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1022 Discussions

Does It Get Better? Yes!

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Note from the Blog Manager: Albert is a Component Design Engineer in the Intel Architecture Group. He is also a member of IGLOBE, Intel’s LGBTA (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual ,Transgender and Ally) employee group.

Today is National Coming Out Day! In case you’re not sure what that is, National Coming Out Day (NCOD) is an internationally observed civil awareness day for coming out and discussion about gay, lesbian,bisexual, transgender (LGBT), and asexual people. In honor of the holiday, IGLOBE and Intel Global Diversity & Inclusion group teamed up to produce a dynamic video for the “It Gets Better” project and The Trevor Project. Both projects are founded on the idea that we can end the tragic level of suicide among LGBT youth by delivering messages of encouragement and sharing personal stories of how life has gotten better for other LGBT individuals.

I love that fact that people across the world are now able to connect on issues that matter most to them via tech and social media outlets such at YouTube!

Many LGBT youth face environments that are harsh and unwelcoming. They are disrespected and bullied to the point where it is hard for them to see any sort of future at all. We want them to know that there is a light at the end of the tunnel and that hope is not lost; that there is a future worth fighting for. I am incredibly proud that Intel is supporting this message and that it continues to practice what it preaches: valuing the diversity of all people regardless of race, ethnicity, gender, faith, national origin, disability, age, and yes, sexual orientation.

This brings me back to the all-important question: does it get better? As a gay Intel engineer and adult, I would like to think it does! When I was growing up I felt left out of the social scene because I couldn’t publicly be with who I wanted, for fear of being insulted, bullied or socially isolated. Since then, being an out adult has become more and more accepted as a result of a concerted effort by the community to make it known that gay people are family, neighbors, friends, and co-workers. We are different in one way, but very similar to everyone else in many other ways. I have come out to friends, family and co-workers and have received an amazingly positive response.

What is your favorite way to find others supporting a cause that you care about?

P.S. Here’s some background on the projects mentioned above:

It Gets Better Project Born of one man’s desire to stop the rising epidemic of LGBT youth suicides, the It Gets Better Project was started in September 2010 with a single video uploaded to YouTube by Dan Savage and his partner. That candid video was created to inspire hope and transmit the message that, yes, life does indeed get better for LGBT youth after their teenage years. That video went viral and lead to the creation of the It Gets Better Project. Just over a year later, is has grown to include over 25,000 videos viewed over 40 million times by political figures, celebrities, sports teams, members of the armed forces, and businesses.

The Trevor Project A benefactor of the It Gets Better Project, the goal of the Trevor Project is to stop suicide among LGBT youth. It provides 24-hour hotlines, an online community, advocacy and educational programs. Who is Trevor? He’s actually a fictional 13-year old gay teen that attempted suicide in an eponymous 1998 HBO film.

Stopbullying.gov This website is run by the US Department of Health and Human Services in partnership with the Department of Education and the Department of Justice. It provides important messages and information about how LGBT youth and their supporters can take countermeasures against bullying.