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WinGate and Intel ethernet devices wonky


I'm not sure if this is a problem with WinGate, my Intel ethernet devices the motherboard or Windows but I'll post it here anyway.

Every now and then (maybe twice a week) all LAN clients lose connectivity and the usual "limited connectivity" exclamation mark is displayed over the network icon in the notification area. The server can still connect to internet, and everything seems peachy with ipconfig.

If I reboot the Wingate server, everything is fine again. The wonky thing is if I try to disable and re-enable the local network adapter, it won't turn grey. If I try again a few times, it does turn grey, but then won't turn on again. If I now try to reboot the Wingate server it will be stuck at "Restarting ..." and I need to hit the reset button.

Specs and images:

WinGate 8.1.0 Build 4655

Pretty standard but with Proxy server removed, no firewall, no bandwidth control.

Services installed: DHCP, DNS, Remote control, SMTP delivery and schedulers

Performance counters installed but disabled/stopped.

DHCP mode: Fully automatic

ips to reserved for various lan clients

Windows 8.1 update 1 x64 Pro

DirectX 11.0

Intel Core i5-4570S

Asus H87I-Plus BIOS 0905


Logitech HID-compliant G3/MX518 Optical Mouse

Intel Ethernet Connection I217-V ( driver e1i63x64.sys

Intel Gigabit CT Desktop Adapter ( driver e1q63x64.sys

Clients OS: Windows 8.1 update 1 x64 Pro

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