8537) [DW] cuid2: 1398426707 (0x535a4c53) [DW] cuid3: 1229620536 (0x494a8538) [SZ] friendlyName: Intel(R) RealSense(TM) Camera R200 Enhanced Projection [SZ] path: C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Intel\RSSDK\v10\bin\win32\libpxcprojection.dll libpxcprojection.dll-SR300 [DW] group: 16 (0x10) [DW] subgroup: 1414877264 (0x54555050) [DW] algorithm: 541934404 (0x204d4344) [DW] iuid: 808792646 (0x30353246) [DW] versionMajor: 1 (0x1) [DW] versionMinor: 4 (0x4) [DW] merit: 303 (0x12f) [DW] vendor: 32902 (0x8086) [DW] cuid: 1229620535 (0x494a8537) [DW] cuid2: 1398426707 (0x535a4c53) [DW] cuid3: 1229620536 (0x494a8538) [SZ] friendlyName: Intel(R) RealSense(TM) Camera SR300 Projection [SZ] path: C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Intel\RSSDK\v10\bin\win32\libpxcprojection.dll libpxcsceneperception.dll-SCNP [DW] group: 1 (0x1) [DW] subgroup: 2048 (0x800) [DW] iuid: 1347306323 (0x504e4353) [DW] versionMajor: 1 (0x1) [DW] versionMinor: 1 (0x1) [DW] merit: 101 (0x65) [DW] vendor: 32902 (0x8086) [DW] cuid: 1347306323 (0x504e4353) [SZ] friendlyName: Scene Perception [SZ] path: C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Intel\RSSDK\v10\bin\win32\libpxcsceneperception.dll [MULTI_SZ] dependencies: pthread_dll_vc110.dll;metaioTracker.dll;SP_Core.dll;RCTracker.dll; libpxctouchlesscontroller.dll-FLKS [DW] group: 2147483648 (0x80000000) [DW] iuid: 1397443654 (0x534b4c46) [DW] versionMajor: 1 (0x1) [DW] versionMinor: 1 (0x1) [DW] merit: 101 (0x65) [DW] vendor: 32902 (0x8086) [DW] cuid: 1397443654 (0x534b4c46) [SZ] friendlyName: TouchlessController [SZ] path: C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Intel\RSSDK\v10\bin\win32\libpxctouchlesscontroller.dll [MULTI_SZ] dependencies: HANDANALYSISEXTENSIONS.DLL; libpxctrack3d_metaio.dll-MTTK [DW] group: 1 (0x1) [DW] subgroup: 256 (0x100) [DW] iuid: 1263817805 (0x4b54544d) [DW] versionMajor: 1 (0x1) [DW] versionMinor: 1 (0x1) [DW] merit: 101 (0x65) [DW] vendor: 541676621 (0x2049544d) [DW] cuid: 1380667988 (0x524b5254) [SZ] friendlyName: Metaio Object Tracking and Recognition [SZ] path: C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Intel\RSSDK\v10\bin\win32\libpxctrack3d_metaio.dll [MULTI_SZ] dependencies: pthread.dll;METAIOTRACKV2.DLL; libpxctts_ve_nuance.dll-VENU [DW] group: 2 (0x2) [DW] subgroup: 2 (0x2) [DW] algorithm: 1431192918 (0x554e4556) [DW] iuid: 1431192918 (0x554e4556) [DW] versionMajor: 1 (0x1) [DW] merit: 20 (0x14) [DW] vendor: 1312904526 (0x4e41554e) [DW] cuid: 1398032726 (0x53544956) [SZ] friendlyName: Voice Synthesis (Nuance* Vocalizer Expressive*) [SZ] path: C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Intel\RSSDK\v10\bin\win32\libpxctts_ve_nuance.dll [MULTI_SZ] dependencies: xerces-c_3_1.dll; libpxcvoice_nuance.dll-NUAN [DW] group: 2 (0x2) [DW] subgroup: 1 (0x1) [DW] algorithm: 1312904526 (0x4e41554e) [DW] iuid: 1312904526 (0x4e41554e) [DW] versionMajor: 1 (0x1) [DW] versionMinor: 3 (0x3) [DW] merit: 20 (0x14) [DW] vendor: 1312904526 (0x4e41554e) [DW] cuid: 2148779303 (0x8013c527) [SZ] friendlyName: Voice Recognition (Nuance*) [SZ] path: C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Intel\RSSDK\v10\bin\win32\libpxcvoice_nuance.dll Voice [DW] ST_SERVER_KILL_TIMEOUT_MS: 4294967295 (0xffffffff) v2 Dispatch libpxccamera_dcm_r200.dll-DS4C [DW] group: 4 (0x4) [DW] subgroup: 2 (0x2) [DW] iuid: 1127502660 (0x43345344) [DW] versionMajor: 2 (0x2) [DW] versionMinor: 1 (0x1) [DW] merit: 301 (0x12d) [DW] vendor: 32902 (0x8086) [DW] cuid: 2214013520 (0x83f72a50) [DW] advanceCameraControl: 1 (0x1) [SZ] friendlyName: Intel(R) RealSense(TM) Depth Camera Manager R200 [SZ] path: C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Intel\RSDCM_R200\bin\win32\libpxccamera_dcm_r200.dll [MULTI_SZ] dependencies: DSAPI32.dll; libpxccamera_dcm_r200_enhanced.dll-SCPC [DW] group: 4 (0x4) [DW] subgroup: 2 (0x2) [DW] iuid: 1129333587 (0x43504353) [DW] versionMajor: 2 (0x2) [DW] versionMinor: 1 (0x1) [DW] merit: 301 (0x12d) [DW] vendor: 32902 (0x8086) [DW] cuid: 2214013520 (0x83f72a50) [DW] cuid2: 1229620535 (0x494a8537) [DW] cuid3: 1398426707 (0x535a4c53) [DW] advanceCameraControl: 1 (0x1) [SZ] friendlyName: Intel(R) RealSense(TM) Depth Camera Manager R200 Enhanced [SZ] path: C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Intel\RSDCM_R200\bin\win32\libpxccamera_dcm_r200_enhanced.dll [MULTI_SZ] dependencies: DSAPI32.dll; libpxcprojection_r200.dll-DS4C [DW] group: 16 (0x10) [DW] subgroup: 1414877264 (0x54555050) [DW] algorithm: 843924292 (0x324d4344) [DW] iuid: 1127502660 (0x43345344) [DW] versionMajor: 1 (0x1) [DW] versionMinor: 4 (0x4) [DW] merit: 302 (0x12e) [DW] vendor: 32902 (0x8086) [DW] cuid: 1398426707 (0x535a4c53) [DW] cuid2: 1229620535 (0x494a8537) [DW] cuid3: 1229620536 (0x494a8538) [SZ] friendlyName: Intel(R) RealSense(TM) Camera R200 Projection [SZ] path: C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Intel\RSDCM_R200\bin\win32\libpxcprojection_r200.dll libpxcprojection_r200.dll-SCPC [DW] group: 16 (0x10) [DW] subgroup: 1414877264 (0x54555050) [DW] algorithm: 541934404 (0x204d4344) [DW] iuid: 1398426707 (0x535a4c53) [DW] versionMajor: 1 (0x1) [DW] versionMinor: 4 (0x4) [DW] merit: 303 (0x12f) [DW] vendor: 32902 (0x8086) [DW] cuid: 1229620535 (0x494a8537) [DW] cuid2: 1398426707 (0x535a4c53) [DW] cuid3: 1229620536 (0x494a8538) [SZ] friendlyName: Intel(R) RealSense(TM) Camera R200 Enhanced Projection [SZ] path: C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Intel\RSDCM_R200\bin\win32\libpxcprojection_r200.dll v3 Dispatch libpxccamera_dcm_r200.dll-DS4C [DW] group: 4 (0x4) [DW] subgroup: 2 (0x2) [DW] iuid: 1127502660 (0x43345344) [DW] versionMajor: 2 (0x2) [DW] versionMinor: 1 (0x1) [DW] merit: 301 (0x12d) [DW] vendor: 32902 (0x8086) [DW] cuid: 2214013520 (0x83f72a50) [DW] advanceCameraControl: 1 (0x1) [SZ] friendlyName: Intel(R) RealSense(TM) Depth Camera Manager R200 [SZ] path: C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Intel\RSDCM_R200\bin\win32\libpxccamera_dcm_r200.dll [MULTI_SZ] dependencies: DSAPI32.dll; libpxccamera_dcm_r200_enhanced.dll-SCPC [DW] group: 4 (0x4) [DW] subgroup: 2 (0x2) [DW] iuid: 1129333587 (0x43504353) [DW] versionMajor: 2 (0x2) [DW] versionMinor: 1 (0x1) [DW] merit: 301 (0x12d) [DW] vendor: 32902 (0x8086) [DW] cuid: 2214013520 (0x83f72a50) [DW] cuid2: 1229620535 (0x494a8537) [DW] cuid3: 1398426707 (0x535a4c53) [DW] advanceCameraControl: 1 (0x1) [SZ] friendlyName: Intel(R) RealSense(TM) Depth Camera Manager R200 Enhanced [SZ] path: C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Intel\RSDCM_R200\bin\win32\libpxccamera_dcm_r200_enhanced.dll [MULTI_SZ] dependencies: DSAPI32.dll; libpxcprojection_r200.dll-DS4C [DW] group: 16 (0x10) [DW] subgroup: 1414877264 (0x54555050) [DW] algorithm: 843924292 (0x324d4344) [DW] iuid: 1127502660 (0x43345344) [DW] versionMajor: 1 (0x1) [DW] versionMinor: 4 (0x4) [DW] merit: 302 (0x12e) [DW] vendor: 32902 (0x8086) [DW] cuid: 1398426707 (0x535a4c53) [DW] cuid2: 1229620535 (0x494a8537) [DW] cuid3: 1229620536 (0x494a8538) [SZ] friendlyName: Intel(R) RealSense(TM) Camera R200 Projection [SZ] path: C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Intel\RSDCM_R200\bin\win32\libpxcprojection_r200.dll libpxcprojection_r200.dll-SCPC [DW] group: 16 (0x10) [DW] subgroup: 1414877264 (0x54555050) [DW] algorithm: 541934404 (0x204d4344) [DW] iuid: 1398426707 (0x535a4c53) [DW] versionMajor: 1 (0x1) [DW] versionMinor: 4 (0x4) [DW] merit: 303 (0x12f) [DW] vendor: 