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Corvalent MB with Intel® NIC I219-LM with MAC 88:88:88:88:87:88


One of several Corvalent MBs with Intel® NICs (I219-LM) arrived with MAC Address for one NIC as 88:88:88:88:87:88. 

We contacted the MB manufacturer, Corvalent, who stated, "According to Intel, you need to create an account with Intel to have access to the tool. We can’t provide it to you."

How do I fix these MBs with the correct MAC Addresses?  NOTE: All MBs have legible labels with the expected MACs, so knowing what it should be is right there in plain sight.

Is there a program like eeupdate.exe we can use to address this?

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1 Reply

Hello @huggy_d1,


Thank you for posting in Intel Ethernet Communities. 

For Support with tool request:eeupdate64e, we recommend Intel(R) Network Connections Tools PV LAN Software Tools document # 348742 has the EEUpdate and LanConf tools, which are the ones that may help you. You need to be logged into your Resource & Design Center (RDC) privileged account to find it on the following websites:

Once you can access documentation and tools, you may search for Programming MAC Addresses.


The RDC Account Support form is the channel to process your account update process or report any problems with the provided sites. You should fill out the form stated on the following website:


In case you still have inquiry within inside Intel Communities you may post it to a forum as per link below.

Embedded Connectivity Forum:


Thank you.


Best regards,


Intel Customer Support


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