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H97M-Plus mobo with I218-V nic trouble



For Study and home use I build a small computer with the following components:

Mobo : Asus Intel 1150 H97M-Plus

CPU : Intel Core i3-4150

Ram : 2x Kingston HyperX 4GB DDR3 1600 (9-9-9) Blu 2K

PSU : Seasonic S12II-430

HDD : 2x 2TB WD Green (RAID 1)

HDD : 2x 500GB (leftovers from another computer )

HDD : 1x 1TB (leftover from another computer )

As host I installed Hyper-V 2012 R2 but as soon the started my screen shows an error....No active networkcontroller detected

The light (ornage and green) on the back are working so It should be an driver error. What ever I found on the internet, it ain't working. I even switched to Server GUI version via a brand new installation to accualy be able to see what is going on and today I noticed something strange.

I downloaded the Driver cd from the Intel side here and followed instructions. On some installation point I see the driver for the I218-V nic is being installed but after a few secs the error message appears with

Cannot Install the drivers. No Intel Adapters are present in this computer.

So I tried it another way. via update driver in the Device management console. That resulted in this error:

Windows found driver software for your device but encountered an error while attempting to install it.

Intel(R)Ethernet Connection(2)I218-V

The hash for the file is not present in the specified catalog file. The file is likely corrupt or the victim of tampering.

These are untempered fresh unzipped drivers directly for the Intel site!!

I realy don't know what I can do more and I realy hope someone out here is and can point me into the correct directions

The final solution must be that I can install the drivers under Hyper-V 2012 R2.

Ill attach some screenies and the readme file from the NDIS64 folder which clearly states that those drivers in that folder are also for W2K12 R2.

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3 Replies

I have forwarded this community forum to the appropriate support group:


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Pitty to see no1 has an awnser but I do have a small one for now.

I got another older relatek nic from my reseller just for test purposes and that workes like a charm

Today I will go back with this machine to the store and they will test the onboard nic to be sure if it ain't borken, something I suspect is going on.

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New Contributor I

Hi, for the The hash for the file is not present in the specified catalog file. The file is likely corrupt or the victim of tampering. message, you can try to disable driver signature enforcement on windows 2k12, go to charm menu, settings, power, hold on to left shift key before pressing the "restart", click on troubleshooting, start-up settings then proceed with "restart". your system will restart and provides you option to "disable driver signature enforcement".

I've check on the Intel website and noticed that I281-V is not supported by Intel driver on win2k12, that can be the reason why you're encountering the problem rather than the NIC is broken.

Link below:

NOTE: The following devices do not have driver or software support for Windows Server 2012 R2:

- Intel® Ethernet Connection I217-V

- Intel® Ethernet Connection I218-V

- Intel® 82579V Gigabit Ethernet PHY



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