32902 (0x8086) [DW] cuid: 1229620535 (0x494a8537) [DW] cuid2: 1398426707 (0x535a4c53) [DW] cuid3: 1229620536 (0x494a8538) [SZ] friendlyName: Intel(R) RealSense(TM) Camera R200 Enhanced Projection [SZ] path: C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Intel\RSDCM_R200\bin\win32\libpxcprojection_r200.dll v4 Dispatch libpxccamera_dcm_r200.dll-DS4C [DW] group: 4 (0x4) [DW] subgroup: 2 (0x2) [DW] iuid: 1127502660 (0x43345344) [DW] versionMajor: 2 (0x2) [DW] versionMinor: 1 (0x1) [DW] merit: 301 (0x12d) [DW] vendor: 32902 (0x8086) [DW] cuid: 2214013520 (0x83f72a50) [DW] advanceCameraControl: 1 (0x1) [SZ] friendlyName: Intel(R) RealSense(TM) Depth Camera Manager R200 [SZ] path: C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Intel\RSDCM_R200\bin\win32\libpxccamera_dcm_r200.dll [MULTI_SZ] dependencies: DSAPI32.dll; libpxccamera_dcm_r200_enhanced.dll-SCPC [DW] group: 4 (0x4) [DW] subgroup: 2 (0x2) [DW] iuid: 1129333587 (0x43504353) [DW] versionMajor: 2 (0x2) [DW] versionMinor: 1 (0x1) [DW] merit: 301 (0x12d) [DW] vendor: 32902 (0x8086) [DW] cuid: 2214013520 (0x83f72a50) [DW] cuid2: 1229620535 (0x494a8537) [DW] cuid3: 1398426707 (0x535a4c53) [DW] advanceCameraControl: 1 (0x1) [SZ] friendlyName: Intel(R) RealSense(TM) Depth Camera Manager R200 Enhanced [SZ] path: C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Intel\RSDCM_R200\bin\win32\libpxccamera_dcm_r200_enhanced.dll [MULTI_SZ] dependencies: DSAPI32.dll; libpxcprojection_r200.dll-DS4C [DW] group: 16 (0x10) [DW] subgroup: 1414877264 (0x54555050) [DW] algorithm: 843924292 (0x324d4344) [DW] iuid: 1127502660 (0x43345344) [DW] versionMajor: 1 (0x1) [DW] versionMinor: 4 (0x4) [DW] merit: 302 (0x12e) [DW] vendor: 32902 (0x8086) [DW] cuid: 1398426707 (0x535a4c53) [DW] cuid2: 1229620535 (0x494a8537) [DW] cuid3: 1229620536 (0x494a8538) [SZ] friendlyName: Intel(R) RealSense(TM) Camera R200 Projection [SZ] path: C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Intel\RSDCM_R200\bin\win32\libpxcprojection_r200.dll libpxcprojection_r200.dll-SCPC [DW] group: 16 (0x10) [DW] subgroup: 1414877264 (0x54555050) [DW] algorithm: 541934404 (0x204d4344) [DW] iuid: 1398426707 (0x535a4c53) [DW] versionMajor: 1 (0x1) [DW] versionMinor: 4 (0x4) [DW] merit: 303 (0x12f) [DW] vendor: 32902 (0x8086) [DW] cuid: 1229620535 (0x494a8537) [DW] cuid2: 1398426707 (0x535a4c53) [DW] cuid3: 1229620536 (0x494a8538) [SZ] friendlyName: Intel(R) RealSense(TM) Camera R200 Enhanced Projection [SZ] path: C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Intel\RSDCM_R200\bin\win32\libpxcprojection_r200.dll v5 Dispatch libpxccamera_dcm_r200.dll-DS4C [DW] group: 4 (0x4) [DW] subgroup: 2 (0x2) [DW] iuid: 1127502660 (0x43345344) [DW] versionMajor: 2 (0x2) [DW] versionMinor: 1 (0x1) [DW] merit: 301 (0x12d) [DW] vendor: 32902 (0x8086) [DW] cuid: 2214013520 (0x83f72a50) [DW] advanceCameraControl: 1 (0x1) [SZ] friendlyName: Intel(R) RealSense(TM) Depth Camera Manager R200 [SZ] path: C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Intel\RSDCM_R200\bin\win32\libpxccamera_dcm_r200.dll [MULTI_SZ] dependencies: DSAPI32.dll; libpxccamera_dcm_r200_enhanced.dll-SCPC [DW] group: 4 (0x4) [DW] subgroup: 2 (0x2) [DW] iuid: 1129333587 (0x43504353) [DW] versionMajor: 2 (0x2) [DW] versionMinor: 1 (0x1) [DW] merit: 301 (0x12d) [DW] vendor: 32902 (0x8086) [DW] cuid: 2214013520 (0x83f72a50) [DW] cuid2: 1229620535 (0x494a8537) [DW] cuid3: 1398426707 (0x535a4c53) [DW] advanceCameraControl: 1 (0x1) [SZ] friendlyName: Intel(R) RealSense(TM) Depth Camera Manager R200 Enhanced [SZ] path: C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Intel\RSDCM_R200\bin\win32\libpxccamera_dcm_r200_enhanced.dll [MULTI_SZ] dependencies: DSAPI32.dll; libpxcprojection_r200.dll-DS4C [DW] group: 16 (0x10) [DW] subgroup: 1414877264 (0x54555050) [DW] algorithm: 843924292 (0x324d4344) [DW] iuid: 1127502660 (0x43345344) [DW] versionMajor: 1 (0x1) [DW] versionMinor: 4 (0x4) [DW] merit: 302 (0x12e) [DW] vendor: 32902 (0x8086) [DW] cuid: 1398426707 (0x535a4c53) [DW] cuid2: 1229620535 (0x494a8537) [DW] cuid3: 1229620536 (0x494a8538) [SZ] friendlyName: Intel(R) RealSense(TM) Camera R200 Projection [SZ] path: C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Intel\RSDCM_R200\bin\win32\libpxcprojection_r200.dll libpxcprojection_r200.dll-SCPC [DW] group: 16 (0x10) [DW] subgroup: 1414877264 (0x54555050) [DW] algorithm: 541934404 (0x204d4344) [DW] iuid: 1398426707 (0x535a4c53) [DW] versionMajor: 1 (0x1) [DW] versionMinor: 4 (0x4) [DW] merit: 303 (0x12f) [DW] vendor: 32902 (0x8086) [DW] cuid: 1229620535 (0x494a8537) [DW] cuid2: 1398426707 (0x535a4c53) [DW] cuid3: 1229620536 (0x494a8538) [SZ] friendlyName: Intel(R) RealSense(TM) Camera R200 Enhanced Projection [SZ] path: C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Intel\RSDCM_R200\bin\win32\libpxcprojection_r200.dll v6 Dispatch libpxccamera_dcm_r200.dll-DS4C [DW] group: 4 (0x4) [DW] subgroup: 2 (0x2) [DW] iuid: 1127502660 (0x43345344) [DW] versionMajor: 2 (0x2) [DW] versionMinor: 1 (0x1) [DW] merit: 301 (0x12d) [DW] vendor: 32902 (0x8086) [DW] cuid: 2214013520 (0x83f72a50) [DW] advanceCameraControl: 1 (0x1) [SZ] friendlyName: Intel(R) RealSense(TM) Depth Camera Manager R200 [SZ] path: C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Intel\RSDCM_R200\bin\win32\libpxccamera_dcm_r200.dll [MULTI_SZ] dependencies: DSAPI32.dll; libpxccamera_dcm_r200_enhanced.dll-SCPC [DW] group: 4 (0x4) [DW] subgroup: 2 (0x2) [DW] iuid: 1129333587 (0x43504353) [DW] versionMajor: 2 (0x2) [DW] versionMinor: 1 (0x1) [DW] merit: 301 (0x12d) [DW] vendor: 32902 (0x8086) [DW] cuid: 2214013520 (0x83f72a50) [DW] cuid2: 1229620535 (0x494a8537) [DW] cuid3: 1398426707 (0x535a4c53) [DW] advanceCameraControl: 1 (0x1) [SZ] friendlyName: Intel(R) RealSense(TM) Depth Camera Manager R200 Enhanced [SZ] path: C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Intel\RSDCM_R200\bin\win32\libpxccamera_dcm_r200_enhanced.dll [MULTI_SZ] dependencies: DSAPI32.dll; libpxcprojection_r200.dll-DS4C [DW] group: 16 (0x10) [DW] subgroup: 1414877264 (0x54555050) [DW] algorithm: 843924292 (0x324d4344) [DW] iuid: 1127502660 (0x43345344) [DW] versionMajor: 1 (0x1) [DW] versionMinor: 4 (0x4) [DW] merit: 302 (0x12e) [DW] vendor: 32902 (0x8086) [DW] cuid: 1398426707 (0x535a4c53) [DW] cuid2: 1229620535 (0x494a8537) [DW] cuid3: 1229620536 (0x494a8538) [SZ] friendlyName: Intel(R) RealSense(TM) Camera R200 Projection [SZ] path: C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Intel\RSDCM_R200\bin\win32\libpxcprojection_r200.dll libpxcprojection_r200.dll-SCPC [DW] group: 16 (0x10) [DW] subgroup: 1414877264 (0x54555050) [DW] algorithm: 541934404 (0x204d4344) [DW] iuid: 1398426707 (0x535a4c53) [DW] versionMajor: 1 (0x1) [DW] versionMinor: 4 (0x4) [DW] merit: 303 (0x12f) [DW] vendor: 32902 (0x8086) [DW] cuid: 1229620535 (0x494a8537) [DW] cuid2: 1398426707 (0x535a4c53) [DW] cuid3: 1229620536 (0x494a8538) [SZ] friendlyName: Intel(R) RealSense(TM) Camera R200 Enhanced Projection [SZ] path: C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Intel\RSDCM_R200\bin\win32\libpxcprojection_r200.dll Software\Intel\RSSDK_DEV [SZ] ProductCode: {EDD0330F-1D76-11E6-B883-2C44FD873B55} [SZ] Version: Components debugging [SZ] ProductCode: {D7E1452E-1D76-11E6-BF3B-2C44FD873B55} [SZ] Version: extradoc [SZ] ProductCode: {C9BB98C0-1D76-11E6-9163-2C44FD873B55} [SZ] Version: metaio_toolbox [SZ] ProductCode: {1AF24E9E-1D77-11E6-8DD4-2C44FD873B55} [SZ] Version: opensource [SZ] ProductCode: {C3EE4E61-1D76-11E6-8D58-2C44FD873B55} [SZ] Version: redist [SZ] ProductCode: {0C9824B0-1D77-11E6-BDB0-2C44FD873B55} [SZ] Version: sample_browser [SZ] ProductCode: {F88AEF1E-1D76-11E6-9E9D-2C44FD873B55} [SZ] Version: sample_cpp_3dseg [SZ] ProductCode: {CA8B1DC0-1D76-11E6-8220-2C44FD873B55} [SZ] Version: sample_cpp_augmented_reality [SZ] ProductCode: {0260A25E-1D77-11E6-822E-2C44FD873B55} [SZ] Version: sample_cpp_blob_viewer [SZ] ProductCode: {D5B5D9B0-1D76-11E6-B0EA-2C44FD873B55} [SZ] Version: sample_cpp_camera_viewer [SZ] ProductCode: {FDD9E1C0-1D76-11E6-A99A-2C44FD873B55} [SZ] Version: sample_cpp_enhanced_photography [SZ] ProductCode: {ED94B0AE-1D76-11E6-942C-2C44FD873B55} [SZ] Version: sample_cpp_eye_tracking [SZ] ProductCode: {CF33490F-1D76-11E6-A3BA-2C44FD873B55} [SZ] Version: sample_cpp_face_tracking [SZ] ProductCode: {F85671A1-1D76-11E6-BB5D-2C44FD873B55} [SZ] Version: sample_cpp_hands_3DViewer [SZ] ProductCode: {FBE2CCAE-1D76-11E6-A3A2-2C44FD873B55} [SZ] Version: sample_cpp_hands_console [SZ] ProductCode: {F1045C00-1D76-11E6-9374-2C44FD873B55} [SZ] Version: sample_cpp_hands_viewer [SZ] ProductCode: {C39D482E-1D76-11E6-85F9-2C44FD873B55} [SZ] Version: sample_cpp_measurement [SZ] ProductCode: {0112ECAE-1D77-11E6-A436-2C44FD873B55} [SZ] Version: sample_cpp_measurement_ep [SZ] ProductCode: {F569D900-1D76-11E6-B9D9-2C44FD873B55} [SZ] Version: sample_cpp_motionEffectEP [SZ] ProductCode: {0ADA480F-1D77-11E6-B20E-2C44FD873B55} [SZ] Version: sample_cpp_objectrecognition [SZ] ProductCode: {F412865E-1D76-11E6-AEA8-2C44FD873B55} [SZ] Version: sample_cpp_object_tracking [SZ] ProductCode: {D0F0FE9E-1D76-11E6-984C-2C44FD873B55} [SZ] Version: sample_cpp_person_tracking [SZ] ProductCode: {EC387C11-1D76-11E6-82F1-2C44FD873B55} [SZ] Version: sample_cpp_photoViewerEP [SZ] ProductCode: {0746C10F-1D77-11E6-ADFA-2C44FD873B55} [SZ] Version: sample_cpp_projection [SZ] ProductCode: {DF54C580-1D76-11E6-AA93-2C44FD873B55} [SZ] Version: sample_cpp_raw_streams [SZ] ProductCode: {04AD9FA1-1D77-11E6-89DA-2C44FD873B55} [SZ] Version: sample_cpp_scene_perception [SZ] ProductCode: {F2C2389E-1D76-11E6-A634-2C44FD873B55} [SZ] Version: sample_cpp_scene_perception_simple [SZ] ProductCode: {03B5AB11-1D77-11E6-9C1E-2C44FD873B55} [SZ] Version: sample_cpp_segmentationEP [SZ] ProductCode: {CDAEA4DE-1D76-11E6-A2E3-2C44FD873B55} [SZ] Version: sample_csharp_3dscan [SZ] ProductCode: {EA5479CF-1D76-11E6-9FF2-2C44FD873B55} [SZ] Version: sample_csharp_3dseg [SZ] ProductCode: {D4575B1E-1D76-11E6-B72B-2C44FD873B55} [SZ] Version: sample_csharp_blob_viewer [SZ] ProductCode: {0DE87270-1D77-11E6-BDCD-2C44FD873B55} [SZ] Version: sample_csharp_enhanced_photography [SZ] ProductCode: {E62ACD4F-1D76-11E6-A86A-2C44FD873B55} [SZ] Version: sample_csharp_face_tracking [SZ] ProductCode: {0C319AB0-1D77-11E6-A9C9-2C44FD873B55} [SZ] Version: sample_csharp_hands_viewer [SZ] ProductCode: {FF3AD14F-1D76-11E6-BF16-2C44FD873B55} [SZ] Version: sample_csharp_iq_sample_tool [SZ] ProductCode: {11FF0C1E-1D77-11E6-9D58-2C44FD873B55} [SZ] Version: sample_csharp_objectrecognition [SZ] ProductCode: {EEA6E400-1D76-11E6-96F3-2C44FD873B55} [SZ] Version: sample_csharp_object_tracking [SZ] ProductCode: {DE25E270-1D76-11E6-B56F-2C44FD873B55} [SZ] Version: sample_csharp_raw_streams [SZ] ProductCode: {E8EEF65E-1D76-11E6-B1BA-2C44FD873B55} [SZ] Version: sample_csharp_touchless_list_box [SZ] ProductCode: {D92A6700-1D76-11E6-A31C-2C44FD873B55} [SZ] Version: sample_csharp_touchless_viewer [SZ] ProductCode: {F9D3E9E1-1D76-11E6-96B0-2C44FD873B55} [SZ] Version: sample_java_camera_viewer [SZ] ProductCode: {0869BD40-1D77-11E6-8D27-2C44FD873B55} [SZ] Version: sample_java_face_tracking [SZ] ProductCode: {E3584C61-1D76-11E6-8BD0-2C44FD873B55} [SZ] Version: sample_java_hands_viewer [SZ] ProductCode: {C6DAE700-1D76-11E6-B8E9-2C44FD873B55} [SZ] Version: sample_js_blobs_viewer [SZ] ProductCode: {10D50B11-1D77-11E6-97CD-2C44FD873B55} [SZ] Version: sample_js_cursor [SZ] ProductCode: {1399341E-1D77-11E6-BD1C-2C44FD873B55} [SZ] Version: sample_js_face_tracking [SZ] ProductCode: {DBBA128F-1D76-11E6-BBDA-2C44FD873B55} [SZ] Version: sample_js_hands_viewer [SZ] ProductCode: {E034EC4F-1D76-11E6-9DDE-2C44FD873B55} [SZ] Version: sample_processing_hand_tracking [SZ] ProductCode: {05B17B0F-1D77-11E6-B776-2C44FD873B55} [SZ] Version: sample_unity_hands_animation [SZ] ProductCode: {D759778F-1D76-11E6-BD28-2C44FD873B55} [SZ] Version: sample_unity_nine_cubes [SZ] ProductCode: {F0624F9E-1D76-11E6-8D3A-2C44FD873B55} [SZ] Version: sample_unity_scene_perception [SZ] ProductCode: {C416BDEE-1D76-11E6-A590-2C44FD873B55} [SZ] Version: unity_toolkit [SZ] ProductCode: {CD8D3A30-1D76-11E6-BE91-2C44FD873B55} [SZ] Version: uwp_blob [SZ] ProductCode: {C4061C1E-1D76-11E6-BC21-2C44FD873B55} [SZ] Version: uwp_core [SZ] ProductCode: {E393F5D1-1D76-11E6-85BB-2C44FD873B55} [SZ] Version: uwp_face [SZ] ProductCode: {CAA07A80-1D76-11E6-8647-2C44FD873B55} [SZ] Version: Software\Intel\RSDCM [DW] CameraFamilyRear: 1 (0x1) R200 [SZ] Version: [SZ] Description: Intel® RealSense? Depth Camera Manager R200 HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE(64-bit) Software\Intel\RSSDK Components dcmservice_r200 [SZ] ProductCode: {241D1E80-D63F-11E5-8D8C-2C44FD873B55} [SZ] Version: dptf_com [SZ] ProductCode: {B5C8FF40-D629-11E5-8F23-2C44FD873B55} [SZ] Version: iomodule_dcm_r200 [SZ] ProductCode: {29675630-D63F-11E5-862F-2C44FD873B55} [SZ] Version: iomodule_dcm_skycam_r200 [SZ] ProductCode: {2A49EE00-D63F-11E5-A827-2C44FD873B55} [SZ] Version: source_provider_r200 [SZ] ProductCode: {2B3119B0-D63F-11E5-B956-2C44FD873B55} [SZ] Version: RSDCM R200 [SZ] camera_64_dll: C:\Program Files\Common Files\Intel\RSDCM_R200\bin\x64\DSAPI.dll v10 [SZ] InstallDir: C:\Program Files\Common Files\Intel\RSSDK\v10\ [SZ] ProductCode: {7ECCC65E-1D74-11E6-B005-2C44FD873B55} [SZ] Version: Components blob [SZ] ProductCode: {862D33DE-1D74-11E6-8FE6-2C44FD873B55} [SZ] Version: core [SZ] ProductCode: {7ECCC65E-1D74-11E6-B005-2C44FD873B55} [SZ] Version: epv [SZ] ProductCode: {7D6E47CF-1D74-11E6-B49A-2C44FD873B55} [SZ] Version: face3d [SZ] ProductCode: {86EE39F0-1D74-11E6-88FC-2C44FD873B55} [SZ] Version: hand [SZ] ProductCode: {874D9800-1D74-11E6-96E8-2C44FD873B55} [SZ] Version: handcursor [SZ] ProductCode: {7D601700-1D74-11E6-AE31-2C44FD873B55} [SZ] Version: lanternrock [SZ] ProductCode: {7A7A8340-1D74-11E6-AB8F-2C44FD873B55} [SZ] FULLSTOREPATH: C:\ProgramData\Intel\RSSDK\Store [SZ] Version: nuance [SZ] ProductCode: {9C9CC370-1D74-11E6-87E0-2C44FD873B55} [SZ] Version: objectrecognition [SZ] ProductCode: {A2F22991-1D74-11E6-A738-2C44FD873B55} [SZ] Version: person [SZ] ProductCode: {A760F55E-1D74-11E6-8D1F-2C44FD873B55} [SZ] Version: personify [SZ] ProductCode: {A315DE30-1D74-11E6-A4F2-2C44FD873B55} [SZ] Version: scan3d [SZ] ProductCode: {AA5BE5DE-1D74-11E6-80C9-2C44FD873B55} [SZ] Version: scene_perception [SZ] ProductCode: {98E587CF-1D74-11E6-911F-2C44FD873B55} [SZ] Version: touchlesscontroller [SZ] ProductCode: {A0C8E0F0-1D74-11E6-BE82-2C44FD873B55} [SZ] Version: track3d_metaio [SZ] ProductCode: {7AC21391-1D74-11E6-AD34-2C44FD873B55} [SZ] Version: utils [SZ] ProductCode: {7FB8D40F-1D74-11E6-B11D-2C44FD873B55} [SZ] Version: voice [SZ] ProductCode: {9C9CC370-1D74-11E6-87E0-2C44FD873B55} [SZ] Version: [MULTI_SZ] VirtualFeatureForComponent: nuance; Dispatch [SZ] Core: C:\Program Files\Common Files\Intel\RSSDK\v10\bin\x64\libpxcsession.dll libpxc3dscan.dll-SCD1 [DW] group: 1 (0x1) [DW] subgroup: 1024 (0x400) [DW] algorithm: 