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How to debug BLDK with JTAG



We use BLDK2 on crownbay platform, and we need to debug it with a JTAG probe (Macraigor usb2demon), because our own board crashes and sourceleveldebug package doesn't work on it.

So we try on crowbay first, JTAG works correctly (a simple desassembly debuger works). We want to use gdb now, but impossible to make it work, we don't know where to find the symbols, and how to proceed. We can't find any documentation on it.

Can you provide us a procedure to make it work ? That does months we try to do it, but impossible to make it work.



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1 Reply
Valued Contributor I

Hello Olivier

Following is a response from Intel's experts on the embedded development tools:

We will not be able to help with firmware debug via GDB, as the trick with debugging firmware is that the symbol info layout is not available in a centralized location as with normal applications.

However we do have a new tool that is part of our upcoming "Emberson" tool suite - the Intel® JTAG Debugger (XDB) that should be able to help you.


"Emberson" is in beta. If by any chance you are part of that beta program, you could communicate directly with the development team in 1 of 2 ways:


1. Submit an issue in the "Tool Suite code-named Emberson Beta" beta product at https://premier.intel.com/ https://premier.intel.com


2. Send an email to mailto:EmbeddedDevTools@intel.com EmbeddedDevTools@intel.com.


These resources are only available to you today if you are participating in the beta program since Emberson has not yet been generally released.



I hope this helps




J. Felix McNulty

Community Moderator (Intel contractor
