Report from: Interprocedural optimizations [ipo] WHOLE PROGRAM (SAFE) [EITHER METHOD]: false WHOLE PROGRAM (SEEN) [TABLE METHOD]: false WHOLE PROGRAM (READ) [OBJECT READER METHOD]: false INLINING OPTION VALUES: -inline-factor: 100 -inline-min-size: 30 -inline-max-size: 230 -inline-max-total-size: 2000 -inline-max-per-routine: 10000 -inline-max-per-compile: 500000 In the inlining report below: "sz" refers to the "size" of the routine. The smaller a routine's size, the more likely it is to be inlined. "isz" refers to the "inlined size" of the routine. This is the amount the calling routine will grow if the called routine is inlined into it. The compiler generally limits the amount a routine can grow by having routines inlined into it.