Talk to fellow users of Intel Analyzer tools (Intel VTune™ Profiler, Intel Advisor)
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It 30 minutes normal to finalize a 1 minute performance run?

I am having what appears to be significant performance problems with the Intel tools. When opening the windows to perform actions (VTune, Parallel Adviser, etc) it take about 30 seconds for anything to appear in the window. When I want to click on options, it takes about 10 seconds to highlight. I went to create a custom capture in VTune and Visual Studio locked up completely for 10 minutes before I gave up.While I was trying to create a custom setup, the event selection window took about 4 seconds to respond to each click or mouse movement.

I am able to use the predefined options. I tried detailed hotspots (starting paused) and then sampled with 1ms timing for about 60-70 seconds. When I told the tool to stop, the results file took about 10 minutes to load, and a further 20 minutes to process all the symbols. There is no way this can be helpful if this is normal. I won't have time for more than two captures per day and my machine is nearly unusable while processing.
I'm seriously considering going back to reading the Guided Profile output from Dev Studio!
W7 (SP1) 64-bit, 16GB RAM, Xeon E5410 (2.3GHz)
Only Dev Studio, Outlook 2007 and Perforce running (2GB RAM used)
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4 Replies
If installed many plug-in components (Intel tools) and met performance issue when using Visual Studio, you can use standalone VTune Amplifier XE standalone application or command line instead.

It seems that taking duration 10 minutes or sample interval as 1ms (high overhead) will increase finalizing time. You might change sample interval to 5ms, and reduce duration time.

You also can start hotspots analysis with pause mode, and manipulate on GUI to do resume/stop controlwhenapplication runs to interestof code, or insert Pause/Resume API into your code, see

Regards, Peter
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I have tried a few settings, and the all take approximately the same time to finalize. I started with the default detailed hotstop setup and began the session paused. I waited about 60 seconds after starting the program to UNPAUSE - at which point I ran the session for about 60 seconds. I used the STOP button and the VTune finalize began. It took about 10 minutes for the bar to move at all, and then it chugged through the DLL's - taking a total of 30 minutes to complete. I left the computer to it's own devices for the first 15 minutes. After than, I began searching the web for any ideas - the web browser was running as if the computer was not busy at all. I check the performance stats and once processor core was maxed out by dev studio, but nothing else was busy at all.
I assumed there were some setting I wanted to change to improve this, so I tried to create a custom version with just a single event trigger to see what that would do. When I tried to create the custom configuration, I was presented with a window listing the events available. It takes about 3 seconds for the window to respond to each and every input. If I clicked on an event to select it, the window will not highlight the event for around 10 seconds.
There is obviously something VERY broken in the way the UI responds, and I suspect there is something similar happening in the finalization.
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There is a performance issue with finalization inside Visual Studio for projects with a large number of directories. This issue is independent of the size of the sampling run. The workaround is to run and finalize from the standalone GUI or the command line.

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You said directories - do you mean at the root of the solution, or is it really projects? We have about 100+ projects (dependant libraries) in some solutions. It almost sounds like you're updating these constantly - that's the behavior I've seen in the UI at least.
I will try in the stand-alone version.
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