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Any DPDK app that can help debug link flap issues with X710 NIC?



I am a hardware engineer debugging an interop issue where on one side, I have a quad port X710 NIC installed in a Dell server with DPDK drivers bound to the NIC ports with Intel FTLX8571BCV optics, and on the other end is a router with a QSFP+ port in 4x10G break-out mode. The links come up fine and perform pretty well on the whole, but every once in a while (once every 3 to 5 days), there is a momentary flap i.e. on ore more links go down on both sides for a couple of seconds and then come back up. I have verified that in the steady (good) state, the physical parameters on the peer device/ports are healthy, including the eyescore that shows how good the incoming signal is on those ports. To understand why the links are going down, it is important to get visibility into physical layer parameters on the Intel NIC (e.g. basic stuff like loss-of-signal, CDR lock, local/remote fault status, eyescore, etc.). My understanding is that with DPDK drivers it is not easy to get to this level of debug since they are abstracted out. I am desperately looking for an app that can run on top of DPDK and log physical layer events so that we can figure out what is happening.

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4 Replies

Hello CKaly1,

Thank you for posting in Intel Ethernet Communities.

First of all, we apologize for the delay in our response.

We are now done with the system upgrade and we are glad to continue assisting you.

Regarding your inquiry, please contact our DPDK support. They should be able to help you with your concern. Kindly open the link below and click login. 

If you have questions, please let us know. In case we do not hear from you, we will make a follow up after 3 workings days. Thank you.

Best regards,

Michael L.

Intel Customer Support Under Contract to Intel Corporation

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Hello CKaly1,

I just want to check if you already tried our last recommendation.

If you have questions, please let us know. In case we do not hear from you, we will make a follow up after 3 workings days. Thank you.

Best regards,

Michael L.

Intel Customer Support Under Contract to Intel Corporation

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Thanks for your recommendation. At this time, we are investigating another angle which seems promising. I will try your recommendation as and when needed.

You may close this ticket.

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Hello CKaly1,

Thank you for the update. We will close this thread now.

If you need assistance again in the future, please post a new question. 

Best regards,

Michael L.

Intel Customer Support Under Contract to Intel Corporation

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