Application Acceleration With FPGAs
Programmable Acceleration Cards (PACs), DCP, FPGA AI Suite, Software Stack, and Reference Designs
496 Discussions

Hi guys, we got the PAC S10 board(D5005) and successfully ran the dma example on this board but we failed to add NIOS. Can please tell me how to add NIOS in PR region by using PAC card?


Hi guys, we got the PAC S10 board(D5005) and successfully ran the dma example on this board but we try to add the NIOS in dma example and run synthesis by using OPAE then synthesis failed and errors are


Alt_sld_fab_0.alt_sld_fab_0: add_instance: Can't create component type altera_sld_agent_endpoint_tieoff

Alt_sld_fab_0.alt_sld_fab_0.alt_sld_fab_0.ocpfabric.clock: ocpfabric.clock must be connected to a clock output

Error opening /home/User1/prakash/dma_afu/build_synth/build/qdb/_compiler/afu_default/_flat/18.1.2/partitioned/1/.temp/sld_fabrics/ipgen/alt_sld_fab_0/alt_sld_fab_0.ip.


Can please tell me how to add NIOS in PR region by using PAC card?  

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1 Reply

Hi Prakash,

Apologize for idle for awhile. Do you able to solve the issue? Do you need further help?

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