Ethernet Products
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5354 Discussions

Intel(R) Ethernet Connection (2) I219-Vによるウィンドウズ10のスリープモード解除について


頻繁にスリープモードを解除されるので、デバイスマネージャーでWake on magic packetを無効化したりして対策をしようと思いますが、もともとどういう動きをしているものか分からないのでどうしようかと思っています


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3 Replies

Hello SHUN2,

Thank you for posting in Intel Ethernet Communities. 

First of all, we apologize for the delay in our response.

We are now done with the system upgrade and we are glad to continue assisting you.

By the way, please reply to us in English because we can only support you in English and we are just using our translator tool to understand the issue.

For us to further check the issue, please provide the following details.

  1. Can you further explain if you are setting up Wake on LAN or is it working before then suddenly it is not working?
  2. What is your OS?
  3. Are you using onboard network card?
  4. What is the model of your board and your system?

If you have questions, please let us know. In case we do not hear from you, we will make a follow up after 3 workings days. Thank you.

Best regards,

Michael L.

Intel Customer Support Technicians

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Hello SHUN2,

I just want to make a follow up on the information that I requested below for me to assist you.

  1. Can you further explain if you are setting up Wake on LAN or is it working before then suddenly it is not working?
  2. What is your OS?
  3. Are you using onboard network card?
  4. What is the model of your board and your system?

If you have questions, please let us know. In case we do not hear from you, we will make a follow up after 3 workings days. Thank you.

Best regards,

Michael L.

Intel Customer Support Technicians

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Hello SHUN2,

I am just sending another follow up on the information that I requested. 

Since we have not heard back from you, I need to close this inquiry. 

If you need further assistance, please post a new question. 

Best regards,

Michael L.

Intel Customer Support Technicians

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