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Interfaces not visible for Intel Gigabit ET Dual Port in Hyper-V


I have a dell r300 running under a Hyper-V server 2008 r2. I have installed a 2 port Intel Gigabit ET. However when I list the interfaces using either sconfig or netsh, they are invisible. Prosetcl does find them:

c:\Program Files\Intel\DMIX\CL>netsh int ip show int Idx Met MTU State Name--- ---------- ---------- ------------ --------------------------- 1 50 4294967295 connected Loopback Pseudo-Interface 11034 5 1500 connected Local Area Connection 7 39 5 1300 disconnected Local Area Connection* 351031 10 1500 connected Local Area Connection 41038 5 1500 connected Local Area Connection 8

c:\Program Files\Intel\DMIX\CL>prosetcl adapter_enumerate

Number of adapters currently present: 4

1) Intel(R) Gigabit ET Dual Port Server Adapter # 2

2) Broadcom NetXtreme Gigabit Ethernet # 4

3) Broadcom NetXtreme Gigabit Ethernet # 3

4) Intel(R) Gigabit ET Dual Port Server Adapter

I have uninistalled, and reinstalled Prowinx64.exe. How do I get Hyper-V to notice these interfaces? In more details the individual settings are as follows: c:\Program Files\Intel\DMIX\CL>prosetcl adapter_enumeratesettings 1 1) Intel(R) Gigabit ET Dual Port Server Adapter # 2 Settings: LLIPorts - DefaultGateway - IPAddress - SubnetMask - EnableDca - Enabled EnableLLI - Disabled *FlowControl - Rx & Tx Enabled *HeaderDataSplit - Disabled *InterruptModeration - Enabled *IPChecksumOffloadIPv4 - Rx & Tx Enabled *IPsecOffloadV2 - Disabled *JumboPacket - Disabled *LsoV2IPv4 - Enabled *LsoV2IPv6 - Enabled *MaxRssProcessors - 8 *NumaNodeId - System Default *PriorityVLANTag - Priority & VLAN Enabled *RSS - Enabled *SpeedDuplex - Auto Negotiation *TCPChecksumOffloadIPv4 - Rx & Tx Enabled *TCPChecksumOffloadIPv6 - Rx & Tx Enabled *UDPChecksumOffloadIPv4 - Rx & Tx Enabled *UDPChecksumOffloadIPv6 - Rx & Tx Enabled *VMQ - Disabled *WakeOnMagicPacket - Disabled *WakeOnPattern - Disabled EnablePME - Disabled ITR - Adaptive LogLinkStateEvent - Enabled MasterSlave - Auto Detect NumRssQueues - 1 Queue WaitAutoNegComplete - Auto Detect WakeOnLink - Disabled EnableDHCP - Disabled *ReceiveBuffers - 256 *RssBaseProcNumber - 0 *TransmitBuffers - 512 NetworkAddress - NameServer - ConnectionName - Local Area Connection 6 c:\Program Files\Intel\DMIX\CL>prosetcl adapter_enumeratesettings 4 4) Intel(R) Gigabit ET Dual Port Server Adapter Settings: EnableDca - Enabled EnableLLI - Disabled *FlowControl - Rx & Tx Enabled *HeaderDataSplit - Disabled *InterruptModeration - Enabled *IPChecksumOffloadIPv4 - Rx & Tx Enabled *IPsecOffloadV2 - Disabled *JumboPacket - Disabled *LsoV2IPv4 - Enabled *LsoV2IPv6 - Enabled *MaxRssProcessors - 8 *NumaNodeId - System Default *PriorityVLANTag - Priority & VLAN Enabled *RSS - Enabled *SpeedDuplex - Auto Negotiation *TCPChecksumOffloadIPv4 - Rx & Tx Enabled *TCPChecksumOffloadIPv6 - Rx & Tx Enabled *UDPChecksumOffloadIPv4 - Rx & Tx Enabled *UDPChecksumOffloadIPv6 - Rx & Tx Enabled *VMQ - Disabled ITR - Adaptive LogLinkStateEvent - Enabled MasterSlave - Auto Detect NumRssQueues - 1 Queue WaitAutoNegComplete - Auto Detect EnableDHCP - Disabled *ReceiveBuffers - 256 *RssBaseProcNumber - 0 *TransmitBuffers - 512 LLIPorts - DefaultGateway - IPAddress - SubnetMask - NetworkAddress - NameServer - ConnectionName - Local Area Connection 5
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1 Reply

Netsh will only list the adapters that are actually bound to TCP. When you create a team/VLAN interface or a hyper-V VNIC interface on an adapter, the adapter is no longer bound to TCP and is instead bound to ANS protocol (in case of team/VLAN) or the Vmswitch protocol (in case of a Hyper-V VNIC). ProsetCl on the other hand lists the Intel adapters it sees even if they are not bound to TCP.

In your example, ProsetCl is not listing any team/VLAN, we assuming you don't have any team/VLAN interface. However, it is possible that you have a hyper-V VNIC bound to the adapter, but you may not have that VNIC be shared by the management OS. So in the host partition, you will not see that VNIC being listed.
