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Disable PXE on Intel ETH Converged NW Adapter X710-T4L


Dear ladies & gentlemen,

following this [link]( i know now how to disable WOL, but not yet how to disable PXE.

My intention is: The new added NIC behave like the already existent one, no menu to choose something, no WOL & no PXE.

The best solution would be, by first POST to access Intel-NIC-Settings & disable there first the PXE, than the WOL & finally also the appearance of the Settings-menu same (IBA=Intel Boot Agent), but… if this solution is not yet implemented…

please let me know a reliable command like:

`sudo ./bootutil64e -NIC=X -FLASHDISABLE=PXE` or similar.


Thank you in advance and best regards.

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