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1022 Discussions

Tips: Prepare to meet Intel on Campus

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Ah, fall is fast approaching. As someone working in Arizona, it will be a welcome change in the weather! Besides cooler temperatures though, we are preparing for a great recruiting season too. We have plans to attend quite a few Career Fairs and host other fun activities like Game Nights and Info Sessions at schools across the country. My team thought this may be the perfect opportunity to share what we think are some great tips for students to prepare themselves to meet Intel on campus at a career fair. I got a lot of great feedback from my team and wanted to pass on their “words of wisdom”.

First and foremost, I think students worry about presentation. Sweaty palms? Dry throat? Drink lots of water and carry breath mints! I know our recruiting teams do. We worry just as much about presentation as students do. (No, seriously. We do.) As far as attire goes, we keep things pretty casual here at Intel. We wear slacks and Intel shirts to meet with students, so it’s silly to think we expect you to come in a suit or fancy dress. We don’t expect it. Wear what you feel comfortable and confident in. Which brings me to…..

Confidence. Have it. Look your recruiter in the eye. You are awesome, make sure it comes across when chatting with our representatives.

I’m reminded by a teammate, Carl, to be sure you have your resumes handy! He also offered a few other tips. Bring multiple copies. Also, be sure your GPA is on the resume. Sometimes students leave it off, but we are always going to ask for it, so why not just toss it on there? Also, if you list something on your resume, be prepared to talk about it. You never know what might pique our curiosity as we peruse it!

Cici on our team also says it’s critical you run spell check on your resume before you print off those copies! Also,no need to add fancy photos to the resume.

Another great tip came from my colleague Beth. She said:

• DO pull together a 30 second “elevator speech” on your academic and personal (as appropriate) highlights. However, don’t take up more than 3 minutes of any recruiter’s time at a campus event like a Career Fair or Information Session – they need to see a lot of students in a short period of time. We want to be sure every student there gets an opportunity to meet with us.

My colleague Mike had multiple suggestions for students and all of them are valid and important. Here are a few:

• Understand that we’re a very large company and probably don’t have every aspect of our business represented at the career fair. We do all we can to bring out a wide variety of hiring managers to each career fair. But, if you aren’t able to connect with the right person, don’t worry! We offer a lot of information via our student center, visit this site to get lots of great info on Intel and our hiring needs and business units!

• Be prepared to tell us what your ideal position may be – You know what you want to do, don’t be afraid to spring it on us. We will do all we can to provide you information on specific avenues for you to explore at Intel.

Our advice doesn’t end there though. One of the managers on our team (Coby) encountered a student who walked up and said, “So, what does Intel do?” This is probably not the best way to kick off a conversation with a recruiter. We do a lot of leg work prior to coming out to campus to ensure you have a solid experience. The best thing you can do is put in a little time to research the companies you plan to visiton Career Fair day. It shows us your desire to work for us!

I’m not done yet! Cath offered some good input and I wanted to share that with you as well. “If you are an MBA student, don’t simply tell us you are looking for a “strategic position”. We’re going to need a lot more info than “strategic” in order to decide which groups you may be a match for. Give us a focus area (i.e. Marketing, HR, Supply Chain, Finance, Engineering). This will help us match you up with the right team member or point you to some online resources to assist you in the job search. We really do want to help you get hired! As Tom Cruise said in Jerry Maguire: Help ME, Help YOU! :-)”

We look forward to meeting with you on campus! Also, be sure you connect with us in ourLinkedIn Student Lounge Group if we aren’t able to come out to your school this season. Want to know more about our campus events? Visit our events calendar where we publish all of our upcoming events and activities! See you soon!