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What are some of the pleasant surprises about working at Intel?

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We’re often perceived as a company full of engineers working in closed labs, imagining and creating tomorrow’s technology. While some of this is true (we do have big teams of engineers around the world, of course), many people are surprised by the different kinds of Intel everyone here gets to experience after joining the company.

We asked a few of our colleagues about experiences that differed from their expectations of working at Intel. Here’s what they had to say about these pleasant surprises:

Inbar Raveh, lead for the Architecture, Design Verification group at Israel’s Development Center in Haifa:
isrb2.png“When I was studying at the Technion, many of my classmates started working at Intel while still in school. As a result, I assumed that Intel must be filled with geeky engineers. After I got here I realized I was wrong. I’ve met some of the coolest, funniest and most interesting people here.”

isrb3.pngSince she began her career fresh out of college, Inbar feels that she has been given opportunities that were both amazing and broad, enabling her to develop both in a technical capacity and as a strong manager.

Ilia Kolominsky, an engineering manager at Israel’s Development Center in Haifa:

isrb4.pngSince joining Intel back in 2012, Ilia has worked on various exciting technological tasks. Each presented new challenges in fresh technological fields, and also opened doors leading into a new phase for his career – management.

isrb5.png“I think that this meritocracy ideology and the consequences it brings can be a pleasant surprise. One day you are a personal contributor, a good engineer possibly, then suddenly you find yourself leading others. The appreciation and the trust Intel as a corporation shows you is amazing. You can find a lot of excellent top-level managers that started this way.”

Savion Bercovich, a manufacturing specialist at our Fab28 manufacturing facility in Kiryat Gat, Israel:

isrb6.pngBefore joining Intel, the only thing Savion knew about our company was what she heard during a facilities tour she got while still in college. Back then she associated Intel with first class high tech, and knew that this was the type of company she was looking to build a career in.

isrb7.png“I was surprised by the diversity of backgrounds at Intel. I mistakenly assumed everyone would come from electronics, electrical engineering or machinery, but I got to know people who studied energy or water engineering, material science or physics.”
About the Author
We make the impossible possible and empower millions around the world through great technology, good corporate citizenship, and inclusive culture. We are Intel, and these are our stories.