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vtl doesn't output hotspot views.

Hi, I'm learning to use VTune.
On Fedora 1, VTune 3Beta: vtl view demo -hf -mn vtundemo:
VTune Performance Analyzer 3.0 for Linux*
Copyright (C) 2000-2004 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.
Event Summary
Instructions Retired
1577 = Samples collected due to this event
2400000 = Sample after value used during collection
3784800000 = Total events (samples*SAV)
9792 = Samples collected due to this event
2400000 = Sample after value used during collection
23500800000 = Total events (samples*SAV)
Then nothing else.
On another machine, I installed RedHat 8 and VTune 2.0: Same program and vtl commands shows addition stuff:
HotSpot View grouped by function (all values in decimal except where indicated)
Function Module Size
Event Events% Samples Events Address Segment Offset Full name
usesimd vtundemo 0xe9
Instructions Retired 4.25% 11 26400000 0x00000000000004A0 0x00d 0x00000000000000B0 usesimd
Clockticks 20.81% 711 1706400000 0x00000000000004A0 0x00d 0x00000000000000B0
test_if vtundemo 0x96
Instructions Retired 30.50% 79 189600000 0x0000000000000589 0x00d 0x0000000000000199 test_if
Clockticks 2.11% 72 172800000 0x0000000000000589 0x00d 0x0000000000000199
test_if1 vtundemo 0x9b
Instructions Retired 32.05% 83 199200000 0x000000000000061F 0x00d 0x000000000000022F test_if1
Clockticks 1.67% 57 136800000 0x000000000000061F 0x00d 0x000000000000022F
divd_rout vtundemo 0x30
Instructions Retired 9.27% 24 57600000 0x00000000000006ED 0x00d 0x00000000000002FD divd_rout
Clockticks 2.52% 86 206400000 0x00000000000006ED 0x00d 0x00000000000002FD
test_memset vtundemo 0x33
Instructions Retired 7.72% 20 48000000 0x00000000000006BA 0x00d 0x00000000000002CA test_memset
Clockticks 0.64% 22 52800000 0x00000000000006BA 0x00d 0x00000000000002CA
test_oror1 vtundemo 0x4a
Instructions Retired 2.70% 7 16800000 0x000000000000071D 0x00d 0x000000000000032D test_oror1
Clockticks 0.18% 6 14400000 0x000000000000071D 0x00d 0x000000000000032D
testmain vtundemo 0x23b
Instructions Retired 0.77% 2 4800000 0x0000000000000767 0x00d 0x0000000000000377 testmain
Clockticks 0.18% 6 14400000 0x0000000000000767 0x00d 0x0000000000000377
UnmappedSamples vtundemo 0x0
Clockticks 0.06% 2 4800000 0x00000000000003F0 0x00d 0x0000000000000000
Any idea what is wrong?
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1 Reply
What do you get when you do 'vtl view -modules'? Does it show the 'vtundemo' module?
If you believe there is a problem, please submit an issue at the Intel Premier Support web site, including a pack and go file of the results (compressed).
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