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Free Aerospace and Defense Electronics Design Webinar from Arrow and Intel – November 5. Register now

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If your team is working on next-generation aerospace or defense projects, then a new Webinar from Arrow and Intel titled “Delivering Next Generation Aerospace & Defense solutions with Intel Technologies” might just bring you some information you can use, immediately. Intel has unique offerings for the most demanding aerospace and defense electronic designs. For example, Intel is the only semiconductor vendor in the world to offer a custom logic portfolio that spans Intel® FPGAs including the new Intel® Agilex™ FPGA family, Intel® eASIC™ structured ASICs, and full-custom ASICs. This logic continuum allows your team to choose exactly the right semiconductor implementation technology for every stage in your project – from development and initial testing, to prototyping, deployment, and maintenance.

Key agenda topics for this Webinar include:

  • The Intel Microelectronics Assurance Strategy for the US Government

  • The US-based Intel custom ASIC foundry

  • Bridging the gap between Intel FPGAs and ASICs with Intel eASIC structured ASICs

  • Intel reference designs for military applications such as electronic warfare (EW) and radar

  • Intel Agilex FPGA technology

  • Device security and anti-tamper features for aerospace and defense applications


The Webinar will be held on November 5, 2020 at 14:00 GMT.

For more information about the Webinar including the full event agenda and registration, click here.


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