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Intel Pro 1000 GT slow on configure


I recently updated the driver to on a microsoft web server 2003 machine. Now when I go to the configure tab related to the NIC it takes 60 to 90 seconds to open. I am experiencing the same delay on 2 other windows 2003 servers that have also had the drivers updated.

I do not remember having this issue before with the intel NICS in the machines. Any information related to what might be causing this delay would be appreciated.


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4 Replies

The base driver has not changed since August 2008. Mismatched drivers and software might cause this. Make sure you do not upgrade the drivers without upgrading Intel(R) PROSet and ANS at the same time (if you have Intel(R) PROSet and ANS installed.)

What software or driver package did you use for the source of your driver upgrade?

If you used the latest software from Intel Download Center, you could uninstall the latest software and use a previoiusly released software package since the base driver itself has not changed recently.

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The update was done using the latest prowin32.exe software package downloaded directly from the intel support website. During installation it did require a previous version of proset be uninstalled but does not look like it reinstalled a newer version. I cannot find any instance of proset running or available to run. There is an intel subfolder in the program files folder with an ANS subfolder.

The change impacted both the NIC Pro 1000 GT as well as the onboard Intel connection. Both now load the config window after a delay.

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If you went with the default installation options, then the configuration tabs include tabs added by Intel® PROSet and Advanced Network Services (ANS). See Where is Intel® PROSet and what is it? if you want to know more about Intel PROSet.

Something might be happening on your system that slows down bringing up the extra device manager tabs. If you do not require the extra features from Intel PROSet and ANS, you could remove those components to speed up the loading of your device properties. If you run the installer again to modify your installation, you will come to a screen with checkboxes similar to the one below that will allow you to select Intel PROSet and Advanced Network Services for removal. Keep the base drivers and remove the other components.

If you want to keep Intel PROSet or ANS, you could try removing the latest software altogether and install a previously released version. Older versions of software in Download Center can be found by searching for PROXP. exe, PRO2K.exe, PRO2KXP.exe.

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New Contributor I

you can also try to uninstall / reinstall the adapter. for how to uninstall the software/adapter completely, please refer to the url below:

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