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X550-T2 Driver not compatible?


I have an Intel X550-T2 10G Converged Network Adapter card in my Windows 11 Pro PC. This card was specifically validated as authentic by Intel Tech Support, it's not a fake one from eBay.

Intel Driver and Support Assistant software showed a driver update for this card, so I installed it first via the Intel website but the card would not start or run after the update, even after a reboot. The new version is, 6/1/2024. So I rolled back to the previous driver that functioned perfectly, version  2/8/2024.

After reboot the card once again functioned perfectly.

I then downloaded the compressed file and installed the driver manually with the exact same results. The card would not start or run with the new driver. Intel shows that this card is compatible with the new driver.

I'm not sure why it didn't work, so posting here.

Attached are screen captures, image1 -> image6 show the failed driver update attempt, image7 -> image9 shows after the rollback and card functioning properly again. Image10 is a typical speed test at my house.


Any advice?

Is the new driver compatible with this network card? Did I misread the posted info?

Thanks in advance. Tim

p.s. I'm not a network admin, just a home user with a fairly advanced home network and 10G fiber service at my house.


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6 Replies

I have the exact same issue with authentic intel card.

In fact, the same issue happened few months back too, and i rolled backed and instantly started to work.

Intel Driver and Support Assistant software updated my network drivers again today, and same problem happened today. Lost internet connection immediately and device manager showed that the card driver wasn't working properly. Rolled back driver, and instantly started working.


I just did an extended live chat with Intel Tech Support. The agent said "Thank you for confirming the details. We will now create a new case and the required information will be shared to you via email."

I'll update this thread when I hear from them. Stay tuned.

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So after about a week of back-and-forth emails, here is a brief summary of what they had me do (each tick represents a separate email):


-Send in high-res photos of my X550-T2 card to (once again) prove that it is genuine Intel, include PC system details as well as the "link" where I was downloading the updated driver from (I was utilizing the Intel Driver & Support Assistant).

-Next they wanted to know if the card came with the system or was a separate purchase (it was separate), what the current (functioning) driver version was, and to send screenshots of all errors I was getting to prove that it would not run using the updated driver.

-Yet again they asked where I was downloading the driver update from.

-Then they had me download the new driver from the specific card support/downloads page.

-Next they had me download the "Intel Ethernet Adapter Complete Driver Pack" and sent me the link to it. (

-This extracted file download is big, and there were no instructions which specific folder to load the driver from. I emailed them back and they replied with a specific clarification. I tried that driver with the same failure. I once again sent detailed screen captures of the entire process, showing that the card would not start or run using the new driver even after system reboots.

-They replied "Thank you for writing back and sharing the screenshots of the steps and issue. We will look into it again and will get back to you again with updates/any latest developments."

So that's were I am at now.

The newest driver that works with the X550-T2 card in W11 x64 sytem is, the new driver that failed each time is FWIW, teh driver previous to also failed in the exact same way.

I will update when I hear back. Thanks.



I have same issue, My x550-t2,

I upgrade NVM, and BootIMG . And test driver version 29.4 and 29.5 , but all fail, roll back to 29.3

My OS: Win11 Pro workstation , exp 1000.22700.1055.0 .

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I went through those exact same steps. Finally they fixed the x710 10GbE card 2 days ago, but they x550 cars are still broken.


Intel asked me to verify my NVM version, but following their prescribed procedures, but I got the following:


PS C:\Users\Tim> Get-IntelNetAdapter

Get-IntelNetAdapter : The term 'Get-IntelNetAdapter' is not recognized as the name of a cmdlet, function, script file,

or operable program. Check the spelling of the name, or if a path was included, verify that the path is correct and

try again.

At line:1 char:1

+ Get-IntelNetAdapter

+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

    + CategoryInfo          : ObjectNotFound: (Get-IntelNetAdapter:String) [], CommandNotFoundException

    + FullyQualifiedErrorId : CommandNotFoundException


So I have no idea what my NVM version might be.

They also asked me to install the drivers from the large driver package file in this manner, but it also was unsuccessful.


Can you please install the drivers through Device Manager > Select the adapter > right-click > select Properties > click the Driver tab > and then click 'Update Driver' > Navigate to the folder containing the 29.5 driver pack.

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