826360659 (0x31414353) [DW] iuid: 826557267 (0x31444353) [DW] versionMajor: 1 (0x1) [DW] merit: 100 (0x64) [DW] vendor: 32902 (0x8086) [DW] cuid: 826884947 (0x31494353) [SZ] friendlyName: 3D Capture, 3D Reconstruction [SZ] path: C:\Program Files\Common Files\Intel\RSSDK\v10\bin\x64\libpxc3dscan.dll [MULTI_SZ] dependencies: fusionsdk.dll; libpxc3dseg.dll-SGD1 [DW] group: 1 (0x1) [DW] subgroup: 512 (0x200) [DW] algorithm: 826361683 (0x31414753) [DW] iuid: 826558291 (0x31444753) [DW] versionMajor: 1 (0x1) [DW] merit: 100 (0x64) [DW] vendor: 32902 (0x8086) [DW] cuid: 826885971 (0x31494753) [SZ] friendlyName: User Segmentation [SZ] path: C:\Program Files\Common Files\Intel\RSSDK\v10\bin\x64\libpxc3dseg.dll [MULTI_SZ] dependencies: PERSONIFYRSSDK.DLL; libpxcblobmodule.dll-BMMD [DW] group: 1 (0x1) [DW] subgroup: 16 (0x10) [DW] iuid: 1145916738 (0x444d4d42) [DW] versionMajor: 1 (0x1) [DW] versionMinor: 1 (0x1) [DW] merit: 101 (0x65) [DW] vendor: 32902 (0x8086) [DW] cuid: 1145916738 (0x444d4d42) [SZ] friendlyName: Blob/Contour Extraction Module [SZ] path: C:\Program Files\Common Files\Intel\RSSDK\v10\bin\x64\libpxcblobmodule.dll libpxccamera_mf.dll-C_MF [DW] group: 4 (0x4) [DW] subgroup: 2 (0x2) [DW] iuid: 1179475779 (0x464d5f43) [DW] versionMajor: 1 (0x1) [DW] merit: 101 (0x65) [DW] vendor: 32902 (0x8086) [DW] cuid: 2214013520 (0x83f72a50) [SZ] friendlyName: Video Capture (Media Foundation) [SZ] path: C:\Program Files\Common Files\Intel\RSSDK\v10\bin\x64\libpxccamera_mf.dll libpxccore.dll-CORE [DW] group: 2147483648 (0x80000000) [SZ] friendlyName: SDK Core Library [SZ] path: C:\Program Files\Common Files\Intel\RSSDK\v10\bin\x64\libpxccore.dll [MULTI_SZ] dependencies: tbb.dll; libpxcenhanced_photo3d.dll-EPDM [DW] group: 8 (0x8) [DW] subgroup: 8192 (0x2000) [DW] iuid: 1296322629 (0x4d445045) [DW] versionMajor: 1 (0x1) [DW] versionMinor: 1 (0x1) [DW] merit: 110 (0x6e) [DW] vendor: 32902 (0x8086) [DW] cuid: 1296322629 (0x4d445045) [SZ] friendlyName: Enhanced Photography DepthMask Module [SZ] path: C:\Program Files\Common Files\Intel\RSSDK\v10\bin\x64\libpxcenhancedphoto3d.dll libpxcenhanced_photo3d.dll-EPDR [DW] group: 8 (0x8) [DW] subgroup: 8192 (0x2000) [DW] iuid: 1380208709 (0x52445045) [DW] versionMajor: 1 (0x1) [DW] versionMinor: 1 (0x1) [DW] merit: 110 (0x6e) [DW] vendor: 32902 (0x8086) [DW] cuid: 1380208709 (0x52445045) [SZ] friendlyName: Enhanced Photography DepthRefocus Module [SZ] path: C:\Program Files\Common Files\Intel\RSSDK\v10\bin\x64\libpxcenhancedphoto3d.dll libpxcenhanced_photo3d.dll-EPMD [DW] group: 8 (0x8) [DW] subgroup: 8192 (0x2000) [DW] iuid: 1145917509 (0x444d5045) [DW] versionMajor: 1 (0x1) [DW] versionMinor: 1 (0x1) [DW] merit: 110 (0x6e) [DW] vendor: 32902 (0x8086) [DW] cuid: 1145917509 (0x444d5045) [SZ] friendlyName: Enhanced Photography Measurement Module [SZ] path: C:\Program Files\Common Files\Intel\RSSDK\v10\bin\x64\libpxcenhancedphoto3d.dll libpxcenhanced_photo3d.dll-EPME [DW] group: 8 (0x8) [DW] subgroup: 8192 (0x2000) [DW] iuid: 1162694725 (0x454d5045) [DW] versionMajor: 1 (0x1) [DW] versionMinor: 1 (0x1) [DW] merit: 110 (0x6e) [DW] vendor: 32902 (0x8086) [DW] cuid: 1162694725 (0x454d5045) [SZ] friendlyName: Enhanced Photography MotionEffect Module [SZ] path: C:\Program Files\Common Files\Intel\RSSDK\v10\bin\x64\libpxcenhancedphoto3d.dll libpxcenhanced_photo3d.dll-EPPP [DW] group: 8 (0x8) [DW] subgroup: 8192 (0x2000) [DW] iuid: 1347440709 (0x50505045) [DW] versionMajor: 1 (0x1) [DW] versionMinor: 1 (0x1) [DW] merit: 110 (0x6e) [DW] vendor: 32902 (0x8086) [DW] cuid: 1347440709 (0x50505045) [SZ] friendlyName: Enhanced Photography Paster Module [SZ] path: C:\Program Files\Common Files\Intel\RSSDK\v10\bin\x64\libpxcenhancedphoto3d.dll libpxcenhanced_photo3d.dll-EPSG [DW] group: 8 (0x8) [DW] subgroup: 8192 (0x2000) [DW] iuid: 1196642373 (0x47535045) [DW] versionMajor: 1 (0x1) [DW] versionMinor: 1 (0x1) [DW] merit: 110 (0x6e) [DW] vendor: 32902 (0x8086) [DW] cuid: 1196642373 (0x47535045) [SZ] friendlyName: Enhanced Photography Segmentation Module [SZ] path: C:\Program Files\Common Files\Intel\RSSDK\v10\bin\x64\libpxcenhancedphoto3d.dll libpxcenhanced_photo3d.dll-EPUT [DW] group: 8 (0x8) [DW] subgroup: 8192 (0x2000) [DW] iuid: 1414877253 (0x54555045) [DW] versionMajor: 1 (0x1) [DW] versionMinor: 1 (0x1) [DW] merit: 110 (0x6e) [DW] vendor: 32902 (0x8086) [DW] cuid: 1414877253 (0x54555045) [SZ] friendlyName: Enhanced Photography Utils Module [SZ] path: C:\Program Files\Common Files\Intel\RSSDK\v10\bin\x64\libpxcenhancedphoto3d.dll libpxcenhanced_photo3d.dll-EVIN [DW] group: 8 (0x8) [DW] subgroup: 8192 (0x2000) [DW] iuid: 1396987461 (0x53445645) [DW] versionMajor: 1 (0x1) [DW] versionMinor: 1 (0x1) [DW] merit: 110 (0x6e) [DW] vendor: 32902 (0x8086) [DW] cuid: 1313429061 (0x4e495645) [SZ] friendlyName: Enhanced Videography Module [SZ] path: C:\Program Files\Common Files\Intel\RSSDK\v10\bin\x64\libpxcenhancedphoto3d.dll libpxcenhanced_photo3d.dll-MSKU [DW] group: 8 (0x8) [DW] subgroup: 4096 (0x1000) [DW] iuid: 1396985925 (0x53445045) [DW] versionMajor: 1 (0x1) [DW] versionMinor: 1 (0x1) [DW] merit: 110 (0x6e) [DW] vendor: 32902 (0x8086) [DW] cuid: 1313427525 (0x4e495045) [DW] cuid2: 844514375 (0x32564447) [SZ] friendlyName: Enhanced Photography Module [SZ] path: C:\Program Files\Common Files\Intel\RSSDK\v10\bin\x64\libpxcenhancedphoto3d.dll libpxcface_idc.dll-FIDC [DW] group: 1 (0x1) [DW] subgroup: 1 (0x1) [DW] iuid: 1128548678 (0x43444946) [DW] versionMajor: 1 (0x1) [DW] versionMinor: 6 (0x6) [DW] merit: 120 (0x78) [DW] vendor: 32902 (0x8086) [DW] cuid: 1144209734 (0x44334146) [SZ] friendlyName: Face 2D/3D Analysis (Intel) [SZ] path: C:\Program Files\Common Files\Intel\RSSDK\v10\bin\x64\face3d_idc\libpxcface_idc.dll [MULTI_SZ] dependencies: libiomp5md.dll; libpxchandcursormodule.dll-HCMN [DW] group: 1 (0x1) [DW] subgroup: 16 (0x10) [DW] iuid: 1313686344 (0x4e4d4348) [DW] versionMajor: 1 (0x1) [DW] versionMinor: 1 (0x1) [DW] merit: 101 (0x65) [DW] vendor: 32902 (0x8086) [DW] cuid: 1313686344 (0x4e4d4348) [SZ] friendlyName: Hand Cursor Module [SZ] path: C:\Program Files\Common Files\Intel\RSSDK\v10\bin\x64\libpxchandcursormodule.dll libpxchandmodule.dll-HANN [DW] group: 1 (0x1) [DW] subgroup: 16 (0x10) [DW] iuid: 1313751368 (0x4e4e4148) [DW] versionMajor: 1 (0x1) [DW] versionMinor: 1 (0x1) [DW] merit: 101 (0x65) [DW] vendor: 32902 (0x8086) [DW] cuid: 1313751368 (0x4e4e4148) [SZ] friendlyName: Hand Module [SZ] path: C:\Program Files\Common Files\Intel\RSSDK\v10\bin\x64\libpxchandmodule.dll [MULTI_SZ] dependencies: libpxchand_core.dll;libpxchand_track.dll;libpxchand_facade.dll; libpxclanternrock.dll-PHLR [DW] group: 2147483648 (0x80000000) [DW] iuid: 1380730960 (0x524c4850) [DW] versionMajor: 1 (0x1) [DW] merit: 200 (0xc8) [DW] vendor: 32902 (0x8086) [DW] cuid: 1296582736 (0x4d484850) [SZ] friendlyName: Telemetry LR [SZ] path: C:\Program Files\Common Files\Intel\RSSDK\v10\bin\x64\libpxclanternrock.dll [MULTI_SZ] dependencies: intel-ias2.dll; libpxclog.dll-LCXX [DW] group: 2147483648 (0x80000000) [DW] iuid: 1482179404 (0x5858434c) [DW] versionMajor: 1 (0x1) [DW] merit: 100 (0x64) [DW] vendor: 32902 (0x8086) [DW] cuid: 946920232 (0x3870db28) [SZ] friendlyName: Logger [SZ] path: C:\Program Files (x86)\Intel\RSSDK\bin\x64\libpxclog.dll libpxcmaskutils.dll-1-MSKU [DW] group: 16 (0x10) [DW] subgroup: 1430999885 (0x554b534d) [DW] iuid: 1430999885 (0x554b534d) [DW] versionMajor: 1 (0x1) [DW] merit: 101 (0x65) [DW] vendor: 32902 (0x8086) [DW] cuid: 1398034258 (0x53544f52) [DW] cuid2: 1330468179 (0x4f4d5553) [DW] cuid3: 1380143184 (0x52435050) [SZ] friendlyName: Mask Programming Utility (1) [SZ] path: C:\Program Files\Common Files\Intel\RSSDK\v10\bin\x64\libpxcmaskutils.dll libpxcmaskutils.dll-2-MSKU [DW] group: 16 (0x10) [DW] subgroup: 1430999885 (0x554b534d) [DW] iuid: 38490957 (0x24b534d) [DW] versionMajor: 1 (0x1) [DW] merit: 101 (0x65) [DW] vendor: 32902 (0x8086) [DW] cuid: 2566661203 (0x98fc2453) [DW] cuid2: 2770535868 (0xa52305bc) [DW] cuid3: 1330467652 (0x4f4d5344) [SZ] friendlyName: Mask Programming Utility (2) [SZ] path: C:\Program Files\Common Files\Intel\RSSDK\v10\bin\x64\libpxcmaskutils.dll libpxcmfaudio.dll-ADSR [DW] group: 4 (0x4) [DW] subgroup: 1 (0x1) [DW] iuid: 1381188673 (0x52534441) [DW] versionMajor: 1 (0x1) [DW] merit: 101 (0x65) [DW] vendor: 32902 (0x8086) [DW] cuid: 3628176675 (0xd8419523) [DW] cuid2: 541644707 (0x2048d7a3) [SZ] friendlyName: Audio Source (Media Foundation) [SZ] path: C:\Program Files\Common Files\Intel\RSSDK\v10\bin\x64\libpxcmfaudio.dll libpxcobjectrecognition.dll-OBJM [DW] group: 1 (0x1) [DW] subgroup: 256 (0x100) [DW] iuid: 1296712271 (0x4d4a424f) [DW] versionMajor: 1 (0x1) [DW] merit: 101 (0x65) [DW] vendor: 32902 (0x8086) [DW] cuid: 1296712271 (0x4d4a424f) [SZ] friendlyName: Object Recognition Module [SZ] path: C:\Program Files\Common Files\Intel\RSSDK\v10\bin\x64\libpxcobjectrecognition.dll [MULTI_SZ] dependencies: libpxcobject_tracker.dll;libpxcobject_omekcv.dll;libpxcobject_core.dll;libpxcobject_grabber.dll;libpxcobject_depthProcessor.dll;libiomp5md.dll; libpxcpersontracking.dll-POTM [DW] group: 1 (0x1) [DW] subgroup: 16 (0x10) [DW] iuid: 1297370960 (0x4d544f50) [DW] versionMajor: 1 (0x1) [DW] versionMinor: 1 (0x1) [DW] merit: 101 (0x65) [DW] vendor: 32902 (0x8086) [DW] cuid: 1297370960 (0x4d544f50) [SZ] friendlyName: Person Tracking Module [SZ] path: C:\Program Files\Common Files\Intel\RSSDK\v10\bin\x64\libpxcpersontracking.dll libpxcpipelineutils.dll-CPUT [DW] group: 2147483648 (0x80000000) [DW] subgroup: 1414877251 (0x54555043) [DW] iuid: 1414877251 (0x54555043) [DW] versionMajor: 1 (0x1) [DW] versionMinor: 1 (0x1) [DW] merit: 101 (0x65) [DW] vendor: 32902 (0x8086) [DW] cuid: 3633390405 (0xd8912345) [SZ] friendlyName: Capture Programming Utility [SZ] path: C:\Program Files\Common Files\Intel\RSSDK\v10\bin\x64\libpxcpipelineutils.dll libpxcpipelineutils.dll-PPUT [DW] group: 2147483648 (0x80000000) [DW] subgroup: 1414877264 (0x54555050) [DW] iuid: 1414877264 (0x54555050) [DW] versionMajor: 1 (0x1) [DW] versionMinor: 1 (0x1) [DW] merit: 101 (0x65) [DW] vendor: 32902 (0x8086) [DW] cuid: 3633660705 (0xd8954321) [SZ] friendlyName: Pipeline Programming Utility [SZ] path: C:\Program Files\Common Files\Intel\RSSDK\v10\bin\x64\libpxcpipelineutils.dll libpxcpowermanager.dll-PMGG [DW] group: 2147483648 (0x80000000) [DW] subgroup: 3 (0x3) [DW] iuid: 1195855184 (0x47474d50) [DW] versionMajor: 1 (0x1) [DW] merit: 201 (0xc9) [DW] vendor: 32902 (0x8086) [DW] cuid: 1129142096 (0x434d5750) [DW] cuid2: 1347245904 (0x504d5750) [DW] cuid3: 1196250960 (0x474d5750) [SZ] friendlyName: Power Manager [SZ] path: C:\Program Files\Common Files\Intel\RSSDK\v10\bin\x64\libpxcpowermanager.dll libpxcprojection.dll-DS4C [DW] group: 16 (0x10) [DW] subgroup: 1414877264 (0x54555050) [DW] algorithm: 541934404 (0x204d4344) [DW] iuid: 1127502660 (0x43345344) [DW] versionMajor: 1 (0x1) [DW] versionMinor: 4 (0x4) [DW] merit: 303 (0x12f) [DW] vendor: 32902 (0x8086) [DW] cuid: 1229620535 (0x494a8537) [DW] cuid2: 1398426707 (0x535a4c53) [DW] cuid3: 1229620536 (0x494a8538) [SZ] friendlyName: Intel(R) RealSense(TM) Camera R200 Projection [SZ] path: C:\Program Files\Common Files\Intel\RSSDK\v10\bin\x64\libpxcprojection.dll libpxcprojection.dll-IVXC [DW] group: 16 (0x10) [DW] subgroup: 1414877264 (0x54555050) [DW] algorithm: 541934404 (0x204d4344) [DW] iuid: 1129862729 (0x43585649) [DW] versionMajor: 1 (0x1) [DW] versionMinor: 4 (0x4) [DW] merit: 303 (0x12f) [DW] vendor: 32902 (0x8086) [DW] cuid: 1229620535 (0x494a8537) [DW] cuid2: 1398426707 (0x535a4c53) [DW] cuid3: 1229620536 (0x494a8538) [SZ] friendlyName: Intel(R) RealSense(TM) Camera F200 Projection [SZ] path: C:\Program Files\Common Files\Intel\RSSDK\v10\bin\x64\libpxcprojection.dll libpxcprojection.dll-SCPC [DW] group: 16 (0x10) [DW] subgroup: 1414877264 (0x54555050) [DW] algorithm: 541934404 (0x204d4344) [DW] iuid: 1398426707 (0x535a4c53) [DW] versionMajor: 1 (0x1) [DW] versionMinor: 4 (0x4) [DW] merit: 303 (0x12f) [DW] vendor: 32902 (0x8086) [DW] cuid: 1229620535 (0x494a8537) [DW] cuid2: 1398426707 (0x535a4c53) [DW] cuid3: 1229620536 (0x494a8538) [SZ] friendlyName: Intel(R) RealSense(TM) Camera R200 Enhanced Projection [SZ] path: C:\Program Files\Common Files\Intel\RSSDK\v10\bin\x64\libpxcprojection.dll libpxcprojection.dll-SR300 [DW] group: 16 (0x10) [DW] subgroup: 1414877264 (0x54555050) [DW] algorithm: 541934404 (0x204d4344) [DW] iuid: 808792646 (0x30353246) [DW] versionMajor: 1 (0x1) [DW] versionMinor: 4 (0x4) [DW] merit: 303 (0x12f) [DW] vendor: 32902 (0x8086) [DW] cuid: 1229620535 (0x494a8537) [DW] cuid2: 1398426707 (0x535a4c53) [DW] cuid3: 1229620536 (0x494a8538) [SZ] friendlyName: Intel(R) RealSense(TM) Camera SR300 Projection [SZ] path: C:\Program Files\Common Files\Intel\RSSDK\v10\bin\x64\libpxcprojection.dll libpxcsceneperception.dll-SCNP [DW] group: 1 (0x1) [DW] subgroup: 2048 (0x800) [DW] iuid: 1347306323 (0x504e4353) [DW] versionMajor: 1 (0x1) [DW] versionMinor: 1 (0x1) [DW] merit: 101 (0x65) [DW] vendor: 32902 (0x8086) [DW] cuid: 1347306323 (0x504e4353) [SZ] friendlyName: Scene Perception [SZ] path: C:\Program Files\Common Files\Intel\RSSDK\v10\bin\x64\libpxcsceneperception.dll [MULTI_SZ] dependencies: pthread_dll_64_vc110.dll;metaioTracker_64.dll;SP_Core.dll;RCTracker.dll; libpxctouchlesscontroller.dll-FLKS [DW] group: 2147483648 (0x80000000) [DW] iuid: 1397443654 (0x534b4c46) [DW] versionMajor: 1 (0x1) [DW] versionMinor: 1 (0x1) [DW] merit: 101 (0x65) [DW] vendor: 32902 (0x8086) [DW] cuid: 1397443654 (0x534b4c46) [SZ] friendlyName: TouchlessController [SZ] path: C:\Program Files\Common Files\Intel\RSSDK\v10\bin\x64\libpxctouchlesscontroller.dll [MULTI_SZ] dependencies: HANDANALYSISEXTENSIONS.DLL; libpxctrack3d_metaio.dll-MTTK [DW] group: 1 (0x1) [DW] subgroup: 256 (0x100) [DW] iuid: 1263817805 (0x4b54544d) [DW] versionMajor: 1 (0x1) [DW] versionMinor: 1 (0x1) [DW] merit: 101 (0x65) [DW] vendor: 541676621 (0x2049544d) [DW] cuid: 1380667988 (0x524b5254) [SZ] friendlyName: Metaio Object Tracking and Recognition [SZ] path: C:\Program Files\Common Files\Intel\RSSDK\v10\bin\x64\libpxctrack3d_metaio.dll [MULTI_SZ] dependencies: pthread.dll;METAIOTRACKV2.DLL; libpxctts_ve_nuance.dll-VENU [DW] group: 2 (0x2) [DW] subgroup: 2 (0x2) [DW] algorithm: 1431192918 (0x554e4556) [DW] iuid: 1431192918 (0x554e4556) [DW] versionMajor: 1 (0x1) [DW] merit: 20 (0x14) [DW] vendor: 1312904526 (0x4e41554e) [DW] cuid: 1398032726 (0x53544956) [SZ] friendlyName: Voice Synthesis (Nuance* Vocalizer Expressive*) [SZ] path: C:\Program Files\Common Files\Intel\RSSDK\v10\bin\x64\libpxctts_ve_nuance.dll [MULTI_SZ] dependencies: xerces-c_3_1.dll; libpxcvoice_nuance.dll-NUAN [DW] group: 2 (0x2) [DW] subgroup: 1 (0x1) [DW] algorithm: 1312904526 (0x4e41554e) [DW] iuid: 1312904526 (0x4e41554e) [DW] versionMajor: 1 (0x1) [DW] versionMinor: 3 (0x3) [DW] merit: 20 (0x14) [DW] vendor: 1312904526 (0x4e41554e) [DW] cuid: 2148779303 (0x8013c527) [SZ] friendlyName: Voice Recognition (Nuance*) [SZ] path: C:\Program Files\Common Files\Intel\RSSDK\v10\bin\x64\libpxcvoice_nuance.dll Voice [DW] ST_SERVER_KILL_TIMEOUT_MS: 4294967295 (0xffffffff) v2 Dispatch libpxccamera_dcm_r200.dll-DS4C [DW] group: 4 (0x4) [DW] subgroup: 2 (0x2) [DW] iuid: 1127502660 (0x43345344) [DW] versionMajor: 2 (0x2) [DW] versionMinor: 1 (0x1) [DW] merit: 301 (0x12d) [DW] vendor: 32902 (0x8086) [DW] cuid: 2214013520 (0x83f72a50) [DW] advanceCameraControl: 1 (0x1) [SZ] friendlyName: Intel(R) RealSense(TM) Depth Camera Manager R200 [SZ] path: C:\Program Files\Common Files\Intel\RSDCM_R200\bin\x64\libpxccamera_dcm_r200.dll [MULTI_SZ] dependencies: DSAPI.dll; libpxccamera_dcm_r200_enhanced.dll-SCPC [DW] group: 4 (0x4) [DW] subgroup: 2 (0x2) [DW] iuid: 1129333587 (0x43504353) [DW] versionMajor: 2 (0x2) [DW] versionMinor: 1 (0x1) [DW] merit: 301 (0x12d) [DW] vendor: 32902 (0x8086) [DW] cuid: 2214013520 (0x83f72a50) [DW] cuid2: 1229620535 (0x494a8537) [DW] cuid3: 1398426707 (0x535a4c53) [DW] advanceCameraControl: 1 (0x1) [SZ] friendlyName: Intel(R) RealSense(TM) Depth Camera Manager R200 Enhanced [SZ] path: C:\Program Files\Common Files\Intel\RSDCM_R200\bin\x64\libpxccamera_dcm_r200_enhanced.dll [MULTI_SZ] dependencies: DSAPI.dll; libpxcprojection_r200.dll-DS4C [DW] group: 16 (0x10) [DW] subgroup: 1414877264 (0x54555050) [DW] algorithm: 843924292 (0x324d4344) [DW] iuid: 1127502660 (0x43345344) [DW] versionMajor: 1 (0x1) [DW] versionMinor: 4 (0x4) [DW] merit: 302 (0x12e) [DW] vendor: 32902 (0x8086) [DW] cuid: 1398426707 (0x535a4c53) [DW] cuid2: 1229620535 (0x494a8537) [DW] cuid3: 1229620536 (0x494a8538) [SZ] friendlyName: Intel(R) RealSense(TM) Camera R200 Projection [SZ] path: C:\Program Files\Common Files\Intel\RSDCM_R200\bin\x64\libpxcprojection_r200.dll libpxcprojection_r200.dll-SCPC [DW] group: 16 (0x10) [DW] subgroup: 1414877264 (0x54555050) [DW] algorithm: 541934404 (0x204d4344) [DW] iuid: 1398426707 (0x535a4c53) [DW] versionMajor: 1 (0x1) [DW] versionMinor: 4 (0x4) [DW] merit: 303 (0x12f) [DW] vendor: 32902 (0x8086) [DW] cuid: 1229620535 (0x494a8537) [DW] cuid2: 1398426707 (0x535a4c53) [DW] cuid3: 1229620536 (0x494a8538) [SZ] friendlyName: Intel(R) RealSense(TM) Camera R200 Enhanced Projection [SZ] path: C:\Program Files\Common Files\Intel\RSDCM_R200\bin\x64\libpxcprojection_r200.dll v3 Dispatch libpxccamera_dcm_r200.dll-DS4C [DW] group: 4 (0x4) [DW] subgroup: 2 (0x2) [DW] iuid: 1127502660 (0x43345344) [DW] versionMajor: 2 (0x2) [DW] versionMinor: 1 (0x1) [DW] merit: 301 (0x12d) [DW] vendor: 32902 (0x8086) [DW] cuid: 2214013520 (0x83f72a50) [DW] advanceCameraControl: 1 (0x1) [SZ] friendlyName: Intel(R) RealSense(TM) Depth Camera Manager R200 [SZ] path: C:\Program Files\Common Files\Intel\RSDCM_R200\bin\x64\libpxccamera_dcm_r200.dll [MULTI_SZ] dependencies: DSAPI.dll; libpxccamera_dcm_r200_enhanced.dll-SCPC [DW] group: 4 (0x4) [DW] subgroup: 2 (0x2) [DW] iuid: 1129333587 (0x43504353) [DW] versionMajor: 2 (0x2) [DW] versionMinor: 1 (0x1) [DW] merit: 301 (0x12d) [DW] vendor: 32902 (0x8086) [DW] cuid: 2214013520 (0x83f72a50) [DW] cuid2: 1229620535 (0x494a8537) [DW] cuid3: 1398426707 (0x535a4c53) [DW] advanceCameraControl: 1 (0x1) [SZ] friendlyName: Intel(R) RealSense(TM) Depth Camera Manager R200 Enhanced [SZ] path: C:\Program Files\Common Files\Intel\RSDCM_R200\bin\x64\libpxccamera_dcm_r200_enhanced.dll [MULTI_SZ] dependencies: DSAPI.dll; libpxcprojection_r200.dll-DS4C [DW] group: 16 (0x10) [DW] subgroup: 1414877264 (0x54555050) [DW] algorithm: 843924292 (0x324d4344) [DW] iuid: 1127502660 (0x43345344) [DW] versionMajor: 1 (0x1) [DW] versionMinor: 4 (0x4) [DW] merit: 302 (0x12e) [DW] vendor: 32902 (0x8086) [DW] cuid: 1398426707 (0x535a4c53) [DW] cuid2: 1229620535 (0x494a8537) [DW] cuid3: 1229620536 (0x494a8538) [SZ] friendlyName: Intel(R) RealSense(TM) Camera R200 Projection [SZ] path: C:\Program Files\Common Files\Intel\RSDCM_R200\bin\x64\libpxcprojection_r200.dll libpxcprojection_r200.dll-SCPC [DW] group: 16 (0x10) [DW] subgroup: 1414877264 (0x54555050) [DW] algorithm: 541934404 (0x204d4344) [DW] iuid: 1398426707 (0x535a4c53) [DW] versionMajor: 1 (0x1) [DW] versionMinor: 4 (0x4) [DW] merit: 303 (0x12f) [DW] vendor: 32902 (0x8086) [DW] cuid: 1229620535 (0x494a8537) [DW] cuid2: 1398426707 (0x535a4c53) [DW] cuid3: 1229620536 (0x494a8538) [SZ] friendlyName: Intel(R) RealSense(TM) Camera R200 Enhanced Projection [SZ] path: C:\Program Files\Common Files\Intel\RSDCM_R200\bin\x64\libpxcprojection_r200.dll v4 Dispatch libpxccamera_dcm_r200.dll-DS4C [DW] group: 4 (0x4) [DW] subgroup: 2 (0x2) [DW] iuid: 1127502660 (0x43345344) [DW] versionMajor: 2 (0x2) [DW] versionMinor: 1 (0x1) [DW] merit: 301 (0x12d) [DW] vendor: 32902 (0x8086) [DW] cuid: 2214013520 (0x83f72a50) [DW] advanceCameraControl: 1 (0x1) [SZ] friendlyName: Intel(R) RealSense(TM) Depth Camera Manager R200 [SZ] path: C:\Program Files\Common Files\Intel\RSDCM_R200\bin\x64\libpxccamera_dcm_r200.dll [MULTI_SZ] dependencies: DSAPI.dll; libpxccamera_dcm_r200_enhanced.dll-SCPC [DW] group: 4 (0x4) [DW] subgroup: 2 (0x2) [DW] iuid: 1129333587 (0x43504353) [DW] versionMajor: 2 (0x2) [DW] versionMinor: 1 (0x1) [DW] merit: 301 (0x12d) [DW] vendor: 32902 (0x8086) [DW] cuid: 2214013520 (0x83f72a50) [DW] cuid2: 1229620535 (0x494a8537) [DW] cuid3: 1398426707 (0x535a4c53) [DW] advanceCameraControl: 1 (0x1) [SZ] friendlyName: Intel(R) RealSense(TM) Depth Camera Manager R200 Enhanced [SZ] path: C:\Program Files\Common Files\Intel\RSDCM_R200\bin\x64\libpxccamera_dcm_r200_enhanced.dll [MULTI_SZ] dependencies: DSAPI.dll; libpxcprojection_r200.dll-DS4C [DW] group: 16 (0x10) [DW] subgroup: 1414877264 (0x54555050) [DW] algorithm: 843924292 (0x324d4344) [DW] iuid: 1127502660 (0x43345344) [DW] versionMajor: 1 (0x1) [DW] versionMinor: 4 (0x4) [DW] merit: 302 (0x12e) [DW] vendor: 32902 (0x8086) [DW] cuid: 1398426707 (0x535a4c53) [DW] cuid2: 1229620535 (0x494a8537) [DW] cuid3: 1229620536 (0x494a8538) [SZ] friendlyName: Intel(R) RealSense(TM) Camera R200 Projection [SZ] path: C:\Program Files\Common Files\Intel\RSDCM_R200\bin\x64\libpxcprojection_r200.dll libpxcprojection_r200.dll-SCPC [DW] group: 16 (0x10) [DW] subgroup: 1414877264 (0x54555050) [DW] algorithm: 541934404 (0x204d4344) [DW] iuid: 1398426707 (0x535a4c53) [DW] versionMajor: 1 (0x1) [DW] versionMinor: 4 (0x4) [DW] merit: 303 (0x12f) [DW] vendor: 32902 (0x8086) [DW] cuid: 1229620535 (0x494a8537) [DW] cuid2: 1398426707 (0x535a4c53) [DW] cuid3: 1229620536 (0x494a8538) [SZ] friendlyName: Intel(R) RealSense(TM) Camera R200 Enhanced Projection [SZ] path: C:\Program Files\Common Files\Intel\RSDCM_R200\bin\x64\libpxcprojection_r200.dll v5 Dispatch libpxccamera_dcm_r200.dll-DS4C [DW] group: 4 (0x4) [DW] subgroup: 2 (0x2) [DW] iuid: 1127502660 (0x43345344) [DW] versionMajor: 2 (0x2) [DW] versionMinor: 1 (0x1) [DW] merit: 301 (0x12d) [DW] vendor: 32902 (0x8086) [DW] cuid: 2214013520 (0x83f72a50) [DW] advanceCameraControl: 1 (0x1) [SZ] friendlyName: Intel(R) RealSense(TM) Depth Camera Manager R200 [SZ] path: C:\Program Files\Common Files\Intel\RSDCM_R200\bin\x64\libpxccamera_dcm_r200.dll [MULTI_SZ] dependencies: DSAPI.dll; libpxccamera_dcm_r200_enhanced.dll-SCPC [DW] group: 4 (0x4) [DW] subgroup: 2 (0x2) [DW] iuid: 1129333587 (0x43504353) [DW] versionMajor: 2 (0x2) [DW] versionMinor: 1 (0x1) [DW] merit: 301 (0x12d) [DW] vendor: 32902 (0x8086) [DW] cuid: 2214013520 (0x83f72a50) [DW] cuid2: 1229620535 (0x494a8537) [DW] cuid3: 1398426707 (0x535a4c53) [DW] advanceCameraControl: 1 (0x1) [SZ] friendlyName: Intel(R) RealSense(TM) Depth Camera Manager R200 Enhanced [SZ] path: C:\Program Files\Common Files\Intel\RSDCM_R200\bin\x64\libpxccamera_dcm_r200_enhanced.dll [MULTI_SZ] dependencies: DSAPI.dll; libpxcprojection_r200.dll-DS4C [DW] group: 16 (0x10) [DW] subgroup: 1414877264 (0x54555050) [DW] algorithm: 843924292 (0x324d4344) [DW] iuid: 1127502660 (0x43345344) [DW] versionMajor: 1 (0x1) [DW] versionMinor: 4 (0x4) [DW] merit: 302 (0x12e) [DW] vendor: 32902 (0x8086) [DW] cuid: 1398426707 (0x535a4c53) [DW] cuid2: 1229620535 (0x494a8537) [DW] cuid3: 1229620536 (0x494a8538) [SZ] friendlyName: Intel(R) RealSense(TM) Camera R200 Projection [SZ] path: C:\Program Files\Common Files\Intel\RSDCM_R200\bin\x64\libpxcprojection_r200.dll libpxcprojection_r200.dll-SCPC [DW] group: 16 (0x10) [DW] subgroup: 1414877264 (0x54555050) [DW] algorithm: 541934404 (0x204d4344) [DW] iuid: 1398426707 (0x535a4c53) [DW] versionMajor: 1 (0x1) [DW] versionMinor: 4 (0x4) [DW] merit: 303 (0x12f) [DW] vendor: 32902 (0x8086) [DW] cuid: 1229620535 (0x494a8537) [DW] cuid2: 1398426707 (0x535a4c53) [DW] cuid3: 1229620536 (0x494a8538) [SZ] friendlyName: Intel(R) RealSense(TM) Camera R200 Enhanced Projection [SZ] path: C:\Program Files\Common Files\Intel\RSDCM_R200\bin\x64\libpxcprojection_r200.dll v6 Dispatch libpxccamera_dcm_r200.dll-DS4C [DW] group: 4 (0x4) [DW] subgroup: 2 (0x2) [DW] iuid: 1127502660 (0x43345344) [DW] versionMajor: 2 (0x2) [DW] versionMinor: 1 (0x1) [DW] merit: 301 (0x12d) [DW] vendor: 32902 (0x8086) [DW] cuid: 2214013520 (0x83f72a50) [DW] advanceCameraControl: 1 (0x1) [SZ] friendlyName: Intel(R) RealSense(TM) Depth Camera Manager R200 [SZ] path: C:\Program Files\Common Files\Intel\RSDCM_R200\bin\x64\libpxccamera_dcm_r200.dll [MULTI_SZ] dependencies: DSAPI.dll; libpxccamera_dcm_r200_enhanced.dll-SCPC [DW] group: 4 (0x4) [DW] subgroup: 2 (0x2) [DW] iuid: 1129333587 (0x43504353) [DW] versionMajor: 2 (0x2) [DW] versionMinor: 1 (0x1) [DW] merit: 301 (0x12d) [DW] vendor: 32902 (0x8086) [DW] cuid: 2214013520 (0x83f72a50) [DW] cuid2: 1229620535 (0x494a8537) [DW] cuid3: 1398426707 (0x535a4c53) [DW] advanceCameraControl: 1 (0x1) [SZ] friendlyName: Intel(R) RealSense(TM) Depth Camera Manager R200 Enhanced [SZ] path: C:\Program Files\Common Files\Intel\RSDCM_R200\bin\x64\libpxccamera_dcm_r200_enhanced.dll [MULTI_SZ] dependencies: DSAPI.dll; libpxcprojection_r200.dll-DS4C [DW] group: 16 (0x10) [DW] subgroup: 1414877264 (0x54555050) [DW] algorithm: 843924292 (0x324d4344) [DW] iuid: 1127502660 (0x43345344) [DW] versionMajor: 1 (0x1) [DW] versionMinor: 4 (0x4) [DW] merit: 302 (0x12e) [DW] vendor: 32902 (0x8086) [DW] cuid: 1398426707 (0x535a4c53) [DW] cuid2: 1229620535 (0x494a8537) [DW] cuid3: 1229620536 (0x494a8538) [SZ] friendlyName: Intel(R) RealSense(TM) Camera R200 Projection [SZ] path: C:\Program Files\Common Files\Intel\RSDCM_R200\bin\x64\libpxcprojection_r200.dll libpxcprojection_r200.dll-SCPC [DW] group: 16 (0x10) [DW] subgroup: 1414877264 (0x54555050) [DW] algorithm: 541934404 (0x204d4344) [DW] iuid: 1398426707 (0x535a4c53) [DW] versionMajor: 1 (0x1) [DW] versionMinor: 4 (0x4) [DW] merit: 303 (0x12f) [DW] vendor: 32902 (0x8086) [DW] cuid: 1229620535 (0x494a8537) [DW] cuid2: 1398426707 (0x535a4c53) [DW] cuid3: 1229620536 (0x494a8538) [SZ] friendlyName: Intel(R) RealSense(TM) Camera R200 Enhanced Projection [SZ] path: C:\Program Files\Common Files\Intel\RSDCM_R200\bin\x64\libpxcprojection_r200.dll Environment Variables PATH C:\Program Files (x86)\Parallels\Parallels Tools\Applications C:\WINDOWS\system32 C:\WINDOWS C:\WINDOWS\System32\Wbem C:\WINDOWS\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\ c:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SQL Server\100\Tools\Binn\ c:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\100\Tools\Binn\ c:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\100\DTS\Binn\ C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\Client SDK\ODBC\110\Tools\Binn\ C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SQL Server\120\Tools\Binn\ManagementStudio\ C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SQL Server\120\Tools\Binn\ C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\120\Tools\Binn\ C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SQL Server\120\DTS\Binn\ C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\120\DTS\Binn\ C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\8.1\Windows Performance Toolkit\ C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\110\Tools\Binn\ RSSDK_DIR C:\Program Files (x86)\Intel\RSSDK\ ======Page: Camera====== USB Connection Intel(R) 82801FB/FBM USB Universal Host Controller - 2658 [ VendorID: 8086 ] [ DeviceID: 2658 ] [ SubSysID: 4001AB8 ] [ Revision: 02 ] RootHub Intel(R) 82801FB/FBM USB2 Enhanced Host Controller - 265C [ VendorID: 8086 ] [ DeviceID: 265C ] [ SubSysID: 4001AB8 ] [ Revision: 02 ] RootHub [Port1] USB Composite Device [ Bus Speed: High Speed ] [ idVendor: 203A ] -> Parallels [ idProduct: FFFC ] -> Virtual Mouse [ SerialNumber: PW3.0 ] [Port2] USB Composite Device [ Bus Speed: High Speed ] [ idVendor: 203A ] [ idProduct: FFF9 ] [ SerialNumber: CC241970CU2F6VV ] [Port3] USB Printing Support [ Bus Speed: High Speed ] [ idVendor: 203A ] -> Parallels [ idProduct: FFFA ] -> Virtual Printer (Print to PDF (Mac Desktop)) [ SerialNumber: TAG21d87aca0 ] [Port4] USB Printing Support [ Bus Speed: High Speed ] [ idVendor: 203A ] -> Parallels [ idProduct: FFFA ] -> Virtual Printer (HP Deskjet 1050 J410 series) [ SerialNumber: TAG2c175d01f ] [Port5] USB Printing Support [ Bus Speed: High Speed ] [ idVendor: 203A ] -> Parallels [ idProduct: FFFA ] -> Virtual Printer (ENVY 4520 Printer) [ SerialNumber: TAG2329e3b97 ] USB xHCI Compliant Host Controller [ VendorID: 1033 ] [ DeviceID: 0194 ] [ SubSysID: 4001AB8 ] [ Revision: 03 ] RootHub [Port1] USB Composite Device [ Bus Speed: Super Speed ] [ idVendor: 8086 ] -> Intel Corp [ idProduct: 0A80 ] -> Intel RealSense 3D Camera R200 [ SerialNumber: SN_2411003312 ] Intel(R) RealSense(TM) Depth Camera Manager Service R200 Location: C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Intel\RSDCM_R200\bin\win32\RealSenseDCMR200.exe Version: Status: RUNNING Device: 1 Firmware version: Software version: Serial number: -1883963984 Generic Video Devices Device: 1 (0x0001) FriendlyName: FaceTime HD Camera SymbolicLink: \\?\usb#vid_203a&pid_fff9&mi_00#6&e55d6df&0&0000#{e5323777-f976-4f5b-9b55-b94699c46e44}\global Stream: 1 (0x0001) YUY2 1024x640 10.0-10.0fps (pitch 2048) YUY2 1024x640 15.4-15.4fps (pitch 2048) YUY2 1024x640 14.3-14.3fps (pitch 2048) YUY2 1024x640 13.3-13.3fps (pitch 2048) YUY2 1024x640 12.5-12.5fps (pitch 2048) YUY2 1024x640 11.8-11.8fps (pitch 2048) YUY2 1024x640 11.1-11.1fps (pitch 2048) YUY2 1024x640 10.5-10.5fps (pitch 2048) YUY2 1024x640 9.5-9.5fps (pitch 2048) YUY2 1024x640 9.1-9.1fps (pitch 2048) YUY2 1024x640 8.7-8.7fps (pitch 2048) YUY2 1024x640 8.3-8.3fps (pitch 2048) YUY2 1024x640 8.0-8.0fps (pitch 2048) YUY2 1024x640 7.7-7.7fps (pitch 2048) YUY2 1024x640 7.4-7.4fps (pitch 2048) YUY2 1024x640 7.1-7.1fps (pitch 2048) YUY2 1024x640 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30.0-30.0fps (pitch 3840) YUY2 1920x1080 15.0-15.0fps (pitch 3840) YUY2 1280x720 30.0-30.0fps (pitch 2560) YUY2 1280x720 15.0-15.0fps (pitch 2560) YUY2 960x540 30.0-30.0fps (pitch 1920) YUY2 960x540 15.0-15.0fps (pitch 1920) YUY2 848x480 30.0-30.0fps (pitch 1696) YUY2 848x480 15.0-15.0fps (pitch 1696) YUY2 640x360 30.0-30.0fps (pitch 1280) YUY2 640x360 15.0-15.0fps (pitch 1280) YUY2 424x240 30.0-30.0fps (pitch 848) YUY2 424x240 15.0-15.0fps (pitch 848) YUY2 320x240 30.0-30.0fps (pitch 640) YUY2 320x240 60.0-60.0fps (pitch 640) YUY2 320x240 15.0-15.0fps (pitch 640) YUY2 320x180 30.0-30.0fps (pitch 640) YUY2 320x180 15.0-15.0fps (pitch 640) Device: 3 (0x0003) FriendlyName: Intel(R) RealSense(TM) 3D Camera (R200) Depth SymbolicLink: \\?