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New Video: Intel® FPGA Partner Program members rENIAC and Megh Computing discuss expectations for Intel® oneAPI toolkits, heterogeneous computing workloads

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Intel® oneAPI products will deliver the tools needed to deploy applications and solutions across a mix of scalar, vector, matrix, and spatial (SVMS) architectures – respectively CPUs, GPUs, specialized accelerators, and FPGAs. The Intel oneAPI set of toolkits—a base kit and specialty add-ons—simplify heterogeneous programming and help developers improve efficiency and innovation. A short, new video highlights CEOs from two companies actively working with Intel® CPUs and Intel® FPGAs in a heterogeneous computing environment: Prasanna Sundararajan from rENIAC and P.K. Gupta from Megh Computing. Megh Computing and rENIAC are members of the Intel® FPGA Partner Program and both companies’ CEOs discuss their expectations for Intel oneAPI tools in this new video.

In the video, Sundararajan from rENIAC explains: “rENIAC is a data acceleration company. We use CPUs, FPGAs, and SSDs to speed up databases and AI workloads. The rENIAC data engine powers Cassandra today, which is a popular database used by companies such as Netflix, Target, Best Buy, and we are extending this data engine capability to accelerate other databases such as SQL and Graph…

“What's compelling about [Intel] oneAPI is a vision to support heterogeneous architectures. We leverage a uniquely positioned [heterogeneous] architecture with FPGAs and CPU and the ability to speed up our development process using such a framework as Intel oneAPI is very attractive for us.”

Gupta concurs: “Megh computing is a startup based in Portland, Oregon. We are providing a platform for real time analytics accelerated with Intel FPGA accelerators and we just came out with our first product, which is a video analytics solution targeted at fraud prevention in the retail supply chain…

“We see [Intel] oneAPI as providing a common programming environment across all of these different processor architectures. As we use it and deploy it for our different workloads, we expect to get a significant increase in code reuse and efficiencies in development. That's why we are excited by [Intel] oneAPI.”

Here's the video:





For more information about the Intel oneAPI toolkits, click here.


For more information about the Intel FPGA Partner Program, click here or read the recent blog titled “Why the Intel® FPGA Partner Program matters to partners and to their customers.”


For more information about the members in the Intel FPGA Partner Program mentioned above, Megh computing and rENIAC, see:




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