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Intel® Parallel Studio XE 2016 Beta webinar this Wednesday!


On Wednesday, April 15 at 9AM Pacific we present: What’s New in the Intel® Parallel Studio XE 2016 Beta.

Join the technical experts at Intel as they provide you with details on the new features in the Intel® Parallel Studio XE 2016 Beta releases that access the newest Intel multicore and manycore coprocessors.

This technical presentation will cover new Intel® Compiler Beta features for the most recent standards: OpenMP* 4.1, MPI-3.x, Fortran 2008 and 2015, C11, and C++ 14 running on the newest Linux*, Windows*, and OS X* operating systems.  Intel® Advisor XE adds new Vectorization Advisor feature to identify areas of code for vectorization opportunities. Intel® Trace Analyzer and Collector adds the MPI Performance Snapshot feature for easy-to-use, scalable MPI statistics collection and analysis of large MPI jobs to identify areas for improvement. Several of our Intel® Software Development tools add improved support for hybrid (MPI and OpenMP*) applications.

To register now, visit our online registration page.

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