\usb#vid_8086&pid_0a80&mi_02#6&2e60e17a&0&0002#{65e8773d-8f56-11d0-a3b9-00a0c9223196}\global Stream: 1 (0x0001) YUY2 314x938 60.0-60.0fps (pitch 628) Z16 628x361 60.0-60.0fps Z16 628x361 90.0-90.0fps Z16 628x361 30.0-30.0fps Z16 628x469 60.0-60.0fps Z16 628x469 90.0-90.0fps Z16 628x469 30.0-30.0fps Z16 628x242 60.0-60.0fps Z16 628x242 90.0-90.0fps Z16 628x242 30.0-30.0fps Device: 4 (0x0004) FriendlyName: Intel(R) RealSense(TM) 3D Camera (R200) Left-Right SymbolicLink: \\?\usb#vid_8086&pid_0a80&mi_00#6&2e60e17a&0&0000#{65e8773d-8f56-11d0-a3b9-00a0c9223196}\global Stream: 1 (0x0001) YUY2 320x962 60.0-60.0fps (pitch 640) Y12I 640x373 60.0-60.0fps Y12I 640x373 90.0-90.0fps Y12I 640x373 30.0-30.0fps Y12I 640x481 60.0-60.0fps Y12I 640x481 90.0-90.0fps Y12I 640x481 30.0-30.0fps Y12I 640x254 60.0-60.0fps Y12I 640x254 90.0-90.0fps Y12I 640x254 30.0-30.0fps Y16 640x373 60.0-60.0fps Y16 640x373 90.0-90.0fps Y16 640x373 30.0-30.0fps Y16 640x481 60.0-60.0fps Y16 640x481 90.0-90.0fps Y16 640x481 30.0-30.0fps Y16 640x254 60.0-60.0fps Y16 640x254 90.0-90.0fps Y16 640x254 30.0-30.0fps Y8I 640x373 60.0-60.0fps Y8I 640x373 90.0-90.0fps Y8I 640x373 30.0-30.0fps Y8I 640x481 60.0-60.0fps Y8I 640x481 90.0-90.0fps Y8I 640x481 30.0-30.0fps Y8I 640x254 60.0-60.0fps Y8I 640x254 90.0-90.0fps Y8I 640x254 30.0-30.0fps Y8 640x373 60.0-60.0fps Y8 640x373 90.0-90.0fps Y8 640x373 30.0-30.0fps Y8 640x481 60.0-60.0fps Y8 640x481 90.0-90.0fps Y8 640x481 30.0-30.0fps Y8 640x254 60.0-60.0fps Y8 640x254 90.0-90.0fps Y8 640x254 30.0-30.0fps Audio Devices Device: 1 (0x0001) FriendlyName: Microphone (Parallels Audio Controller) SymbolicLink: {}.{14c5c1e1-abc3-4343-9467-ea3e8d61a1bd} Stream: 1 (0x0001) FLOAT 2-channels 44100Hz ======Page: Module====== Intel(R) RealSense(TM) SDK Runtime version v10, 32-bit Installed Modules 3D Capture, 3D Reconstruction User Segmentation Blob/Contour Extraction Module Video Capture (Media Foundation) SDK Core Library Enhanced Photography DepthMask Module Enhanced Photography DepthRefocus Module Enhanced Photography Measurement Module Enhanced Photography MotionEffect Module Enhanced Photography Paster Module Enhanced Photography Segmentation Module Enhanced Photography Utils Module Enhanced Videography Module Enhanced Photography Module Face 2D/3D Analysis (Intel) Hand Cursor Module Hand Module Telemetry LR Logger Mask Programming Utility (1) Mask Programming Utility (2) Audio Source (Media Foundation) Object Recognition Module Person Tracking Module Capture Programming Utility Pipeline Programming Utility Power Manager Intel(R) RealSense(TM) Camera R200 Projection Intel(R) RealSense(TM) Camera F200 Projection Intel(R) RealSense(TM) Camera R200 Enhanced Projection Intel(R) RealSense(TM) Camera SR300 Projection Scene Perception TouchlessController Metaio Object Tracking and Recognition Voice Synthesis (Nuance* Vocalizer Expressive*) Voice Recognition (Nuance*) Intel(R) RealSense(TM) SDK Runtime version v2, 32-bit Installed Modules Intel(R) RealSense(TM) Depth Camera Manager R200 Intel(R) RealSense(TM) Depth Camera Manager R200 Enhanced Intel(R) RealSense(TM) Camera R200 Projection Intel(R) RealSense(TM) Camera R200 Enhanced Projection Intel(R) RealSense(TM) SDK Runtime version v3, 32-bit Installed Modules Intel(R) RealSense(TM) Depth Camera Manager R200 Intel(R) RealSense(TM) Depth Camera Manager R200 Enhanced Intel(R) RealSense(TM) Camera R200 Projection Intel(R) RealSense(TM) Camera R200 Enhanced Projection Intel(R) RealSense(TM) SDK Runtime version v4, 32-bit Installed Modules Intel(R) RealSense(TM) Depth Camera Manager R200 Intel(R) RealSense(TM) Depth Camera Manager R200 Enhanced Intel(R) RealSense(TM) Camera R200 Projection Intel(R) RealSense(TM) Camera R200 Enhanced Projection Intel(R) RealSense(TM) SDK Runtime version v5, 32-bit Installed Modules Intel(R) RealSense(TM) Depth Camera Manager R200 Intel(R) RealSense(TM) Depth Camera Manager R200 Enhanced Intel(R) RealSense(TM) Camera R200 Projection Intel(R) RealSense(TM) Camera R200 Enhanced Projection Intel(R) RealSense(TM) SDK Runtime version v6, 32-bit Installed Modules Intel(R) RealSense(TM) Depth Camera Manager R200 Intel(R) RealSense(TM) Depth Camera Manager R200 Enhanced Intel(R) RealSense(TM) Camera R200 Projection Intel(R) RealSense(TM) Camera R200 Enhanced Projection Intel(R) RealSense(TM) SDK Runtime version v10, 64-bit Installed Modules 3D Capture, 3D Reconstruction User Segmentation Blob/Contour Extraction Module Video Capture (Media Foundation) SDK Core Library Enhanced Photography DepthMask Module Enhanced Photography DepthRefocus Module Enhanced Photography Measurement Module Enhanced Photography MotionEffect Module Enhanced Photography Paster Module Enhanced Photography Segmentation Module Enhanced Photography Utils Module Enhanced Videography Module Enhanced Photography Module Face 2D/3D Analysis (Intel) Hand Cursor Module Hand Module Telemetry LR Logger Mask Programming Utility (1) Mask Programming Utility (2) Audio Source (Media Foundation) Object Recognition Module Person Tracking Module Capture Programming Utility Pipeline Programming Utility Power Manager Intel(R) RealSense(TM) Camera R200 Projection Intel(R) RealSense(TM) Camera F200 Projection Intel(R) RealSense(TM) Camera R200 Enhanced Projection Intel(R) RealSense(TM) Camera SR300 Projection Scene Perception TouchlessController Metaio Object Tracking and Recognition Voice Synthesis (Nuance* Vocalizer Expressive*) Voice Recognition (Nuance*) Intel(R) RealSense(TM) SDK Runtime version v2, 64-bit Installed Modules Intel(R) RealSense(TM) Depth Camera Manager R200 Intel(R) RealSense(TM) Depth Camera Manager R200 Enhanced Intel(R) RealSense(TM) Camera R200 Projection Intel(R) RealSense(TM) Camera R200 Enhanced Projection Intel(R) RealSense(TM) SDK Runtime version v3, 64-bit Installed Modules Intel(R) RealSense(TM) Depth Camera Manager R200 Intel(R) RealSense(TM) Depth Camera Manager R200 Enhanced Intel(R) RealSense(TM) Camera R200 Projection Intel(R) RealSense(TM) Camera R200 Enhanced Projection Intel(R) RealSense(TM) SDK Runtime version v4, 64-bit Installed Modules Intel(R) RealSense(TM) Depth Camera Manager R200 Intel(R) RealSense(TM) Depth Camera Manager R200 Enhanced Intel(R) RealSense(TM) Camera R200 Projection Intel(R) RealSense(TM) Camera R200 Enhanced Projection Intel(R) RealSense(TM) SDK Runtime version v5, 64-bit Installed Modules Intel(R) RealSense(TM) Depth Camera Manager R200 Intel(R) RealSense(TM) Depth Camera Manager R200 Enhanced Intel(R) RealSense(TM) Camera R200 Projection Intel(R) RealSense(TM) Camera R200 Enhanced Projection Intel(R) RealSense(TM) SDK Runtime version v6, 64-bit Installed Modules Intel(R) RealSense(TM) Depth Camera Manager R200 Intel(R) RealSense(TM) Depth Camera Manager R200 Enhanced Intel(R) RealSense(TM) Camera R200 Projection Intel(R) RealSense(TM) Camera R200 Enhanced Projection ======Page: Installation====== ======Page: Logging====== ======Page: Version====== mshtml:

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