Talk to fellow users of Intel Analyzer tools (Intel VTune™ Profiler, Intel Advisor)


New Contributor II
I just downloaded the Vtune trial package. After failing to get any sense out of it with my own program, I searched here and found Steve's post about running a test with samplesoptimizeint_sin.f90. I created a Console app for int_sin.f90 in Release mode, and set the debug switches as Steve said.

I then do Create New Activity, choose QPA Wizard, accept the defaults (just Collect Sampling Data) and Go.

The program runs (shows output lines) then tells me:

"Failed to create sampling data base. Probably .tb5 files are corrupted or don't exist."

I get the same message with my own program.

I'm using Intel Fortran Compiler Integration for Microsoft Visual Studio 2005, 10.1.3885.2005

Please help!

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4 Replies
New Contributor II
Ahah! My work machine is set up (not my decision!) with only administrators having write permission on C drive. When I login as administrator I can run Vtune and see useful info. Presumably Vtune is logging data to C drive. Can I tell it to do this somewhere else?

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New Contributor II
Sorry about replying to my own posts.
I found the Configure>Options screen in VTune. I can change the cache directories to places on the D drive, but interesting things happen when I try to change the Symbol Repository directory, currently on C. If I do this as me, it pretends to let me change it but ignores the command (going back in shows it hasn't changed). If I login as administrator and try to change it, when I hit the Apply button VTune immediately terminates without warning (leaving the directory unchanged). I haven't seen this happen before. Is this a special Intel feature? ;-)
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I am going to move this post to the VTune forum where the VTune experts hang out.
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So, the immediate shutdown when changing the Symbol Repository is a known issue that, I believe (if my memory serves me correctly) will be fixed in the next release.

The other thing you need to change is the VTUNE_GLOBAL_DIR env. variable. This is the VTune analyzer writes temporary data. Also, check out VTUNE_USER_DIR. This is where project data is stored.

Note: if you are not an Administrator (or in the Administrators group), you may run into other problems. While it is true a Power User can run the VTune analyzer, s/he must be granted a couple of privileges: Profile single process and Profile system performance. This is documented in the Release Notes.

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