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New network card suddenly low range and low speed?


(This was actually posted a couple of months ago on another forums but then I decided to put it on intels own community support but yeah I still got the same problem)




Hello guys I got an Acer Aspire v5 573G for 1 year now. And after using it a year my network adapter just died (stopped working) so i threw it away and i bought a Intel Dual Band Wireless-AC 7260

Laptop: Acer Aspire v5 573G

Router: Tp link tl-wr1043nd

Network card: Intel Dual Band Wireless-AC 7260

So the card was working very well, I was happy with it until i got this problem (3 weeks after buying it). The wifi range is very low now. When i'm in my room every connection has like 1 - 2 bars from the 5. It is supposed to be full bars when I'm in my room but now it is only 5 out of 5 when i place my laptop next to my router. Also speed is very low when I'm in my room. And here are the things i already did:

1. Taking my laptop to other rooms and also to my friends house and i got the same problem there

2. Opened the back of my laptop and checked if everything was connected correctly

3. Updated the drivers (Also the new one which came out this week)

4. Downgrading the drivers also didn't work

5. Deleting Intel drivers and using the standard Microsoft drivers

6. Formatting the whole system and re-installed windows

I hope someone can help me out, Any advice's?

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Intel recommends that before changing the original wireless adapter, you consult with your computer manufacturer as they are the only ones entitle to provide you a list of approved, tested and compatible adapters to the system you have and also a certified OEM's technician is required to do such procedure. With that being said, we would like to inform you that Intel does not support integration which is when one changes the original adapter for another one equal or different. Please access these links for further information on this matter: Intel® Wi-Fi Products — Regulatory Information Regarding Hardware Installation or Upgrade - Wireless Networking — Installation Error when Installing or Swapping Intel Wireless Adapters and Intel® Wi-Fi Products — Why Doesn't My Laptop Recognize My New Intel Wireless Adapter?

Here is also a link to help you find your computer manufacturer: Computer Manufacturer Support Web Sites

On our best effort to assist you with this issue, you may try one of the solutions below: Recommended Settings for 802.11n Connectivity Intel® Wi-Fi Products — Resolving Wi-Fi Network Connection Issues Intel® Wi-Fi Products — Possible Interference by Other Wireless Devices May Impact 802.11n Performance Intel® Wi-Fi Products — TechNote: Access Point Interoperability Issue with uAPSD Intel® Wi-Fi Products — Access Point (AP) Firmware Updates May Resolve Wireless Network Issues Intel® Wi-Fi Products — Why am I Not Able to Connect at 300 Mbps with My 802.11n Device? What are the Advanced Wi-Fi Adapter Settings? Wireless Networking — Frequently Asked Questions - Wi-Fi
