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5386 Discussions

How could I enable One-Step IEEE1588 Mode with I210?




I have a PCIe network card with I210AT, and want to try the one-step sync function of gPTP.


I checked the Datasheet of I210 (version 3.7), and find there is a TDESD.MAC( .

I tried to set this 1STEP_1588 bit to 1b by modify the igb-5.8.5 codes in igb_tx_map() function.(I am not sure if this bit could be modified or not), like below.  But it's not work and mode other functions failed too.



if(((tx_desc->read.cmd_type_len & E1000_ADVTXD_DCMD_DEXT))
&& ((tx_desc->read.cmd_type_len & 0x00F00000) == 0x00300000)) {
    tx_desc->read.cmd_type_len &= 0xFFF3FFFF;
    tx_desc->read.cmd_type_len |= 0x00040000;



So, what is the right way to enable 1STEP_1588?


NIC info shows below:



#ethtool -i ens2
driver: igb
version: 5.8.5
firmware-version: 3.25, 0x8000060b, 1.3106.0
bus-info: 0000:01:00.0
supports-statistics: yes
supports-test: yes
supports-eeprom-access: yes
supports-register-dump: yes
supports-priv-flags: no


# ./bootutil64e -NIC=2 -IV

Intel(R) Ethernet Flash Firmware Utility
BootUtil version
Copyright (C) 2003-2021 Intel Corporation

Flash firmware on port 2
Combo Image Version Name 1.3106.0

iSCSI v3.1.80
PXE v1.5.89
UEFIx64 v9.7.06
Clp-Loader v3.1.30
iSCSI Setup v3.1.80
40G Interface v1.0.88

Port Network Address Location Series WOL Flash Firmware Version
==== =============== ======== ======= === ============================= =======
1 xxxxx 0:31.6 Gigabit N/A FLASH Not Present
2 xxxxx 1:00.0 Gigabit NO UEFI,CLP,PXE Enabled,iSCSI 1.5.89


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8 Replies

Hello CharlesChan,

Thank you for posting in Intel Ethernet Communities. 

For us to further check the issue, please provide the following details.

  1. Are you designing a system with onboard I210AT?
  2. Are you are using a PCIe I210AT? If yes, please send photos of the card on both sides for us to check if the card is an OEM or a retail card.
  3. Are you also trying to flash the firmware? If yes, please provide the link of the file that you are using.
  4. Are you getting an error with the firmware update? If yes, please send a screenshot.

If you have questions, please let us know. In case we do not hear from you, we will make a follow up after 3 workings days. Thank you.

Best regards,

Michael L.

Intel® Customer Support 

0 Kudos

> Are you designing a system with onboard I210AT?



> Are you are using a PCIe I210AT? If yes, please send photos of the card on both sides for us to check if the card is an OEM or a retail card.



> Are you also trying to flash the firmware? If yes, please provide the link of the file that you are using.

No plan to do that, unless the corrent firmware is too old to do one-step sync. That will depend on your answer.

Versions that I could get are in the topic. If It's not enough, please let me know and tell me how to read the new ones.


> Are you getting an error with the firmware update? If yes, please send a screenshot.



0 Kudos

Hello CharlesChan,

Thank you for the reply. I am really sorry to ask for the picture of the card again because as per your latest reply. Firmware update is your next step and we need to validate the card first before we proceed. The picture that you provided does not provide the complete markings. Please provide photos of the card on both sides and with clear markings on the stickers.

If you have questions, please let us know. In case we do not hear from you, we will make a follow up after 3 workings days. Thank you.

Best regards,

Michael L.

Intel® Customer Support 

0 Kudos



I updated the two pics.

0 Kudos

Hello CharlesChan,

Thank you for sending the pictures that we requested. However, while validating the markings and initial observation of the card, here is what I found out.

  1. The markings is not in our database.
  2. There is no YottaMark* or BradyID* Stickers that will tell us that the card is an Intel retail card. Please check this link for more information:

Because of that, there is a big chance that this card may be an OEM card. OEM cards cannot use Intel firmware file because it can damage the card and vice versa. And since your card may be an OEM, the features of the card may also have been altered.

In this case, it is best to contact your reseller to know the OEM manufacturer for you to coordinate with them regarding your inquiry on how to one-step sync function of gPTP. They are the best team who can assist you since they may have custom driver, firmware and software for this card.

If you have questions, please let us know. In case we do not hear from you, we will make a follow up after 3 workings days. Thank you.

Best regards,

Michael L.

Intel® Customer Support 

0 Kudos

Hello CharlesChan,

I hope you're having a wonderful day. I am just checking if you still have further questions on this thread and hoping that you are now trying to contact your reseller to know the OEM manufacturer of your card.

If you have questions, please let us know. In case we do not hear from you, we will make a follow up after 3 workings days. Thank you.

Best regards,

Michael L.

Intel® Customer Support 

0 Kudos

Hello CharlesChan,


I hope this message finds you well. I am just sending another follow up hoping that you are now talking to your reseller or the OEM manufacturer of your card. Since we have not heard back from you, I need to close this inquiry. 


If you need any additional information, please submit a new question as this thread will no longer be monitored.


You may receive an invitation to take a survey in a few days. We value your feedback and look forward to hearing about your support experience.


Thank you and stay safe.


Best regards,

Michael L.

Intel® Customer Support 


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Sorry. I have gave up and done here.

May be I will dig deeper, if I could get some new cards.

And we could close this thread.
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